Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1090

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§ 475 J TITLE; 33.¥—-NAV1G.AT1ON A. Provided, ·‘I'het the, Secretary of Commerce may remit seid line eu! stich termees he jnay pr@cribe:.Pre·vided·alc0, That , `nethiug in this section shell eenstiiaed to. qmend er repettl chapter 4 of this title `reguletizig navigation on the Greet ‘ · Lakes andtheir connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal. (Mar. 6, 1896, 0.,49, §§ 1-3*, 29 Stat. 54-55; Apr.’26, 1906,te. IS?-sl,-5 2, 34 Stat} `16.) . - i _ · ¢ _ 475. Regulations for Pearl Huber, Hawaii;-—Fer the proper t centre}, `pretectien, and defense of the nevhl station, herbor, anderrtrenee channel at Pezirl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized, empowered, sind. direeted te adept end prescribe suitable rules and regulations govern-. ing ethe,. nevigééam, »m0rtenrent, `end- anchorage of `vésmls `of whatsoever elxeraeter in the waters of .l{earl‘_Harbo1·, islénd of

 Owe, Hawaiian Islands, and 'in the entrance chnnuel to said

harbor, and to. take all necessary ‘measnres for the proper en· _ fercereeht of such rules and regulations. ‘ (hug. 22, 1912 °c. 335, . _§ 1, 37'Stat. 341.) ·- up J ` Qlmpterfl 1;--BRIQGES OVER NAVIGABLE WATERS. » . 491. Apprevel of eeddevlation from plans. _ ._ . _ 432. Bridge as__pest route; limitation as te charges against Govern· · meut;‘t‘elegreph and telephone lines. _ ·, V ‘ 493. Use of railroad jirldges by other railroad companies.; » ‘ ‘ 494. Obstruction of navigation; alterations and.removdls;;llghts end l signals; draws; tells. » ~ . _ 495. Fstllhre to eoiply with regulzitions; ~penelt::‘; removal of bridge. 496.· Time fer commencement and completion of bridge. - . ‘_i97. "Pers<ms" dehned. _ _ ~ _, _’ j , · ’ 49S.,·Re.servatien of right to alter or •l‘(’![}€}l]. · °- . - 499. Bwulations for drzgwbridges; penglties for violati6n,;',enforcemeet. · ‘ * 600. Dehectlen of current; liability to` riparian owners. t 501. Consent te hridges orer Maquoketativer', Iowa. · 511. Criminal liability fo,r failure to alter bridge obstructing ·i1avl· . zstic¤,~' ·. Q ’ ._ I Section 491; Appreral of and deviation from plans.>——W h.en, after M-ereh 23, 1%6, authority is. granted by Congress to any. persons te construet and maintain a . bridge_a£Eross or over · any of the navigable waters of the United States, `such bridge shalt not bebullt ·or_eommehced until the plens end specifica- ` tiens for its eonstruetilen, `together with such drawings of the gr0 construction and suéh map of the proposed location _· as they the requi-red fer 11 full. undersxtantlixrg pf‘the_ subject, have been submitted, to the Secretary of ~W‘ar;`and~ Chief of Engineers fer their approval, nor. Quntil they shall · have epprered such plane and speeifaeations and the location of. such bridge end -accessery_ works; and when the plans for any _ J bridge te he eexistructed "uiader the provisions of this chapter, { sections 491 to 498,_ir1élusive, time been approved by the Chief » of Exrgineereeud byl_·the‘ Secretary of War it shall not lawful te deviate from snehplune, either beforeor after eom· { pletien, ef, the structure, ux1lese'the¤modl,6catien of such plans · has previously submitted to and received the upprovhl ef the Chief of Engtneers_·¤nd of the Seeretarybef War (Mer. 23, ‘190t§; e. 11349, Q Qs, 34 Stat. 84.) _ .» - _ . · » »- ' ` 492, Bridge as pmt route; limitation as to charges against Gevernment; telegraph and teleplwne _ lines.-—-Any bridge built in eecerdahee with the provislpns of this chapter, secltlens 491_ to 498, inclusive, 'shhll be a lawful etrnctmje. aiul" ` elzznll he reeegnlzed and knnwn he a post route, upourvhich no hitzher ·~claerge’ shall be made for the transmission ever the same of the muile, the troops, and-p the munitions of war of. ’the ·U;1lted Stetes than the rate per mile paid fer the tmnsg portetion ever miyrellroad, etreefrallwey, or, public: highway 5 leading to said bridge: and the United Etates shell here the right toieeuetru<·t,· niaintelri, and repair, without any charge therefer, telegraph en telephene lines across, and ution said bridge and its approaches; and equal privileges in the use of r

ND NAVIGABLE WATEE8 " 1{>'§`¢] saiél bridge and its apbrtrachw slmll Bb grurlted- tb all tefémwm

 t€1€[ilQD€ ¢0II1p·HHi€S··`   23. m,`j.c· 1130, 5 2_ Jijl

Stat. 85.)` t » L ‘ V s — ` 193.. {Use of railroad bridfxw by Q¢b¢¥ wmpaniet All railroad companim de8iri¤g_tli¢ we GI- SH? failrcad 1,;-;*;%. builf in accordmacé 'with the provisions of this chaptvri M tions 491 to 498,' inclusive, shall be émitled ,t0 ygutt, .£l`l1d_*]11jiVi}€g€S r.·>lative· td the -pasmgé of téllway tram M- igarsdqyer the same and over the jheretb upqn ;{;};,-. ‘ rhent of a reasonable comp;-msation for such um'; and in ··l~·· of any disag¥eémeu`t.bctvs·cc11’tAl1u parties in regartll-fe; thé .tt··ml..; .. of such use oi- the sums td be paidf all_·`mstters at £ i.ssx{s· sm;} he determined by the Sccretmfy of Wm upon .he»aring up allegations ‘a11§.proqfs· submitted to him. .`(Mar. 23, lim.; c. 1130, § -3. 34 Stat. 85.)- ·- __ " o · '· " 494: Oloétructicm of 'nhvigatiem; aIter¢tim» ani! iémovals; lights and signals; draws;·tqlls;——·N0 bridge treated or mit, , tained m1der`,tlic'pi0vi$i0¤‘s of cthis chapter, éecticns Litlt aq 498, iIl(!Il1Si\`€!.·l%h&H`-·$G"&IlY time éurmmnably obsimiztthe l‘z··~.»· m;£*i;:z;tion of the waters pver ”wh`ic·h `ibis znmlif npy bridge erected in_aéc0rda‘m·e ·with·t¢hé prnvisioné mi mag gynptet. mtidiis 491 tex 498. inclusive, shgll, in the épinlcm nt 1l;··» Se<·rc·tsii·y of War, at any time nmreasouablytotistruyt such tlzuét zationn, either ou account of itzsu§#;·iei:t height, width of xpm;}. M rltherwise, or if tlwfc he tlihieixlty ln. passing the draw 0p¢·:lin2 {lf the d·mivspan of "such bridge by rafts, steambmmg, or-¢¢»1—m~~: water craft, it sghall be the duty of the Secretary bf W';{r, szim giéing tlge parties interested reasonable oéyiortunitj to he hazard, t<1_ notify the persons -0W;li1iDg or coutrblling such bridge »m so alterr the mmé as to render xiayigatitm through 05 under it; reasonably free, easy, ani! unqlgstmcted, mtlaé in such n'mi—¢·e the changes required tb, be made, and vprescriblng 'in each _.···u~:e `_ a reasonable time in vghlqh to make such chamgwg smlif at tile `end of the timé so speclmed the xehangm sn requirmll l;s2venot béetfmade, the peréqng owning of cotitmllingismjh bridge 7 shall be deemed guilty of at violation of ttlgis cuapteg s¢>c~ti¢m< 491 to j_i98,· inclusivef and all smth altgrhtlw shgll be rmule - and all such ¤b tions shall he: repented nt the cxpomx of thej peréons owtzipg gm- -bpex;¤ttng said `Thé p··r· séms owning ·01‘· operating any such bridge ishall malnmixy at their own expcnsé, suchj lights ind gtner glgiisls tlpe~r•»ml * as the Secretary of Commérce shall prescribe. if the llrithe shall be mnstmcted.‘witht"n -dmv§,‘_,then the elrmv shall ht “ opened promptly by the —pe1‘a0;1s owning or operating smh li_rifi;;·•- upon reasonable signal tcrthé at boats and other wemw craft.,] It tolls shall bg charged for théitgansit aver any brielcv cmrstrnctéd nmder the br0vl§i0ns ’0f_ this clfmptér, s#et·ti<>ns~·l2•l_ "` t0`498, inclusive, ciflenziqes; street car$,xwggm;z;, csrrimw. "vchiéles, animals, toot pmssgngcm, or 0t§gr mssmgers, suéh tullt . shall be reasonable and justf anti the Secretary at __W¤r um?. { albany time, and from time to time, prescribe. the ‘rms0:ml»i4~ rates of ftgll for such- transit over hutch bridge, gud the rM¤*< so pr®cr§bed shéll be the Plmf rata and shall bg. the rzm>s demanided‘ angf received for such trmmlt. (Mir. R l£l(¤$,· ¤·. 11s0,§4,s4st¤¢.ss,»‘— ,._ » ‘ . — . 495. —Fni1m·c'to ctlmmy ilthQreg¤hti§¤i; nnaltyt reméval t af bridzeq-—A¤y pérsoaq who" shall fnillar refuse to c0n¤N”>‘ {with- tlwlawful ordeg oi"the Seéretargqct War, atthe Chloe! ot E¤giR€61'S,_ madélyiu uémcorqgnce with thy pmvi§¢;¤s of th? clxapterg Scltticns 491 to 498, incmslve,` shall bl: deeiuécl guilty ot `a wjmlaticm of this cllaptm·,`$mtion·s 491 to 498, inclusive, and Q any ‘pe1§s0¤s":wlxo shall be guilt§· or a vmlgtmn qggtlnis chapivri sections 491* to 498. finclusive, shall be gulltyycf iimist demeanor and on ‘c0uviction J thereof shall be pitmlshed lp any wurt of competent jt1rlsdicti¢m·`by-a mw mg e;;·eeulng¥$5,(¤><*. and ever? month such persons shall "mmam "in·d@ta¤lt shall tw démned a mtv 0¤eus.S an:} subject such persons téhdelitionnl penalties therefor; andld adglition to the ;5ena1ties above llc-