Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/853

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INDEX. 2161 McNeil Island, Wash.—Continued. P¤s¤- Mail Bags, Locks, Equipment, etc., Postal Pacepublic lands exchanged with Wash- Service, . ington, to be added to peni- appropriation for purchase, manutentiary at ... 537 facture, etc. .. - .. 89, 787 McNeil, John A., 1387 for rnaterials, etc., equipiplent shops- gg, 787 pension or abor in equipmen s ops .. 787 McNeill, Malcolm J., distinctive equipment for executive ’ Mplelnsilon inflrfasid- Zi;). -; .. 1403 departments,t Alaska, island 7 c ic o s io wi w 1 ssessio e c .. 89 87 " Mp§_nsic¢;ni;1c}reased . y .. 1448 deiicienilzcy apprggriation for freight on ’ c ic e 0 n bags ..,__... 63 Mugliigary ieicorddcorrzcted 1599 Mail Messenger ,§ervice, c m er ice aug ter appropriation or transportation by-- 87 785 pension .. I . 1460 degcieney appropziation for .. , 763 McQuade, Catharine (widow), Mail Transportation, Postal Service, Mpaplsion incirfased ... 1432 apFropriatiotr1°§>rsta:·ro1{1tesin Alasléa- 86, 785 c orter, ez, or steam t an other power oat pension 1409 routes .. 86, 785 Macdonough Memorial for railroad routes and mail mesappropriation for completion of, to com- ¤€¤§6!‘ ¤€¤'Vi°§-2 -------- ; ---- _ 87, 785 _ memorate victory on Lake Cham- use o appropr1ation, for air mail plain in 1814, by Commodore Q€!'V\¢6 ----- _ ----------------- I 337 hgmgg Macdomugh _____ ____ 515 for auplane service, New York and Machine Rifles, Army Automatic, San Francisco ,___ _ ... 87, 785 appropriation for purchase, manu- fo1‘ Rellvijay Mall Service - 87, 785 facture, etc., o ________,____ 498, 913 for electric and_ cable car service"- 87, 786 Mack, John T , for torgigrigvi mails by steamslup and · ot e se ... ----, 87 786 M$$iiL°I6?éel§ N.-Gl, -_``_`_ ````````` T 1402 deicieucy approI§>riatio¤ for, airplane ’ preliminéiry egcaminstion, etc., of mouth 1 93 iiirrggigco °w Y°rk and Sag,) 1350 t ... 1 ·· ···· . ············· · Macks,a€,i,$nc§,’ifrci., gg; ygggr ¤<>¤@,¤¢~¤·=·= -—------ 596gbg3,ggg appropnation for support, etc., of f ug tg --·—-—---— » , 60 Indians at, from tribal funds- 411, 1161 or m 6g°%91·é§§·i6i·§é§·i§é7 r Macomb Street NW., D. C., f _ ld H , , , , , 661350 appropriation for paving, Wisconsin fm ring . ° vgrygl ········ 1 ····· r 699 to Idaho Avenues ..,.. 1223 fm. p °° mlbzn °a ° °“l;°°rvl°°r ·· · 63 Macon Eduh B_ (widow), or power at andairp ne service- 63, 699 ¤¤¤¤i¤¤ i¤¤¥·=¤¤·=<* —-————————————--——— *399 m§§§-¥§§L‘§°L‘Z${§$°‘§.;;,;,;g;,;‘i,;,‘3;.;;,; ’°‘ M$ZgZ?é¤l§”?S,Z'}bp,isiaO¤ ro, em, mg- 1 contgggswgggugllgyggg-§)§£gé,é;S— 356 ices ----.----.-...--...-- - 73, 315 ctc ¤ . ¤ . ., of third and fourth class

?;°§'$='$§i'€"e1i#,}¤ M ------»-------- - 1365 ,p§.??§°§stz,;o‘.;,z,;,;e.;ge.
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?·’°"· °“”l?/». ‘“·» . provisions for contracts of, by aircraft-- 805 bridge authorized across Pearl River, · · at Meeks Ferry by Rankin Mm"' ary E' (wid°w)’ County and .. s p‘?““'°“ ········· - ··················· 1523 Madison PlaccDAr6ne1:, Treasury Depart- A;g:;,g£;8?,;,,ééSE31léIdou))’ 1522 ment . . · `` ``'''`'` appmpriatién for 'spemting f°"°° ··-·· 65· 764 giilslge authorized across Saint Croix or operating expenses ---..--- 65, 765 · . . . River by Canada and, from M“"> M“"“ A”“““““ (w‘d°w)· Vanceboro Me to Saint Croix pension increased ---.-...- 1488 New Brungwicf ’ 26 Mofitt Charles M. (son) · · - ``'`` pcnsgou » 1416 Sain; John F1}1lvte§{bytC1a;1ada gig, be- M uc {OTS ·‘····*······‘‘‘‘‘ Ween 0 en , e.,an lairs, appropriation fo; , continuing, under Majority ¥?,:v0,.B£::;;,i?(}l;;,;,:,;'q}·'jz;;,;é;¢f,;_ 27 Coast and Geodetic Survey-- 235, 1045 mmes, ’ M¤h WW, €l€·, SWS, appropriation for legislative clerk, excise tex on- - - T .-- 323 clerks, etc ----...--- - .---._ 584, 1292 M oher,_ Eliza C- (widow), positions and pa established of clerks, · Pe¤S10¤ ---------- - ---------------- 1430 etc., in office of .--.-.---...--- 152 Mahoney, William J., 1404 M akah Indians, Wash, Pe¤¤10¤ ---------.---.·--.---...-.-. appropriation for support, etc., of, ad- Mahoning River d'1;‘ al, 1925 _________________ 703 bridge Oaluthdrized across, Haselton, 0 Malaby, J dlixull . , io 9 ‘ ‘ ed- ..-------.-..- 1493 Mail and Files Division, Treasury Depart- Mgggizoyohtilnhgjs ment, _ credit to, in internal revenue accounts- - 1580 appropriation for chief of , and office M allan, Eldora (widow), personnel .---.---.---..- 69, 768 pension __,____--________________ ___ 1491