Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1113

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O » O , TITLISJ.-—H IW9 `*· . g · h TITLE 34.-.-1* €§=¤n*<" ` ‘ I ‘· ;·· O gd » r . I- (_)};gA)}[!ATI°¤ °.x"*PL!••••{—••·••-j·~j•·••••¤••o··»•T•••-•••.-•-- _  ; " :_ ;~;y1.1sT$D P$¥8°x’°”·-+ ········ ·v *····· ···*······-s•··r·7--r•f· - · __ S_ (;,;w;m:._rs<>V¤S¤¤¥'¤ ¤”·4‘!'*F° '*`° °""*°*¥’·-—-·-·j- --·—-- *-r-j 1

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at <.:nQu··x#x·1/g:s,_unn1LS, asn onnsanxxaxonu or nozcqa; NIDA!. ‘ -0.5 noxon mu.: .BAD¤S8-...,.., .. r-...- .. ., h { ;· XQENT -----r —-—-- —··:- —··· ·‘:······v····.•·‘•·;' ‘’‘‘‘‘••‘*‘’* ?'· l j gf E.;}-iggxon owxcnas um hxnxqrnn sum . ...;..-__,_; __,_, T, L y ;, .· :1.S---.L----·· —--—~ -·_··-—-#¥· -—-—· ····¥ ·-·—· ·r··· •··· r·······f• . ° ‘ H; Y;:;¥Y_,m,S·A;q¤ yin:. gwamoxs .,. yi .. ...-- 501 21. . 11.. $AVAL pnornnrx, Swans, sxinnoxns, nm c0x·rnc·rs . 520 . ‘ CROSS REFERENCE · . . . ‘ __ A ‘ p.~W·:i¤.·¤t of tho Now.; nec Title/5, E¥lQUTIVI.DFEARTM·INT8 nm? · G{)*,`i·;§i'€MENT Ovmcnhs n¢o_Earr.orn·s. I 82. +(;1•.apt¢·r 1.-g»g0RGANIZA1‘ION .—GENERAIlLY, ‘ I _ — Sz? G1zA.1.1·:s,— NUMBER,~AND DISTRIBUTION `OF LINE AND STAFF SN-_ - _ I .· _ `.—· · A Y`. 2 91; · Lcrndcs of llno ·o¤ccr¤. _ _ 92. ‘ 2, Numoe‘i» ot coanmisslomd oicera •t uno. -_ _. · 93. 3. Xumbcr of-commissionéd ‘o~Qcers of sta! corps. V ‘· ‘ 94: 1, Distribution ot commiosionod lline odlcers among grades. _ _ 9p. of lvismbutiou of convmlsaioned oMccrs`among_ grades ot start corps; 06.. » 8. iaistrib tion in rank of- cltnplnlniand acting chaplains. · ‘ _ 7. hates gov déterninlag nunber of o¤ceria in varlousg gmdeq and; . O ranks of line md tilt!. _ = _ ‘ 101 s, miners excluded from con¤idcration·l¤· detc‘rminlng` number. 102_ .9. time where Baal fraction occurs ln computing number of corps, _ _ grmlc, or rank) - · -f ‘ / _ _ - 1o. Rune in case ot odd number of rear admirala. “ ·` ‘ 11. Appointment mot commtsioned ulcers ot stahl corps. XEDICALCORPB ‘_ ° 2l.”Ae·tlng'appointments: how micde. ~ . ·_%_ 22. Assiétnnt surgeon; age. i _ 6· 121_ 23. liramimation for aypoiatltnt. _— ·· 122• 24. Snrzvon of the fleet; appolntment. i23_ 25. Ilutiés of surgeon of the Beet. _ _. ‘ ° Q6. Domi! ot. medical oQcers tor_di1ty__witlx Red frost. 124_ A a · _ . nos1=··1mr._c0nrs ° gz 31. !·2st:1l>!isl1ment.— · . ” € 12_z° 1%::. 1:.-lotion to Medical Deparment.- , _ _ _ · _ ' 33. Subject to laws and regulations for government ot Navy. 34, _ 3, · _ ., A , gw xii Exgzod strength, gradoa and ratings. _ . 130. ··. - » cnt inilospital Corps, regulations. - , 131 IW. Piinlistod msn no-port of enlioted force of Navy. 132' 37-V-J¤·.ii€·§ ¤f cowl- __ _ O ·. _ ,133; ·° NURSE CORPS 134_ 41. Establishment, Y ‘- ‘ V

  • 1 ¢`¤¤¤n¤sitio¤;_ appointment and removal; qualmcationhrduties. _

` _ DMITAL CORPS 1_41_' ¤¥·'0¥Yicrrs; gradong original appointnenti. 1*2* £·=. Quaumuom or gpposnmea. _ - _ - ’., BUPPISY concs _ . _ 145; EL Quallncatlom for ome ot aoniotant paymaotorl V 'J A ~ · us' .z. Actin; al>1>¤i¤tment• at sea, on foreign. stations, or on Pacino R ” coast. _» ” ‘ · · G “ $3. Paymutor of tho Boot. ¤ 14. Hondo of pay generally. .

 ltcqnirement or new bonds. t _ ‘ A “Sl
 Mw appointment and oommuoion an amecting existing DOUG!. Umc

»·. Loan; `to omwo prohibited, . -_ . gmt ‘ OFFICERS POB ‘ ENGINEERING DUT'! V R ii- Assignment ox uno oneerq to engineering dui!. I · mm 3. Number oi lind cheers , Q mlm YBY Natnreot duty, _ I ‘ ·- .- . ° grad 4- 0¤ce;o pertosgxag momqoq in 1911 an additional to IUNBUI of 1884 ear. grade. ‘ _ 1 . . 5· Acqill craig; for engineering duty, _ ul, 6. Enginou ol ¢h•.¤oet. T . 40 E

nxt ~ in . .PQ*,` * . ,. ¤AvY ,» Btw ~/ . —. _. _ . i.` _ Sec. mscnnuumons raovxsxons nnuvrxao ro mn mv;- 591 Tun Mantxqn Conrs i.. ..’ . 1-..,-.._- . .L..·..-..’ 021 Nun. AVI'A’I‘l0R--;.i.. .,... ..;.,-...;1. . 731 Rnsnsvnnoacns mn Nam:. MlLl'1'lA...n ... , 751 Pu, nuonunaxrs, Asn ·Am.ow.mcns or rnasommn or·°Nnvr _ ‘ nm Mnxxn Cones, I - . _ ..._... 802 ,_ _ Dnsnarronsraom NAV! on Mmmm Cours 1 .,. 1011 NAvAr._ AcAmnu-;-e-;...--‘., ... P 1..; .., ;--- *1021 NAU'£1C&L.INSTRUCT|0N nz nnucawxosn. mszrrrwrxoxa ,.. » 1121 Pa.¤z¤·;, ...é .1;,,..-,..; ...;_... --- 1131 An·r1c1.ns` ron tam oornmsnnxr or-·run’Nu;r .. ,--., 1200 . - b ,CON_STRUC‘€llION QOR?S 4 litppointmentf ofnxidshipnlen as assistant naval constructors. Fllling__vacancies· in corps. _~ ’ · I rnosror ofline officers toycorps. _ _


· - ‘ · ea Aée `of appointees. ‘ ·‘ Appointment of acting chaplain. - _ Revocation of appointment ·of..actlng chaplain, ‘ §ommissioning‘actlng chaplains as chaplains. orni ofworshipr ‘ _- - ` ,`An·naal report by chaplains. "_ _ CORlfS· or ‘1{ROF§•3SSOllS;OF MATHEMATICS Abolition of corpse? . _ I J. . Dulles of existing professors. · ‘SEC1tETARlES AND QLERKS k Secretaries to Admiral an,d'Vl_ce Admiral. ‘· Detail of otileers as secretaries and clerhs. _ COMLIISSIONED WARRANT I AND WARRANT OFFlCE1l-$- In general. N _ *- V. E · _ _ I Boatswains, gunners, iallmakers, and. carpenters. Electricians, chief electricians, radio electricians, and chief-radio `”electrictans; appointments. · ‘“ ` Machinists; number. , · Manner of appointment. _' Acting appointment. __ .. Uniform. _· · · m ~ ` Pharmacists; appointment. ‘— . J _ ~ =Chlef pay clerks, pay clerks, and acting pay clerks; number. General. qnalltleations for, appointment. . · [ ADD¤i¤€me¤t or pay clerks and noting pay clerks. " · Assignment to duty: .. · ·’ Preference in appointment of warrant omcers; _Promotion of seamen `to warrant omcers for heroism. — y -STOREKEEI"ER8 Ann .rn·rrY orrxcnns In Appointment of storereepers lat `navy yards. `Appointment on foreign stations. [ Bond reqdired ot appointee on foreign station. Omcers as storekeepers on foreign stations. . Bonds of omcers acting as atorelmeepers. " .‘ _P6tt,’0¤¢€!'I»_? ’ \__ " —_ · » . LDES, NUMBER, AND DISTRIBUTION OFIIINE AND I ‘ §TAFF _ ‘ · ,, ; _ ~·~· action 1. Grades of line eheers.-—-The active list or the line l ers of the Nhvrof the United Stalm shall be divided into les as follows, namely;  » _ ~ · .· . lrst, admlrals; secondnrlce admlrals;. third, réarndmirals; rth, _ mptains ; ilfth, commanders; sixth, lieutenant comnders; seventh, lientenants; ’_-eighth, `lleutenants (junior le) ;‘ nlntheensigns. (R. S. {,1382:22 Stat. 472; June 26,* l, c. _122,;%‘Stat. 60; Mar. 3, 1899, e. 413, 30 Stat. .1001; ¤ 18, 1908, e. 166, 85 Stat. 127, ,1%; May 22, 1017,`c.· 20, 9 18, ltat.·&; Oct.'6, 1917, dc. 1%, 2,,3, 40 Stat. 411.) __ . .. _ - y I H `