Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/817

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. INDEX. 2125 Iacosu Tg; 1'illeg, R•••aaeAdo_fI9t4— P•¢¤·~ Income Tag, Titlols, Revsnue AdofI9|4— Pres ntinu . t' . meaning of terms; "capital assets/' deductiogg ilnuizomputlng net income; property not included- 263 interest on debts- ...,... 270 tax levied in heu of normal and surtax taxes; classesandexceptionsspecihed 270 on other than corporation .. 263 business losses ... - 270 based on capital net gain; net loss- - - 263 losses not connected with the busiapplication to partnerships or trusts; ness; nonresident aliens 270 separate returns .. 263 sales of stock, etc., lf similar property earned income provisions 263 acquired, excepted, etc 270 meaning of "earned income" as com- casualty losses no. ~onnected with pensation for personal services 263 and at compensated 270 rendered . nsurance e --. . - . exceptions. . 263 bang for determining deduction-- 270 reasonable allowance, if combined worthless debts; if recoverable in with capitaL . 263 part .. - .. 270 "earned income deductions" ... 264 allowance for exhaustion, etc., of "earned net income"; minimum and business property .. 270 maximum. ... 264 depletion, etc., of mines, oil and ps credit allowed in computing individual 264 gifuvioells, .. _. 270 no or .. u c an c table organimembersofpartnerships ... 264 zatgns, etc.; educational rehanormal tax on net income of individuals 264 bilitation fund; War veterans, upon first $4,000, of citizens or resi- etc.; limit ._...,..,... 271 dents; next $4,0%- ...-.-..-.-. 264 by nonresident aliens limited . 271 nonresident alien for personal serv- deductions of nonresident aliens only ices, not exceeding $4,000- -... 264 as to United States sources of inadditronal if exceedoig family ex- come ..-.-... 271 gmgggsn and $4, ; ¤1¢0€d1118 264 citigns from sources in Ullifbd 271 , r :·_ ····················· tate! p088BSl° . mtu! -m Midmon to D°rma1F'u ; mms` 265 no deductions $ll0W6(;);1l: com utin net maximum from sale of mines, oil or i 6 f mu pew 8 °x_ _ gas ws11s,eu---- .. --- 267 °' P°”° · ·· 2.,, “°§‘€&°;'2$$-°€£f$g£Z“c’Z53§€&'§$2L*E§ ig? M gggtging v·=¤¤·¤¤¤* improve- 2,, “°°“»·»~`°€¥'·F‘Fé’·$“P·-·"“`*<ié’·`¥¥?‘-i?»*··'i€ii'1“·?¥1’·i ’“’ *s*°*;*:.·:,°=;*;:··1z’::,°m;::r,P:,·:.P·:,*,s 27* ,%t‘,§:;.'*i‘§i‘f‘i-?f‘?‘ii'?..‘§‘3i‘_.i’i“§ 267 P "'$¤¤y-· M ¤·=¤¤¤·¤ of is- ¤~f<·ei¤¤¤· *¤·¤¤· ¤¤¤i¤·m· mm im£’%'a;;‘na‘ 272 dividends, etc ..-. 267 . I b Tt ’ " 272 receivedin taxable year .. 267 , q Y 5* -----··········· minded; income from we insurance ¢r¢d¤'¤¤ ¤!1<>w<zd_ for normal tex; for policies, mtu,-ns of Premiums paid dividends from domestic 272 d __________ _ ______________ 267 corporations, etc --. _ --- gift: bequests, ete ...-.-.-.. 268 foreign corporations from United interest on State, etc., obligations; States sources -...-...-..- 272 Federal bonds, etc.; limitation- - 268 interest on Federal securities ..-...- 272 income of foreign governments personal exemption of $1,000 if a sinfrom investments in United n ...-.-.. - ...-..-.-. _ - 272 States securities, etc -. 268 $2, if head of family; $2,000 if payment for personal injipries, etc- 268 income of husband or wife expu lic utility receipts y States, ceeds$5,000 .-..-...-.-..- _ 2 72 etc., operated under contracts; additional $400 each for mmors restrictions, ..--.--... 268 and dependents ..-.-.- 272 nonresident aliens, from foreign for nonresident aliens, etc., $1,000- 272 ships; conditions- .-.. - ..-.-.-. 269 status of taxpayer --... . 272 I War isk andrehabilitation allow- 269 allowed on of tgaxable years 273 anees· pensions .--. - .-..-- in case o ca e ---.--. from ddmestic building and loan income of nonresident iliens, etc ..-..- 273 associations; limit - ...---.. 269 items of gross incomes deemed from rentals for dwellings furnished to 269 Unittiegd dgtattes soprcesii ingerest rs ..-. - -..-...-...- on n ec.ores1en corshipowners’ mutual associations; porationsi etc.;,exceptions .- 273 limit -..-.-.-.-...---. 269 dividends from domestic corpora- Chgnadgrtzdghzgct corpgration divi- 269 tions,Uet:é;i corporations 273 en 'uaresidents ..- rom ni sources- ...- nonresident aliens from United States personal services in United States- 273 sources only .--..-.-..--..-.-- 269 rentals, royalties, etc., from propdeductions in computing net income; erty in nited States-- ----. _ --- 273 business expenses, including sales of real property m United traveling, etc .-..-.--..-.- 269 States --..-...-..-.---.. 273