Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/835

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musx. 2143 Interpreters, Diplomatic Service YW- Interstate ('ommerce Commission, P•¢- and student interpreters, classified ns appropriation for salaries of Commis- Forei Service officers, un- sioners and secretary ... 526, 1204 classiggd - 142 for cxpcnscsnegulating commerce- 526, IZ)4 Interpreters, Foreign Service, chicf counse , director of finance, appropriation for lmn, etc., Persia- 1016 director of trafiic .. 5%, 1204 or egation, etc., . 1016 rent restriction - . 526, 1204 for cost of tuition, officers assigned for enforcing uniform system of acto language study . 1016 counting, etc., by railroads-- 5%, 1205 for uarters for student, Japan and for enforcing safety apphances reguqfurkey ., 1016 lations ... . 526, 1205 Interstate Bridgggomlczny, Be ood W for securing reports of accidentésés 1205 may brid 'o 'ver, nw , . etc - .. , Vagfto Bellaire, Ohio . 27 for testing, etc., block signal and Interstate Commerce (see also Interstate train control systems, etc- -- 526, 1205 Commerce Commission), for compelling use of safe locomopolicy declared that freight rates be ad- five boilers, etc 5%, IZ)5 gigted by Interstate Commerce for physical valuation of 1205 mmission to secure ree mov- etc . - . , ing of commodities in . 801 for securingxinformation of issues of inveatigtion to be made by Interstate stock, nds, etc.; rent . 527, 1205 mmerce Commission to cor- director of valuation, supervisor of rect existing unjust, discrimmat- 802 land appraisals, supervising ening, etc., rates - ... gineer, supervisor o acordersl rtg be expeditiously made 802 coms--; . 2;;, t e or -- rent rio ion . - pending proceedings to be continued- 802 for printing and binding for . 527; 1205 changes to be made without delay for for Bureaus of Inquiry, Accounts, lowest possible rates on agricul- and Valuation, additional, 1925- 705 tural and livestock products deficiency appropriation for- - 55, 60, 7(X), 759 compatible with adequate trans- for pgysical valuation of railroads-- - 680 portation sedryice ... E)-- -*2%; 802 for e orcing safety applianceséfets}- 755 decisions on pen 'ng cases as ra or expenses use e on agricultural products not to locomotive boilers, etc . 755 be delayed - - - 802 for printing and binding ... 755 policy in adjusting freight rates by, to _ circuit courts of apbpeala, to enforce, secure free moving of com- etc., orders , under Clayton modities . -- - - 802 Antitrust Act---r . 937 ` investigation by Commissiea; to de- construction ofMapproa2:hes Rt:) bridge termine existing ra are un- across ississi i 'ver y just, unduly preferential, etc., Saint Louis, ggo., at Fast and to correct defects therein-- 802 Saint Louis, Ill., subject to eleiments ga be cgdnstidered lI1-£6£- - - 802 crtztificate of, as to necessity for, 8 o ers to issu rom imc imc e -.-.-.-.---------.-.-.---- io place just and reasonable time established or actions at law by rtgieaonhclasses of tr:?c‘ié1B--Q- 802 carrierts, or tilingbfzomplaints 633 direc wit east possi e 0 a ins carriers wit .-.----.-. effect rate changes on agrizul- Interstate gaommerce Laws, tural and tlgestock pgotgucts can approp}·iation for expenses for c;·8 027 lowest ra compa i e wi orcing ...----.-----.--... 1 , 1 adequate transportation ----.. 802 actions at law by carriers for recovery of pending cases not to be delayed --.. - 802 charges to begin within three _ punishmentgifqr brezabinlgtseals of cars years from time when cause 633 con ning reig or express accrues ----.------.---------- shipments, with intent to com- complaints against carriers for damages mit larceny ...--.--.----.-... 793 to be filed with Commission withstealing, etc., shipmepts in foreign in two years- -..-.-..-.-..--.. 633 and ----.-.---.-..----...-.. - 793 time for actions or complaints for refrom depots, trucks, vessels, etc-- 793 covery of, overcharges, to be having in possession articles stolen within three years -.-- - .------- 633 in, etc ..-.--..--...--.-.. 793 extention if claim presented within stealing baggage in transit -.-.. -- - - 793 three—year limitation ..-- - .---- 633 having in possession such stolen bag- further _ extension if carrier Logins gage-_ --.---...-...--...--... 793 action for_ cl1arges,_or collects carrying into another State, etc., charges, within the limitations-- 633 sto entgsggage, eta;-E ...--.-. actions totaccrue on delivery or tender 633 constitu a separa o ense ----. o carrier ------.------..-- jurisdiction of district courts --.--.- 794 petition forlenforcement of money Fay- meaning of terms used ---- 794 ment to be filed in one year rom jurisdictgptir of State courts not im- 794 _ date of ordeal; -..--------.---. g pai .----.---.---.-----.-.- meamngo ‘ overc rges" ---.---.--- judg1§eni£hof,: mir to prosecution 994 provisions extgnded to embrace prior 633 un er is c or same ac .-.- cases, e ..--.----.--..-.-.-. waybill of shipment prima facie evi- provisions for safe locomotive boilers, dence 0 place from and to etc., extended ,.--,.--.,,_-.-- 659 which made ..--------.-.. 794 to be furnished legal, etc., assistance- 659