Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1164

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§§·`1l03 _ , TITLE a ‘ ‘l Barat: o!jSi1pplios and to the Secretary of the mv; (Hay 13, 1908, iz. 166, 35 Stat. 153.) - _ _` - $11% Inspection of sto1‘&upu·’s &¤ats.+=An iuépectioa of _ stpmkeéporfs aoéouuts shall be made quartidy by the. gen! V cial i1a@toi· of the Supply Corps, with such toqommonqation as he may deém_ngccssary;_ to tlia Chief ot the Burgau of S¤p¥ pl`ias_ and accounts; .j‘"~(May _13, .1908, ·c; 166, 35 Stat. .·153`;· July . 11, 1919, c, 9, 41 Stat.-147.)_ · · _· `- _ . ` flwql. §airy farm.-—¤·'l‘hc dairy farm shall, be continued gmc} qperated ag an aotlvlty of the midélaipmezfs store. (Mar; 4, 1?9%,c.%§¢26,43.Stat. 1278.) l ’ l __‘  » ,_

 11%. Qlkéditional paymei1t$·—to‘ écriauts in comntissary Elg-
 addltioxml fmymohts from the ·midsl1ipri1en’s‘

qbmmiwry fugnd as the Supowmteudpat ot the Naval Academy day necessary ma? be mag}? to the servants authorized [#1 the commlssary department. if (Mar. 4, 1913, c. 148,. 37 Stat, ? MEMORIALS IN CHAPEL_ '¤ _ · ""'; 1111. on use of aryat window spaces.-~Tho qypf and 'wlndow spacgs of the Ualtogl States Naval aoadémy -, $@1 an to be usgdéoixly for memorials to ·United* States naval when who have successfully- comiaamled a Beet or ,¤qumm¤` " ln or who have; received oaf may recoiio the thanks of `§ `- the Cozigress of the United States for conspicuously distlpe guisllcd §e,wicos· in; time of war, and ,110 imqmojlal éhall be aqcgeptoclr féiéoirléhstalled ln said crypt or window spaces imtil at . {msi Qive ye after the death of the omcar in question :‘Providgrd, That; gwthing in this proiision slialll be. .cousideretl‘ as. iuvalidatiag any agreemexit made by any _Superinténtlent of the Naval Acaelémy prior to March 3, 1909, authorizing a memorial. _ wiugdgiw in the old Naval Academy chapgl to be transfeprod to the how Naval academy chapel. _(Mar. 3, 1009,-. 255, 35~—Stat. _ 773.) . _ _ ‘ . = . ‘ V {Chapter . 10.-·NAUTIC3AD INSTRUCTION IN EDUCA- · TIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ( ‘ ~ 1121. Vessels for. nautical schools at captain points. 11322; Appgéoprlatloug for _¤a1itical sohools. _ . ’ I . 1123. Detail of Navy owceré as superintendents or l¤_stmctors_; resto- 4 ~ ration of vessel and recall of olllcorp. , ‘ t 1424. liautical schools, Philippine Islands. l 11%. Detail ot. enlisted men as shui keepers. I ‘ 1128. Detall ot ouglacér oaiccra to` educational institutions. 1127. Detail of xjatlrgad 0&cm‘s aq teachers or- px·otess0rn_m schools or

 ‘ collogo•,» [ . ·   · - ~ -

4128. Loan at naval equipment to,¤1lllt,ary achpols. · _ , .

 1121. Vessels for nautical géhoolg at " certain

points.-·—-Tho. Secretary ct the Navy, to pxtomoto nautical education, is authilzocl and empowered to·£ui·i1ish, upon tho applica- _5o¤_lu writing o£··tho governor of gx Staté, a suitable .vossél of tho; Navy, with all hor apparel, charts, booksgand ipstrumeuts of navigation, provided the same can be émrod with0u§ dotxslmeals to the naval sejrvlcc, to be txéod for the bonetlt of any nautical school, or échcol or c0llcjge.lm\'ii1g a nautical, branch, established at each of the following ports of the United—8tates 2. Eoatoa, Phlladolphia, New York,·Seattlo,·Sm1 Fg.·ami:isco,· Baltimoré, Detroit, Saginaw, Michigan, Norfolk, and Corpus Christi, upon the condition that there slmll be maihtginod at sinch. pdrt: a mlyool or- branch ot il school for the lmstzzuctiou of youths lim navigation, étéamahfpimalrlac engineering, and all matters, porv taining to- the propoi 1.—0¤structl0u,<cq1llpuwut, and sailing of `vosse-els or any partlchlar branch thoioctn (Mar, '4, 1011, c. 236,.i 1, 36 Stat, 1353J · — , , ‘ , _ " 1122; Appropriatioas zfor nautiéal ¤chds.—·-A adm ‘ not oxomdlug the amoum: annually approp1*lntod_·by State or, ézmnlcipallty for the purpcm of maintaining mob u marine

 o1·.s&ools of thoflzmutical, branch taoroof is authorised?

1 to be appropriated for the purpose ot aiding la tho maintenance

¤d·¤¤ppe{r£ ot such ·s=ch"6¤! ¤r_¤Eb¢¤i¤`¤ Pfévidcd, however, what *

appropriations shall be m¢dc·1'0t—0&»schp¤l» in any {fort Imewture named in the Dr€¢¤di¤8·¤¤¤¤9¤€ $1*6 ihéef the appmpQ-ia, 1 tion I0! year em ODE `SQh¢)Ul. (Mar. 4, 1911; ¢. @5, § 2, 36 8t¢g._13&.) _ ‘ i I 1133, _])e¢;i|"qf_Ngvy agen M hr lnstéucl tors; restarxtiqn of vebsel and regal} of Qur;.-—»The l*rc·si¤1eur gf the United Styles ixhereby ¤¤¢g¤€¥1'¥®, Wh€¤·.i¤"his 9p1u;,m· th3··§QmQ·Q8H d0D€ to the Dlubud S0l‘\‘iq;;_> · tddetail proper hoflicers of the NQW 59 suvcriateuqpms or UQ V instructors in such schools :_-Provided, That: if any such suihuol ' shgll be ·disc9utlnued;’_o¤_ the gqodwf the mvul servigcg shmx ¤·0_.· h quixjc, snlch vessel shall be i iately rmlcxjcd to the Sccre·mry nt the Nayy shd the 0$c¤r¤ B0 d9tli@'l‘€€/8B€d; And p;·0}·;,;,d l further, Th;1t;n0~pcrsQ¤ yshall be tc br `i§cc;g§m1'a;‘ _ suchfschools as a pgmislmgent; Q1'. ép t¢ti® ct puuiéhmcxlt for crime. (Mar. 4, 19lI, c. 265, I Sith 1353.) _ ’ 1124. Nautical sché& ,Philippbé £d•&———Thc Sgi·ret:u·y or me ·Ngyy is guth¢rlqed..•mI__ te logs témpomuy ’ to the goyernment ot tha"Philipplm Islands, span the'wrim·u application of thé §cci·étary ct. War, s vw! at the ifultml · ~ ·Stqt.e2¤, NavyQ tq be selegrted {wm such v€·SS&lS»§s été not suit. able 0; réquired for general setvice, tsgcthér with gueh or her. apparel, charts, V books; had lhsfrumexith at xmvlgafiun as', he may deem proper; _$aid» vésséln tmbé émly by ·_su¢·h nautical schools ids are or may- hereafta behmzintaiued by. said government of the _Phllippinc· Iésmds: That whey suchWsc·hé0ls Shall bé abtmdened, vt when the- iut•»n»_»1g p; 'ihe imval service shall soireqhire, m& Yessel, tnmlmr with her apparel, 1¢h81ftSQ books, and it1sttum1;:ith_ . of D&l\'l§;l; ` tion, shall be lmmedigtely restprcdl ta lhe custody of the - Secretary of tghe Nangyf ("Jimé 30, 1906, c. 3937, 34 S¤1t,..$1T.; ' '1125,”De¢ail,0`f- enlisted mtu as ship keepers.—?Wherr-s“a¤4·h loan is made to the '§0verhment··ot the Phllippi¤eVIs1Bi1£Is, in “ accordance with _(he`préceding. section, the Sccretiry of me `Nuvy is authorized to detail {pom the enlisted, mfce of me Navjr a Sufilcipnt. number of men, not ex`ceedlng‘ six for imp " vessel, ad ship keepers, the men so detailed to be addgtimwl tb the .number· of ‘e}1listed_ men allowed by,law for tlmgnzmsl extablishmeut, hud in ma;king»~,cletails· for this service p:·<·f= ereime shall be given loQ £h0se*~ma¤· who have servmi tw.w.·¤ »¤1i_3€. years or- ‘m0ré·in the Navy-. “ (June 30, 1996., c, 3931, 34 Sm. 817.) l . . . . ‘ 1126. Detail ofgnginécr. Qmtéfi téegncsfurnal institutions.- · F’bi· the purpose oi prqmoglhg a' kqowledge of steam- enxirwvring and ·iron·ship building among the young men ot Unigmal States, thé President may, upon 1 thé application gt *;:2 c§}ial>~· lished scientific Qchool or céllege wiihin the United States, dg?

 tail an engineer omcer of the Navy as prqtmor in such $@11001

or college: Pr0v¢de3, Thu the mzhmhci ot uwcets sc detalmd Shall not at any time exma_rwe¤:y.¤gq uid meh detailsihhrnii be governed by (0 be- prescribed {rpm. time to time by the ” President: And provided ‘furt§we·, Tha; guch détgtls may he willnheld br withdrawn- whenever, in the j\1d@bBt of me . President, the i1pf;c1•gs_ts bf (he public service shall so rc~quin—. . (Feb. 26, 1879, c. 105, 29 Stat. 322;·M¤1·. ,3, 1899, G 1, c. ~11:;,_ 30 Stat. 100-4‘;.A¤g; 29, 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 580.)` _ 1127. Detail of retired ¤&ers as teachers cr pmfmscrs in sehmls cr collagen.-5-Any -re¤ired cxmcer of the Navy or 1\1zu·2m·> Cbrps may, qu his own application,-be détgtled to `servicfc 2%% a teeacher an professor -in shy school or college, but while sg ,_ serving such ¤&cer shall be allowed no aildltional c0mpcn~;x- · lihn. (Mar. 2, 1895,_c:'188, H Stat. S26.) . M 112& Loan nf naval equipment tc milituy sclimlsf-·*l‘he President is authorised, 'upcm the application ot the gnvgrumr qg any Stake having Seacoast line Err hordgring or; one or more l of the Great Lug, t0· direct the Secretary of the NAVY *0 iumish in one welbestsblishcd military school in that State; “ _