Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1086

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lx \ · kl I- _ \* , . _. § 433i Tubs 83.—N.1!VIGA mow ..4 (a) {Hee term} oil" means oil of any kind or hi any form, ·im;1udi};g tuelfoil, oil sludge,. and vii 1‘€i°\i¤¢$ _ __ Q l " l {hr) The term " person " means an individual,) parthorship, corporhtion, or association; any owper, 'master, oEcer or employéé of a_ v,sscl_; and any officer} agent, or employgac of the U¤lted.Stgtes; · - · t __ l ~ _ ‘ (c)"'1‘hé térxii *‘é0nstal_ navigable waters of . the _United_» States"’ megns a11‘p¤rt10¤S`qr—°¢1le- Sea within the territorial, jurisdiction of the United States, and, all iulanii watenjs pavigable in fact in which the tide ebbs and dows.; l _ ¤ ,(d) The -te1im “Sec1*étary" meims the !Sec}`etary 'oi'· War. (June 7, 1924, c`. 316,_‘§ ·2,-43 Stat, 604.)_ . It . . _ » · Pgohibition agaiustdischargc of oil generally.—-—Excep‘t in case =of emergency impériliug llfo or property, or unawioidfable accident, collision, _01' strgudiug, aiid gxccpt `as othépvise permitted by regulatioug prescxflbedby the Secpetayy as hereinafter int this chapter, seétious 434 to_,.437, luélusive, authorized., · it shall be urgluwfixl forhmany D1l`S\1§Bl‘,"01'- permif they diécluirge ot oil byany method, means, og mamiér ihtolor upon the coastal havigable yvutcm of the United, States from any vessel uéiug oil as ifuel for tho generation of proplulsion power, or any vessel E:a;·1:y§ng’ox·..having oil thereon in excess of that·essa1?y for its lubricating requirements and awk sslmay be required uhdqr thejqws ot the Uultgd States and the rulcs`.a11#d regulations proscribed .thereuuder_. ° The

 Secretary is authorized and empowered to preécribe regulatiohs O

permitting the dischargé ot oil fl‘0lD_V&8S01S·iD such quantities, uadcr such xxmditions, and qt such times hud {Shoes asyin his opinion will not bé deleterious to hehlth or sea — food, or a _men4ce to navigation, or da11g§eroug;Qt0 persons "ot property engaged ill, commerce on- such waters, and for. the loading, handling, and unloading of oilj (June 7, 1924, c. 316, §_3, 43 Sm..00:s.) ·.· _ l ·~, .; _ . _ _ ’ 43·@,'1'ca1alti¢s for violations; llability of vessel.-7Any person ’ cs of pgseconray` _- » scribed in pursuance the:eof,? is guilty ofa misdemeanor, xmkf `_ upon conviction shall- be pulilshcd by ,a Hue quot exceeding

 iwr lcsé than $500, 0: by,~lD1Pl‘iS0i1Hl¢llt not excccdingom: you- horlcss than thirty days, or by both such flnc__and

im;3rlsoumcut,·to; each olfehsé. _· my vessel (étherthan a vessel owned, ahdopcrated by the Unitéd, States) from which oil i8'dlS(1h£l‘gGd ln_`violati01f of tho preceding Seccxan,/or any · regulation prescribed iu? pursuance thereof, shil1_be liable tor the pocuuig ry Iwnalty spéclied in this; section, nucl .cloar§x1ée. A of such €·q.ssel from "fport of the United States maybe withheld ‘ ’ uutlllhé penalty is and said penalty shall constitute d li¢1l__{m auch, which may be recovered in proceedings. by .· — »libé1j§‘reQ ln·the.district court of the United States for any dlstrlctwithin xyhich th¢‘_vcssel'may be. (June 7,1924, c. 316, §4,438tat,606L)__ _ '· _ ~ . t _ · Revocation ;or_ s¤spémi@ of lioemncyof 0&ccrs” of"`

 v¢qe1s.——y——·A boom ot   l ¤¤P<*¢t¤1:s. of vmweli ma: ,

`subject _ to tho provislohs‘ of section 239 of Title Shipping and of motions 431 ’t0 434, jiwluslve, of Title 48, Shipplxi , quspcxad or revoke a. license issued by nnyyuch board to the muster oi- 'otlxor licensed 0@cm· ° oi any vmal fo{1lld_' violating y the provisions of section 433 of this chapm. [( 7, 1924,, lc. sim, NS os, Sm. ‘, ` - _ · _ 436, Personml for éuforccment of provisions; drrest of E ofozsdors md- préo¢d\£:c,—·-—I1i. the admlnistmtlou `ot this chap-X ter, sections 431},0 437, inclusive, the Secretary may malta imo oi the orgauization, equipment, gud l ngeuélei, lmludini ·en—‘ glueerlng, olerlégl, &I1d'0thE1* personnel,. mplowm wee:. his; direction in the lmprovemght of rlvart and hubors, i¤— tlpgenxorcomout ot laws for tho prwervntion ami motectlou at navigable waters. And for the — better eufo1·¢ement' [ot the provisions of the ‘sald;séctt0x.1a, the ohcors uid agents °of tho.

.AiD .ZtlAVIG,4BLE TYATER8 1072 i { United States in charge of river and harbor Ilmpgovsmmts l and the assistant cngimers and ·-i¤$Dé¢t0i'8 ‘cn1pl0yed·m,,;é,i I them by authority of the SQCIBUYY, and 0$¢€1’8 of, the Customs and Coast Guard of the limited States,. shall hug mwé,. {md authority and it shall be their duty to swmr out 'moccsé, and to arrwtn andtake into custody, _With¤or‘without I}]'0c_' ess, any person "vyho may violate. any of said —provigio¤S; pm v£de&,__ That no person shall be Without process. itu a violation uolfcommltted. in the»·pr@ence og wml, mm og the aforesaid omcialszripd provided fnffkér, il‘i··it· whenever .-any arrest is madeundergthe provmom ot the said, sections me person- so arrested shall be brought forthwith before ra ccim. missionentjudge, m- court ot the United Statcrfor exami¤;m1,,, 'ot the 'oftenscs alleged against him; and énch Qvmmissionmg judge, pr courtjshall ptoéeedtill 88 authorized < _ ._by law in] cases of crime? against the United States. (Junsi ' L7, 1924. @316.} T.»$ $*4*5- W5-) . , _ . .- - 431. Other statntésfer prmrvstim an protection of navi; gable winters unadcetedr-Séctiens 431 to 4%, inclnsire, of this bhapter; shall. be in addition to“ the lavvs·‘e,xl$ln: - prior to June 7, 1924, for the preservationand protection of narlgahle waters and shall not be construed, as repealing, mmiiyins; or in any manneryailectingthe provisions, of those laws, (June 7, 1924, c;_316,_§ 8, 43 Stat; 6tl8.) 1 _NEW, YORK HARBOR- AND ADJACENT WATERS - 441. aDep•sit of refuse as New York Harbor and adjagent waters prohibited; penalty.—The placing, discharging, or depositing, by any processor in any manner, of. refuse, dirt, ashes, `cinders, mud, sandgdredghigs, sludge, acid, orany other matter ot `any kind, other ‘than·· that Rowing from strei·ts, sewers, and passing therefrom ina liquid state, in the tidal · ‘waters-ot the-harbor ot New York, er its adjacent or tributary Waters, or in. those ot Long Island Sound, xvlthin therlimits which shall. be prescribed by the supervisor of the harbor, _·_e _- c _, jever_y a is maea misdemeanor, and every person engaged in or who shall aid, abet, authorize, ror instigate a ylolation of this section, shall, upon conviction, ',be·;punishable by. une, or imprisonnienti, or _both,_such_nne to be not Qlws than‘$250. more than and‘··the imprisonment to.. be not lens thirty days nor more than one year, either or both united, as the judge before ‘ _ whom conrlction ‘ is obtained shall decide, one-halt ot said nne to be paid ta' the or ipsrsons giving information which shall lead to conylction ot n1i aner; (June -.29, 1888, c; 496, § 1, 5 Stat. 200I) _ · , . · 442.- Liability of ofcers of towing vcasel.#A¤y and »;·vez·>’ master andenglneer, at or persons acting in such camcity, respectively, on board of any bmt or Jewel, wl}0 S¥¤=°*u· kuoiivlnsly. engage ln. towing any ecow, boat, er .ir@l‘.losded svith any such prohibited matter to any point or place Qf <{<*· posit, or discharge in the waters of the harbor of Newy_Ym·k, or in its adjacent, or tributary waters, or in thm or Long Island Sound, or to any. point or_plué,e elsewhere than within the limits dénned and perinitted by. the supervisor of the har¤e>1' hereinafter mlmtioned,_’in··section -451 ez this chamer, shall he ‘ deemed guilty of a violation ot the preceding section, and shillii- ~~e· be punishable as provided. for (memes in vi0· ‘ lation of the preceding motion, and shall also haye his license revoked or suspended for s_ term be Bred by the judge b9foY*~* whom tried andrconv*icted. {June 29, 18%, lc. 496, { 2, 25 Stat; , M3, Permit fordnmping; penalty for or towing boa! or show without ,permlt,·--—··In’all CIIQE of receiving on board `ot `any · senwa or boats such forbidden matter or substance as descrlbw ln section 5441 of this chapter, the owner or master, or nperson nctlngiu such capacity on board or such scows dr b0¤f8. ‘Nf¤li6 take ortovv the same to theplace of d6·