Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/826

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2134 INDEX. Indian Ajairs Bureau, Interior Depart- Pin Indian Alloltees, Page. ment-—Continucd. appropriation for hearings, etc., to Pzute Indians, Utah; purchase of lots in determine heirs of . 397, 1147 Cedar City, Ltah, for . 1096 not ap licable to Osages nor y Pottawatomies, Wis. and Mich.; pay- Five Givilized Tribes ... 397, 1147 ment to Wisconsin bands of 819 deficiency appropriation for deter- Pucblo Indian land grant titles, N, Mex., mining heirs of ___.,__________ 759 quicted, etc .. 636 Indian Commissioners, Board oj, Quapaw Agency, Okla.; title in fee to approgriation for expenses of .. 397, 1148 purchasers of unrestricted allot- Indian ourts, ments to Indians of ... 722 appropriation for judges .. 396, 1147 homestead allotments to Indians of, for judges, additional, 1925 .. -- 707 may be sold; condition ... - 723 Indian Department (see Indian Affairs Quinaiclt Reservation, Mont.; lands Bureau, Interior Department). in, set apart for lighthouse pur- Indian Depredation Claims, poses - ... 247 appropriation for defending suits in- 217, 1026 ' Rapid City School, S. Dak.; part of Indian armers and Stockmen, school grounds to be sold and approgriation for ________________ 399, 1149 proceeds used for improve- Indian ead, Md., ments ... 92 appropriation for care, etc., school at Red Lake Indians, Minn.; reimburse- ordnance station ._____ 192 ment for garden plats of in- Indian Hospitals, dividuals taken forschool farm-- 357 appropriation for maintenance, etc., relinquishment of railroad Igrant lands of designated ,.._.,.___.___ 408, 1158 in Arizona, etc., to ndians, ex- Indian Lands, tended . -- 795 appropriation for advertising exright of way to be acquired for spill- penses, sales of 398, 1148 waEaand ditch, Lake Andes, no longer needed for administration S., k-_- 133 and allotment purposes, etc., Round Valley Reservation, Calif.; to be sold at auction .. 93 patents to deceased allottee survey costs to be paid by grantees- 93 canceled and land restored to proceeds to be deposited to credit Indians .. 138 of Indians owning the same .___ 93 sale to Los Angeles, Calif., of lands pur- of Government owned lands to be chased for homeless Indians in deposited in the Treasury .. 93 California - ... 1101 nontaxable, added to Government use of proceeds for irrigation work, proportion of cost of roads, etc., and other lands - .. 1102 for unappropriated public 1ands_ 890 Seminole Nation; claims of, to be ad- Indian Matrons, judicated by Court of Claims--- 133 appropriation for .._.____ 399, 1149 Sioux Nation; investigation, etc., of for employment of field- -..---.. 399, 1149 claims of members of, for horses Indian Oasis Hospital, Ariz., erroneously killed --...---..--. 477 appropriation for maintenance, etc., Stockbridge Band; claims of, to be ad- of ..---.---.------ 408, 1159 judicated by Court of Claims--, 644 Indian Police, Temoak Indians, Nev.; purchase of appropriation for pay, etc -.------- 396, 1147 lands for homeless, at Ruby for, additional, 1925 -.-.--.----.-. 707 Valley -.-..--.-----.. 596 Indian Pupils, tracts of lands, etc., no longer needed appropriation for support, etc., of, for administrative uses, allot- at schools ..--...---.--.--. 404, 1155 ments, etc., to be sold ---...--- 93 discontinuance of schools with disposal of proceeds ---.-----.- 93 minimum attendance -..-.-- 404, 1155 trust patents to Indians holding re- tuition in public, etc., schools-- 404, 1155 stricted fee patents ---- - -..--.. 1114 for transporting, etc -..-...---- 404, 1155 Ute Indians, Utah; lands reserved as obtaining employment; refund- 405, 1155 school site for ..-,.-...---.-.. 246 native pupils from Alaska -...- 405, 1156 Walapai Reservation, Ariz.; exchanges denciency appropriation for transpor- - of lands in -...--. - .-..--. 954 tation .---.--..-..--...-. 1348 Winnebago Reservation, Nebr.; gatent claims for tuition of, in State public to deceased allottee Mary rane, schools, 1922 and 1923, to be canceled and land restored to paid from existing balances, etc- 536 Indians _____________.,,___.._ 138 total limited -.- - -..._ 537 Zia Pueblo Indians, N. Mex.; tract of Indian Reservations, land reserved for -,--...--.-.-- 92 appropriation for expenses opening, to Indian A fairs, Commissioner of, entry; reimbursable -.-.---. 396, 1146 appropriation for _,____.-._-,---. 396, 1146 for surveying, allotting in severalty, Indian Agencies, etc., of landsin; reimbursable- 397, 1148 appropriation for construction, repair, for developing stock watering places etc., of buildings at ..-...-. 396, 1147 on; condition .---..--..--- 400, 1150 heat and light to employees- -- 397, 1147 for irrigation and drainage expenses; for agricultural, etc., experiments on projects specified -.-.-- 400, 1150 farms of ,_-----.--.-...--. 399, 1149 for irrigation, Gila River, Ariz-- 401, 1152 for construction, repair, etc., of for irrigation, Colorado River, buildings at, additional, 1925--- 707 Ariz -. - -..-.. 401, 1152