Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1341

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13*22 TITLE #3.-··—·1’l §_ _ V. ~ . 42. mstrlbetha M mana and etlsms. 43; M ta Smntmz, Rmrnueatatlvee, and Delegatea. · 44. Salsa! tru1sIers_orco$I¤ofd&ti. ’ 45. Sale jot of photogrnghe or lantern _ ie. old freight-mrryleg vehicles as part payment rm- new. Section 31; Appointment and when of director; prohibi-

 in respect to l& and sm·veys.—-=-The Director or » the

Geological Surstcy, omce is hereby estnbllehcd, under the lnterior Hemrtment, shall be appointed by the Presidente by and with the advice and comet of the Senate and "shall receive a salary oi a year. This omcer shall have the direction ` dime Server, and the clasmncation ot the public lands aud exnmlnation of the geological structure, mineral

 and nrodncls of the national domain. Tile Director

and menabcm of the Geological Snrveyfshall have no personal. tm- private interests in the lands or mineral wealth of the region under survey, and shall ciecnte no surveys or examinations for private parties or corporations. \( Har. 3, 1879, c. 182, § 1, 20 _ Stat. @4.) f ` ~ 4 _ E _= Q. Acting mi=cctor.——{l‘he Secretary of the Interior may anthorizeom of the to act as Director of the Geological Survey in the absence of that omcer. ¥(July 31, 1894, . c.174,l.1,@Stnt.1§7.) * _ Q _ —. · 33. of ormancc-oBccrs.—The `Secretahy of War is _ authorized to detail hot exceeding two ofncers of the &·d¤ance* _ Dep¤ t- to serve withf the Geological Survey: Provided, - ffhat in his `jmlment it can M done without injury to the servkre. '(Jnne 16, 1886,4:. 236, 21 Stat. 274;- June 3,_ 1916,. .c..1a-l,$1.2,msm.1v·¢.> . .‘ 1" 4 ,»_. —· 34. Scientiic endeyecs.-—-The sclentlilc employees of- the

 Survey shall be selected by the director, subject to 4

tm awroval of the Secretary ot the‘Interlor.exclusively for `4 their qualidcations as professional expertsp (July 7, 1884, 4 emmmmm , :°,—-_ "J. 35. Auignments of pay by cnpleyecs.~·Tbe_ Secretary of · 2 tk Iaterlor is authorized to permit sclentinc . and other em- 4

 oi tm lilalted States Geological Survey, emmoyed in the- l

~&ld, to mate sssi a ments of their pay, under sucbjregulstiong T ashe may lbe,_durlng such time as they maybe lp the 4 .emploj of the United States Geological Survey. And the Secre· 4 tory at the interior is 'tB~:1‘t}}€l‘~ authorized, in his discretion, 4 ands regulations as he mayprescrtbe, to reimburse the u sclentldc and other employees for expenses incurred by them 4 in the discharge of their datles in the deldaud peld from their 1 personal {nude. ..{_J_uue $9, 1908, c. 3914, §.1, 34 met. .727l)‘ I · 3. of-hnohs.~'1’he'purehsée· ot. proiesslaélal and sdmnnc and for statistical purposes _< by the divimonsfof the United States Geokgsl 4 Survey lislmretxy authorhed to be made and paid for out ot. 1 a prlations ll for the said Survey. (Juae 28,,-1902, »1 c. 1301.} 1; & Stet. 455.*) _ -· . _‘ 4 z . 37; Purnmnm or » for Gwlogicil Survey.--··The purl x chase of mmsliu ·or the pfocuhctncnt of aervlees outslde..,t.he· 4 Districts! new be made in opea market in the s mam eommoa qaong men whejn the aggregate z nmouatot does not exceed (June 12, 1917, s e;27,_§1,4d&at.144.) _ » ‘ » . l _ surveys; @kl=•gelcy•¤am.··-·-In making x topmaphw surveys west of the ninety-ntth mridlaa elem- `l dom nhoye 1 bose level hocsted la ares survey sha ` be mternnlued and osx the ground by iron or ( mts or pem t .hm& marks. at least two. such or a beach mrts-to ln each or equivalent v asm, exosm la thetorx-clad when at 5 lwone shall be when-‘ ( ever mu tm °tosvnshlpcm·@ M me w e  ; Surveys; nad in the anus east of thoninety-dfth Qqiélan at 6


TBLIO LAND.? 44 in each aren equivalent to the sven of A township of the public loud surveys. (June 11, 1896, e. 420, § 1, Q Stat. 435.) *1 ·‘ n I 39. Utility tbpogiaphieél seneyg ¢omMeti&o¤.-—·'1‘h.e P_m·%i- dent is aqthorized to complete, within a period of twenty years from Fehruaky 27, 1925, a general utility topogsphiésl survey of the territory ot the United States, imzloding adequate busi-— - z0ntal.~anc1\verticel (?0H_t1'(éI,' end, the seeming of . such topographic and hyclrographic dogs as may be required for this purpose, sud the preparalion sud owlicstioo of resulting `maps and data: Provided, That igges rying ootlhe provisions of this and the following lswfion the President is authorized to utilize the services and faeilities or meh} agency or agencies of the Government as exist, or may be crmted, and to allot to them- (iu, addition to and not in substitution for other funds avaliable to such agencies uoeier other aporopriations or from other sources.) funds from such sppropriatiou or amiropirietions as may be made torn the purpose of $1d sections. (Feb. 27, 1925, c. 360, § 1, 43 Stat. 1911.) I 2 , - 4§. Cooperative- sgreenents with Stntes te. expeéite wmplctioxi of t§tsphical s¤tveY.,———The ageoties which may be enggged_ in carrying out the provisions of this ana the ps·e» C€d111K` 81'€· nnithorized to enter into cooperative a@·e•·- ments wi; and to receive fmxos made available by soy State or ciyic subdivisioni for the purpose of expeditiug the completiorrbf `the mapping within, its borders. (Feb. 27, 19%, ·e. 360, S 2, 43 Stigt. 1011.-) ‘_ A _ ” I ( Q_ *_ -` 41. of E>§•ratioos.———Exéept as otherwise provided io section 260 of Title 44, Pvszic Pmnymo, the wblimmm ot the Geological Survey shell cousisi of the anno:} @t of operations, . geological and ·mape illustrating the resources andy elassiécotiou of .the lands, and yoports upon general and ecooomie geology and psleoxxtol  ;— 'fhe sum} report of operations of the Geological Survey eso!] sc%pn¤y tk annual report ,ot the Secretary {cf The Iutezjlor. AH special memoirs and reports ‘of‘ saidsurvey shall be Esued in miiferm quarto series if deemed necessary by director, bot other- 1 wise `iu. ordiozgy octavos. Three eopws of each shall ` be` published for scfengiéc exchanges agz<l`fox·_.mle,at the p;·ice ot publication, and ell 1iterm·y· sud mrtographic materials reeeiyed ju éiehmiy shall be the property of the United States and form hjpart oi the libfary of the_0rg§éiz&§ou; and the money resulting the sale of such pommooos shall be covered into the Treasury of the United` States, ooder the dilT€'€· tion of the of the Interior; (Mer. 3, 1879, e. 182, § 1, I0—St¤t. @4; _-May 16, .1902, No. M,-32 Stat; 741.) - y ‘ -_ 4;. of Bib! sné atl&—·-—-f1‘he‘Direel:or of the » 1 Seologteal _8u·:vey is authorised sm· directed, on the approval of the Seeretory of the Interior, to Mew of the topomphic md geologic maps epd`ot1oses_ot the United Stnfes, mode and · published by the Geological, Buxwey, at Sock prices and mule: meh regulations as may from time to time Exed by him, and approved-by the`See:etary_ot the Interior: end g mmber at copies of uoh map or atlos, not exceeding me hundred, _ shall be distributed gratoitoosiy among Yforeigix goveromeuts md departments of _ our own Government, to literary sod neintihc iassocisttons, and io such ecluoatioosl institutions oribrarles ns moy be dmignated by the Director- of the Surrey and approved hy ot the Interior, (Feb. 18, ESM, No. 13, I _1,-N Sint. 791,) - ‘ ‘ ` _ ._43. Coptn to Bepnesentativm, and Delegates.——~— ht! of e¤¢h map ané atlaszshall be sent. to eeeh Senator md each Ropamootative ami Delegatein Congress. if v¤¤¥?·US¥?¥*f¥ within his termfaud o second copy shall be placed at the elis-

 ot?   ouch. Se£ht;or,· Regiresentative, and Delegate

Feb, 18, 1&`l', No. 13, S 2, 29 Stat. 701.) _ . 64. Sak! of twfem or copies of data.-—The Director of H0 G•&o¢im1'Sm•vey shall, if ¢R0·1‘¢g'I1I81‘ map work of the

 is fin` hp wise interfered with thereby, fuynlsh to any