Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1063

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1049 TITLE 33.·-NAVlG,ATl’!UN AN m' me .St¤te of Texas. known as the Port Arthur Ship Canal, together with. a valid title to the turning busm as P existing Jgly 19, 1906, and to the artificial slip on which the q lumber dock olthe Port Arthqr Camel and Dock Company is c built, the said waterways shall theteupoh become free public Xb waters of the United States, and be subject to the laws tf ¢·u:¤·ted by Congress for the maintenance, preséryation, pro- s ,,,_.,go1i, end regulation of m;1vi;.;s.ble waters: Pro-vided, That B the vompany or corporstiou conveying title to said catml I e§ aforesaid shsllslso convey to the United Ststes, free of s .·.·st, the fee te a strip ot lend oqe hundred and ilfty feet _; “—id.· along the Westerly jmargin of the canal, except that 3 wlwe the right ot way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Com-. puny prevents the trdnsfer ot suchstrip of land along the t m»sm·lj7 margin of said canal there shall he conveyed shch .t (strip on the easterly margin thereof as may benectessary to t -.— ‘ make- up such one hui1dred_a¤<l fifty feet of widQ¤_,".·with the. ( I`£‘:~.t‘I`VIIti•‘)fl that.untiI_.C¢¤ngress-shall lxaveauthorized and pi•6·‘- E vided {er the enlergeuient and widening of sold canal the ( sum —coni1,p.·zny or corporition, its successors or, assigns, shall t lmve the right to control, occupy. and use thevsaid strip of ·( ` land and every part thereof in the._same mam1er.snd,to-the ( same extent as before the execution and delivery of the cop-- meysmze, dud also the right to transfer,. lease, sell, quitcluim, { ior otherwise dispom of said propertyjnd every part thereof; _ subject to the grant made to the United. States. The charges { mr the use of suiddoclts and wharves shall be just and teason; ·, zzhle and shall not be greater than charges for Simi-Ihr services ' I at other ports of the` United States on the Gulf of Mexico. ‘-E (.lune‘1$), 1906,0. 3436,5 1, 34 Stat. 302.)- _ —_ \\"A’1‘ERS DIMLARED NONNAV_IGABLEl; CHANGE, OF- ¢ · TNAME _ s __ ’ 4 "21[Bayou Cocodrie, Louisiana.--13:1you Cocodrle, from its, 1 ¢;<sllIl’(f€ to its junstion with Bayou Chicot, iu, the State of .L·»uisisna, lsdeclsrcd to be not a_ xiavigable`_`water of, the { Tufted States vyithln the meaningot the laws `engcted’7·by~ " lane Congress for the preservation and protection.ot such I esters. The right, to alter, amend, or repesl this section is 1* hea·4·l»y oxprmsly reservx. (Feb. 25, -1921, k:. 71, SI 1-—·2, 41 Stat. 1145.) = -  » 22. Bayoia Moto, Ark•ns•s.—Tlxe Bayou Meto, ln the State ‘ of Arkansas, la declared to bds nonnnvlgable stream within the I enmulng of the Constitution gn_d laws of the United States. ' (Aug. 8, 1917, c. 49,—§ 18, 4Q Stat. 268.) ~ “ . · . ’ ' ` 23. Bear Creek, Mississippi.--rBeur Creek - in Humphreys. , Lvllore, wd Sundower Counties, ln the State of Mississippi, is · eeelznred ~to be h uonuavlgsble stream within the hnesnlug of 7 the tjoustltutiou and the laws of the United States. The right 4 ei Congress to alter, amend, or repeal this section is hereby ~ expressly reserved. (Mar. 3,.1923, c. 229, §§ .1-T2, 42 Stat. ` 1442.) - ’ -. · ‘ , Q · _ 24. Big Tgrkio River, Miuem·i.———;-The Big Tsrklo River, in. the eounties of Holt sud 4tchison, in the State of Missouri, is - _ qeclared to lmlnot a. navigable water of the United States S within the meshing ot the laws enacted? by O0 - for the i'•r<»sorvation land epgotection et such waters. The fight to alter, atixeod, or repeal this section is hereby expressly reserved. (Feb. 15, 1910, c. 33, { 2. 36 Stat. 194.) " . 25. Cache River, l\rkmsn.·~···-·'1’he Cache River ln the State , ot Arkansas is declséed ‘ to he a' poungylgable stream ewithln the mezmlugot the Constitution and laws of the United States. This proivision shall become` void site; one year from July 27, 1916, nuless within said period the Leglslsture of Arkansas shall `paes in act expressly`s.pprovlng this.Aeels*mtion. The right of the to alter,¤d, or repeal, this paregréph is hereby expressly reserved. (July 27, 1916, c. @0, § 1, 39 Stat. 399.) · ‘ . _ · _

1.) NAVIGAULE § 29 no 26. Calumet River, Cook County, Illinois, old chnnnel.·——The ertion of the old ehnnnel of the Calumet River in the north unrter lot fractional section 7, township 37 north, range 15, ust of the! third .principul'_;neri<lian, south of the Indian punndary line, in Cook County, Illinois, which lies outside of he new C¥1{11lI1€l.1illl}S'8S. estnblished by the United States and hown on "map· of the Calumet River, Illinois, from Lake riichigan- to Calumet Lake, to accompany report of W. G. Ewing, United States` attorney, to the Attorney General, repeetiug cession of right of way for improvement of said river, mder Act of Congresé approved July 5, 1884,"‘ is abandoned ls nevigeble·water.· (Feb.`27, 1915,_c.”68, 38 Stnt._d817.) 27 Chicago River at=Chicago, Illinois.—+All of that/portion of he West Fork of- the*South Braneh offthe Chicago River in he county of; Cook and State of Illinois, extending west from he _Wesfline of the collateral lchziixnel of the sanitary district >f Chicago, in the northwest_e;l1arter ot seetien 36, township R9 north, range 13 east of the th_lrd principal meridian, is leclaired to. be a_nunna#lgahle·‘strenm within the meaning ot ihe Constitution and laws of the -United.St21tes. The right of Qfongress .t0 alter, amend, or repeal this provision is hereby expressly reserved. . _ ' [ 0 , -· ¤- The provisions of sections 401 and 402_ot chapter 9 of this zitle shall not apply. to that portion of the West arm of the South Fork of the South Branbh of the Chicago River, lying xetween the east line of Ashland Avenee and the north line of Fhlrty-ninth "Street', in the city of Chicago, Illinois, ns the 1eme'»now existé nor may hereafter be extended. All rights; mthority, or control over that part of th6_Chi€§lg0 River possessed or assumed-\ by, the United States hre. hereby relinlnlshedmud abandoned, and hall rights, euthority, or control wer the same that were possessed by the State of Illinois-nre Enlly restored to said·State. . ·. ` As, soon as the city of Chicago, or any other gorernmentul K agency or any corporation thereunto duly ntxthorized ·by_ the Secretary of Warp shall have cdnstrneted, after Jnne 7, 1924, a new channel for the South Branch et the Chicago River be~ tween- Went Polki Street and Wmt. Nineteenth Street in snid city of Chieago, then, and in thet event, so rough ot thechnnhel of he‘South Branch of the Chicago River as shall besnperseded . _ replaced by said new channel ln' accordance with the ` permit of e Secretary of ‘Wnr shall be dlseentiuued and elimdoned. (Jn, . , 19%, c.a33, 55 1--2, 42 Stet. 1171: Feb. 27, 1923. ri. 142, 42 Stat. ;·June 7,1924, c. 33%, 51:3 Start. 948.) " 28. Crain Rive eld channel at month, Delaware Bayq-- Aiter the channel of the’Grnm _River where the same empties lnto the Dele` River hse been changed, diverted; and straightened nnder the authority given to Alba. `B. Johnson and Samuel `M; Vaucluintand the Baldwin Locomotive `Worke by Act July “27, 1916, chapter 260, the enld Crum River, esee straightened, shall be u public navigable stream, end the course and channel of the xenld river, as-‘it existed Jnly 27, 1916, from the right of way ot l5h6'P§u&§}(·!l[lhl8 end Reading Railway Company to the low·water line lxithe Delaware River shall be abandoned and vacated when the nboveenentlened new channel shell have been completed to e depth of tour feet at xnenn low water, with ·n bottom widthlot slxty-two feet and width of one hundred feet at mean lowwreter level: Provigleq, Thet the Government shall here euch right, tltle, and interest lnlan 0 tb bed of snld' new channel as will essure the public the»rl ne perpetual use ot `mld channel for all the purposes of navigation and commerce. . (Jnly"27, 1916, e. 200,`§ 1. 39 Stat. @3.) # _ ‘ —29.- Qnivre River, Mieeenri.———~Onivre River, ln the counties of Lincolnrend Saint Charles. ln the State ot· Missouri, being the dividing line, is hereby declared not”to be a navigable stream, end shall beeso trented by the Secretary} of War and ajliother putheritles. (Eder. 23, 1900, k:. S8, 31 Stat. 50.)