Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1018

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€—· J; h ` § 471 i T1 TLB 31.—-·-H(3 Fort Vancouver, and the oommoncoment of tho work of carvh it monument 011 Stone Mountain, Georgia. M2. Thé gold pieces and the silver 50-cent pieces Come in ooumma->moration—0f the one hundred and Sftieth mmivorsaz of tho signing of the Deolaration of Independence: 3. Ttao Grant momorial gold dollaninnd the’G1‘nnt memori sitvor haif dollar struck inorcommomoration of tlge ccntenm of tho birth of Ulysses S. Grant. (June 1, 1818, c. 91, §· 4(`3 Stat. 594; May 10, 1920, (3..176, § 1, 41 Stat. 595; Maj' J JQSSO, c. H7. 5 1, 41 _Stat. 595; May 12; 1920. C.'182, § 1, · $1~at. 597: Mar. 4, 1921, c. 153, § 1, 41 Stat; 1363; Feb. 2, 192 o. 45, -12 Stat. 362; Jan. 24,3923, c. 38, § 1, 42 Stat. 1172*; Fe 28. 1923, C. 113, § 1, 42.St&t. 1%’{; Mhf. 17,1924, C. 58, { 43 Stat. 23; Jsm. 14,1192:-J,'C. 79. { 5; 43 Stat. 749; Feb. 2 19*25, c. 302, §§ 1-3, 43 Stat. 965, 966; Mar; 3, 1925.·c. 482, § 43 Stat. 1254.) ‘ ` ‘ Chapter 10.-4THE PUBLIC MONEYS. Sec. , ` _ . “ 471. Certain duties oi Division of Public Moneys transferred tg Divisioh of Bookkeoplngond Warrants. 472. The Treasury of the United States. _

  • 473. Same; foge1gu_c0tmtriei. the Territories, and the insular pc

siesgions., . , ‘ - M 474. Public moneys subject to draft of Treasurer. 475. Same; bonds. · ‘ 476. Transfer ot_ duties of assistant treasurors to other omcern, e1 477. Deposit of money or bullion with Federal reserve banks. 478. Member banks as depmigtaries. . _ 479. Quarters océupted by subtréawries: assignment to Federal 1 ” nerve banks.; — @8.0. Deputies in case of sickness or absence. 481. Bond or special agents. 482. Coiloctors at pubiic moneys to my over. 483. Marshals and district attorncis paying into Treasury. ‘ 48-1. Dvposit withont deduction. ' 4.85. Rocoipts frog private meskagoa sont over Government lines. 486. Private manages over telephone lines controlled by Trenqu Department. { · 487; Proceeds of notes of material. ,,~, · 488. Prooeoeda of saie of Surplus cuttings. 489. Paym<%t ot expenson of sales from proceeds- ` 490. Penalty for withholding money. 4912 Foes; Enos, etc., payable into Treasury to credit of United Stat and Dlgtrict of Columbia. ‘ ~ _ 492. Duty of {lisburoing officers. .- . 4ms. Omoo: permitted to keep funds for subsistence ot the Army { ivaymonts of small amounts. 494. Acting disbursing om<~e=~r in case ot sickness or unavoidnb " nijsonceg ot msbursing clerk or disbursing agent. 495. Ivopmdt ot, moneys with publgc depositary; receipts: post ` revenues. , ° 49G.Q Avéownts. ' 497. Samegrdisbursing omcors. · 495., Sgazao; distinct accounts rcqnired. · 4t•9. S:rm4·; diST}tlZ'St‘li3(’B{$ undcer .·\rm·y appropriation Acts. 5049. 1’a3·mout of prosgsing obligations by certain disbursing omccrs. 501. l*o;.~me:1t by disbursing officers; settlement of transactions of E giuocr Department. ’ · ‘ ' 50:; So mc; setnknwut of transactions ot Signal Corps.

s. .5:1:.:10; Militazvry Agademy. ‘ `

E0:. $:11210; Medical Department. ' _ Sui). Suitkto l‘0C0$’·€i". money from o&cers. '! \ 506. Distmss warrant. J ` w 502. Sonaejcoutento. __ Eos. T {execution against o¢coxf. is. Some · 'cxo<;uti—on againnt surety. 514 ."IA‘\’)' o beolien. ‘ 511. A · ofrilantls reguiatcd. 512. (. sa vuucte of lands. ·T 512; ispmtzl of Sufi}! < _ . 514 Vuiluro of dis si g o . r to account. · _ s 5 . Extent _ o r plicatio ot ·. ovisiou for distress irarrsntn, ` . 17. imstpoxxoment ot proc ol s for uonuccounting. ‘ 518. injunction to itay dist bwaarrnut. · ` 9. lwocoedingin on distro . _ - _ · 5 1. Rights 0t_ United Stst resorved. 1. Duties or omcoro as ··.;_’,_·ians ot public money;. ‘ 22. Transfer as moneys fro mosltarios to Treasury} M

 23. Postal deposits; tran  ” · r ·

. /_ _ I

QVEYQ AND FINANCE IQQ4 ng SM 52-l. Same; accounts. 525. Entry of each deposit, transfer, and payment. a Bd 520. Public moneys in Treasury and depositaries subject to draft 4;.; ry Treasurer.; 527. Preseutment of drafts. al 528. Duplicates for lest, stolen, or destroyed dlsbnrsiug omeers’ elim; . or postal checks or warrants. ‘ » VF 529. Advances of public moneys; prohibition against. 1, 530. Same; payment in advance for  » M _0 531. Same; payments for rent of o§ces la foreign countrleg, U; 532. Same; by Umtetii marshals. 533. Same; Iiepartéint of Agriculture. i2. 534. Same: sltl Forest Service for fighting formt tires in emergency 4;s...e_ 2b. 535. Adrances froth appropriation ‘* Boundary line, Alaska and meni _ M ada, and the United Stata and Canada? _ ’ 536. Advances to dlsbursing p&cers and agents under "Army accosilas '4• · of advances "; amounts; use fof. 4, 531. Same; charge to preper appropriations. t 538. Same} adjustment of liabilities with accoaat. 539. Requlnitions of Secretary of Navy for advances.

  • 540.4Same; chow charged. i

. 541. Same; settlement of accoantn. 542. Partial Qayments on vessels for Treasury Department: lien. t° 543._Exchange of funds restricted. , U " ‘ 544. Premium on sales of public moneys to be accounted fora 545. Expenses of Bscalwgents. ’$' $48. Appropriations for construction of public buildings; disburse- . ’me·;at. . . - ~ ‘ c 547i Disposition of trust lands received from foreign government; “ for citizens of United Stats. r W- 548. Examination of idepesltarieo. · _ 549. Examination of ncceonts of custodtasref pébllc moneys. 550. Same; Coast and Geedetlc Survey. ’ Section 471. Certain duties of Division of Public Mencys transferred 'jto Division of Bochkcepiag and Warraat s.————The duties appertalning on June _10, 1921-, to the Division of Public ·Moneys of the office of the_Secretary of the Treasury. so far as they related ·. to the covering of revenues and retmyments into the·‘Treasury, the issue of·_dupllcate_`checks and warrants, U and me certification of outstanding liabilities for pa;i·xnent,* shall beperformed by the Diwiision of Bookkeeping and Warrantsfof the omce of/the Secretary of the Treasury. (Jane i¤0,' 1921,-c._ 18, ”$ Stat. 25.) r " _ as 472., The Treasury of the United St•tes.——The rooms previded in the Treasury building at the seat of Government for the use of the Treasurer of the United States, his assistants, °*' and clerks, and occupied by.then1, and the tireproof raults and · lie safes erected. therein for the keeping of the public moneys ln` the possession and under the immediate control of the nl Treasurer, and such other apartments as are provided as places of deposit fof the public money, shall be the Treasury of the United States. (R. S.} 3591.) _ ‘ _ _ ‘ `U 473. Same; »foreign*’conntrics,_the‘ Territories, and the in· · sular possessions.———'1‘he Secretary of the Treasury ·n1ay"¢lesi§· ` nate such deposltaries of public moneys in foreign countries R" and in the Territories and insular possessions of jthe United States as may be necessary for the transaction of·the` Govern-I mént‘s' business, under such termsand conditions asto security and otherujlse as he may from time to time prescribe: Brovldcd, That in designating such, depositarles American Hnaneial — institutions shall be given preference wherever, in the judgment of the Secretary- of the Treasury, such institution is safe and able to render the service required. `(Iune 19, 19%, `c. V42 Stat,662.) 1 _' - .` ·” . 474. Public moneys subject to draft er Treasurer.-—-—All pub- U , illc moneys paid into any depository shall be subject to the draft of the·Treasurer of the United States. drawn agreeably to appropriationamadé by law. (R, S. S · .· [ .475. Same; ]>ouds.—···;all odlcers in any mint, or assay ofllce. authorized by law to tact as deposltaries; shall, respectively. -· give bonds to the United States ,for—·the faithful discharge of i the dutim of their respective oflices as assistant. treasurers. `according to law, and for such amounts as shall be directed by