Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/754

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2062 INDEX. Detfartment of Agricullure·—Continued. Pm Department of C'ommerce—Continued. P•¢¢— eficiencytiggropriation for Crop Esti- 60 appropriation {slr Slprgtinotigg 0;:05,:;-1 ma ureau . merce wi u an n for paying damages claims .. 682, 1326 » America .. 225 1035 for expenses, Naval Stores Act .. 682 assignment of trade commissioners ’ for Agricultural Economics Bureau-- 682 g to Department duty 225, 1035 for erndécating cocoanut scale, Islarégz 1326 for %romI3g1;g commerce with tg;5 1035 o uam .. , ar .. for eradicating nail head rust blight- 682 assignment of trade commissioners ’ for gurchase, etc., valuable seed . 700 to Department duty . --- 226, 1035 {or Maru; lgisaéxagement Office ... ior enfor$ingtChinatcTrade Al?}-H 226, 1036 or ar e ureau ... or mves nga ing e . expo n usfor Office of Experiment Stations- - - 1324 tries -.-.--. Z .--. ’ .----- 22 6, 1036 for medalstowinners at International for compiling information as to do- Livestock Exposition --.-.---.- 1324 mestic and foreign raw materials for Dairying Bureau ..---.--...---- 1326 and manufactures -.----.--. 226, 1036 for Woodward, Okla., field station -- 1326 for transportation of remains of for forest roads and trails --.---...- 1326 officers, etc:, dying abroad- - 226, 1036 for expert services, under Packers for transportation of families and _ and Stockxards Act -.. 1327 effects of officers etc., Foreign claim of J.l’B. G fnville foiéodanaagg tx; and Domestic Commerce Bé;7 1036 catt e, re erred is ric reau -.-...--.. , court .-.-.---.-.-...-...- 1327 restriction on use of foreign vescotton regorts of condition, progress, sels ----.----..---.-.-..-. 227, 1036 an probable production to be for Customs Statistics Section--- 227, 1037 issued semimonthly ---..-...-. 115 for compiling directory of foreign “"""’"“‘ bm’m“.%S£.€““”d °'°" “"’°”` 115 i T ?“y§,‘5"iiig ‘‘‘‘ ;;‘"5i";,..iZ7’ lm mg co -._ -.-... o nv 1ga sou es c simultaneous issue with Census rubber; other raw materials, etc- 227 Bureau ginning reports at speci- for collecting, etc., information of n ·nyi§°dBdate$fe§t§61ieHéJin ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ii? ‘2’°‘$i0““"° ’°“"`i°"°““ “‘é%7 1037 ai ng urea ...-... r gu ns -..--.-- , appointment of chief; duties -----.-. 243 for Census Bureau, office personnel- 228, transfer of activities to -.---..--... 243 1037 necessary appropriations authorized- 243 for collecting statistics -.--.----. 228, 1037 duties, etc., o employees authorized to for expenses, census of agriculture--- 228 enforce Mississippi River, etc., for tabulating machines, expenses- 228, 1038 h Refuge Actg -..- 8---6ER. 651 for gatliamboat Inspection Servigég 1038 oat s ctc. in mat rs un er — ries -.. , , miifistered by ofricers’thereof to for inspectors -.---...-...- 228, 1038 be designated by the Secretary- 803 for clerk hire --.-.----- 229, 1038 legal effect of; no fees, etc., allowed- 803 for contingent exgenses ---.-.--. 229, 1038 no additional oath to be taken; ex- 803 for Navigation ureau, office pcgég 1038 ception .-..-- sonne ...--.--.--. , stock raising, ece., experiments eutner- for sgimessurcment ¢>f vessels; ¤¤¤¤*>- — ized on ands of Fort Keegn ms passengers, etc .·------- 2221038 Miiitnry Rggcrvation, Montq for motor biota, etc., to enforce naiégg 1038 ns; nod to ______________ ___ gg gation ws -.--..- , tick cattle admission beiew f°’ P’°"°¤**“$ °"°‘°'°“’di°8 °‘ P*’·S‘ Texecgeuihem ¤¤¤¤·¤**¤¤ me ,8 in e§$‘$§&Ei§°¢“§$Lie§I‘L;.is;aii;;nZZ°’ mg Rpm ·······‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 tea is --- - 229 1039 '°¥'¤·¤$f€1’ of ANDY °8t*€I'Pm$¥` ¢r¤¤t¤r¤ for slggpiggs colgimxgonemi —clerk I · and motor trucks to, for public him _______________________ 230 iggg _ roads bui1diD$ —--—---—·--——-·- 1281 for contingent expenses --.----.. 230; 1039 title to be vested in States, Solély fo1‘ for Standards Bureau, scieniic, D m,.,,..`“°}"C““p’°““‘ ’“"“'“’ “‘‘‘‘‘ lm { °‘°¥*°“‘· ?°·*.§;ii‘?°;‘r‘;°‘.;i;,··· 338* {S3? e o ommerce or equipmen m n --- gpl ropriation for Sectetary, Assistant, for c0ntingent’expenses--i -- 230; 1039 P and office personnel .-.---.. 224, 1033 International C 0 mmitt ee o f for chief clerk and superintendent 224, 1033 Weights and Measures .-.-.- 230, 1039 for contingent expenses --..----- 224, 1033 for care of grounds, etc- T -.- 230, 1039 for rent; outside storage ---- 224,1034 for investigations, studies, etc., of for printing and binding for -...- 224, 1034 designated subjects .-.. - .--- 230, 1039 detail of copy editors---6;). - - - 224, 1034 for testing structural materials, etc- - f F rei d Domestic mmerce or gurglutuddice personnel .---- 225, 1034 for standardizing mechanical applifor commercial attachés -.-----. 225, 1034 ances ...--.. --- -_ .-...-..-- 231, 1040 assignment to Department duty- - ior sugar standardigtion, etc-t--- 22; 1, 1041 or coopera ive s ing e c., o for promotion of commerce -- 225, 1034 gauges, screw threads, etc--- 232, 1041 assignment of trade commissioner;5 1035 for metallurgical reasgatrchtk etgé; ragléz 1041 t0De art td t ---. ---- 2 , wayequi men eec e -- for Distridt a1?denCoolpe}i·ative Office for technical i)nvestigations’in indus- , Service ___________-___,--- 225, 1035 trial development .. 232, 1042