Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1146

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§ 733 TITLE 84··¢ ` duties in coxmection with aircraft shell lhereefter be in nc- g cordance with the requirements” ot naval aviation as deter- a mined by tte Secretary ‘0f_ the Navy} (Juli- 12, 1921, c.-44, `§8,42StatQ,141.).` _ · C ` 733.- Temporary deiail of ether c&cers and mexi fqt aircraft l dqty.—Nethiug- in this or. any other `clmfpter {shall be =s0_ cpd! 5 strued as to preveuti the temporary detail of qtlieers end en- -7 listed men of aujr branch 0t· the Navy fo°i· duty with, aircgaft. ‘7j (Aug. 29,,_l916, ct ·$17;__39 Stqt. 585.). ·_ `_`' ‘ l 734. Commaddpf {Tying units _0r detaéhments.—Flyiug units ‘ ‘ or dethehments, wi§hY the exception _0i" aircraft carriers er other vessels, shall in all caseé be comnganded by` dying bm} T eels. (July 12, 1921, c. 44, 5-8, 42 sm; mg;) · · ‘ · ·—l ·NAVAL IFLYING CORPS- "`j _. U H12 Compcsitionhcf Nivnl Flying Coris.-—'1‘he` Naval Flying -. 7* ‘Cm·ps shell composed of one hundred qud`fiftja.·0iiigers and three hundred and Qity enlisted men; detailed, appointed, 7} commissioned, enlisted, and distribufed in the vdricusigradesy ·7: ranks. and ratings of the Navy land Marine Cprgs ae here- éfter provided. ·‘f1lhe said D\I1Ilb€j.'_0f officers, student {lieu, and Hm 'eialisted= men shall be in 'i<ldit1¢§n·@0 the tote! number of `0iH- W

 aqd eixlfsted men; which is new or may hereafter be provided by law fer the other brdnclxes of the naval service. (A g. 7*

2$l,,1916,c}41·7,39 ‘ "_ · W . _ 743. Bmmctien of 0Eeers ecmmissioned fq;· hemmqtic d ·y g, anly.-+0Hicers* commissioned for aerouuupic dl1ty‘ only shal be ,11 ellible fer advancement to the higher grades; not above captai¤‘in` the Navy or 'colonel ln the Marine Corps, in the. same z' manner as ctheiodieers whose employment is not so restricted, 7; except tha; they shall be eligible to promotion without 7e gtrictiou as t0_ sea duty,,a;1d their professional examinations shall be restricted to the duty to which` personally assigned E- . Pyrmgeided, '1‘h_at. any such otiicer must Serve lat; {east three years 7, in any grade before being eligible to promotion to the next 7· higher grade. (Aug.·29, 1916; c. 417, sdsmt. 584.) ‘ ( 743. `Regulations governing term of enlistment, qualidea-_ . mms, md sdvgnéement of eulisyed men,—Tl1e Secretary of the Navy shall establish regulations g0Yeiniug the term of enlist- ·m0ut, the qualidcations, and advancement ·0f the enlisted; men 74 of the Flying Corps. (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, 39 `Stat,586.) j ” _ 744I_ Ratings bf enlisted ·men.—-Subject $0. the`provisI0l1s‘ of 371 section 176, the enlisted personnel of the Naial Flying Corps shall be distributed the Secretary-0t· the Nevéy in me vaid rieuks ragtiugs a,s.0bt¢1iued in the Navy oh August 29, 1916, 7f in se tm- as such ratlugé g1re,·applicqble to duties connected 7' with mrérhit. A (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat; 585.) e _' `·;, 745. Pay.—The ofdcere detailed and the eulistedxxieni. of the Xavgl Flying Corps éhall receive the szime pay a¤d·—— allowances 7* that are now provided by law, for oiilcers and eulisled men of 71 the same grade or' rank audfratiug in the Navy and Marine ‘ Corps detailed to duty wft1;"al`rg;·aft involving actual fiylng. (Aug. .29, 2l916,`c. 417, 39 Stat. 583.) . O _ 8* 746. Student Byers in addition tp bBccrs sind enlisted men.—y—· 3: The student flyers Hereinafter provided for shall be inhddil `8{ tion to— the omcers and enlisted `meu comprising the Naval 81 Flyjipg Corps. _(Aug. 29,1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 582.) . .. . 747. Detail from other brqnehes an student aviators or air-_ 8. mea.-j—N0tl1i¤g in this chapter shall be so construed as {0 pre·— · vent the detail ot qEcers and enlisted men bt other branches ot the Ngéy as student aviators or student uirmen ‘iu such 8* quganlwrs as the needs ot the service m8Y require. "(Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, 39. Stat: _ .` » _ ' 748. Pay and allowaneeq of ¢»Qeer• ‘ md enlisted men thus ·detailed.—-=Such oilleers and enlisted mm, while detailed as stu- 8* dent. aviafbrb ahdustudentz airmen involving acfually pying ip nirgmft. sham receive the same pay and allowmlcu that are gl l Auow provided. by law for 0&cers dud enlisted men of the sAm•

YAY? n ·_ 113;+. rgde or rgnk and rating_J_n`_ the "N§iy detaiied my dmy wi ,I1`C1'8.ft.: (Ang., 29, 1916; c. 417, 39 Stat; 584.). · . th ehypmp 15,-RESERVE FORCES A1§D.NAV.tL_·311L;1;_`_ .» l GENERAL PROVISIONS 51,C1§avn1- Reserveyclgnssgss statué and {my-not retired m»;m1_,g,·S~0{ s ~ ‘ NavalResergc_F9rcc unaffected. . ‘ ·_ .- 52. Mé1ri¤c`Corps RQ8E1'Y0.Cl'€§t¢d; classes. _ _ ,» 53. Gpynpqsltion of Navala §ieserve:`t1'¤¤•fers: aliens} memr{p;·,h;{, ih ottqcnf naval or military qrggnintions; employment in civil- _ branch of pnblic service; '_ " 54,,Rank¤, grdglés, and ratings 1¤ Ni"! BQWFVQZ ¤"f5cers a,p`p..1m..,;1 i ' ‘ for various duties; rcgniationg governing appointments, atv l 3 commissidns; term of enlistment. -’ ‘ .' .- “' 55, Discharge; from service ih. NWN} R餢l'Y¢;‘$¢P•\'¤ti0¤ from servjqé. {

 ~ in time otwar or national emorgqncy. _ . , _ ·

56,,Cnmmissioned and vgurnuh _6¤ccr¤ lamwinted or transform; to · LL Nava} Reserve; graqes and rankqg, __ _ . ‘ " 57; Active duty pt qmceryund men ct-¢Nav¤l Reserve. _ *_ 58; Laws nt Navy as governing omcérs and men ot Naval R€S•2l':9’€.` . 59. Pay, allqwances, transportation, and mileage ot oécers and mq, ·.‘· 0l·N•vaI Reserve. ‘ / · _ I . - _ 60. Unitorm’gratuityi‘ to oihccrq of Fleefbiavaln-Reserve and Kava) _. J R€8él*V§.’ · M ‘~ ‘ i n Z B1. Issuance of uniforms, bedding.- and equipgneut {0 Enlisted Zmen of

 N•y•lBeservc..  ‘ · _ · . ° l -, .

52. Compensation for physical injuries to cllcera or ot Naval Re- °' V » ¤grv€"in~tigné ot peace. ‘ . · - » ‘ 63. Pnfccedeucéfamong omcers of Naval Reborn. B4, `Precedence with omcersot regular N•vy.`_ . _ _ B5. Advancement ot wmcérs ct Naval Begervé in tim at 'war or _ national emergency.; pa; •¤a,•u¤w•¤¢¤; - ~ B6. Physicgl cximinstfon ot°_ot¤cer• of Naval Reiervc: discharge or ` netirqment fn; disability. V J _ [ .- - _. _ . B7.~~Retireme¤t of d¤cers_9i' Navallleserve for age or length of service. B8, Begulntions‘tor· recruiting, Lorga¤_Iz¤$ion,- etc.; at Naval Rese·rve;—_ detail olddicers and men and fixrnishing of veugts nnqunppim .. n trom_Navy;.`·legvc ot nbanco ot United States employees for irniniug duty. _ · `_ `·1 ‘ l B9. Annual dppropriation ot tundb for support ot Naval Reseda. _ 70. Annual estimates by Secretary ol, the Nav!. j " ‘ ’ , ·_ THE ·FLEE'1f NAVAL RESERVE B1; Training dr other duty: subsistence: D8! for aviation duty. 82.. Qrill· pay; nnnuar pay tor.-satidfgétnry performance ot; duties; "' .··addi~t·iopaI pay toccrtsin- officcrs. -» · ~ ‘ B3. Obligation `ot gnlisted men in regular Navy to serve ing l*`lc·»·t Naval Reserve on termination of Navyenlistment; assignmeml; _ duty; pay and allcwnncebi rebnlistmont in regular Navy. ' B4. Transfer to Fleet Naval Reserve of men enlisted. in__re£zmu·_ — Navy; pay; duties;. discharge (6: physiml disqualification; _ retirement. · _ · — · . ·` · B5. Pay and rretlrcxincnt of enlisted men transferred under former km-. B6. Reenllstment in regular Navy of enrolled men of old Niwuk _ Reserve Fume transferred- to Naval Resern: beaehts. "_ . B7._'].;1'8D8£€! of enlgstcd men sérving in regular Navy or serving in Nav».1·-Reserve Force and reenlisting in regular Navy: pay. 38. `Active duty. and xtctirémeut of enlisted men trnnsterped uzmr ~ · provisipxih of preceding sebtion; pay' and allowances. ` B9..Inspection ot Naval Réserve units. _ . ·_ THE MERCHANT MARINE NAVAU RESERVE Ol. Composition. ‘ ’_ { D2. Transfer ot m8mbers to Vcluntecr Naval Reserve; discharge. D8. Training du_ty. _ ‘ - ._ D4. Pay of cmccrs and 'eulisted men in time of pcaqc. D5. Flag .o1-"pennant; · THE `VOLUNTEER NAVAL RESERVE l1. Active or training duty; pay and allowances. — NAVAL RESERVE `0FFICERS’ TRAINING CORPS 21. Establishment nndwipemtion; regulations; appropriyxtinns for mzpanditures; appointment ot members ag Naval Reserve oHic<‘¤‘=i3 total ot personnel. _ ° f ' » MARINECORPS TRAINING CAMPS 31. Establishment, maintenance, an;1 regulations. . _ _ NAVAL MILKTIA 41. Admlulnn of cdlceri or enlisted men in Fleet Naval Reserve; rank . and ating; exemptions; use ot facilities ot Navy; »