Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1088

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§` 449 §·1:rm‘ sa.-zuvzonrrozt the permit has boon ,usod,__nnd”, if so,] the time and place on dtimping. Any pérson {violating tha provikions of this Sectioa shall ht;-linblo tfonwdhné of not more thou $500nor loss thnx {100. (May 28, 1908, c. 212, §=8, 35 Stat; 425.) q _ . . 449.* Disgosition of dredged matter; persons liable; ima Q •lty.—¢—All mud, dirt, . snnd, drodgings, and mntgrial of over; ' kind and description whatever taken, dredged,` or excnvates from any slip, basin, lor shoal in the norm of "New York or tho {waters adjacent or_t:1•ibutary thereto, and placed on

boat; s@w?, or vessel for the purpose of being taken or towee

"ufson -thé_ waters of the hnrbor of ~ New York tofn place o —dogosit, shall pe déposited nd dlscharged at_ snch, place ot within such limits as 'shnllgbe defined · and specified by th: supervisor of the harbor; as nt section of this 'chapte; prescribed, and not otherwise. _ Qyeri person, ·n£·m, or corpora tion being the owner of in? slip, basin, . or skool, from whicl such mud, dirt, sand, qredglngs, und. material shall-flxftaken dredged, or excavated, ond every person, Hrmi or corporntim in any manner engaged in" the work of dredging i or oxcavatin: _any such isgp, basin, or shoal, or'of removing- such Exnud, dirt Sand, or thorefrorn, "shnll séwjornlly be responsibb for tho deposit and discharge of nil. such mud, dlrt, sand, o qreogmgs at such. placp or within such limits éo dédned nn: prescribed by said `supervisor of the harbor.; audi for ’cver; violntiout of tho provisions of this section. the · person ·off¢n’diu: ’ shnllbo guilty of an oionso, and ·shall bejpunishod by- a_ tin: equal to the sum_of_$5.for oviery cubic yard of pwd, dirt, sand zdrodgings, or material not deposited or discharged an require: by this gection. (June 29,° 1888,1:. 496, S 4, 2[5 Stat. 210.) _·450.fLiability of ·vcspcI.·->-Any boat or vowel used or om ployod in violating any provision of this 'chapter, section 441 to 449, inclusive, shall he liable. to tho. pecuniary pennltlé `imposod thereby, and. may be proceeded. against, summarilf by way of libel lin an?. district court of the United- States hav ingqinrisdiction thereof. (J imo 29,.1888; c. 496, 5 4} 25.Stat 210.)% · · _ · _’ 1 X 451. Supervisor of harbor; dppointment and duties.-—-A lin: omcer of tho Navy shall be designated by tho President 0 the United Stntesgaadupérviéor of the hqrbor, to act under thdirection of the Sécrotnry_' of Wgrln enforcing tho foregoln: provisions- ofthis glmpter, goctionn 441 to 449,.incl1islvo, `ane in detecting odenderg . against tho some. ’This omcor sha] , have ,porsono§l charso and supervision under tho- gocrotary o to I ‘Wa!T» and Shall direct the. pntrol boats and other-means to dctoc sudo bring to punishment offenders against the provisions 'ol said sections. (Juno 29,,1888, c./4%,*5 .5, 25 Stat. 210.) _¤ , ‘ 152. Taking shellésln or oth irise interfering with nqviga tion in New York ·H nrbor chgnéh; penalty; arrest and pro codons.-—It shall `bo unlawful for any person or persons te omsazo in ilshtn; or dredging for sltellHsh_il1·'any of tho chan ucla leading to rand from, the Harbor of Now York, or to inter fere in auy"wny with tho safe navigation of those channel: by ocean stennxships andoships of déep draft. · _ ._ · Any person or persons violating the. foregoing .. provision: (.f'U1~l$`S{?Ct_iGf1 shall lm daomed‘guilty" of a mlsdobcanorg am on oom·i:c:tion thereof slmllibo punishodby Sno or imprisonment or both; ouch imo to bc not more (htm $@110I lesé thHD,$5(] and tho imprisonment to no-not more thansix months nor lcs: than thirty/days, either or both Munited, ha the jndgs bofor: srlmm conviction lb obtained shall deéido. · - _ it shall be tho duty of tho Un!ted`8tntm Supérvlsor of tht harbor to enforce this motion, And tho demi! 6: tho mid onporvlsor shall have authority to grrmt And taht inito custody, with or without groom, l§! {mm orixna `wlin may coinmit ani of thodneps or mmm by this `:~=o¤·t1ou.: Provided, That no person shall be ·_&!'!'€§t0d_·Wl@Q¤? process for any otenso not committed _|¤ the of the

. , `** . ` AND NAVQGABLE WATERS l mm f _8U])€?i'Vi80l‘ or- hisinspector by- depmy inspecwm, {,1- either. Gt n Mthem ; Ajtdl pmpiglcd fwtkw, ®&t whwevtr my such armt. q, ;g made the person. @1- persons •¤ arrested shall be biqughb

 tqrthwit}1 before a ·c0mmissi0u¢§‘, j¤G8¢, Gr cwrt of the U¤;{€d

- States for examination ct 'tho 05¢¤é€¤ ¤i@· against mm. » y and such commissioner, j¥11dK0,Ql‘ €6UF€ Shall in _rgSp€€€ » d thereto as authoxfizcd by law in` paso dt against the ,

, United States? (Aug. 38; 1894, c. 298; { 2, E Su;. 34;g_) V

y .l 453. Rcyulatiqns for usvigition of Anbriae Chgggq; excyw ai sioni- of tdws and sailing ‘-vem¢}¤,—-The Sepretgry gg -v;·H, · · 1 =authé>;·iged to make such rules and regulaticms T0: the naiéjii r. tion of Ambr0é¢_Cha1me}_ gs He may deem Im- mg, g dicnt @0 insure its safepsc in all kinésvt `wuther, nigh; mw;. 1* day, for all vessels under Jcontmt gud under their mm

 power, mid to this knd hg may, i¤`his éiscieticsr, forbid its

E use t0__t0ws ot every description Siu! toyailing vmélx (Mar, L 4, 1913, qq 144,1 1, 37 Stat. · _ _ . . · , ¤. 454, Consent of Congrats tb cbstractisapf waters by New g. York City.——'1‘he consent ot Qongrem is héeby given to fim I

, city "qfNew.Y0rk; in the‘»S_tnt¢ -0f New`lYc¥k, to amttuct mm. -

e ghtion of any river 61; cthér watewvay which éces hot -f<’·¤xf· p a ·c0mncciing’1ink_·betwe¢¤ pther navigable waters of thé_fnim1

r States, End lylng[w!mlly_withii1 the liiqité of said city, by mg;

y ingj all orL any portion fof“th9`mmc or by b¤%mi¤g1strué{:m~g g inlor bver tbe·same°·whe¤ the sqft! city shall be lawfully enum. ·‘ 8 ized to do s0_by“the~St3te df- New York: fmvwed, }z»0m‘;·e¤y·L I, ‘ That my such pbstrixctipp shall be unlawful mtg the `lnoméqu al and plans fo} ¢he P1‘0p0sed—°w0rk of works baton tho Amn- ` mencementj thereof shall have been filed 'with jam ¤p;>m~.-qq g- by the Secretary of Wnr-and-Chic! of, &;i¤eers; and vélm g the/planslox any isuétrqbstrucdon,-hkvé beep apgiroéed hy me S LChief of— Engineers and by the Secretary bf War it shall mt yl bé lawful to dgviate frérg such plans either before 01·'aft.•‘·r ·- tha completion of such obstruciiau. umass tha .mcdiri¢*:1ri€m

_ _0f such plans has previouély been? shbmitted td am re<%e»ix-ed

‘ them approval. ci thé`Chi0t of Engineers ing the S·ec·rcmi·y nf. 5 _W:u·;»r1nd prévlded fwr¢her,_'I‘hat the éity M New York shan { lihble for any damage that may be inéigted upon primte-- B property .by_ reasox} of any of the pmstidom at 'this. marina. g _ The right] to alter, amendf Qr fépeiil u·;j;. motion is ex- 3 ’p1·¢ss`1$=. reserved, and the United Statessbull hqliabilitg ` I {or thejlteration, amendment, or yepcal theme! to-the citywf L f New York, or to the qwngrj 01: pwneys, br any other -puj¤<»¤s t' qgntgrwtgd ur any obstngétion whichw shgll _ hav? been hymf st1ructed unda? its pxjovisions, (June 25,-- 1810, c. 4%,- §§ 1,2. ` 36 Stat.866, ` · L “ " . POTOMAO RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES ,1N DIS'1’im"Li Q ·‘ QE COLUMBIA . _ y _

 461. Dep9si¢·in_rl_ier, ctc., if mgterinjs genenlly.>——·Ig SMH!

~. be uuipwfgxl for. a”ny_:___0wner or occupant- of any- wharf Us S dbck, any master or mptéin of any xessel, or any pomm as · pefsbus to cgst, thrbw, drop, or depqsit any h¤lt¤st,·_di rt,·ay»m·. S 'shells; or ashes in tl£c wgter in may part ot th¢.Pomm;1c_I<ix’»~;· 1 or its trlbutarim in the District of Columbia, or o11.tl1e‘s11.·.jr··.=

, ofsnki river below high·wate;~ma;—k, unless for the purpuw U;

», Qmaking a wharf, gfter permission-‘hgs bécn obtained from Mw s s Cokumiséicneps of the`District_ q1" Golumbig for thi; purlmp. s' ivbich whhr: ¤hog11»bc‘ suméiently inirloeed and ‘¤z:·cpred·s<> ns rn; pvévcnt trijury to uivigation, (Mu 19, imc, e. 208, §· 1, 2** B stlt,I26¢). _ ·' _·` Y —`· [ " 462. Dehonit of éKsl.·—·-It shall be uxniawfnbtor any ‘<m·m~¤· § otoccupnnt of niywkart or dock, any captain or master uf s any fem!. or jan; peéaouiqr person to mst; rnmw, dvp· posit, or @69 !¤.s¤y dock ér lin- the waterqct the —Botmn;¤<· E Rive! er its tribuiiris Bimiq of(}olumb{§ any dead n. ish, ish ciil, animals ofunny Kind, tiyaters iu) 7