Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1181

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1;,;; TITLE 35.,;-——I’ , e Z5`., »zah2¤ ¤¤•¤°¥*"°*°"’“‘· rlkmé Nt, °N$‘°d’ , ¤ N M,;,;§,·;,x§i_§¤s whcuthd B? Afttliff §€‘!W€'i*§ Attxvtfi 1, §9l4, had Jams; v c M, mhnéribcé befhrc téhilhihr ethos Augugz 1, 11 P-} isgctg ihveohtloas undo while mrrihg shroud with Iifgiwd : >;_,;,» f<ar<‘<*·s 5115% WGTM Xxx!. Q `, timer hhtcht rigihts hwmré by hitch hh F ,- $,4, vial mi: mesmrvs hot •§`P<‘f<'€· i*‘ · F _; ,,§_,;,,,,, ,,,h mguxrhtsoa of hatzevat; rertihcnto thoreot issued hy c l yshvm Qhwe; rgfafi ii IN\"E!~”'£l0>€S` PATENTABLE — I

 31. Ihvntiws pl£@&hk··—-·-—.·\¤$* person whh has in- t

at ,,%,1 hr thstovhrmi any mw nhd useful ut, machine, mmm- 4; ,~, ,,.,,,,~,._ M- vompcsitisu od mtttw, or any new ind awful im- (

·r,»·,··¤;h,,»;;rs thereof, nm known hr used hy others ih this i

mo, i·¢.—1¤—w his lhvmtioh or &c0v¢ry thereof, and not pntmted s ha- gi¤·~·~:·il¤<>·fi in any {hinted pnhllcaticm th this or my foreign g ,·,hh,¤r;*, wihre his imwmthm or dhcovery thweof, or more g lttéiii {UH? QYPSTS to hw Im not in ‘ I pg- hm xh§h ih this cuttatry for sure two yum prior to MS 1 h;·g*§it·hzi4,·u. anim the same is proved to have bow abandoned, c am}; upon payment of the tow l@¤i!€§ by law, and other c (luv ;»m—r·edi:1g had, A patent therefor. (R. 8. Q 4886; ¢ Mun :·;. 2:597, c_@1, { 1, Q Stat. @2.) 3 32. lhvemiom xhrosd.-¢—Ni> mmm other- Q¤i~{· entitled thereto @11 he dehsrmd from receiving a patent I fw his invehtioh ordiocomy, hor will ani patent be dé· { <·5;,m—d ihvadid hy rmson ot its having boon hut patented or I 4-:4:aml to be patented by tho ihvmtor or his leg! rwswtaé I zivah or assign in a foreign cotimy, ¤ ,,,,;~; me apdicatiou I for mid f§t iétent was ME more ¤* v twelve i in {-ws warm we @islo$·o¥ motion 31 or ms hm, we ¤ mar mouths ih chaos of prior to the HUM of the * a;;»pli{·mio¤ in thiscohhtry, in which choo no patét _¢ha11 bé * gtrxxmhxl in this cohutry. . g " _ , i An hppiicatioq for patent for sm invention or discovery or. ‘ for a dwgn died in this cwtry by nay' persoh who mst ‘ ‘ h¤·rit}usly regularly med an application. for a potent for the _‘ ·»mm· invention, discovery, or d§§!.l in 1 foreign country l tthivia, by treaty, ‘co¤v¤s¤tiha, or hw, ¢£0rds J M A privileges ‘ ho vitizens ot the United shall have &e forco nM. fi r·§‘t¤·t aé the sum gppllatloh irould have itlhkd ih- this muutry on thedate 93 hwhiéh the nppiimtwn for pntént for ‘ aiwming havgmion, discovery, or @1gh was hrst Sled [ih meh 1 `. foreign mtnutry, I pmwjidod the appllcntim tn, this i8_ .1 tiled within twelve months ih caséq within tm pmvtdom of ‘ h;·<,·tio11 31 at this title, iahd withiu tom- in cases oth t érwizhsw, the hnrltegt data on .which any such foféigh ,1 a;»plir·ati® whs hled. Bttt_¤o,jphteut shall be granted ou` anx I h·;»rlit·:1tio:a for patent im- an invehtiou pr discovery or a design ’ s.·¤.·1¤i<·h had patented or dmrlhéd in a prihtéd publication I in mis or any foreign cohatry more than two years before the I date- of the actual hlthe of thé hmxltmtiou ih thi8‘GOI1I1ti°ye or ‘ wlaivh had bwh in publk; use or on- mic ih this country for `° ezmro than two ycéhrs prior, toomth Ming. (R, $. { Mar, 1 3. 1897, of 391, { 3, % Stnt.°6%:"Mnr. 3, 1%, c. 1819, {1, 32. 1 Sm. 1m,). . ` 1 . 1 · .5- .· _ t GENERAL PBOVI$ION8 GOVERNING APPLICATYON FOR l l AND ISSUE OF PATENTS , _ » · I

 Aphiicntion for patmt;   mcciéoitioh and  

¢}¤1m.···—B¤cfore any inventor or discovcrer shall réohrhh wtéilt Z f$#*1‘ his i-fivehtiorn or dimvory he shall aphlicaltton th~oro— < ¥0r••iB`wZ°iti@, to th$ iiirft 0%1’- Qt gm i JH the Patent (imag h‘ mitteh dcscriptiomof the uhm,. B.¤<¥.0fl o the manngr and L ot- uohug, cohstmétihg, oompouudiug, ; ¤l1d\lSingit,_ip@htul1,c1ear;¢omisz,h,&dcxnctt¢r1h.sa3t0 1

  • ATENTE § 37

mble any person skilled in the nrt, or ecieme te which it egwertsius, or with which it is most nearly connected: to make, wstmct, compound, and use the mma; am tp ease ot a eechme, M mall expiain the prmcipie thereof, md the best eode in which he has contemplated eppiying that prmcipie, ue as to éjwinguish it from other inventions; am he shall nartteulnyiy point out and distinctly claim the part, imp»reveeent, or eombimtiou which he claims es his invention or disnvery. The specwcatton and claim shalt be sigmd by the nventor. (R." S. § 4%8‘; Mar. 3, IQE5, c. 94. S 1, $8 Stat. 95SQ) 34. Sane; dnwags, specimen A ingedients or models to

      y.-When the astute of the ease admits of drawings,

he applicant shall furnish one copy signed by the ixgventet »:· his attorney in tact, which shall be, med in the Patent mice; and n copy of the drawtng te be mmmésed by the hteut Ome, shall be ittaehed tt? the patent as a part of the cpecmentien; when the inyemiou or elixevery is of at comwtion ot matter, the applimut, it reqtxireq by the commissioner, shall remsesutmcimeue of ingredients sudo! the bewrosition, su&ciem: in quantity for the of experiment. in all casa which admit of represwtadm bymdel, the appiirsnt, it required by the commiésiemer, shell fumteh a model rt convenient size to exhibit-a·dw·:¤tngeo¤sly the several parts vi his invention ordiscovery. (B, 8. H -L889 to 4w1; Mar. K, 1915, é. 94, { 2, 38 Stat. 959.) t _ o 35. Sam; nth of spp&¤•¤t.e-The applicant shall make oath hat he does verily belieie himself to be the .origma3·sml met uventor or discoverer of the art, ma&iue;ma:s§1aetm·e, compcsition, or improvement for which so¥icits_a°.patem; thet ne does. not know and docs mt that Vstme wax everaefore known or used; me s&l1' nate of what comtry he is n_ citizen, Such oath ¤»» lie mndebefore any pemcn within he United Setutee autlnoirtseé by. law ‘ to uémlrxmer oaths, nr, when the hpplicam in a foreign cuPu¤t¤. before my ninistcr, chaggé 2l’aEhirw; consul; o:_ éommerciel xgent eolé-»

 commimion   the ,GOV&1'§1IBgE1'1t of the _;U¤it&` States,

rr before my notary peblié, judge, or mggistrate heving an andal seal and suthorited to gdmmister egths in dw tweige zotmtty in which t-he appliizam whose ggtlrerity slug! me proved by cert_i§cate· of in diplomatic osg consent ·t at the United Stat$. (B. S.~§·v4&2; Ear. 3, 1963, c; IQI9; }2,32Stut.1@6.)- " ·~ _ · »` e 36. Same; of invemim, aw iming of pagin- Du tpe ming of hay such application and the peymet of the fees required by law, the C0mmis;io¤er ei Patents shall eause an- examinstion to be made Qof the alleged how inveptios cx, . Iiscovery; ami, it en_ s ¤oh_ examination it shall inppear that the claimhnt is, justly entitled to a patent undef the Live, and that the mma is sumciently useful and imimrtant, the enmrxiiaosiouer shall issue u potent therefor. (R. S S 4@3.) " ‘ 37. Time of eoapletigg spplieatim; ‘;pp®@_ nb•t¤d¤¤éd.————-—All applipétions for mterets shalt be eempieted amtj prepared for examimtiotn within oss year after the §li;1g ot; the application, and in `detault thereof} or_ upon failure · of tho a.pplicap~t -to‘pxomcute the ·s¤me within eee after any aetion therein, ot which-notice `&aH have been given te, the applicant, ithey §Iml1?..bel regaided as abaxgdoned by the parties thereto; umm it be shown to the wtisfaetion of tm Cdmmiseimezr of Patents that such delay was unavoidable; No application ehall be·rmrded as amnéolnect whieh_ has become the property of- the Government of the United States and ivith _ remect to which the head of any dep¤rmie¤t» of the 'Gosvemmnt shall have cehitied to. the Commissioner of Pitepte, within a period of three years that the eignveutiou disclosed therein 1s· important" to A the armameat or defense of the United States,. ·Within ninety days, and not less than thirty dgys, before the expiration of- any such M three—yee:m period the Commimitmer of Patents sh&1l,_§¤ writing; notify · the hcid cl the department mterested in miy pending applica- . . $ \