Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1249

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1235 TITLE 89.-··THE° P4 `cnsptcr -’ * _ 8écL 1, Pos: 0!‘H€¤..·p•- ... .. .. --------_ ---..-- .. 2. P08T¥A8T”‘··•·r·•1·····•j·——·;·-···s·•-y-•••·-•··~·--·•»·¥-•-•• ~--·- 5--··--. .31' s, Asswhsr rosrxlsrns, nm cmu: nm nxrnorns V81 · `-1. Cru manu, semen enters, nmncnvmo xops-------- 151 5, Runs 'DKJYEII Busvlca------- ... ..--.. ... 191a e; Mlm. ¥A1’I.'$»-..-··-A . ---..---.,_ L.---- ...,,.. 221 s, Tun ruunso rxxvxuon-..-.; . L- -- . ’ ,.-4. . 321 ES. POSTAGS srutcs, roman. cnos, -lm¤_tuv|i.or¤s .. - . ;.-2.351 10.. R@i8'¥1E uu:. -- .. -..;_ .. · L . .;--‘ .. g------- 381f ` 11. Uscuurn; ono, · no noorsv: mugs, nm uucuuuo - ·` 'PIIHIIB anna;--F ---- I - ---- ---;.---.; ---------- ; ------ 401 _, csoss smrsssucs _ l" F Post Mee- Dgrtaeut; see chapter 6A._ol Tftld 6,-. EXICl1’1‘lY§·Di·

  • rlsrursrs um Govrnunm: Orrxcns nm Burmrrss.

Chapter 1.···-POST V` ·¤> l ·S颕 ‘ _ · l, __ l l - ' 1‘. Establishment of- rmt .o¤cc•. .· - 2. D fi§\ii§§ o&ces. · 35 (Rees at county seats coutlnued. _ _ 4-Post o¤ce• to be kept open. 5. Sundays; dnt aud second class excepted. dfhiskiug up mall. ; · ,' ‘ · I ° 7. Arrival and departure of mall. · · ‘ 8. Dlspsml of uyeleu Papers. - I · · {Rewards iordetectiou ot pcst·omce burglar:. 10. Premises leased for post omccs. . · » _ ll. Rental et Bret, second, sud third-clan post omces. 12. Monthly payment of. rental for post oQoes._ · 13. Restrictions os allowances for rent for tlnlrd-class omces. ‘ Section 1,'Estsb1ishneut of post oEces.··-The ·Post·msster General shell eststgllslr post otllces st, all such places oai post l roads estsblished_ by law ss he `msy deem expedient, and he shall promptly certify such establishment to the Geuersl Accounting (mice. (BQ. S. ·§ 3829; June 10, 19.*21, c. 18, § 304, 42- S·r¤t»24·-l · . I * ·- · s .2, Discoutimiing e§ces.¢—_jCI?he, Postmsster Qeneral may dis-. coutiuue may post olllce were the safety sud security ot the E Postal Service sud revenues .sre·eudsugered from any cause' whatever, or where the emcleucy of the service requires such 1* discoutluusuce, sud, he shall promptly certify such discontinu- `auee to the“Gesersl Accounting Omce. €=(B. S. _`§` 3364; June 10, 1921, c. 18,} @4,,42 Stat. 24.). - N _·. __ ‘ 3.. 05m at county seats eoutiuued.————No post otllce established st soy county seat shall llc sbolislled or discoutluued by feogsou of any cousolldstiou. oi pos t“od1ces.mudei»by the -Post-· _ muster General, sud `suy suclx postomce st s county. seashore-- totore cousolldat& shall be established as A sepsrstepost omce at such county Qt. ifhis provision shall not apply to the clty of Cambridge, Massachusetts, or to Towson, Maryland, or__ to _ _Clsytou, Ssiut [louis County, Missouri. e (.”luue·9,»1896,_c. 386. °29 sm.s1s; Aug. 24, 1912, e. sw, t l, sr sts:. s4s.)~` ~· 4. Pm e§@ to be kept open.;-Every postmsmeg shell. keep, au owceln whlchoue ormore persons shsll be ou duty, during fsuch hours of ucla dey ss the Postxusster Geuersl may direct, excerpt ss provided lu "sectlou 5 ot this title, ‘ for · the purpose ` ot receiving, delivering, making up, sud forwarding all mall . _ matter receljved therest. {R; S. § 383Q.) “ · t 5. 5Suudsys; Brat nudvqeeoud cluseifexcegzted.-—-Post: omcm ot. the ilrst and secoud classes shall uot be open ou Sundays for the purpose ot delivering mail. to the geuerél public, but this ' provision shall not present the prompt . delivery ot specisl Zdeliyery mall. (Aug. 24. 191,2, c. 3&l, § 1, 37 Btst. 543.) · I 6. Making up mnilé-·—-All letters brought to may pest office lull! am hour before the tlme for the depsrture of the mall shell be

OSTAL SERVICE a 1..12 ’0STAL SERVICE ° checker ~ · _ · . · sec. 12. Connors I'0I‘C·ARRiiNG·'1‘Hl u.ur,a .. ;. . ; . -..421 13. An Au., ... _,...--, .. J ... ;.-- 461 14. Cnfgizm mu um..-..,..---;L-.;  ; . ;.--.§...Q.. 481.- 1*5; Bwhwn snvxqu ..,. · . .7 ... L.-...' . 521 16._ Bunn: mgr, ouxcnsqn mumnm ...,. ..;  ; 601 ‘ 17, Forman mm. ~suv;c¤--- 4, . ---.. em 18.__P0¤·;·-onrcni !N8PICTOi8;..-Q . 4.., .,.. _ ., w 1 _ 19. _Tn;n [neurons; ·¤n·m¤u .; ... _ --;  ;. 711 20. PQSTQL gxvmcs ¤¤r0sr·z0n:ns-...—..--1., I ... .Q ,.,,I 751 21. Aqcouus no nn1n¤¤n,.,..-..., ... _. ...,.. ,..-..,- 781 .22,*MI¤cnLLAND088_PROV`18!0Ns nnu•rg¤¤— m my P¤s1·Ap Smyxcn- Sm _ forwarded therein; butvit oméw where. in the opinion ot the Postmaster General, inbre time t0r m¤king pp the mail is- re! quired, he ufy pggscnribe acéqrdingly, not exceeding pac ham-. (R.S.}3840.·) 7. Arrival`¤nd‘ dopgrturcyof nail.-M16 General shall furnish to the postmasters at the. bt each · route a séhedule oi the time ot arrival and departure ci tlié _ man 8C'th€i1"_Qm(!€8, téspectively, tube posted is a conspicuous place in the 0Ece; and be [mal! also glire thm notice of my _ change in the sufrivnl and déparmre that may he, ordered; and he shall cause to be` tcp; and returned tb the depaxgtment, at short and regular intervals, the. exaét _ times ot the arrivals. and departmfes ct thé msi!. -· (RQ S. { 8. Disposal of p_;pcrs.-e-The Postmaster Gcucxjsifwfé/~ hereby authorized to sell Nas whats paper or atIiérxi¤·i¤é_· dispbse of thlc files ot papers wpich have acéumulated ‘ 6:* may ` Paccumnilgte in-post oEcea; tim; are not needed in tlia tran s·` action of current business and héjre no permznngnt vatuq or · historical' interest,. and. phy; the _ proceeds of csail} salw into the Treasury as postal revenues. (May 11, 1966, c. 24%, 9. Rey for dctcctiim · qi bostmmcé b£nrg1us.—Réxvanls may bq paid mj- the detection, armst, and ccinvtéticn of pewt-

  • 0mce Iburglars, robbers, ·nr1d·Bighwd_vi mail V,mb¤bexs, or, in the

discrctiqfx of the Postmaster General, [when; an c}§cndax· ai the class ménticmqd is killéd iq the Qnct of committing the crime or in msisiing lawful ar` t. (Ma1·."3:tf1—7, c.”162, § 1, 39 Stat. 1059;.1una 19, 1922ifc,__%T, §‘ 1, Stat. 655;-Féb. 14, 1923, c. 79, `§ -_1, 42 Sta'tQ 1251; Apr. 4, 1924, QM, Title Hf 43 . Stat. 85; Dec, 5, 1924, c; 4, { 1, 43 $@5.690; Jan. 2& 1925,_v:. 87% Title {II,-43}Stat. 784 ;‘ Mm:. 4, 1925, cf"556, 5 1, 43 Btg§._133¥1) ` . 10, Premiszq lutséd fég host 9¤¤¢¢8•····\Vh6!l€\;é1’ any building or part df a, buildin tmdér lease ~becm:¤'és; gum for use ash post 6$ce,· no rent shall bé paidiuntil the sims shall be {mt ig aYsat1sI&ctor,v ¢0¤dit.i0n by the `owzgef thereof for ·9c·c1iputiy.m as a post omce, or the lease may be mncaled, at Pthe ·0ption mf ighe. Postxnhistér General. — (Maxi. 3, 1885, c._342, -5 ·1,‘23° Sta:. 386; June 19, 19%, c. 227, § 1, 42 Stat. f I 11. Rental of Ent} 8£¢0l§d,plI\d $1516 pogt ¤»Eces.~—·—*1‘hc` _‘ Postmaster General muy, in, the disbursement ufl the appmprizp j .ti<m for rent, light, and fuel for m·st, segccmd, and "`third class post édices, Apply, a dm thereof to the purpose ot leasing. prseukiuca for the pseiéf —p0st·0mc:¢·s oi th€§&PSt%_$&C(}l1,d,‘Rlld jzhixtd clpases at a reasonable qmuar pexitgl, to bc paid monthly Top a tetm not exceéding twenty y¤.»as;_s. _,(July 24, 1888, c.‘Tp2, 5.1,.25 Stat. 345;-Apr. 24, 1920, c. 161, § 1, 4.1 Stat.·5T8_:` Mar. 3,1925, c; 420, 43‘Smt. 1105.). , . ,, w A f' L ` 12.,_ Monthly payment of `rexgtal for poét_n@ccs.—#4Tln9’1}c»;$;— m8,ster.G&i1eml may make monthly pa_ymeint~0f rentn} for postpmce premises under Lease. A (Mar. 3, ‘192§, •·. 420, 43 Smt. 1105.) ‘ ` ‘