Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/849

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mnsx. 2157 Lime, Clifton E. (son), I’¤8¤- Little Calumet River, P¤¢°· pension ... .. 1478 bridge authorized across, Chicago, Ill-- 25 Limes, Elizabeth A. (widow), Riverdale, Ill _____ _ _,. 998 pension 1439 Little, Edward C., late a Representative in Limestone-Morgan Bridge Company, Congress, time extended for bridging Tennessee deficiency appropriation for pay to River by . 815 widow of ______.. 754 Alabama authorized to acquire, etc- - 815 Little, Eva L. (widow), Limitation of Naval Armament, pension ______________, . . 1530 treaty with British Empire, France, Little River, Del., M I §:ly¢,lan% Japan agreeing to- - - 1655 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be 1192 mo n, m ., made ____________________ _ _ _ _ pension . - .. 1399 Little River, Okla., Lincoln Memorial D. C. _ preliminary examination etc. authorappropriation lforl riiaintzznance exgl'5 929 ized for iiood control oft ... 249 penses em oyees e ... , - _ fer camv etév °gdm°“';*1• 1925 ···· · · 712 Inggiclgsoclgf Arlekgister and receiver, land Lincoln National Forest, N. Mez., lid ted _________ 395 . . . . . office at, conso a - proclamation diminishing greg of .,.,. - 1963 terms of court 8_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 91 I”;'“’°l"r Statue of Ab'“h“'”¤ time extended for bridging Arkansas balance of- apwopriation for l'8CI$Ct10Il River at_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ 9

 ¤¤b¤¤s*»¤¤» D- C-» wv- 935 Little Roclc Nati01;_alC§metq1‘y, 4rk.. I

ptmzws neahpiiiijiif 2:., °*""°*”¥“*‘°“, f"d }§,ryl‘,§‘H& S°’§§,° ` . . . d1ers,ec, yig p gs appropriation for repairs, ctc .. .. 515, 929 H0Spita_]__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ 512, 927 or repa1rs, etc., additional, 1925 712 Lwlefidd Eua (widow) Lindsey! argaret (widow) 7 1484 pgngiogi inorgaggd _ _ _1 _______________ 1533 .P°““‘°“ "’°'?°<°°d- -—---—-····· · ····· uuzejohn, rainy A. (ma w), L7·7UWbfZ7`yy Wulwm H- (Nm); 1450 pension increased _ ____ ____ _____ 1482 .P°¤¤*°¤ ----—-—-~-------- ·’ ·········· maze 6 Kate L (iéeééoi Liquid mas, PW · · · ,427 . · • p0DSlO!1 ., _ .. .,. r .._ appropggmgg gg; glrmmoting °c0u°my’ 233 Livestock (see also Catge and . " ‘‘‘‘'‘' ' appropriation for reimbursing Iandians Llqwr Dealers' · f r destro ed in eradicating additional special tax on business of, **1; .0us etc 399 1150 where forbidden by State, etc., f co, t°·$' h ¤t Y"], f * lawS_"_____"_________ ______ 327 or in oggng umane rea men o437 827 ,,,,,33 ;.¤;;;y,,·;·¤*y from ¤¤¤¤**y· ew ——·-- 327 for s§E’..¤..;,*;..;.;.;.z.;al;.1ji1.2»z.;.;..ti.,. * I , _ ¤¤¤r¤¤g5;ggg, for ¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤· ·m°gg6 ,,4, 2f.§‘l§’§’.§t.'.1i.“{.'§§3§3§?’?.°P?.’.?: 844 t ······‘·‘’‘‘ HT ' ad_ ’ for cooperative experiments in raisf°’ s&’§iZ§2ij°r%2%‘{“Y`F. lf- Ti' mr me .¤¤ ¤¤¤·= ¤¤s¤r wd ¤<>**=·>g5, 850 f°’ ”“PP’°““‘¥‘€» A*°Sk“· ····· r r · ‘*28· 1181 me gi:lil>lstS`€i6¤Ev§£§d"6iri£Q`}ar ’ ‘°' ?9%%'““‘““* "‘”"“* “‘T‘?i*I‘Z'3‘i¥ 709 b¤>¤<!i¤is· ea ------ Z,.-·. ----- 457. 850 deficiency appropriation for suppress- fOr cggsgggeg? Q: Liquors E¤dS&,;;¤a<;;¤g gdmns ----------- · 698 d1smm__[ _____ _ ___; ______ 457, 350 7 I ‘! • ' ¤vvr¤r¤i¤*i¤¤ *¤=* ¤XP°¤¤°¤ P'°"°“'°‘“g f" °iZR°£f3°1°§`$?¤si“i19§i§YiYYiti? fi°_'i“; me Li., A,.,,$;lZ.°i}°"(§?l5§ ‘‘‘'‘``````` m' 837 °*‘““¤°*‘ “’ "° §,f*d° l’>’.I°“'°Fg,*° ‘,§°g*‘ » . ’ · * merce mmrssiou wi ou e- Penswn -----········ · ····‘‘ ‘ ‘‘"‘’ 1483 lay to promote freedom of move- L‘¢h ‘ ’ · ‘·»!%¥2&?ei»¤te»ry»··m· --------»- 1835 ::::2*;_·t*_{€*i?é€%*t*rf·:%fti*$P§ ...2 S"“‘°‘”§E¥.?§;°‘]§’§.*€“3§i.';.,‘.1€;.’;2,‘:,°}°.‘;,>i time ruggir tigtendegito Ng..,..b... 30, loved-_"__"______________ .,.19 , or ma ng a vanees on, amount) of indebtegéxelslp ste;.ted by W"` Fm8‘n°° corpora 14 d t b ‘ cr - . "T1 ‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ T ‘‘‘'‘`’` b03r1;c§>al3 ;;;?;b1ei¤$r:¤¤us1imtau- Investoqk Ewwwwn. lntwwtwnal, ments· progressive increase until d€&<>¤€¤<¤Y ¤·PP1'0P¤8t¤0¤ for m°d¤18_t° 62,1 yéu. ______ _ ______________ 720 exhibitors, etc.; amount inpaymengd of additional amounts gg Lim °Y?°°d-6 -—-—---———-----—··-— 1324 allow .. 'nqelon, saac ., ' to 1; te to 1934 . ·* pension 1383 gr liztlgve years half of interest Llogéds Harbor N. Y., _ may be dggpé, and added to . a andoned lands of lighthouse reservaprincipal; onds to be issued tion at, transferred to New York therefor, __,___,_______,,,,,. 720 State for public park uses ...____ 635 payment in United States bonds Lloyds, W. S. (Incorporated), accepted __,__________________ 720 payment to, for property damages ____, 1588 Lithuania, Esthonia, and Latvia, Loan Associations, M utua Building and, appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 exempt from income tax .. 282 _