Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1069

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r‘ ______;__;__ * , TITLB `S8.-—NAPQIGATION 4N} fc4. Steam v&ls cresaiag.->Art.- 19.——When two steam res- l ` eels are crossing so as. .to` inioive rish of collision, the vessel ar °whiCh has the otheron her own starheard hide shall keep out of, ru W me way of the·bt!1¢1‘· (Aux. 19.-1896, c. 802, § 1; 26 Sp;. rm . IIT: . ·' — · Y `V · . ‘3 1025. Steam. and railing `vesscls meeting-—Art. 20.-—Wheu Ja St -* o sivzklll vessel and ¤-‘¤¤i¤i¤s »ye¤hS¤1" are rrovaediuz in such ~<1$rec5 I fions as to involve _ rjsk ot collision, {rhe swam vessel ahall M V ,;m·;, out or the way of `the sailing yessel, (Aug, 19, 1@0, o; SU], 1, · . { l _ .. ‘ ws. Vged having right of way t• `keep eouree.¤—Art. z1;-— N wnero. by ga? vf these rules; has qt _ two {genesis is to keep out of the way the other shall keeg her and speed. . ; Nom-——\Vhen, in- couéequence of -thi¢t· weather or other wages, such ressel finds herself Sb close that collisioin can not. N be m·oided· by the action of the giving-why vessel alone, she on also shall take} auch notion as will best·‘aid to were collision. m (see articles 27 and 29.) '(Ilay 28,*1@4, c. 83, 28 Stat. 83;); p; R10'!. Crossing- ahead of vessel having right of way.—Art. b4 . 22.——Every vessel which is directed by-theée runes to keep out S; uf the way of mother vase! shall, it the circumstsuiéés ot the 2( case admit, avoid shud of the-E other. (Au:. 19, 1890, ,e.S4»2,§1,%St.nt.327.) 7 _ .I . I R 108. Duty of steanveasel to slaéken speed.·——Ar¢. 23.-—Every Swann vessel which ladirected by these- rules to keeplout of ,- _"me way of another v@l‘ ·shall, on approaching hor, it neces- N gary, élackea her weed or élop or reverse. (Aug. 19, _1»890, jc. Si 802, 51, 2£ Stat. 321.) ‘  » . -` · I . __ ·m 199. Ovetawg vcsicl to keep cu! of the way.; deinition of 1; “0verta&g v¤¤d."·-—¥—Art. 24.-·N0tYvithstanding anything con- ‘ tamed la these rules every vessel; overtaking any other, shall keep out of the waylot 'the overtaken vessel. ·. _ _ _ Every £·uwl__c0mir1g‘up with another vessel from any dj- ‘“ m;1;iou·m0¤e'tban two points abaft ber beam, that is, iu, shch . a positionfivith reference tof the vésael which she is.overtakin‘g` lim; at nightahe would be duable to see either of that vessefs ~ Sl side lights, shall be deemed to be axraycrfakiag vessel; and no é* subaequeat alteration of the hearth: between the.· two vessel! shall make the 0V¢f'#8ki§§_V&§€l a crmslng vessel within the mmniug ot these rules, or relieve her ot the duty of keep- al lag clwr ot the overtaken vwsel until she is dxgally past and clear, . ·‘,  » _ " _· I As by day the os{ertakl¤g·vessel can not alvrays know with. ‘ certainty whether she. la forward ot or abair this direction b' from the other vessel she should, if in doubt; assume that ° she is an overtaking vemel and keep out dt the way.i:"(£\1g. · 19, 1890, c. $(2, { 1, 26 Stat. 327.) if . . ‘ " 1101. Steam vessel in narrow, channel.-~·Art. 25.-—·ln mmjow . cba¤uels.'every.I steam vessel shall; when it is safe`·ai1d prac- 8 » ticahle, keepto 'thdt side of thefalrway or mid-éhauhel which lies on me starboard aide of such ve&el. _ (Aug. 19, 1890, -c. °] 802. { 1, M Stag:. 321.) · ~ · . 111; Right of way of léiag vuselsor mts; ohotruétion of d fairway.-—-Art. 26.-—-Sailing vessels under way ahalrkeep out ot the way oi salling rwsela apr boats hashing with nets, or lines, ( V or trawla, -!1.‘his rule shall not give to any vésael or boat C engaged in Mblug the right oi! obstructing a fairway luaed3 by - " ve.sse1a' other than Asking vessels ·or‘ b0at¤.· (Aug. QQ, 1890,_`c. 802,$1,2§Stat.3Z1.) , l~` · ‘. ‘H2. Special circunstnaoes requiring devarture from rules.-4-, s Ar;. 27.-—·»In obeylm and constrain these rules due regard shall 1* be had to all dangers at gravigationl aud colllgion, and to any Special ctrcumataxw whleh may reader .a deqarture from the 1] above; · mlm nacwaary in order to' avoid immediate danger. {Aug. 19, IQO, c. $@2,1..1, 26`827l) ‘ a " 1* 113. Send nigualahf aimm. vessel indicating eauraw-—.4•·t. 25.——-'fhejwords ·"ehort blast" used in this article ahall uiéan 1, ad bias; ot about one seconds duration, ‘ · is

0 NAVIGABLE wnrnzas §* 141 ’When vessels .areiM${§l`gl$“t"i5f"6?`n`e"`§n`o”th`er;; xder way. in taking any course authorized or required by these des, shall indicate that ·eourse,by the following- signals -0n’ er whistle or siren, namely: I/A ‘ . _ ` One short blast to rnean,. {*1 am directing my course to arboard." _ ’ . '·· . - "' Tvvo short blasts to n1ean;,‘_" Lam directing rny course to >i·t."‘ ·· .· _· _- .. · , r Three short blasts to mean, ‘b‘ My_’enginm·are· going at full reed asteru.Y" (Aug. 19, 1890, c. 802, S 1, 26 Stat,328.) ` O VESSEL, UNDER ANY OIRQUH8TANCES,‘TO NEGLEGT ~ · iw PRQPER PRECAUTIONS ' 121. Additional precautions reeuired generally.-—·Art. 29.-- othing in these rulw shall exonerate any vésel, or theowner. ? master or crew thereof, Jlroni the conswuenees ot any aglect to carry lights or signals, or ot any neglect to keep a ` roper lookout, 'or of the neglect. ot any prwmion which may __ {required by the ordinary_. practice, ot, seamen, or by the rectal clrcurnstanc& of the' case. _ (Aug. 19, 1896, c. 802, $‘ 1, _ gsm. 328.)* — ‘ _' 5 ‘ . I IGSERVATION on RULES FOR HARBGRS AND INLAND ‘ ‘ -_ _ » -NAVIGATION — A 131.* Local rules for harboraand ialand·1ratera.—Art. 30.4- Nothing in these rules shall lntertere with tm operation or a eeciale `rule, duly ‘made by local authority, relative to the — avigation of any harbor, river, or inland waters. . (Ang. 19, 390, c. 802, j 1, 26 Stat. 328.) _ A _ ‘ .


141.‘Dlstreaa signals in daitime and at night.~—-Art._—81.——·— fhen a vessel is ‘ in distress and requires assistance from_ ther- vessels or from the shore the tollowlngshall be the oguaxs to be used or disdlayed by her, either together or » aparately,. namely; · · .3 I In_ the day time-- _ (_ - _ A g Firsf. A gun or outer. explosive signal flred"at· intervals of boutarnlnute. I ` Second. The international code `slgnal of distress indicated Third. The . distance signal, consisting _ of · a' square ltlag, avlng etther above or below lt a ball or anything resmbllng ball'! · .· _- - ’ _ _ Fourth. A contlnous sounding with any Qg-signal apparatus. aznlgllc-.__ ‘ . _` S`- — ` First. A gun or other explosive signal Bred at intervals of bouta minute. —' . _` . _ Second. Flames on the vessel (as> from a burning tar barrel, ll barrel, and sojorth.) ·· ; · _ ·_ ‘ ` Third. Rockets or shells hxrowlng etara. of any color or eserlption, nred one at a time, at- short intervals. _ Fourth. A continuous sounding vrlth any togslgnal atiparatus. ` May 28, 1894, ,c. 83, 28 Stat. 82.) 5 · ‘ ' lhapter 8;-NAVIGATIQN RULES FOR HARBOBS» RIV·" ERS. AND INLAND ··WATEBS GENERALLY. l . PRELIMINARY ’ ` 51. Demareation ot hlglr seas lines. 52. Regulation of length of tovv lines. 58. Penalty‘for use oi unlawful tow llneaf · ~ ’ 54. Adoptioneot rule! for navigation ot harbors, rivers, and inland · waters. _ . ‘ . t ·¢_ , _ 55. “Sailing vesael," " steam .vesael,*’ and " under way" deflned. 58. “V.lalb!e‘° aa a;ii>lled_' to lights dednedl _ .· ·. ‘ 57. Speclal ruler by lnapectora, etc.; ot steam vessels authorised. 58. `Pwalty for vlelationaby pilot, engineer, mate, or master. 59. Penalty for violations by ·