Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1038

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e §'731\ l .. .1>ITLB*31.—->HONEY hee. “ ._ v OBLYGATKJNS 01r‘_ FQREIGN GOVERNMEFIQ _ . ‘801. Conversidu into obligetlous bearing highexnintereet rate; sale of 4 ' ·eblig:4ti<,·zzs·;- redemption of Uxiited tate: bonds. . ,` ‘ 1 802. Qmxversidn of short-time obliptiéns of foreign igeverumeuts jute Q ~ _ lang-time obligations; interest ;;p¤ymex1t~ of cbligatious. _ 803. Maturity of obligaticns of foreign governments: Q_ ‘ _ I * e 804. Peynuent beforématurity oi- sale ot obligations ot foreignigoyexgxr I ments. ’ · · _ _ . ‘ . · 805: World War Foreign} Debt Ccmmimcu ;_ members; appqlntmenf. _ 806. Bowers of commission as to réfundixig, conyersiont or exteusibu 4 `§ _ _ of time of payuieut of obligatioué qthfqreign governments. · 807. Exchiunge. of bonds or obligatieus or epncellatkm ot obliggtions · net nutliorlsed. - _ " ‘— _' Z ' 808. Terugiiutiou ot Fauthority granted. , . _ ‘ S?9. Annual revert qt comuiiséiou; cqpies bt refunding agreements for » ,_Ce¤gress._ _ ‘ / , V e-

 cnoss REFEBEQNQEB . _

Bonds bearing eireinlitioiz privilege; see Title .1}. Postal-savings bonds; see chapter°20 pt Title 39. , Befuuding bonds.; see Title"12. I o hl I _ . Section 7311 Pqyuiept in eoi¤.—The iaith '0f_ the United- States is solemhb? pledged .t0 the puymentfin coin or its equivalent ¤:_a11 the obligatidusf of the United States not beating interest, known as United States notes, and 01 hl! the interestbearing obligatioueot me United States, except in eases where,

 the law authorizing the issue ,013 any such `cbligatious has ex- °

pressh; provided that the game may be paid in lawful money . or cthe: currency than gold 'aud silver.- But e_;wne_ jo? the ih- .__teréét—bea1?ing obligations u°6t alrehdy, due ·shhll be reg1ecm€d‘ ni paid before , maturity, unless at such time United States notes are eonvertibleiuto coin at? the'- option of the holder; or uuless atfsuch time -,b6nds ._o§f the United States bearing A blower rite of interest than the bondsfte be redeemed can be , eoldat parin-coin. (*R.` S. 5 3693.) · ·` · ·_ · , · ‘ 732. Interest; payment.-The Qecretary of the Treusi1;·y·shé11 _ cguse to be mid, out ot any money Lin the Treasury not other- ‘ wise appropriated, any interest-. falling due,Y0r accruing, one-any` · portiozrof the publie debt authorized byg law. (R. S. 3098.} ` 733. Same`; &nntieipptiqn.——The Secretary of the Treasury may anticipate the payment of interest .011 the public debt; by a ‘ period not eiceeding one year, from; time- to time, eithef with or Iwithoutn rebate 0t_ interest upou the coupons, as tb him may eeem eipedient.;_ end he is uuthorized to disposelof a11y_‘g0ld_in the Treasury of the United _Statee) riot necessary fdr the pay- gnent of interest of the public debt. The obligation to create - the- sinking fund shall riot, hbwevét, be impaired thereby. (ltsjdm.) 1 A “ ~. -

734. of cci¤.——The Seeyetnry ot the Treasury may

gurchue coin with day ot the bonds 'OY notes dt the United I States, authorlgedv by law, at such`rdtes.hud upon uch terms ` he he may deem most advantageous to the public interest. (R.S.$3700.) ‘·' _ Y _ _ 735. Destroyed bends; du§Hc•tes.—-Wl1enever,it appears to the Secretary ot the Treasury, by clear and, unequivocal proot, _thnt any iuterest;bearing.b0¤d of the Uxiited Stata without had iaith ‘up0ir the part qt the 0wner,· been destroyed, wholly or in part, or sic defaced as td impair its value to the owner, and such bond is identified by l number and dwcriptiom ' me Secretary bt the Treasury shall, under such regulations and with such restrictions an to` time end retention for 89(!U.1.'ltY"0Y. otherwise as he may `prescribe, iseue 0, duplicate thereof, hav? .— iu? the same ti-me to run; benriug like interest as thé`b0¤d sb proved to have been destroyed or defaced, and so marked as to show the original number pt the bond destroyed and thedate the1?eo`f.’ ~ But when sueh destroyed or detand bends appear to ~ have been of such a class or seriu as has been or may, before sueh application, be called in toixredemption, instead 01 imuing duplicntm theveef, they shall be Dlid. with sinch in¤ere¤fon.1y ° as would have been paid it they had been presented in nccdrde ance with such call. (R. _S. I 3702.), ’ _,

_ x g arm p·1NANos· 1021 7%. Sante; indeuinlty-fer.—The'owner ot such destroyed or defaced bond shall `surrender the same, or so much thereof as mayremain, and shall me in the·'1‘reasury a bond in a pennl y sum otfdouble the amount of the destroyed or deiaced bend, and théjnterest which would accrue thereon until the principnl becomesdue and payable, with two and sumcient suremie; r&ldents ot the United States, to be approved by the Secretary ot the Treasury, with conditionto indemnity and save harmless · the United States, from any claim upon such destroyed or . aerneeu bond.° (B. S. { 3703.) ‘_ . · - ° - · ` 737. Lost registered. bend; duplicate fudg-W&ver it is proved to the Secretary ot the Trmsury, by cla: andsatis-» factory evldenccythhtany duly remtcred bond oi the United smart, hearing tntnmt, an- valuable comweratton in pursuance of law, has been lost offlestroyed, so mat' the same is notgheld by any person as his own property, the Secretary shall issue a duplicate of such redstered bond, of like amount and bearing xtkeunterest and _¤irkeo. in the use manner as the bond so proved to be lost or dmroyed. (R. S. [8704.) ‘ -‘ 738. Sa1ae;.indendty· feng-#'1‘he owner of such mlglrrg bond shall ille in the Treasury a bondtu a penal equal to. the amount `or 1* such mlg¤lng bond, and- the lntuest wnnfn would accruejhcreon, untll ‘-the pri l thereof due and pnynnne, -%v1tn_ two good and sumdent nnredu, rennentg of thellnited States, to be apmoved by we Secretary of the Treasury, with condition; to indemnity save h the United States from any claim oi the lm or dwroyed

 (R. S. { 3706.) ~,` .·__ · » ” ‘

Q 739. Exchange of eoupu for boab.—Tbe Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to issue, upon such terms and under such regulations aa he may frm to time _ jnesenne, registered bonds in qenange an and an use nr any coupon tones which have bam or may belawfully lsmad; such

 tube slmllarln all rapecta to the regmered

`bonds issued under the Acts authorlalng the of thecoupon bonds oderediorexchange. ‘(R.. S. { 8708.) _ _ `

 Creditta olccrs for sto|q· aetea.-—¢When any omccr or

agent duly authorized_to'reecive, redeem, or cancel any Treasury notes issued by authority ot law, shall receive, orpay, any » Treasury note which has been previously received or redeemed .by nnyfomcer. or agenfhavlng·authority to receive cr. redew such note, and which has spNeqii@tly thereto been mrlolned and put into circulation, the Secretary. of the Treasury, upon full and satisfactory prooftbat the same has been received or .pald in good taithf and in tbeexercise ot ordinary prudence, may allow a credit for the amount ot such note, to the omcer or agent so receiving or payingtbe same. (R. S. $-8707.) . 7 741. Puréase •r of b•ad•.——The Secretary ot the Treasury may at anytime apply the surplus money rn the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or so much thereof as he may consider proper. the purchase or redmption of the United States bonds: Provided, That the bonds so or redeemed éhall constitute no parte! the sinking fund, but shall be canualed. (liar. 3, 1&1, c. 1${ I.1 H Stat. 457.) .742. Exemption from ta¤tl•¤.——hcept—•.s otherwise Drovided by law, all stocks, bonds, Treasury notes, and other obligations of the United States, shall be exempt from taxation by or under.State or munlclpalor local authority. (R. S. | 3701.) 743. Pamma Canal bonds to have rights and privileges of other bands.-—»The_2'per cent bonds ot the United States an- - thorlzed by section 8 of the Act ot June 28, 1902, chapter 1302, shall have all the rights and privileges accorded bylaw to other * 2 per cent bonds or the United States. (Dec. 21, ieos, c. 3. 7 { 1, 34 Stat. 5.)- .· . ” { 744. Redemption, payment, and exemption from taxes of { Panama Canal bonds.-¥-—Bonds issued under authority of section 8 of the Act of June 28, 1902 _(chapter 1302, Thlrtyrsecond Stat-