Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/735

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INDEX. 2043 Columbia River—Continued. P¤¤· Command and General Staf School, Fort Prnpreliminary examination etc. of, above Leavenworth, Kane., and below Kalama, 'Wash 1196 appropriation for instruction expenses- 480, Portland, Oreg., to the sea . 1196 _ 895 time egtsindglwior bridging, near Cas- 2 C for, additional, 1925 ... - ... 711 e s, Oneg .. ommerce, Columbia River Compact, appropriation for expenses enforcing consenié of Co t;·o fagreemelntt of laws regulating interstatgeié -i6é7 esngna or appo on- , , ment of Columbia River, etc., dehciency approggition for assistant to waters ... 1268 Solicitor eral, enforcing Acts representatives of Government to to regulate, etc ... 756 partieiipate in negotiations and 1268 provisiopstgir tgontgogerisies repo ... o nsacio n, ariraion not binding until apgroved by legis- by written contracts ... 883 · lature of each tate and Con- 1268 Commereehlzoreigtn and tf gress appropria 1on or expenses 0 promo Columbia River, Wash., ing, in Europe, etc . ---- 225, 1034 prelimmar examina ion, e ., au or- or nses 0 promo g, u an . for flood dontroltgf, betgleen I gntral --§?. 21- 2(Zi, 1035 Ilzliartins Bluff and mouth of Lewis 249 for expcens:}s‘;>1fhpr·<:`r{1o]t;)n2%, in Europe, 706 ver ... - - - - e ., o , .. Columbia, S. C., · for e in promotingé in the Far terms of court at ... - 801 , additional, 19 . 706 Columbus, Ga., for expenses in promoting, South bridge iuthorizzed across Tombigbee and 1Ciag;gal America, addi- 706 'ver a - .,.. 665 ’ona , .. Columbus, Ohio, deficiency appropriation for promoting- 759 appropriation for care, etc., Confed- for promoting, South and Central crate Cemetery, Camp Chase- 512, 927 America . 1348 deficiency appropriation for extending Commerce, Interstate (see Interstate Comsewer swtem to Army post at- - 1345 merce). Colville Agency, ash., Commercial Attaches, Department of Comappropriation for support, etc., of In- merge, dians of, from tribal funds-- 411, 1161 appropriation for salaries and expenses-- 225 ‘· for support, etc., of Indians at, ad- 1034 ditional, 1925 .. - .. 708 for clerks to ... 225, 1034 deiciency appropriation for civilian em- for, additional, 1925 .., 706 . ployees at . ; .. 1329 dencienc appropriation for .. 759 Colville Indian Reservation, Wash., Commercial` Pacijic Cable Company, appropriation for irrigation project on- 400, payment to, for damages . _ 1373 1150 Commercial Travelers (see Traveling Sales- Ko-mo-del-kiah granted an allotment men). _ in ..._... 1563 Commercial Union Assurance Company payment of local taxes of Stevens and (Limited), Ferry Counties, for Indian al- redemption of lost cutihcates of indebtlotted lands in ... 599 ednessto ... -- 1549, 1551 Comanche, etc., Agency, Okla., Commission, American Battle Monuments, appropriation or support, etc., of In- aggropriation for exzeuses of . 522 dians at, from tribal funds- - 411, 1161 d ciencgsappropria on for expenses- - 35 Comanehe, etc., Indians, Okla., . unexpen balances available for all appropriation for support, etc., from expenses -.-..--.-..-.-.----.. 1199 C funds --..----.-.---- 399, 1149 Coénergission, Bunker Sesqgicentennial, oma ians. ciency appropna on or participayments to designated, for erroneous ting ig celebration of Battle of allotments -.---.----.-..----. 1367 gunker Hill ---..----- 1317 "Comanche “Steamship, Commission Ear Celebration of Two Hunowner of,, may brinigstsuiiz for collision 564 df G Anrv•F1éver;·s¢z1··y of Birthday damages, in ric court .----. 1 o eorye asington, Combs, Grant, deiicienc appro tion for expenses-- 1316 pension ------.--.-----------------. 1386 establishzd, of lg eommisioners ------ 671 Combs, Harriet (widow), composition gf; to serve without com- 671 pension ---.-.---.----------------. - 1494 on ------.------------- Combs,_John S., 1385 germ: lautzomzged for .-.---. 672 pension -.---------.-.--.--...--.--. dmss , e p e urpose, Combs, William J., ln. etc{ ------- II? ---- lj ----.- 2 77g pension increased ___,_-_______,___ _ _ 1392 p to be pared __----___--,-,-. Comer, W. D., and Wesley Vandercook, coordinatigf with State commissions, may bridge Columbia River, Long- etc ________________,_____,_.- 672 view, Wash. to Rainier, Oreg- - 1052 communication authorized to fordgn Washington and Oregon may ac- Governments --,--,_---------- 672 quire to gperate as a free bridge- 1052 submission to Commimion of Fine tolls allow for live years -.----- 1052 Arts ,_____________________--- 672