Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1050

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37 ‘ 1 1•11·LE 82.-——NA§ nmmzinition suitable to' the old revolyer theretcfere issued to said States, Territory, or District by the United States: Pro- ‘ vided, That the said standard pistols, liolsters, and `hpistol bar-

 boxes therefor shall be receipted fer and shall remain

the property of the `Uxiited States grid be annually aécouuted .` for by the governqrs et the States land. Territories alld the commending general of the Militia of the District of Columbia as new required bylaw, and that each_State,. Territory, mid Dis- / trict slmll,4011 `receipt of· the new pistols, . holsters, apd pistgl ·- cartridge lwxes. and ammunition, turn in to the Ordnance Depeirtxiient of the U1iited"`States Arin,y,.with_m1t·" recefvibg any -m¢mcy(creglit therefor and yvitllout expense for transportation, _ ell United States revolvers and anm1unit·idn t11Q1'€fo1‘,=° holsters. and i·e\:0lw*er cartridge iboxes now id its possession',. (Mgr. 3, 1911. 0209,236 Stat. 1057.) _ _ · » _ ," 37. Issue/ef Field Artillery métériek-·—The.$·eeretary of·\V211‘ iseutlxcrized, uugier such 1·égl1121tions‘as he 1m}y;preséribg=g_ qi1 the requisitions of. the‘e1ti16rs qi? the several ‘States Qaud ° Territories or the lr<immamliug`genera1·0f the N&tim1‘zil;_Gua_rd of the District bf Columbia-, to iesue Field Artillery nizltériel tq the National ',Gu::u·gl of-the several `Stateé.,··{1‘errit0rieS, and the _ Districft df Qelumblafbut to remain the property of the .U`illI€d States and to be accounted for in-themanner prescribed by law. (.Juue,5,·1920, c.- 240, 41 _Stat.‘973.) ‘ _ , ’ J . · _ · ‘ Y38. Sdpblyingnnd exclianging Infantry equipment'; requiql Siti*6B$.·—\V]l€D€V€‘Y in the oplhibu of the Secretary of War in suliicieut number of Infantry equipment, model of 1910, shall lmye procured and shall be zivaileiblefor the purpbsegbe %¤tetery· of-_,War is hereby authorized to issueon the i*eqqlsi= tion of the governors ot thirséverhl Statesiand Territories; or , - the commanding- general of the District_0f_ Columbia Na-tional Guard, such numbers thereof. ag are required fer equipping the National Guard in said States, Territ0rieé,· and the District et Columbia, without cherglng the cost or value thereof "or huy expenses connected therewith, against any `1lHOtIIl€11t8` to said States; Territories, er the District of Tfnlumbiaz Provided, That the equipment thus issued shell be receipted`-for and"`shal1 remain the property; dt the UnitedStates and be annually accounted fcr iu_ the rzimmer prescribed by, sectioh 49 of thistitle, and that each State, Territory, aud'the District of `Columbla. shall, upon receipt of new equipment, turn in tq the Ordnance Demrtmeizt of the United- States°Army, withdut receiving any dmexley credit therefor and without expense for transportation

0t Infm1¤·y‘equlpmeut now 'ii; its p0s$&sion, the property of the

United States, aud, replaced by articles dt the model of 1910 · equipment. (May.12, 1917, c. 12,,40 Stat. 68.) · . Q ` » 39. of mpplies, et¢.,._frcm_ Wir Department ;_ requisiti@ by Government gfter purchase.-·—·Auy State, Territory, or the Bietrict ot Columbia .may,_ with .°tb_e approval of the Seeremry of War, purchake ·for_ clash from the War Departanient (ora.thé‘ use ez the National Guard, ibcluding the 'oillcers - thereet, guy stéres, mnppliu, »matQrfel of war, and 'military publications fumlehed.$to.the Ariny, lu addition tofthose iseuéd ·umier`the provisions of this title, at the hrice afwhich they shall be 1isted,t0 the Army,”·with cost of transportation added. The funds received {rom spch sale shall be cr§edlted°` to the \nppropria_tic¤'t0 which they shall belong, shall not be, covered

 inte the •1·¤e¤em·y,· and shall be ‘avallable'l1¤til_expended to
 therewith the supplleg sold to. thq States in the inmmer

· herein authorized: Prmiided, That stores, supplies, and metéyiel of wer so. purclmsed bye State, Territory, or thel1)is- , ·t1’i(3t·0t Columbia may, in tirqe of actin! ot thl.’6%t€¤€d·`Wll1‘, t _ be requiétiened by the United States for use in the military ? . _¤ervice thereof, end when so reduieitimed by the United States ,» hndf delivered éreditior the l1l¢lm!}®_.T8t|1PH'0{ rpch prbperty

_ in kind slmll be allowed to. meh State, Territory, lor the Dl¤4

tfict of Columblm., (Jgme 3, 1916, c. 134, { SB, 39'Stat. 204.) _` ‘

TIQNAL 0041211 »· . _1036

 40, Pupelnaae of `animala with Nations] Guard fandsg

Funda allotted by the Secretary of Warefor the Support of me A National Guard shall be available. fof tue, purchase, under _ auch regulations aa the Secretary of- War may prescribe. or animals conforming) to the Regular Army étandatds for the A training' of the —Nation2rl_G_uard;»`said animal; toremain the .- property of the`United States and to be used solelytor military purposes; _The number of animals so `lsauetl shall not_oxc·»·¤q thirty-two for each battety of field artillery or troop of cav;.:l·y_ and a proportionate number for other mounted organlz:n-tim¤e_ undemgnefn regulations as l/Socgrétary of War may ;m.Q scribe; and the -Secretary:-of War is "further authorized m I issue, in lieu of purchase, for the training; ot such ox‘a:miz.l- _ tio`ns, condemned Army anignals which are no; longer 'iit ;‘·{p` service; _Iiuf_ ·wl1icl1 may be suitable for the purposes of instrxi~-U tion, spch animals to ·be_sold_ as provided. by law when `snm _ ·pu'rposea _5h`all have been seryed. _·(June 4.1920, ci 227, subclrapte1·`I,‘§ 45; 41 Stat. 783.) ·-a` '— _." -· '_ , _`42, Care of animals, armament, ·etc.—eFunda allotted by the Secretary of _War ·for the support ot the National Guard shall ‘ —j be :1vailsable.fol· the imrchaseand issue of forage, bedding, shoe-‘ - img, and veterinary services, andsupplles for the_Govex·nment i animals issued`to any otjganizatiom and for anlmalai owned m- hired bj· any State, Te;·rltory,‘District of Columbia, or National ` Gua;—u_0¤—gg¤¤1zation, uotfexceetllng the number of animals anthorized by Federal law for auch. organimtionand used .sol<·ly— ‘ for inilita1*y` purboses, and for the comnenaation ot competent l help for the. cat·e.oI. materiel. anlmnla. armament, and equip- » ment of organlaatioxfa of all kinds, tmder·such` regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe: Provided, That the men to be so compensated shall not exceed live for eaeh organiza-

  1. tion, except heav§ez·¥than·air squadrons, `for each otx which a_
‘ maximum of ten to be so compensated is hereby authorlzedf

A and shall, save aa otherwise provided in the` next succeeding proylso, vbedulj enlisted theteln and detailed by the organiza- _ . tion qqmmannder, and sliall be paid by the United`States disburs- 'lng officer lnjeuch State, 1‘erritory,_and the District ot Colum- = bla`: Provided further, whenever it shall be found Limpracticable to secure the. necessary competent. enlisted caretakers for the materiel, animals, armament; or equipment of T any organization from the-duly enlisted personnel thereof, `the_ · lotjganization `commandetj may employ one civilian wretaker

 therefor who shall be entitled to auch compensation as may be ·

» tlxedléy the Secretary of War; (June 6, 1924, e. 275, 5 5, 43 · .Stat._471.‘) _ * · _ ; ‘ . · . " ‘ _ 43. Withdrawal of Coaatf Artillery equipment in emergency.-»In time of war,_or·tl;reatened war, materiel. equipment} . books, of instruction, range tlndeirs, and tire-contr<»lzeq11l;>ment l .`Dtl1°ChKSOd·fo1‘ the infstruction and use ot State Coast `Artillery r . organizations `-may, in tlao discretlo1i_ of the Secretary of~·· . War, be withdrawn from armorlea opotlnei plucea where it. ia in use by the State Coast Artillery orédnizations, and may e be used in the fortifications of the United Statw. `(Mar, `Q3, · » 1 10,`c. 115, 36.Stat. 261.) · `_ _ · `. ~ - T44. Isauc of clothing equipment, 'etc.———¥The Secretary of » \ ’ar labereby directed to issue from surplus or`reserve__atores , and materiel oulland andqiurelmased for the United States V _ Army such articles ot clothing and equipment and Field Antil- · lery, Engineer; and Signal materiel and ammunition as-ma& be. . needed. by the National.Guard organized undci the_provisionS` · of this title] This issue ahall be made without charge against. , ·ml1itia. appropriations. except for actual expenses element to V auch laaue.` ° (Feb. I2,_19f25, c. 2%, _Tltle I, 43_Stat. 921.) " 3 l _ 45. Proceedapf aalea of ·¢o¤demxi'ed_stoi·ea.——The net pro- . ·‘ ot the sale of condemned stores leaned to the National I Guard and no-tcharged to State allotments shall be_covered into the Tl’6IS\11']_0I. the United States, aa` ahall also stoppazea
