Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/932

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2240 INDEX. P7:£88<|0T8 ofiColleqcs,_e¢c., P¤¢•- Public Buildings-—Continued. PAN- en, see ng admission, who have for appropriation for Carville, La., marine ‘ two years previously followed hospital- - ., 79, 778 their profession, construed as for Detroit, Mich., marine hospital--- 79 nonquota immigrants in Immi- for Saint Louis, Mo., marine hospital- 79 _ _ gration Act - -_- - .. 155 for New Orleans, La., marine hospital 778 Prohibition (see National Prolubmon Act). for Portland, Me., marine hospital- - 778 Progectnles, hfooy, _ _ for Francisco, Calif., marine hosapproprlatnon for experiments, etc., in gital .._,.,, - ..._ 778 development of . 193, 871 for oston, Mass., quarantine sta- Prosecutions for Violations of I nterncl tion ._,. 79, 778 Revenue Laws, for Marcus Hook, Pa., quarantine restriction on time for instituting . 341 station ____,,..,_,,,_,_,_ 79 Protection ofjligratory Birds, for Portland Me., quarantine station 80 proclamation prmcribingogadditional for Tampa, Fla., quarantine station- 80 regulation for--- 1 , 1915, 1945, 1961 for Baltimore quarantine station--- 79, 778 Protocols, _ _ _ _ _ for Astoria, Oregi, quarantinestation 80 to convention with Costa Rica, fac1l1— for Galveston, ex., quarantine statating work of traveling sales- tion ..--.---.--- 80, 778 men .. - .. 1868 for Ship Island, Miss., quarantine with Peru, facilitating work of travel- station .-..-..-.- - ..-..-_ 80 ing salesmen .. --- 1705 for Reedy Island, Del., quarantine to treaty with Belgium relating to station -..-..--.. 80 rights in East Africa Mandate-- 1872 for San Francisco, Calif., quarantine Prouty, Lucretic M. (widow), . " _ station ...-.-...-..- 80, 778 P’pens1oé1-.;£:f.( .. ) ... 1 450 for Sian Juan, P. R., quarantine sta- 80 uiy or . widow' , ion . I -.. P pension-H- - -, - - .5. E .. 1522 for bgaw Orleans, La., quarantine sta- 778 romdeace ospstal, . ., on . appropriation 25 minor contagious d§ié2 1237 for blew York, N. Y., quarantine sta- 778 eases w ...- , 1on ..-.. for cam of indigent patients . 568, 1242 work on marine hospitals and quar- Providence, R. I., antine stations under Supervissale of appraisers’ stores property at, ing Architect . 778 authorised . - . 960 for repairs and improvements . - 80, 779 Proring Grounds, Army Ordnance, for mechanical equipment ..-.. 80, 779 appropriation for current expenses- - 498, 914 pneumatic tube service, New York d _ ciency appropriation for .- 59, 62, 762 City ..-. 81, 779 Provisions, 1{arme Corps, for vaults, safes, etc . -1 --. _ 81, 779 Prappropnaltpon for - 203, 879 for adtélgional pay, Supervising Archl-81 780 oviswns avy, . -... , appropriation for . 194, 872 for skilled emploilegs, etc., Omoo of deiciency appropriation for . 57, 61, 1349 Supervisinf lutect . 81, 780 Proxies, _ · for superinten ents, inspectors, etc., staing tax on; exceptions .--. 336 on buildings --.. Q ..-..-.. 81, 780 Public uildings, transferring effects of superintendappropriation for Supervising Archi- ents, etc 81, 780 tect and office personnel .. 79, 777 for contingent expenses, materials, for Baltimore, Md., immigrant sta- etc - 82, 780 tion . 79 no allowance for transporting supfor Carville, La., Leper Home .. 79 plies ... - .-.. 82, 780 for Chicago, Ill. post oliioe, etc 79, 777 ground rent Salamanca, N. Y--- 82, 780 §or léairmont, .. for oggating force; employees speci—82 780 or ew Orleans .. - - , foré New York, Y., customhouse-- gorfurnitiireand reppirs-?-i-.1E .1;% 82, 781 ubtreasury -...---.----.------. or opera mg supp ies; ue , g , subway to Assay Oflioe ----.- 79 water, etc- .. 82, 781 for Washington, D. C., Treasurg advance fuel contracts author- Annex, Fourteenth and ized .-...-.-.. . -.-- _ . 83 , 781 Streets ____--------------- - - - 79 for operating force, additional, 1925- 710 for Auditors’ Building, fire- protec- for general expenses, additional, 1925- 710 tion _----.----.-------.----.. 778 deiciency appropriation for Boston, for additional lock-box equipment Mass., appraisers’ stores .--.--- 51 for ------------..--..-... 778 for operating supplies ---.- - ...- 51, for remodeling, etc., occupied build- 58, 695, 761, 1350, 1352 ings -------.--.--.-- 79, 778 for furniture .-..- - .--.--.- 58, for Birmingham, Ala -.-----------. 777 62, 698, 701, 761, 1343, 1350 for Brooklyn, N. Y., post office -...- 777 for Searcy, Ark ---------...-.. 58 for Mobile, Ala -----.--- - .-.-. 777 for Warrenton Va ..-.----.--. 58 for Ellsworth, Me -__--.-------.--- 777 for repairs and preservation .--.-..- 58, for Louisville, Kyi -------- ---- 777 _ _ 761, 1349, 1352 ger II;ouis,M_o.,post office . for mechanical equipment for-ééé-561 1 or n au mn .- , , ‘ for To ka, Kling ------..-.-----.. 778 for vaults and safes -.-..-. - 58, 62, 698 for Balllfmom, Md., marine hospital- 79, 778 for general expenses -.-...--------. 58, for Boston, Mass., marine hospital-- 778 62, 698, 761, 1349