Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1196

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§’99 rrwns as.-»1=uu·1c102*1c` we Q3, Aasét-E, of existing c¤rpontim——The confpcratioi may `acqxgire any or all at the assets »_ of the existing orgauisntigm kimwu hs Ame1:iban`War Mothers upon discharging cr satis ,2 taétcxyily prbyidiug for the ·-payment P and diéqhargc. ot all iu liabilitkes. (Feb. 24, ,1925l- c.[303, § 9, 43 Statn 968.) . k 196. Exclusive right to ¤amc.—'1‘he ccrporaticu hud its State Teryitorial, and local subdivisions shall have thé, sole and ex clusiée. right to havé- and to psa. in carrying out its business purposes the name ct Américan War Mdthers. " (Feb. 24, 1925 c.303,§10,.43S;éat.968.) · 2 101. Reports to C¢mgress.—'1`he cqfporation shall, on 0i(be fom the 1st day of January in each ygar, makeV.and transmit p "the Congress u report of iits pmgzeedings io; thé_ preceding cal cndar year, including a full arid Qcompletc `report of its receipt: and eipeuditures. Said report `shall 110t·be printed sis-·-a pub lk; documexxt. (Feb. 24, 1925, c, 303; § 11,. 43 Stat: 968.) ` 182. State agents;-—As a "condition precedent to `the exer . cise of any powcf cir privilege herein granted 0i·_ conferred ,th· _c0rp0i·uti0¤ shallfilc ‘in`the office of the secretai·y_Qf each Stain the- name and posboffice address of an 8il_th0l‘iZ€d_' agent in strc] , State upon whom local process O1'.d€H18!1(IS.&g&iHSt’AH1€IiC81 ' War Mothers may be served; (Fgb. 24, *1925, c. 303,-§ 12, 4; Staf.968.)· · _ ·` { J 103. Acceptance by riiajonjiky of inccrpérqtors.-eThis_cl1arZte shall take Effect upon jts being accepted by- :1 majority vote 0 the incqtiaorators named, herein who shall be` Iiresenb at th iirst, meeting of the corporation, due? u0tit;e of which meetin; shall be gizvexr to each of the, incorpomtors named herein, an a notice of suéh acceptance shall be givén by said 'c0rpoi·at"i0r causing a ceitihcaté to that efféct, signed byjts presidént an _ _ secietary, to be Bled in Zthe bmce of, the recorder of deeds qt ph

  • 4 "District cfC01umbia. (Feb.-24,,1925,3 303, § 12}, 43.Stat, 968.

194. Right tp repeal, ctc., resgrvcd.-—Gongres.s may fro: tiéxei to ii;.;1cjalter, repeal, or modify this chapter ot incorpors tion, but ud contract or individual right made or acquired shal hereby bg divested orifupairéd. (Feb. 24, 1925, -c. 303,- § 14, 4 Statt 968.) __ — - . " ; A ·— I 105. Present 0§‘ic¢rs.€-—·-Y1‘he management and direction ot th amxirs pi the corporation and the controlling and disposin of its property and tupds shall be vested in the persousdpl elected at the last annual convention held in Kansas Gig·i, who .sha;1}_~be the o§iccrs of the American Wa Mothers; for the yéar beginning Oct0ber,._1923, to serve `uut; the texi annual convention to be hcld at Philadelphia, Pérzmsyi §ania, dn (izgaber 8, 1925,,01* nntp theixisucccssors are »dul Kbwiuted, who are the following: c ‘ ° ‘ . . Margaret N.._MgG1;1er; National War Mother, Kansas Cit; ` Missouri: Carrie L. Root, tirst vice' National War Mothee Giardncg, Illinois; Blaucfha A.·Bé1lAk, secoagf vice National Wa J Mother, Philadelphia] Peimsylvania: Mary E. Spence;-third_vic National War Mother, Milwaukee; Wisconsin; Rox 8.-Sargeu fourtli vice Nhtionqf War M¢>the1·,·San Fmucixc, Ghlifomié ‘Alice Brousbxf Gldhmin, national recording secretary, Lex§¤:t01 Kgutuclgy; Florence A. Latham, nqtimml corresponding ysecrl tary, Kansas `City. Miwmri; Mahan M. Béyd, mtional tram mer, Newcastle, _I_i1diaua; Kate .0. De Kay, national historian ,Blaék1’0ct," Idaho; Carrie White Ave)?. national custodian < . records, Washington, Distpict pi Columbia; Eitella T. Wilco: national auditor, Qmaha, Nebraska. (Féb. 24, 1925, c. 30¤ { 15, 43 Stat. 968.) · · ‘ ‘ 2 Chapter 8;-—AMERICA-N BATTLE MONUMENTS COM msswu. · · 2 · j 121. American Baytlc Mmmmeqts Commisswnz; memhersj: sppointxpent secnctgry; termi of cmceg vacancies; expands; deiigrmtian 1 I 1 bananas ai Army, Navy, or ln;im.%·p• to sam. » 122. Expense of Army nascar: serving orcommisslou. _ ‘ Q23; Powers and Hutton an to mcmsriala. - -‘

HETIE8 AND OBBERVANOIJ , 1182 I M ·' . . A · , 124. Approval of designs or mnterinie (oi·,momom1¤,` 125. Arrangements- with foreign countries. · . 126. Fundt reeeivedfrom Etdtes, munidpgtitiem,-br private-lncllvitioamr !_ _127. ·Prepantions, ctc., of megorieln at usenet: or EQ}, ,8,,,S, we O qptnred war mmm. - . 128.* Replicas of menorislsi ? ‘ ’ 129. Cooperation with States, etc;. fn erection of memorials. '° " 130, Maingennnce of uiemériall erected. - " B 131. Statement to President _, . - I ,,‘ 182.·Beeordn and archives. “ , · . l . _ · - . l33.,·Disbursing lagent {or dihbursement of expenditures outside of I United States, . _ __ . _ . — , Section 121.‘ American Battle _ Menunents Commission-- } mgmberg;_ appointment; secrehfy; MYR! ¤f-·¤&ce; vacancies; S , expenses; designation of pcrwknd _¤f AIIL Nnvy, or Marine ,_ Corps to a‘séists»—A commission is created and &tabliéhed. to y,,. · . knowiws the American Battle Monmnwts C0mmisoion·<hm·f1»- ‘ ,_ after r ferred to asthé commiSSi0!i‘), to consist of sow;} it-.‘.,,,Q° B here who Shall be appointed by the President, who small zum B appoint onejoflicer of the Itegular Army to serve asits sem., ,1 tary; The members and secretary-shell serve at the pIoo¤io··· of , ,,· fthe President who shall fill any vacancies that from gm;. 5,}. 3 time occur. The secretary shall also serve as disbursiu;;...ll&··t-r

 . ot the commission, who shall make disbursements upon ·.·oui·l»t~rs

i_ approved by its chairman. , _· . { ‘ The mombersof the commission shall serve v¤€itho11t,t··.m,.t-y;. ·" 6 sqtiongeroopt that their actual expenms in connection vt-im {liv ‘ g work ot the commission `moy_be paid-rout any hindi ;ip;.;·...` ,1 printed for the purposes of this-chnpteryor eéjouired by _;.xm· ,, jmeansnhereinnfter authorized., _ · . _ · · ‘ ,1 Upon the request of theicommixion the President is ;mzm».‘ ,,· ized to designate such personnel of any depnrtment.oz· of r!i··" ) .·Approved, Navy, or Marineforps as mny be necessary to assis: in I, ca‘rrying ont_the purposes of this, chapter, and the com~mi~»~iY··u ,_` is authorized to employ suchjurther personnel as may no izm·~— D nary .to carry out purposes of this chnpter, within me 3 limits of any appropriation or appropriations mode. f•»r·>u¤ii . pniposesi · (Mar. 4, 1923, e. 283,} 1, 42 Stnt. 15w.) o " _ ,,,~ ,122. Expenneé of Army o&ecrs serving on eemniissionri, " g' _When -traveli,ng_ with the commission or on the bueinegs of the-, . y_ commission ofllcers of the,'Ar1ny serving gs memhorg or as on- ’ ,, retary ot, the eommission shall he reimbursed as provitlml 2.;: _,, low for Arm} officers, (Apr., 2, 1924, c. 81, {.1, 43-,Stot. 33: U June'}, .1§2g4,· c. 292, 9 1, 43 Stor. §22.) ’ · _· ‘ . . , 1, .; ,123. Powers and duties as to menaorialgn-The eon¤»»»i»<i··tt y_ shall premre plans_and·estimates'_for theerection of euimme . memorials to mark Tend commemorate the services.- of me ,.,1 American forces in Europe end ereetrnemorinls therein of smh _· L places as the commission shall determine, including work> vi ,1. architecture and‘·art in the American cemeteries in Eurone- ,€° `The commiesjon shall ,_QOB_t1'01 as to Ymaterinle and °tl<*Si:¢=· t_. prowjide regulations for end superrieeihé erection of all no- ,;_ m0l‘1&l Inolmments and buildinge in the American eemeterks H1 _ U, Europe. _ ‘ , . _ _, I . . · g-_ ·` The éommlssion nhall _ eause, suoh photographs to be sc<.·uvr*¥ B. or token of the terrain ot the various battle Holds ot rlur<»i{<‘· ¤_ upon which units of the armed forces of the United stotvr yy were nct1vely·engeged with the enemy, gg, wilI_ complete {fw I, historical photographic record of the operations of such umu: B, d the eommis§on shéll transmit suéh. reem*d_ when eonnpleted

 Secretary of War for permanent tile with the reco_¤·t1>; ··f .

·_ the War Department. . (Mgr, 4, 1923,}, @3, Q`2, 42 gmt, 150% L L I- 124. Approval of designs or ngterigh ie: monaials.-j’i}*‘· ' - tore any design or materiel for memorints, iajceepted by ‘***` · eommlwlont- the name shall be dpproved by the National (Sum-, U miS8i¤¤ of Fine Arts.- _ (Mgr. 4, 19%, @@3,2} 3, 42 Stat. 1510-) " i 125. Arrannimts with foreign countries.-·——Tne· ,Presi+iem is requested to make the noeesmry nr énte° with tim. proper authorltiu ot, the countries to enable the