Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/845

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mnnx. 2153 Land Banks (see Federal Land Banks). Pew- Las Trampas Grant, N. Me:e.—Contd. Yue Land Offices (see Public Lands). acceptance of lands in ; added to Car- Lander, Wyo., son National Forest 643 terms of court at ... - 388 advertisement of notice of proposed Landry, Gilbert L., exchange ... - . 643 pension . , ... 1 415 Las Vegas, N. Mex., .- Lands, etc., United States, terms of court at ..., 642 aplpropriation for custody of . 83 rooms to be furnishedz . --_ . 642 Lan s for Military Purposes, transfer to new building at city of sale of abandoned, authorized - 382 Las Vegas, when completed 643 Lands in Severalty to Indians, Lassen National Forest, Calif., appropriation for surveying, allotting, lands added to .. 357 etc., of ... 397, 1148 Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif., repayment .. 397, 1148 appropriation for protection, etc- -- 424, 1177 use for Indians in Arizona and New for protection, additional, 1925 . 709 Mexico restricted .. 397, 1148 Laswell, Sallie (daughter), for surveying, etc., additional, 1925- 707 pension-; . , 1470 deficiency appropriation for surveying, Latitude Observatory, Ukiah, Calif., Interallotting, etc., of .. 1328 national, alienation restrictions on homestead appropriation for maintenance . 235, 1045 allotments to Indians of Black· Latvia, feet Reservation, removed on extradition treaty with .. 1738 death of allottee ... -.-- 252 Latvia, Lithuania, and Esthonia, allotments to Lac du Flambeau Band appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 of Chippewas of Lake Superior, Lauter, Grace M. (widow), Wis . 132 pension increased ... 1484 allottees in Columbia and Colville Res- Law Enforcement, ervation, Wash., may dispose temporary increase of the Coast Guard of lands under trust patents--- .. 133 for ., 105 Landscape and Vegetable Gardening, Lawn Grass (see Grasses). _ appropriation for studies in iloriculture, Lawrence, K ans. , etc 442, 832 appropriation for Haskell Institute In- Lane, Melissa A. (widow), dian School at . 405, 1156 pension 1420 for Haskell Institute Indian School, Lane, Minerva (widow), additional, 1925 .. 707 pension 1473 Lawson, Lydia]. (widow), Langley, Henry, pension ncreased ... - ... 1514 pension increased ... 1392 Lawson, Mary J . (widow), Langley Memorial Aeronautical Labora- pension increased _... --- 1468 tory, Lawton, Anna (widow), appropriation for equipment, opera- pension ____..,,._.. 1419 tion, etc . .. ... 1206 Lawton, Okla., amount for additional building 1206 terms of court at _____,_... 388, 946 Language Study, Foreign Service, Laxton, Albert E., ‘ appropriation for tuition of officers payment to, for services . 1537 assigned for, in China, Japan, Laxton, Floyd, and Turkey .. 1016 pension _____,____., - --- 1387 for rent of quarters - ... 1016 Lazear, Mabel H. (widow), Lannon, John, appropriation for monthly payments pension ... - . 1405 to ,_____.__ 511, 926 LaPage, Cora E. (widow), Leaf Tobacco (see also Cigars, Tobacco, pension .. - - 1427 etc.), Laport, Frances (widow), internal revenue provisions relating to- — 318 pension . - .. 1457 Leaf Tobacco Dealers, Larabee, Pa., provisions relating to, in Revenue Act- 318 bridge authorized across Allegheny Leahy, Anna Katharine (daughter), , River near ... 1092 pension ____,_ - . 1402 Larimore, Harriet E. (widow), Leake County, Miss., pension increased ... 1481 bridge authorized across by, at Battle LaRocl.:, Eliza A. (widow), Blutf Crossing 102 ~ pension 1423 at Grigsb s Ferry . 101 Larson, Karl T., Lear, George IV., issue of homestead patent to . 811 pension increased ... 1392 Las Cruces, N. Mex., Leasure, Lizzie (widow), offices of register and receiver, land pension increased ... 1462 office at, consolidated .. 395 Leather, terms of court at 642 appropriation for developing standards Las Trampas Grant, N. Mex., of quality, etc., of .. 231, 1041 acceptance of lands in for national for- Legvenworth, Kans., ` est purposes . - 643 appropriation for penitentiary, mainequal value of national forest timber tenance ... 221, 1031 given in exchange ... - . 643 unexpended balance available for surveys, etc., by Forest Service em- constructing factory, etc. ... 1032 ployees accepted .,.,___,,,__.. 643 workingcapitalfund reappropriated 1032