Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1289

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,112}:5 TITLE 39.»—»-THE sg Asacriws cltiscnsg is cscifsrmity with law, 01* sa csvséd ssc! s§ccscs sm! registered sccmtclisg, ts law, and upon ssch depsrtssc {scm the muted Statm isc icllsxvlsg pmpsrtiss of `tlxé ~§;·sw ws!} be citiscss of the United Sts J sc to wit: During the srs; txsc ycars of such c·s::t1*scf for carrying lss msills; 63%*- issrtli theresf; during [iglss nest three succeeding years, ·osc¢ third thexjcsi; ssxl during the `rcxsssimug time of Vtghs c<mtlsu— sscc of @{*1: csstrsct st lcsst mac-half thescst; and shall be cssstrscied Qsftcr the lstcst _ and mast appmvfsd typw, with all iss zsxstlsria ,lmprc¥cxscuts and gspgliasscw far GC2§§1 stssmcrs. Thcy shall be cliviclsd ism four classw. '1`lm- ilrst class shall cbc irss cr stccl séscw stcamsmps, capable st maintaining s speed si twenty kssts as hss: at sas is culinary weather, _ sm! si s grass ‘xc.gistc1—cd tcussgs qt sat Isa thas sighi tlmusasd tcss. Ns vessel except of said Qrst class mall bs accepted my ssid mail service unda; the pmwislmzs st sscglcns 651 tc!}665 lsstwccn the Exalted States and GrestQBritai¤.. Thc second class shall . be lass or stscl stcsmshiw, ‘csmb1e msiutsining s spccd ct sixtccs.k:;§_us scmist sca in spdinsry weather, and sf s scgisic tcmlags of not less than Hvs thousand mss. Tlacc third clsss shall be lcon sr steel stssmships, capsblé

 of msistsisiug s speed of fourtcen kscts ss hour at sca in

ssdissiéi wcsther, sad of s gram. registered tmmsge of ust; less

 mss two sthssxml Esc hundred tems. The fourth class shall

lac ires cr steel sr stcsmshim, capable of maintaining s speed of twclcc_kssts sn boss st sca in . ordinary weather, sccl of a` l cs : 1’%iS£€1'@dIQ§B3g9'0f got lssstllsn Gilé thousand §cs lumdrcd mss. It shsll stipulated is the c<mtmct‘ or csstrsclzs to hccmeréd imc {01- the said mail service that said _ wcsscls may. carry msscugsrs wlih their baggage is addition tc @1:1 mails} asc! may do all prdi¤sry.busisws clans by steam; Q ships,- {Mar, 3,_·1%1,- c. 519, {3,.26 Stal. 831;`Ms1·.A3,,1917, c. 162,j§·1,39'KStst.s10€v6.) "` - F . - . ~ ` 566, Samc;'cb¤strsctisg nf vwls; speciéiatians; inspccg

 ,,    ,,,_   stcsmships oi the 'first, . second, land * thirc classes

cmglc$+é£lwé s abssé had btxilt sftcs: Mszsch 3, 1891, hall be cslsstmctcd with myticulsr réicréscc · tc ·pi·smpt a cl ecs? ssséicsl cscvcrslcs ism suxlllaty mvsl cmissrs, and cc01id— is; tc plans sud speémcsiicss ts b€_8g'l’€€dV;B§}0Q by sud bes secu tics swscss and the Secretary sr the Nssjy, and they slmll be s¥:§c;icst strength sud stsbillti to csz·zfy·‘snd sssisia the work- · ing ssc! smrstlcn Q! st lcsst fos: cdcctive rmcd C&IlIl0I1·0f' a cslimr ct not lcss Lbs:} sixflschss, spd shall be of the highest rsting kscws to maritime ccmmcrés. And all vcsscls of said three clsss% bsllt Qricr tc such dsfc sud sc employed shall, befcsc they src scccctcd for the msi! scrviw herein prévldcd jfor, ls: fhcscsghly lnsmcicé by a competent nsvsl stlicss of can- ’ sirsctcr qlctsilcd for that scrvlccby the·»Sccrctsry Q the Nayjt; sud such cwccr shsllccpcrt, is writing, is the Scéretsry of the Navy, whs shall transmit said `rcmrt itc the·Pss£msstc1·-Gsscral; and so such vwscl mst ssprcvsd by the Secretary of the Navy ss ssitsblc fc? the sc:·sice»x·equi:·edL shall bc c¤1gp1oyed·_by the’1’cstmsstcr} Gcscrsl; (Mar. 3, 1891, c. 519; _§ 4, .26 Stsf. 5611 Same; mtu of csmpcsssticzn dcdsactisxns and Buss.-- Ths rslcct cccapésmticm. tombs paid {sr such éccscs msi} service ct the ssl;} Qrstclsss ships shall not exceed the sms of $4 s mils, and ts: the scécs<l·c1ass· shim, $2 a mils, by the shortest ·grs·ctlcsblse.rputs, fsr cash · voyage; gfsrj the thirdclsss ships shall not ctcécd $1 s. mils. for they fourtlrclass skips two-thirds of $1_a mils for tcg sctssl number of miles ‘1·:cqsire<l”b3 the Post 0Ecc Depsxjtméstcts bg trssslcdgn each sutwsrdgbsssd vsysgc, is the cm of fsilmfc fmm ssy c c is perform the rcgzllsr voyages stipulated fcr is ssiil `cqstrscts, m··sn'y of them, §·_I3!’9`1`8,t& dsductiim shall bs xhsds from ‘ the csmpsnssticn cs . account nf, such omitted voyage, or %·c3rs.g%·. Snxitslglé éscs sud psssltlcs may be imposed for delays sr irregulsritlw, is the dsc psxjfsrmsmc st scxvlcc accsmlns sfo the

POSTAL s1a1¢v1c1~2 ·- Q 657 <:m :tmc€,. tcl be determined by the I’0stmastm:·" General., fic steamship sos employed and $0% paid {pr €;‘&f1'}’liB§ the- Llniwd ‘Statcs nmils shall {receive any other bmmty or subsidy from th€·Tlf€&S\1I"Y_0f the United Stégtes. {Mar. 3; 1891,}:, 519, §‘¤5g§ 26 Stat. 832.) . 9 _~ ‘ »·* » ° 662; Same; trmspégtatiun of m&s»e¤g¢rs.+·Upa¤ each af said vcsssels the United States shall M entitled to have ‘trans- » pmted, free of charge, aT mail mesiwzxger, wham duty it shall

 be *1:0 rgeceivé, sort, Ytake in Wcharge mm éeliver the mails te:
 and tyom. the Utziied States, mid who shall Be provided with

suitable mom' for the accc»mm0{l&€im1 Q6! himself aué the V hmails. (Mar. 3, 3891, é._519, § 6; 2€’Sca£. @2} W ~ U ‘ 663. Same; serviéa Qcf néival _0§~cersl an yxis; mmp~e¤éa· tims_;_·éuties.—Omce·:·s, of the United States Navy may vclanteer ~»,€m· service on said mail vmsels, md wlze¤‘ xccépted éy the l ccntractor or contractors _·ms§.’ bc assigns}: te wxh ééty by

 the Secretary of the Navy whenever inl   cpinicsxlsueh

U assignment can ·be niade without Aetz·im¢§t gte the sézviw; and while .m_ said employment tké? shall gvceive mriasagh pay tmm_ {che Gmyernlmeut, had such ether ccmécmstim Utmm F the contractor or contractors eas may be ageed ams by me [ 'parties.` They shall éuly be-required to perfc rwl such éaties · as appexjtain to the m¢rcha¤t.se1*vicel (Mar. 3,; 1891, c.; 519, ` §7,_26 Stat,-832.) " ,. · _ i l . 664. Sage; lcad¢ts· cr aipprenticcs cm va¤m¥s.——-»—Said vesgeésy shall,_ 'asr cadets ¤,¤·`¤pp:e¤1;1c&,l cme Americswmm {my ’— xiuder twentymlne yéars -0f age`mr ascii mia Klthausaad mm Q gross register, and ode for each m&,im¤ity__ fmetim thereoty Uwho shall be pducatcd in, the duties of seamsaskip, rank as U pétfy omcers, nucl receive; éuch pay fa: their as may be reasonable. (Mah 3, 1%}., c. 519, § 8, Stat. S32.) .665. Samé; pnymént for vessels taken Ssirar tts.-——··Such steamers may be taken _ and used by the United States as U tmnspdrts or cruiser; Rpm: wément tad the swnérs of ithe fair

 aétualqmme of thej same at the timq of the talking, xsd it

_ there slmll be- a disagreement as to the fair actual value alt L the same at thy: time of the taking; betweeq the United Swim . and tl1§ owners, then the same i shalt be éé¥;er$i;x€é ’ by tem I impartial appraisers, one tc: be appainted by each at saiéi l ,·rt;ies, the§ wht_ the mme ttime sekeeting -& tkiré, who shall

 apt in said épprgisement in -case` the tram shall mil to agree.

E (Mar. 3, 1891,xc. 519, § 9, 26- Stat. $32.} , . — . ~ ‘_ ‘—l‘ _ Y U $66. _Cmxtmcts fag service an Amgricmp `v@sels; rate;·e~——Ti1#e . I·‘0stm:£ster General U may enter into gzontracfs with Aimgricaa _ citizeitxs- for the carrying at the &&i19b€tw@&&· the Uaitxed. . Statés and `Graaé `B1’it$iI1_*0·¥1 staamships built in the Unfieé L States `capable er »m&ii:taining a speed of thirty knots &¤ laevis: ¤ , at sea in ardinarly weather ahd at a gross registeraé m¤¤&;";e—l . of 110%; less than °°thir'tyQfive. thausapd téxxs, the said ’ser*g§<:~& l to commence inet: more than 'fmit years after the cameras; ·_ * shall be let. The rate of c0mpex}.ss?i0:: to be {mid for the I ’said cmesm mail service shéll not exéceti the sum af pm mile by thé shortest pmct.icabllc( mats for émh mxtsmrd voyage. . THB P0stmastet__General shall have the right ta reject all ,. bida,. not in his opinion reamxmble fm: ~ §he_`.attamiag of they I purfwcses named. All of fha pmvisiong qi sacticns G5? `tc 66-*5 _ L Qf_this_tit1e,_ sb far as they lam `xmt incxmsistmt lxeréwith

? $11311 control dud apply to fha `methéds ‘t0 be used and gmx-

_ tracts to be made héféli-l“I€2B1T..‘·(hI€;1I‘.’3, 1917, cn 162, § 1. k 39Slat.106=6,f ‘ _ , · l 667. &a past scgsvice; transfer of fcreign xmils.-——·-;Tlle Post- >_ master General is authorized- to expend. such sums as may be ueécsssari, not Eq exceed thé sam0xmts·`apprc;>ria§eé by Cun,gi·ess, ° » io ccvelr the costto the United -Smte.s for maintaining sea. mst service ma `0€€3};1 —st¢&mships cmivgyixzg the mails to and f1·0m· · the United St;ates;·zm—i1 fer t’x=:msfer·ring the foreign ngnil fmm r incoming steamships lu New York Bay to the stezx_m>slxip· and