Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/739

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INDEX. 2047 Contested Election Expenses, House of PIN Conventions——Continued. Pla Representatives, , parcel post, with Poland . 1640 deiiciencg appropriation for- - - 673, 754, 1314 with Siam ,,_,_,________________ 1 _ 1880 Contested _ lections, House of Representa- with Switzerland .._,__,___ ____ 1631 _ twes, _ _ _ to prevent smuggling of intoxicating deficiency appropriation for compiling hqueya into United 8133],88, with _ 088%, 6l>0_ 34 Denmark ____________________ 1809 Contwuouc Cogcntrwc, _ _ with Germany .._._._ _ ____ 1815 contracts with transportation lines for with Great Britain ________________ 1761 inspection and entry of aliens with Italy ________________________ 1844 from, authorized .. 163 with Norway _____________________ 1772 no discriminations allowed . 163 with Panama ____________________ _ 1875 complianpreéd with conditions, etc., 163 with Sweden ____________________ __ 1830 T6 ¤` ---------------- - ---- reciprocal cl 'th M ‘ .. ..- 1730 0o¤¢i¤a¢¤:i%q¤pens;s,» Treas De sp<;;¤]ia]1_rc1ai¤n;?1§:i1nM1e0xi§¢;fic.0.-.3.1;-- 1722 approp a ion or ury part- wi ance, re ing yria an he ment ... 65, 765 Leb M data ____________ 1 21 for public moneys 68, 767 with Great? 1i??rlit¤iri xior preservation of 8 for ost Office Departmentm. .. 84, 782 Northern Paciiic halibut ' {or lltllavy Department ... Esheries .__._________ _ ________ 1841 or avy -; for Naval Academy ..._______... 201; 878 C°;@'ff,§’,:,"§°,,’§g £’“u"’ 335 for Marine Corps ._,_.,, 201, 878 trust deedgégéil`] ```````````````` 335 for Department of State 205, 1014 C . D C P ```````'```````` is fmigu mi°”i°°° ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ggk ig}? oigiscigpriition for support of out of the or consulates . 8, . . v for Department of Justice ,..__.. 216, 1025 d fi . Dwtnct ‘‘‘' . "T ‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 566* 1240 for Department of Commerce 224, 1033 ° °*°”°Y “PP"°P"*}t‘°P f°" ““PP°l't °f» out of the District .. 38, 677 1322 for Department of Labor 239, 1048 C . U . _ , fo,. Interior Department ________ 391, 1142 onvzcts, n_ited States (see also Prisoners, . for public lands ._.____.____ 895, 1145 t mf Um"°d.SF¤t¤¤ Courts), _ for ndian Affairs Bur€&u____'__ 396, 1146 T8 Cl' of Gllglbltés to Illdllstflll R8- for Department of Agriculture 432,, 822 ?°¤9¤tQ¤‘¥ from Fodsrsl peso! ron war Department ..________._ 478,893 *¤¤**°¤*¤°¤¤» tts -------- --- 725 for Army-,@• ___..,._... 479, 893 Conway, Mary F. (widow), {-`or geistriob of Columbia, ________ gpg, C p€l1Sl01§1I1gI’9&S€d..-.. .,___ _ _____ __ ____ 1395 or nate _____________________ onway . . for gouse of giépresentatives bridge Lxallithozized across Kingston for 'brary o ongress . , e, a .._._,__ _ ____ 5 Contract Labor Laws Cook Elisabeth M. (widow) appropriation for enforcing, etc 240, 1049 pension increased .. Z 1527 Contract Surgeons, Army, Cook, J. W., appropriation for pay and allow; 2 96 C pzyllnent Ep, $5 pelrsonal injuries _. 1540 anees ..____.___._.. 8 8 oo ucy . uq ter) for mneage ______________... 482; 897 peizeion . I .. 1441 limitation if on Government vessel- 897 Cook, Theodore F., deficiency appropriation for mileage"- 58, pension ... - ..__..._ 1519 62, 762, 1350, 1352, 1353 Coolidge fam, Gila River Reservation, Contractors riz. denciengigl apprppriiation glcir zdjipgting appropriatidn for construction ..._____ 1152 G `ms 0_, 0i' PU G ¤ ¤E¤ Coolidge Elizabeth Sprague _ work during W0l'ld W¤·l' ------- 1344 gift oi, for music auditbrium in conclanns for losses growing out of work for mcticn with Lib,.,__..y of Conl*Tavy_dur1ng World War, to be grggg, accepted _______________ 788 investigated, etc., by Secretary Cooney, Jennie (widow) of Nt"? -------·--- - ---—--——- 1273 pension -... Z ... 1404 C°"”°°t°’ Coo er AlvaC’ an---- provisions for written, submitting to pnsion “W arbitration, controversies in Colfer C;N;‘{"'("$ ‘‘‘‘’‘"‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘*‘‘ 1384 maritime and commerce trans- pgnsion rc`, Sm * 1477 C,mm_ac,3?°,;}grI;5‘,$a;; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘ 883 Cooper, Charles S., —""-_"--un"- appropriation for clerks, etc., audit;83 897 C0g;I;:l°1I:[b‘Tkb'j‘Z'T`,‘1L5 `‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1408 111g ____________ _ ___________ , Z . ’ - - - - pension increased .., 1422 C°""°"" 7:S':lc,L1f)‘;,’,;‘f"”° “"d C°’”’”°'°€’ Cooperate): ligricultural Extension (eee provisions for submitting, to arbitra- Cggcultyal) Extemmu W°*ko tion, by written contracts .. 883 , pcm we ' Conventions (see also Treaties), C°°P*”‘”·tw6 Btmitto facilitating work of traveling sales- °X°!PPt from }¤°°m° ——---—--—---~ 282 men, with Costa Rioa . 1765 Coopnelsr, Somoa E- (widow), with Peru ..___,,___________. _ _.,_ 1802 pension -------------------..--- 1435 intemational, weights and measures,- 1686 Coos Bay Harbor, Oreg. parcel post, with Netherlands East improvement of, authorized; rock util- Indies ... 1708 ization ______,_______________ 1 197