Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1320

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§ i r12*1.a go,-1~veL.1c BUILDINGA exceeding three years. or te eel], at `public sale, any uupem- s J dtaztive laude, GY ether property of ithe United State; acquired { ` under jwiciai preeess or otherwise in the collection cj! dwts, 1 after $i{¥`§’€1'fi$iBg*¥h€ time, ~p1eee, and eeuditicm et such sale _¢ fer three meaths imme in some mb [ Y liehed}:1 the vicinity thereof, sin such marmey and wiper: such ¢; terms _ ae may, Vix: his judghieat, be meat advautageeus to the ’a pazhdic interest. (R. S. 5 37d9.) ‘ . · Q ., , . c , aapmdective prepezty ew property act re-_ N qaired fer peblic ¤ae.——A utherity is givm te! the Secretary _0f, `s ·_\¥a 1; whee in his diecyetidh it will be for the public good, to . leases fer a `peried awt exceeding; hve years and révocahte ati' ,1 any time. such prepezrty of the Uxiitcd States under his cou- ‘t tre! as may he Q_ aheccupied gud u¤pmductive, or may T het for *5 the time he erequired ~fer {public use 6Rd_fo1°_ the leasing of t

,ychi® therejie H0 ether authority under existing `law, and such ez

Jeaeec shali he repeated annually to ·P•·bvidcd, That w nethiug in this section contained shall be held te apply to min- t eral ex phespha·te°iaade;_ (Mar. 3, $,1879; c, 182, § 1, 20 Stat. e w; July 1@2, c. 316,27Stat.»321.) — _ · . Q · c wi. of an the hy dev&c.—The Sep£tary` of the, C Trmsmy is autherieed te éell .such‘ lands as haye been ere may t

 acquired by the Uiaited States by devise, upch such terms z

ned after sizch public notice ·hy advertisement as he may _ deem 1

 fer the public interest. (Mar; 3,- 1903, c, -1007, $1, 32 Stat. ‘

1i12.§*`_ _ `; »- “ s 4 Pewer to ehtnin ‘_ release8;j-¢Y\’henever any lands have 1 exe crsehatl he ccaveyed to judividaala or owcers, for the use ,.1 er beaedt of the United States, the President is authorized to I ehtaih from such person a release of his interest to the United i §Statee. (R. S. § 3752.) M d ‘ W , » · »·(

 Reiense of lands in socttaini cnses.—In ‘ cases where real -5

eaate has property of the United “States, by cou- € yeyaace, extent, or otherwise, in · payment oi a· debt, and sinch c ddst is afterward fully paid in money, arid the same has been meeeiyed by the United States, the ZSe'licit0r 0t* the ;'1‘reasury ( may aeeleaee by deed or otherwise e real estate i te the debtor from whom it was taken, if he is living, or, it i teach debtor is dead, te his heirs er devieees, 0):. such · person as they may appoint: ,P9’0i?{déd, That this section, shall' not <

 te real estate so acquired by the United States iu, pay} 1

meet of any debt ar1Qsihg under the niuterual-revenue laws.- i {R. S. § $51.) _ ‘ · 1 _ , I

 Conveyance at lets in certain reaervni = a· 8•···*U[)0H pay- 1

meat et the purchaee_xacney, and upon `comiyiiance with the `* ceeditieea et improvement. by the purchaser or purchasers of € lem wid ueder mtien 2 of the Act of May 7, 1822, chapter 96, `< er his er tha: heirs cr c the Secretary ot Interior i At shalt execute,. under his hand and o&ciaI - sea}, a. df; deeds Q in fee itc auch purchaser, or purchasers, his or their heirs ,01: ‘

asmigaa, whea it shall appear tc him that the persohs applyy l

ing £c1·»em:h_tdceda ave duly entitled to have the same, which lc deed or dcedashall be reccrded ameug the ·y iieeerds of the i Dieirictici Ceiumbia within the time prescribed ter th` record- S jug et cenyeyaucec .0t real estate :‘ Pwvided, That. tgia shall S

um he ae   as to create er revive any right g lost `by *1

law ei time. (Bkayi, i w ac. 96, § 3, 3 ·Stat. 691;¢Sd1y, 1, _< 1879. ¢- @, 21 Stat, 47,)* · ” ( _ » _? J < ‘ Releasing pmperty from attachmeat.—Wheuever » any i property `cwhed ex: held by the United States, er hr which the t United haye er claim aa interest", shall, dia any judicial I preceeding made: the laws ct any State, District, or Territory, 1 be seized, arrested, attached, Q1'. heid ter the secm·_ity`0i·`satigéiac-, 1 tim: et any claim made against `such prepefty, the Secretayy S the :T1*eaau`ry,. in his discretich, may direct the Seliciter ct the a Treasury tea cause a etipuiaticn tc be ehterw lute by the proper? s district attorney for the discharge of BQQH property ‘ trpm r eelzure, afrest, attachment, er preceeding, to the effect that upon ¤

s, P1zo1·Em*Y, uw Wotms 1306 meh diecheige, the person asserting the claim ngemst meh ;· aropérty ebelt beeeriie entitled to all the beneets ei this and the bliewing Section. Nothing herei contain ee @11, however, be zoksidered es recognizing. or co@ceding any right fe- eentoree >y seizure, evrem, atiachxueht, or any judidel preem my 21eim` ageiuéi any property of t& United etatee, Abe: ageing: my prqperty held, owned, or by the Uni o »· e ·Statee, n· by. any ‘dé@1'fméDt thereof, for epy; pebiie use, or Keg vaiviug any objeetiou to any proeeeding i¤etitet&i to eixteree , l_DY'Sl1€h einiin. _. (R. 8. § 3753.) _ »» ,. Q { —. 399. _Pay¤e¤ t.-——;I·n” `all eases where e stipulation is entered nto under yhe/p1‘eceding· sectieu, end, fn ceeeequeuee thereof, he ptopeity ffs I discharged, em 31::11 memset is afterward given in the eourf of het resort to whichthe of he Trmsury may deem proper tmmuse meh te be

&rried,’ amrming the claim for the security ev ·.» of

which such pp ‘·=—= •i¤g8 have tieeh mst ted, am the right et

be·pcrsop asserting the same to e;;torc¤e.i£` meh property by means oi such proceedings, uotwithmmémg tm

rf they States thereto, such Hna1' m ;we· smilebe leemed, to all intents edd a tuil and determine riou of the 1;i@tS of such person, and Shall ~titie web puma, me against the United States, to as he weuld ¤ve mad in" case pmemion of ehch·;prope1•ty had mt eeee Whenever Ysuch claim is for the payment money, the name is by such judgmenf found to 4 · due, the et no dply authenticated copy of the record ot smh m w m sm

 shall   stimcieut evi  to tm §1‘0{B1’•§€®*  va

>H¢x·>;·s for the allowance thereof; and me mme wall thereupon be allowed and paid em; of any moneys in the Treasury net gtlierwise appropriated. ‘ The amount eo. to be gumee and shall not, however; eiceed the vplue of t§e interest of the Umed States in the mroperty in qpeetimx; —(RL· S. | 3754.)%; _ »`810. A yncpeyty.-y-The Secretaryef the Ti-eeeery e authorized to make isuch coxttlracm and provisions as M may ‘ leeui for th€'.il1[é1‘€SC ot the Government, ter the rvetiw, mle, oryeollection of any property, er tm which mgy have been wrecked, abandoned, er geiug within the jurisdicthoze ez the eU¤ited Stazu, he 'whi& c mght to' come to United Smtm, md idmeh wnmm te mow such compensation go! may person- givin; iutermetien hereof, or who shell; actually pvwerve; collect, eurmender, er aay over the same,' as the Secretary of the Treemry may ewm iust and reasonable. e No costs or claim shall, however,

ha1—gez1b1e· to the United Statm ih so obtaining; prwervmg,
e11ecttng,' receiving, or available, property, debts, dues,

nr interests, shall not beipeld fmmeech memys es shall re replized and received from properw no éollmted, under each specihc e(B. S.·§ 8755.)‘ .» · 311. material _•¤d· mppliei from Gevemnenty nervices.—-The of the `wveml executive depertments and rther responsible vomciale, ‘ix;"—expending eppreprméem eennined in any Act, tar as material, _ miyplies, end E equipment, when nemd sed are awhnble, from other services og the Government peeeemieg meteriul, suppllm, arid equlpm$1€¤<r1Q¤gér required becaeee og the zeeeetion of wer activities. It slihll be the ,d¤ty et ipe heads »! the Vmvérel executive hpertqeute and Toiber omcieln, be- 'ore purchasi;;1g any of the articles eeecribed herein, to necerg _ .· nin from the other eervicm of the Goveénment wkiwher they mve articlu of the .ehm·acte:· deeeflbed thatw are eerviewble. hticles imrchaeed by one eervice from emogher, it the mme mve not. .sh& paid for ,at_a nueonable price mt to exceed ‘a»etuel` cost, mid it the same have used, at na rwsonable pxfiee Need upon length ot usage. The various =erv§c_es ot the.Govemn1e:1fare authorized to sell such articles mder`_ the ceudidens speeided, and the proceeds of such edlee ·_ shall be covered into the Treeeury as a miecellnueou  ;