Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1071

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1 (~Tj:"*g,%Q-.~M,W:_ ,¥>_.;__ TITLE ·.$3.-·1YAV]GATION A A 172, Lighti Gt 8@¢¤¤\ Y®¢V\l¤d¢1' W8Y.7·—·Afji.' steam ,g ww.; when under way shall carry- ‘ . _ __ · gi

(3; On 4;:- in front ct the toremast, cr, it g v¤sse1__vgmmm: 1;

3 {urezziast, the¤§§¤ the fvfé bf the_vcss¢1;’ {bright; whim q 3 gm so ’(i01¥ Stl'UCt€d is to show Qu- unbrqken ulight over an gr; jj z' m` me horizxm of twenty points ot the compass, ‘so‘·§xed aq, to n {'§§I'0\V our ct me ’V€S$Ql, B&·m€1y, fz;·::1_right ahead to two points abutt the beam on eitheri side, s aim; of such a_ chara¢:t;cx; as to bcwisble at `a distgnce of gt '·0

.=}¤-Qt five milésl · {S __·' . ° \ ; __ li

.Qb)` On thegtarbcard side a greed Hgh; so constructed as g m shmv zmgunbmkcu Hgh; over qq su‘c_0f the hcrizonpt pan r

 my at the cémpam; so Bxed sslto thrqw  the'Iight‘tmm right  (

uizvad t0· twdpciufs abqftthe beam'0n`t.he starboard sidg, angi —· ·m‘ such u chnnctet asm be visible at _• distance of at least U ” two miles.; ` _ . `·.· _ r . _ _ 8 (c) Ou the port side a red_ 1i§`ht‘s0.·c0nstructei1 as @0 sb0w_ if im unbroken light éver an arc.0"f·t.heg horizqn ·0fte;1.p¤ints bt g ~mc°mmpi¤¤, an Hxed as to throw the light from right ahead ps ma pqintsgbaft the bean on {the port siqe, and ot such_ s 5 mamcter as to be viihigat 1 diétancc of at least two· miles. I _ (d)_’1‘be said green and réd side lights shall pe iittcd with _` . snboaml screens pijojectging at léqst tlujee {gist forward {rpm Qge E iight, séyus tc _`pmvcut mhesg. lights from- being saga across ( the bow,. _ - 'I ‘ Ii (e) A seagoinig sfegm vesgclwhen under way` may`¢arry ah. ruyiitiouai `white -1ight_ lgimilhr in construction -t0 the light ·t · memiauedv in ,¢s¤hdiv1siou* (1). — ‘ ‘ ‘ l ’_ These" 'twot lights shall b¢Q so 'placed Ln fine with the keel amt one shall be nt. least Hffeen feet higher_ than the other, 1 and ii: such a gécsition. wijzh refeterice t0__ gach other that the lmver iight shall be forward of the hixpper one; The vertical. yiigtaxgce bctweeta these lights étmli belcss than the h0ri;0n¤1l_ ; distaxace,. · . _ —_ ‘ _ · _ · (4; All steam wggésselsf (except seagbiug vessels and ferry- ·° ·¥·<·:ms) shall carry,` in addition to green and redlights re-· Y mriresi bx‘¤r&ic1e,2 tb), ic), and screens as”requii·ed by amen ' 2 (d), 'a__ce¤tml* range of two white Mghts, _ the, aftzrlight ming carried at an elevation at · leiétf ufteen fmt above " the iight at théhcsd of the vessel. 'I’1£e.·hcudiight shall be so 1 <·<•u¤tx·qcted as ·sh0w an · uubrqkcn lighi ; through Itweillty · wi:-ats of thegccmpszss, zmauiely;-rom; right ahead to twb"puj.hts‘ ' umft the beam on qittier side ct thewessel, arid the aftcrlight. ‘ .>=0 as tc show uu awubd. me horizon. (Jima -7, _1897, c. 4,_ T 173. Iigys of vessel towing anothuf véud ·0r ,Vcséels.#-w ' AN? 8.-—-A steam mad when towing auoihm vessel slgaili, in I udditimn tb héé mejights, mrry two brigh$· white lwhté id a ' v¢;x·t.i0uI lima one omf the lothér, not lws thd;1. feet apart, duid when mwixm ·m0m thu one vasset sh§ll·chi·ry an gddi-` ' xgemzal bright white light . thmq feet above " or below such » Iixzlits, if the ipcugth of- the tow mcas¤Cring_ from the stem`_o£ * me mwing ·V€23sél m_ the -St€_m of the lm vmcl towed exceeds · six liqmired ject, Buch of lights be bf tha same construction- mail 'charactcr, gud Shall bb in, the same- ‘ position as the whité‘11g§1t·me1;ti011e<1.i1§ articlej2 (0.) or the z sitter yama light mentioyxed in article'? (fl. ‘· . _ ‘ Such steam ve-and msy’c:3.r ry a snail white light shaft tixé funnel cr a{mrums£—fm· the vessel ·t,0w©d—— to by; but suxshi »-iiisht shall rmi bé visible forward ot the bwm. »(J•.me 7,'_1897, ,c.4,§1,30Btat;97,)  »· _ .· 17I. Lights af sailing nad under wei ¤;·`i¤ ici.--—QArt, 5.-- A wjling vesmel. made; way or -bciug'mzwéd shqll carry the same Hghthl as am·‘ pawcribed by article 2 fc; A steam- vessel. xmdar my, with tb; nmeptiqu of the white lights mentioned thexeiu, yhich they thali never arr}. » (Juua 7 , 1@‘l, c. 4, E 1, 30 ·8$¤t.91.)‘ _ I _ E 1 jj ” ·. ._ 175. Lights. of endl wma! under way in had wésihcr.-· Art; 6.———·Whenevea·, as in theléaseot vessels ot lea` than teh 86270*-—-—-2G————q67 ’ ·

11 ~1v4v1eABLE` 'wArERs` §[ 178 _ mss tons under vrayhduring bad.- weather, the gree§JV`a—ai1” red ide , ’lights can not be fixed, theeei lights shall be kept at mid, lighted, and ready· fer uae, and shall, on the approach I ~0r» to other vessels, be exhibited eu their respective sides

1 sutheleht time to prevent collision, in sr1ch'maxmer' as te.

aake them- most visible and so that the green light shall not ·e seen on. 4 the pert side nor the red light on the starboard ide, ner, if practicable, more than ‘twe points abaft the beam an their respective giclee. ;'1'0 eeake the use of these_p0rtab1e 1. ightsmore certai1r and 6997, the lanterhs eeutainlng them shall aeli be painted outside with the ecler df the light they espectirely contain and shall be provided with proper screens. ·‘ June}, 1897, e. 4; S 1, $0 Stat. 97.) ‘ ° ‘_ _ 176; Lights of rewb9ats.——4rt. 7.-Rowing boats, whether . mder ears or sail, shall ‘nave.mauy at hand a lantern showing L white light whieh shall be` temperarily ’ exhibited in su&- rient time to breveht collision, (June 7, 189*7,1:, 4, 5 1, 30 Stat. r8.).F Z · , _ = ‘ ., -. · · t 177. Lights of pilet v»l on and el! duty; steam pilet ven- . le}?-e-Art. }SQ—Pi10t vessels when engaged on their __ station cm Hlotagé duty ishall not shew the lights requjred for other zessels but shall 'carry `a white lightfnt the masthead, visible rll around the horizon, and shall also exhibita Bareup lightar ‘i1are·up`lights at short Intervals, which] shall never exceed _ _. ifteeh mfnutes; i ._ _ Z . { \` '0n_ the hear appreaeh dt er to other vessels they shall have

helr` sidelights lighted, _ ready for use, and shall Hash er'

ahow themtat short irxtervals,.te indicate the directieain which

hey are heading, but the green light shall net be shown eu

ihe port side ner the red light on the starboard slde._ _ ‘ A pilot jmsel bf `shch a class ·as te be ehligeduito ge alongside of at Vessel to `put a pilot on heard.may* showthe white iight lnséad dtparrying `it at the masthead, and may, instead at the cdlored lights above mentioned, have at ghand, ready fer use, a lantern witha green. glass on the one side and a red_ glues 011·_the·ether,· to beused as prescribed above. . Pilbt vessels, wher; not engaged on their station. en plletage duty, shall carry lights similar to those of other vessels of their tonnage. ~_ ‘ !_ · _ _` ‘ _ QA steam pilot vessel, when engaged eu her station ea pilntage duty and in waters of the 'United States, and net at anchor, shall, in addition td the lights requjred fer all pilet beats, ~,

 nz a distance of eight feetbelew her white masthead

light a, red. light, visible all around the herliea and tot such 3 n character as td be ·visible·0n at dark aight with*a clear atmosphere at a distance ·0I‘at least twe miles, and a.le0‘the· colored side lights required. to be carried by vessels when under way. ·~ When engaged en her station eh piletage duty and ih waters ~ ` of the United States, andat anchor, she shall carry in addition t0¤the· lights required ter all piletheats the red light above mentioned, but inet the c0l0red·_sjde lights;. .· · _ Whenu not engaged oa her statieh on_pi1etage`d_uty; she shall carry the Same lights as other steam vessels. (June 7, 1897, c. j4, 5 1, 30 Stat. 98; Feb. 19, 1900, e..22, §- 1, 31 Stat.”30.)_ _ ‘178. Lights of Selling yessels; rafts and unseeeitied eraree- Art. 9.1-——··(a) Fishing vessels of leas ·tha¤_ten gress tens, when under viray and when not having theiraets, trawls, dredges. or Lines in the watertshall ¤et·he required to carry the cetered side lights ; but every euéh iessel shall, in lieu-thereof, have ready at hand a lantern with a gree11'g·luss en one side and a red glass on the ether side, and en- approaching to erbeieg apprbaehetl by {U1-* ether sveseel such lahtera shall be exhibited in euiheient time to prevent cellislerhrso that the green light shalt not be seen on the port side mar the red light qt} the starlmaxrd sidef. ` ’ (b) tasking vessels a11d·¢rlshiag_beats ot tee gross `tous or upward, when under way and when not lxaving thtttf nets, "trawls, dredées, or lines in the water, shallxcarry and show the' same lights as other vessels duader way. ‘