Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1094

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§` 551 L ·=r1rr1.E 83.+-NA VIGATION AN they are ‘considered' adequate for existing commerce,. He shell _ · also Submit one or more special reports on this subject, as soon _/re es fpossible after January 18, 1918, including, among other ci things, the.follo%vlr1g: ·, · . _ 4 °_ · _ _ is _`( E1) A brief description- of such Jwziter terminals, including r. lecationgand the suitability of such terminals to;the existing n traffic conditions,. and whether such` terminals nre publicly er__ n privately owned, end the terms and conditions. under which ·n _they`may be subjected to public use. _ · · » _ _ _ ~ p fb) Whether such water’are‘coi1nected·by 0. belt or` d ` spur line of rztilroed with all the railreads serviug··the same- ‘ territory or municipality, and whether such connecting railroad tl _ is owned by {the p, ic ¢md'tbe.conditions upon which the éame il . maybe used, end o whether there is an interchange of trn@e · e between the water _ rriers; and the rellroad or railroads as to vn such t1jn@c `which ried partly byrail and partly by water c te its destination, end also- whether improved and adcquete · highways have been constructed connecting ‘such··water terminal c, with the other linee of highways; _ _ " ~— - E (c) It nowaterfterminals have been constructed by; tlge mé- 11 nicipality or other existing public agency there shall be in- Il cluded in his report an expressioxrof opinitfn iuggcnerel terms. P ge to the necessity, number,”and appropriate location ot. such :1 a terminal or ferrninals. ~ __ I · ’ ‘ l vn i (d)_` An investigation of thegenerel subject of water termi-, b mls, with dewrlptions and general plans of terminals of ap·‘ o. propriate types and construction for the harbors and waterwaysef the United Stntes-suitable for various c0mmercinl`pni·posee_ p and adapted to theevarying conditions of tides, floods, hnd 0 ether physical characteristics.; (July 18, 1918, c. 155, 5 7, 40 d Stat. 911.) _ - _ · .- "l 1. 551. Policy of Government is to: terminal facilities for S new pr0jects.———It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congressythat water terminals pre essential sit ell cities and te townshcated upen harbors o1·¢nnvlga'ble waterways and that c< at least one public terminal should exist, constructed, owned, 8 and regulzated by the municipality or other public agency of ay ·the_State and open to the use ofall on cqual_terrns.· The a; Secretary of War, through the Chief 'of Engineers, shall give S `full publicity, as far as may be practicable, to this provision; (Mer, 2, ‘1919,_c. 95, § 1, 40 Stat. 1286.) _ r _ _‘ ja: 7552. Report as te einployment-"cf civil en§ineers.——The Secre· b< tary ofwer shell report to Congress, at each session thereof, ri the name and place of residence of each civilian: engineer em- ai .p1oyed in the work of improying rivers and harborsby means m and as the result of appropriations made in river and harbor_ tl appropriation bills, the time so employed, the compensation ·S· paid, and theplace: at and work on which employed. . (Aug. 5, pl _1%,·c..9@, § 8, 24 Stet. 335.)‘ · . - ‘ pz 553. Freight etatisticsaé-In the collection of statistics relati in lng to treme, the C0rpe,·of Engineers is directed to edopt a uni- pu form system of clhssincation for freight, `and uixon rivers 01* It inland waterways to 'collete ton-mileage statistics as far as · practicable. (July 25, 1912, c. 253, 5 1,37 Stat. 2%.) A 554. Dutyef ehipewners and emcers to furnish information o1 te wr@ in lecal charge of improvement; -penslty.—e—-Owners, cn agents, meters, and clerks of vessels jarrlviné at or departing cx from localities where works of river _&l1d.h8l°b`01; improvement b4 are carried en shell furnish, on npplication of the persons in ·' leml charge o£_ the jvorks, ll comprehensive stntengenpof res- `ce eels, passengers, freight, and tonnage. · , , _ · · via _· Every pereen or persens offending ggainst: théprovleions Q; ez thie section shall, for enclx 'and erery cmsnse, be linble to a fine, ~ Si of $100, or imprisonment not exceeding two months, to be an enforced in any district court-in the United States within .wl1ose ‘ cc territorial jurisdiction, such offense may have been committed. in (Feb. 21, 1331, c. $5 1, 2, % Stat: 166;) · U td

D NAVIGABLE WAQTERS`. IOESO ` 555. Duty of shipowners ond o$¤¢r¤ _$é,£¤r¤§¤h informa;/;0An' gqqirgd. hy Soqemry of ·}v8f·+0WB€Y3» Rgww; maéters, 3,,.; T terks of vessels dud othm· Gfhft PINK; ¤P0¤ the K121\'i;;;{},§é d voters of the United ·States; and ntl individuals and <;·¤·;m. ation; in t1‘&“H8pQi°ti¤$ théif 0WH {Gods uptm (gm nvignble waters of the United,-Stétee, shall furnish such emu;. jéltts I'é18tiVQ to VCSFFEIS, p3 YS» and tOn1l2§;g`{· ug my be required by the Secretary FQ!. WM'-: Pfwidcd, '1‘hm {1,;% » rovision shalt not npplyvto rafting- log except/_n;.on n irect request upon the ‘ow¤er·—t.o~furnish specific infornmrtiou, Every person or persons offeudingiagainnt the provisions or nig .S€Cti0l1‘S?1£1u,.£O1' each and every <>H€¤S0, be liable In {1 ne-of $100, orjmbrisonment not exceeding two months, to be t nforccd in, district court in the, United States wimm ,» whose territ rink jnrisdiction such Mme may have b ··n ornmitted. _ (Sept. 22, 1922, c. 427, Q 11, 42 Stat. 1G—;3.j e _ 556; Printing reports ,gencnlly.¥—The Secretary of Wzir sim 1 ausefthe mannstgritpt of the animal repotjt T0! the €Ybit·t‘ (,5 _ lngineers and subordinate engineers, relnting to the improwrent or rivers and harbors, and the report of the‘His$iSs1p,1;- liver _Cémmissiongto _/be placedln-thehtms of tlre·“I*nl»2i,; ’rinter· on or before The ·1§th day of October in meh gmx-, ndthe-Public Printer shall said réilorts 'to »bé prigmél rith lm accurate. and comprehensive indo}: 'thereot, on or efore the first Monday in December in ench year, for the use {Congress. `· 'A ‘- _ ·` `\_ All reports on.exa1ni_nations and surveys which may be bm. ‘ ared‘ during; the recess of Congress shall, ur the discretion _ f the Secretnry, of War, be printed bjr the Ifublic Brinter ns ocumeuts of __the fol-lowingksession of Congrwn.;(Aug, 11, 888, c. ‘8G0,,_§L8, '25 Statz`424; Mar. $,:191331:. 144, § 3,;;T ta;. 825.) _ { ‘—*· _ —· ‘ · 557;_Payment of costé of printixigp-—The printing ·ot.1mt- r° ar relzitiug toriver and‘hnrbo1·` works, including all reporter, . om`pila.tions, regulations, and so —~forth,~ whose preparation ze llowable under ·War · Department regulations, shall be done nd.pnid-for outwof regular annual appropriations for printm; ndbinding for the War Department. (July 25,1912, c. fm, _ 13, 37 stat. £.".34;`Ju1y 1, 1916,1:; 209, §- 1, 39 Stat. 330r)·= I . 558*} Sale "of propertyv acquired for?'improvement.——\\‘itt;¤r· ny land or other property which has been heretoforeor may e hereafter pm·t;1ms t·u or acquired for. the- improvement ··1i ivers’u‘nd'1m,rbors is no`1onger· needed, or»is`no 10Hg€l'.t8l‘1‘t’i¢3•*- ble, it maybe sold in such manner an the Secretnrj of Weir my direct,. and the proceeds credited to the approprintiorrfor ,re"work for which it. was. purchased or acquired; and rho ccretary of Warwmay direct the transfer ot guy property emloyed in river and harbor tworks; and in such event the roperty so transferred shall-he valued ond credited to the roject uponwbich it wnstheretofore used and charged to the roject to {which it shall be transferred.;,(J\IIl8 13, 1902, ~b. 379,,5 5, 32 Start: 373.) __ . · _ ‘ . . 559. Disposition of rentals for Governnent plants.? ‘ » mounts pnid by prfvnte*parties or other agencies for rermni E plant ownedby the Government in connection with the grrtmxtton of river and- harbor works shall; be deposited in on··_tt xse to- the credit of the npproprintion `to which the plant alongs, (Aug. 8, 1917, c.` 49, 5 13, 40 Stat. 268.) __ - I , x 560. Contributions , from private parties; return of €X·‘ ' zss.?-·-·T11e Secretary of `Wnr is nuthorized to receive from prt-- ate parties such funds as may be°co¤t1‘1buted by them to no cpended in connection with funds appropriated by the United totes for any authorized work-of public improvement ot rivers; ud harbors whenever such work and expenditure may in rnsidered by the Chief of Engineersns ndiaritnzeous to the terests of navigation: Prooided, Thnt when contributions here- »!ore or hereafter made by local interwts, for river and har-