Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1232

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§ 444 _ TITLE 38.-—PENSIONS, BON I the I•`c<Icml fiu·m·l0an Banks for the pmirpdsas of guch fum (June 7, 1924, c. 31%, ? 17, 43 Stat. 612.) ` 444. Credit an accbunts of disbursing cigrk qf_ burcnu fu payments as imsurnncefinst;ll1;ac»1xts.——TI1a Comptroller Ger €ml‘0f the United Stufes is autlwrized had directed to allow crvdit in the izécounts of the disbursing c1e`i·k_0f The bureaujc all p:1ymeuts‘0f insurance iriétzlllmenté made after June 7 , 192é witlaput 'vcriiicatibn of the deduction on the pay rolls; bf suc . pméniums as may have accrued prior to Jqnuary '1; 1921, whil ” the i1asured`%’as in the service.' (Junk -7, }I924, c. 320, § 18; 4 sm. G12.)_ _ _; ii V · 1 _ 445; Actimns cn.clairn;s;;_j¤risdictic1i; parties; procedurep-I: the event of d_isagrcgeme‘¤t as to, claim‘ under 4 'cpntract c iusixmnce between .the bu1iéqu_ and axiy, __pers0u_ or person ( ciaiuiiug thei·eum:Ier_ai1 action IQII the claim niay be brcggh I. against the ,Uuitéd` State$ eifherin the supreme Coutt; of ih

 umuxcc cr cgmmma 01‘_iH the emitter com; ·p:_ me Umm

States in and fof the disti·ict;_iu` which such perspigé or an one of them resides; HDd`·jl11iiSdiQti0l1__iS conferred upon suc ·c<$m·t$ tq hear gndfdetermine all such cdntfohzrsics. The .p17¢ -cedure hi suéh `suits .sh·a1l' 'bc the samé as that proiided i sectiosas 762 and 763 of Titlq'28, gud section. 765 or rfitlg 2 iu so far as applicable. AII persqns having or claiming I0 hav ma interest in such insurance. mqy be. made parties; to suci suit; énd such as are not inhabitants bf dl`, found within th iistricti in which Suit `is brought may be bréught in" by brde _ of the court fo be served personally _0r b£-.pub1ic9tion.qr —f

· “ such <>the•1··_reas011able qzaannéras the court méy direct; In ai

cases xvhegf the-“bqrcau·ackq0wledge$ the indebtedness `of th United `St§*cS~up0u anysuéh contract 0t_ insurance aud ther is a dispute aé_t0' thexpérscu or pars0ns·,entitled to paymieha —a` sui: in the nature of a bill of ixntcppleadent may be bxjougb by the bureau in.the name of- the United _IStates_ against `al i}(‘1‘SOIiS;hH\'ilIg or claiming 't0' have any ·iute1·és¢'_i¤ such insun mace `iu thé Supremé Court ot the District bf Columbia or f the district court in mad for thé district in which, any of suc? claimants lreside. _ Not lass ._thau thi1.·ty`.daYs’ pri01·"tq `ihsti hating such suit the bumau shall mai-1 11 poticeoi Such, iixtem ` tjma to ezwh `ot the }_)(}1’§50l'lS ta be `macle parties to the ‘sui1 The pircuit courts of appeal ’aud_ the ;.C0urt of_.Api>eal_s off th -I)iStI`iI3t of Columbia shzi!.1 réspcctfvely exercise appellate juris

Iig·ii,m1' und, except as p`r0vidad~ in sections 346 and 347 c¢.Titl·

28,11:0 glevcrcesbf the-circuit courts of = peal and tl1m,(J0urt 0 Appgzals gt the District of Coltambl mil be §naL T41is.sec tion shall apply.t0 £11l suits pen agziinét the. United States umlcrl thel provisions of a Wgr Riék - Insurance Act, ja BilIl‘lI(i4;·?n or of tlni$4_chaptc1~ qu March 4, 1925, (June 7{1924 c. 320, _§ 1.9} 43AStz;t;: @12; Mar. 4, 1925, c. 553,_»§ *2., 43 Stat 1302.f

 s 446. Prpof ofmarriage of claimant.--For the purpose otthi

chapter the marriage of theclaimaut by the person on accqaiu `” of whom tha claim is made shall bc! shown by such festimoixg as t1;»c,¢1i;·ect0rwnmy prescribe by regulations. (June 7, 192-1 c._320, 5 43 ‘$mt.· 613.) ‘ _ _ _ . _ · 447. Effect of discharge from ‘mili¢ary mi pavnl forces 91 insurance, etc.;4-'I‘he dischargq or. dismissal of aiay pers01 from‘ the mflitary or uavhl forces on the "gxjouncl ¤that h· aww guilty at mutiny, treason, spying, or-any 0t!ensa‘invol§im umi·i:1_ tmpitude, or willful and persistent ‘misc0uduct, 0 which he was round guilty byu courtmmtial, Q!‘_,th€1t he was an alien, (5"0l1¥~I('i€X1ti{,¤t1S.Ubj®(3tOi"XVII!) refused to perform millmrg duty or refnaéed to wear the Muiform, or u· d¢sertai·, glmll bn: mi rights to may compensation under Part II, br any training or any maiutemincé and support allpwziuce under Part IV 0; this chapter: Prpaeided, That this Eéctimm shaft not "apply to an `alivu who vclunmcréd or who Rmx drafted ingt0‘ or who servet r" int the J.—\ruxy, Navy, or Marinas Corpspf the United Saatcs ‘duri1}g \ jhe, World War; who vs·ns. elisclxargead subsequent to Ncvcsmbm 11, 19126, or sx 110 suis not discl1m·g¢·d from tim service on or_p;·i01 `\ ‘· J

USES, AQVD VETERAEN/8* RELIEF! _ c_ 1218 n 1, to November 11, 1918,. on his own application or S011C1{dti0I]vby_‘ _ reaeon of his being an alien, and whose S€l"%’i€*€"W8S honest. img tr teithtnl; Provided further, '1‘hat‘ in case any. persons l1as·bcQu’·‘ 1-- discharged or dismissed from the militaryor navel forces as a vv result of a cou;·t-martial trlnl, `and it is thereefter eesteblisllcd »r to the satisfaction __0f the director that at the time of the coml, mission ot the offense resultinggin such courbmartiel. trial and h dischdrge such person was insane, Such persdn Snell be en-- .e titled te_ the compensation and vocational. training beneiits 3 under Parts 1I(and.1V hereof E Prowded further, That dis . charge or dismissal or Ending of guilt for any of the offenses n t specified in this section shall not adect the myment of ttompen- »t sation or maintenance and support allowance ter disabilities ts incurred in or aggravated by service in any prier er subsequent lt enlistment · Provided further, That- no compeneatien or inserle ance shalllge payable for death inflicted esa lacvtnl punishment d` Pier crime or *milltary- odeuee,. eiéept when- indicted bi the y· enemy: Provided further, That ns te converted insurance the h cash surrender value, it any, on the date of such death sltall >- be paid to the designated benedclary it living, er it there`be~no~ n designated beneficiary alive at the dmth of the insured the-Said 8 value shall be paid to the estate of the insured: Pr_g·pidcd_ fen e ther, That the discharge of a person for concealed the h fact. that he was a minor-at the time of his.t,enlisttnent‘ shell net .e bh1'_b1IIl·f1‘0Ih the"beneHts ct tl1isjcheptei·1it·I3ie eervlce was »r otherwise honorable. ° This section shall be deemed. to be tn. n- eifect as of April 6, 1917. (June·7, 192-Q, @.-320, Stat, ll 613; Mar;'4,‘1925,`c._553, 5 3, ·13`Stet._1303._) ‘· " . _ ve t 448. ·EHe4:t of death. or disability, after induction bi dreft ·e. boards.` or calling inte Federal service, but before enrellment t, for actual eeryice.-·—If after induction by the local drallt beard, tt or after being called into Federal service as all jmenxber of the ll National Guard, but before being accepted and enrolled ter

 active service, theperson died erbecame disabled es_a_resn1t ef

n- · disease contracted or injury suffered in the line of dnty and net h_ due to his" own willful misconduct involving moral tmipitbnde,.-’ l- or as a result of the'aggravation,"in the -1lne of duty. andnot l- because of his own willfnlmiscondnirt involving moral tnrpit. tude; of an existing disease or injury, he or tnosecntitled e thereto shall receive thebenedts of compensation peyeble under 1- Part ,II oi this chapter, and auytxnexrcncc anplication nnede by e such person after induction by` the local draft tgonrd but befere ·f_ being accepted and enrolled for active serv-tceenunn liedeenacd. 2- valid. (June 7,,1924, c.`32Q,`§ 2-1, 43 Stat. 614.) Y , X a, _ 449. Persons appliing forfenlistment er enrollment between s April 6, 1917, fend Notlember 11, 1918, and accepted previl,· sionallyg .benc§ts.;——Any person who between the 6th -dny_ of Y Abrll, 1917, and the 11th_dey of Nevember,`1918,· eppliedfor Q enlistment _ or .enroll_ment in the military or navel forces, end lt ·who was`_ectjepted'·previsietta11y and directed er‘ ordered to e y camp, poet, station, or other place for duel acceptance into such l, service, sllnll be deemed to }1&\"B··thésSHmQ sgtatus es lm. inducted h inau. not yet nccepted gnd enrolled ter active service during the lt period while eucl) persen was complying with sncn order or. u direc lun, and during- snchdcenxpliance," and until luis tinal e acccpiance or rejection for enhetnicnt or enrollrnent" into the g xnillt dryer navel torcee, shall be entitled to the serine oenetit? I uncle; Parts. II and III of this chapter as en inducted man —‘ n not.jf t accepted and enrolled fer active service. (June 7, 1924. ye Jmwmmm·. -‘ &·—_* r 45 . Payments to lni;i0m,n1ental`inc0mpetents, or persons. L; ll\\d*¤ E28} diS8bi}i¢y·-Wllere any payment under this cllnpy t ter. e te be made tc ei miner, other then Aa person in the 1 military or nagal forces of the United States, or to aipersen 1 mentally; wcempetent, or under other legal disability., adjudged g_ , by a conrt ct competent jurisdiction, such fleymentf may be _ r mede to_the` person who is constituted guardian, curator,. or _ r conservator by the laws of the State`0r&resldence ofclaimault tg