Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/117

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NE ’ TITi#§ ?··~·····mR»i

§¤§·$¤s by$11§di$?i$i® (nh (§) . (fr}, (¤)w¤¥‘ ie)- (Au; 15; M

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is a my make: h&$;vi$1’at2d ur is wqywon lea _§§{.;g?%;i§‘_; EQT ts —~iml¤esijF&· $&p , <`h#B @ 3 M §;§2¤i &t i¤’ to he Sefvéé ¤w¤ ,¢h¢ ·P¤¢¤&;_  »

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 ;<»:~e£if§* at 3   if-Q ¤m€ ¤¤€   d€@S¤¤t$d ;     /
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gg; wisc?} ° ¥$i£€ QEG iihéféi b8 $§Ck€1'_&‘

 gg; ;`¥%§;$13¤x‘i$§   &g3i§St hk!}       Qi

gg;§§§_ :w{];;t@ ih $1* by Q E ;;;»m——$, xmas: ii·ég&£&i&$&i nsjhg pgse- re `{;éé#¢. I A13? 1p&£‘S®3l;fa;•; uh &@i€$Ki0!§ _‘s¤

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  at   waxing        
§~¤* :1 pefiixi i.&饤&xG%iJ3g· V_§f¥€¤&§~  _         T -          
_ 42;; 1»f; atter    Lh¢t. :1;e YE:
$¤;·i¤=;· 1uas,¥iai$tc~¢i»»¤$ viqatiné a;
y'pm1tisimstoi’ sxticns
 éaéi Lia 1§5 i11€I§§1¥&-    Ed!
  pw  s§ ;:aH* xymkéi. a `iréjéqft-   1%*éli   Whi§2h_V ‘ hé"_{' $1§9.I1_Asigté Jgof

2;; simlixxgs as tswiihé»fa¢gc£sQ.~ a¤d;_ $ha1l be Qéx » ·»S=m§:§§ im th? }iR£k¥!', RR; i}H&1" Qéqiiiring $1QhQ iméketi QQQSB bf

s$§i4‘ d<%si5t —·fr ··`{ q¥i6l§.tiG;3Q The ’ié$timbR$?; '34

4 miivsa af TQ *Wl‘it§ihg a;§d, iilédh {It

E¤é__ rzfawatds ¤6f‘ {hé Qf°Q_.Ag"§*ici11ti1r£., · Y { BT]
 iis?     of       H@$ `cf

hm:1`__fi ls·d ih _& '€f.l‘i3¤it {ff .Qf thQj. U¥1i ti  » M ;;ms¥ided in 194 cfihis`- t etaxy at- _ {

 §°£i£@  Lam; $7* ming manger       th
 igwszisgwr, lmf ‘»4» maly &’§gi‘,    
· ij? we ;§£’8,1Q{;, —  &&?33.{l              $_·  

$2; :*.’§`}i@!é at iulpért, - , 4 L . * _ — ·V·» ‘· .]_~g M; gay mmpxmus, * ¤;·de:e.; , a¤¢1-wher pm¤es.%m; or i¢1;m5 $ecm¢g¤y  » I zmiiair "<-& i¤ Lhéi (if ° ; §;¤•a·ifie11" ia; i [’®€ti$1Q IAS Qt 1,5, ASB T$A¤$.`{ my wig, 15,4 5 &2 St&f.-161,) _ " I ;_ ge e1§4». ¢f §rder ;?;»q¤l »smYm €i¢#;¥¥t¢mmnry~~ ‘ Ma a¤;1 mma mzaaqzss qi {pe is%s§;—< ¢;·h :a;p$&;‘ shu§" Qual ¤¤ii¢2#s§ thftiy lst! 3§:§§c¤ aft gz··”:a»z·mice me `vmclsér appeal; muh: ct. ci _-;;;¤;m;s~,: im:. th£_»@l`€`¥li£ ii1  » pal»p1ace·· <>£

§g::£§:14?·s.j+1, ’§y   jvsfith fthe €i£}.*k_ Qf   _%¥t— $&_   fO

mm <pé‘ayiB§ th¤ $@€'!`£‘t$¥¥°$ `0rt1£1*· $$512 6l‘°? s M in ilgssx the pEtIti¤B.,’ §?i§h, 8. `hénci in »,S_\1 ¤»; ¤ :i1_ $1311 th§§V$u¢h» »¥··‘_

§z` ¤,·k£ar · wi!} im? if ééuft 150 8}.1
  1. $ir£—¢·i,s, Y ~ j,_ · _ ,

~ { 21} 'Fhé cléfi G! £h&_fsQ11¥t·f¤hall immadigtély _¢8§ m.& th 4;: mg‘_pgz1¤¤¤ m he m11s¢wa‘ m sm .smwmy, sm` the 1 _ m rs·¥:;£y’sha1L»ta¥xhwith aertify, gm} 31e in ni 1; {mi $1; -¥@9td 5¤··ii1ding»thec ée¤m91ai¤t, ciwevzmm, wa me m·m·. · ’f *—*€fm’# ¤m?¤ »¥*‘¤~m¤?¤***¤ mw ér new » 2i++i§ 1£§» G! 91'd£¥Q 9131; B1`? AA4 ‘ l l msi? §m£»i1dfth8=pet1£1¤¥§.Hith1¤ QS mh! lj

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_ (<:>QAt ¤m after }: { &ppii¢aLi6u‘6£’_tb¤ I HN Q 1‘4·¤tmi:1img, td theixtehf ° —» _' _ BA

 » A , ,;   "

l'G’ UDT BRE QQ] JM prwisicnspt thé 0‘l'd€1‘A penéing the Emil determination

  • ih¤ ¤!>P€&»I·1 ,

(si} Evidence m taken or iadmitted, Guly c¤e»rtiiied ’ and ed as afs$id_ as a. part at the mcc1*d, mail pe mumcierexl by e ®§Tt"£8°th£ evidence] ih the case. The pmceedings in meh

 in the circuit   of appeals shall be mag x préiwred
 Sh§1I_bE   15 évcry way;       ·    
 ThB`¢6¤1*t may &m1’H1,> B}0d}fY; or mt aside the mcimr of

(I) Iffthécuurt detergimes that thé juist aml p1·¤per~ di>;p0· A zicm of [h&__C8.S€ I*é{}\1iP€S’(?}1€,t8kiHg of adéitimml evislsmw, the M ,5

 shall prder. the   t0?'b£ `l’B6§BH€§ mr themking of  

QB etidez1<:*&,. i¤ sixéh maasér and umn * terms ‘ and cancicns as Qxe c—0urt“_mhy pnzcpéiz. Secretary may

 his   ma to   the facts, or make new ‘§¤dix1gs; by  

gsm: of gthe Jadditkmél évidcmcé éa·take¤, amine shall §¥e &h mqdwéd or ixgvé and his m·cémme¤éati¤m, if zany} r mcdiécatimi or setting awe of his A (rider, wi§;h the ra— _ m ¤r_; m¤¤”¤¢a1m¤;1 ievxamm; ‘ g ‘ , _ ( Q} If cirézuit €8~§`i1`€0fV§§i}€&}S_&3i$fI}1S.QY m»odi§@’ me crdér =me· se¢;·em:y, us qeme;*g1¤11 opemm as an mwmm m

   yqker, am} his 6=@€€‘1#Sf"(H1*€€£G!fS, égeuts, and einoyees. _£1·Z>1§1   `viomLtirig_    prmfisiam éf .si1ch  créer af smh

<i¢r #s*1i¤<¤¤i¤¤¤· fi - _ ’ (lx) "I‘he éixmit; mutt at appeélé skill hgie vexclzzsiwkei wris- éiiién t¢»`r¢view;· &_n{1__tb fj&Erm;_ asidse; §i*·m0giity,_ such gréers ’ iw Seérérm; .#¤Mhé déémé mr muni mu ne wax

 that; it shall   for revigw by    S¤p1·&me Com·t

‘ ;the_*_ U¤ited iStates» _ upon kertforaiéig , és 1 `pmvideé in sg-action

 é>f .i17i$Ie  1JUm¢u.1:. ·Q0¤x,.um  ·Jéa¥¢*1f4m*, if meh; writ is »

xly .&pg1ied _»f9:»%withi¤ ski; days nfté: entry ai the tm imixé of shall nm: dpéxate is a-stay thé ‘ cnqéxmqss court *q:} appe¤1s,» in ;S9 f¤1’» as men éperames {an irijuxxctiommnfem an ;6l'd€lfE‘€} b¥f Q [(1) Ff9r;_t1ié`¢pt1r}i<x:se,é"s bf sectierw mi to 195 chapter M Q term if Cilf{§\Iit·¥C0ll1`t bf f&;3peg»Is," in case the prihcigmlfglace

e i‘Court; of A _ 0!» the Diétrict at Cgmmhia. (Aug. 15, ¤21§ ”é.f64, Stat; 132.) ._ > 195, Pimi$h¤2i¢¤€ far viclxtiéxg of wicker, 0% any Hcer; diréctér,_;g§e¤£,—` or Qmployeéf as §&¢k@,.‘ who ffails to my any 01·;¥er~ j<>f—théY §rgfury`imued .gm§ er‘_t}1é ·pmvisi0x1s. at qticm éf° ;t.bis` clhéster; nr $}1éh._»€}1'd§1‘_ as*` m0di§ad—é—·» _ j

 )_ After Vthé ’: éx§ir&_ti0§»   fkeTfisi1g`*gB0¤%ed_ fuk ·_§1ing a

rtiticiaiixx ‘theyci 1tc§it c;0¤1*t_6£— appeals to sét agid§~cr*m¤dify -;»

éh».c1jde1¥gi!?¤0_si1éb p¢titi0¤ has beénjléd within; sugh tim;

{2) V_Art a;~‘ the expimu¤¤i pr v;1:»é‘ cimé"e11¤w»¢ rm: upgrg.-mg _ =r ,a· writ; ,01* cgrt§0i·ari‘,· if‘iéméh__érder;_~0r sueh oréier as_n1u¢}i· £,” h&S·‘Dé€!Ll'.3T1$t8iRé€]A.bY\thé cir%:i1i_t ?¢0m·t _0f appéal$ vm} no E rch wri—t_.basibeé¤'“¤f§plied»fm: wi thihT such°ti mei mf ‘ f' (3) ‘A£ter`A $su~ch !0tder;°0r guch order" as vztiodiééd, has mam

 the caurtx as pmvidédf ing seétmu   `cf  this»*•;rliapt , `sIi ,0¤».;c9miction— be Bnéd mxtqless than   i1{»r~_mm*e`
a 9,000;_ of impris¤¤ed £m· fxmt _!e»ss thm six memths ~rmr `
         01*-     Eiiéhj    \‘•'hi(‘h' `siktrh

rilurép ccntinmsps}1alil M de~eméd’ za ’ ssepatate; ‘u§cx1se._ (Aug;.} i, 1921, c. 64,1 42_S;¤ t... 1®;) — { `

 g·r0cKum;>5 AND s·:mcKYA1w D1·;;aLm1zs  

$@1;. Stmcyaxit mmé: ’*F; “Siwkyérd ¤¤»·»·m$M ~ *· mgrket rem: ’?·: ‘*§¤;1¢r='*s ed.-—-qwhéu new in mum ¤—1mpm·»~ Tai The term `“ st¤ckyatd 5¤w¤er*’ means `hnyv pmm¤ _¤ ~n. ¥(b) swckytrd _” me~3xis services 0l‘_ f{1¢il»i» gin; m· ¤c11ing» ch »a. _®missiQn 0: Botkérwrisq m:m~;e:.· s• “H ·» » `