Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1373

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1359 TITLE 43.——~·PU 398. Sales of Government certificates to obtain funds for advances.-—For the purpose of providlhg the Treasury with tends for the advances to the reclamation fund, provided for ih the ‘p1‘cedlng section, the Secretgary_of’the Tteasury iso authorized to issue eertihcates ot indebtedness ot the United Staies in such form » as he may prescribe mid iu denominations of $50, or multipbs of that*sum‘; said certlilé {rates to be redeemable at the option of the United States 'at may time after three years from the. dale of their issuegand to be payable lite years After such date, arid to bear interest, peyehie, semiexmually, at not exceeding 3 per centum per ommm; the prihciml and interest to be payable in gold eolh - of the United. States. The certitlcates of indebtedness herein outhorihed may be disposed of by the Secretary of the Treasury at not less than par, under such rules_ aud'regu1atiohs_aS he mey prescribe, givinghall citizlns of the `United- Statee an equol_ opportunity to subscribe therefor, but no commission shell be allowed and the 'q,ggregate’·issue of such certificates shall hot exceed theamouht ot ell advanées mode to said reela; matiohitmd, and “i¤°¤o event shell the eameo exceed the sum of $$0,000,000. The certldcates of indebtedness herein authorized shall be exempt from taxes of duties of the United States he well as from taxatloh ill shy form by- or · under State, municipal, or lochl authority ;Q_and —a sum not exceeding onetenth of 1 per ceotuhn or the amount of the cerfiiicatee of indebtedness imued under this section is hereby appropriated, out ot my money lh the Treasury not otherwise `appropriated, to pay the expense of preparing, ddV€1'tiSiIlg,.&!1d issuing the same. ·— (June 25, 1910, c. 407, $-2, 36 Stat. 835.) ‘ · _ 33. Repayment of adva¤cu.——·-Beginning five years after the date of the hrst Zedvéxice to i;he‘x·eclams1@lon fund under the; two sections, 50 per ·ce¤tum. ot the annual receipts `ot » the reclamallou fund. shall be paid into `the general fund _ot the Treasury ot the United States until payment so; madq’ shall equal the aggregate amount oi advances made by the _Tm¤mry to said reclamation fund, together with lnterest paid on the eertidcates of iBd€b{9dDQ88' issued under. the pxeoedihg mctiw and any exmnso. incident to izreparlng, advertising, and

 the_eamo: Provided, Thai in lieu of the above 50 pe1·—

eehtum ot ‘the annual receipts, reimbursement ot moneys adveoca shall be mode by transferring lammully `the sum ot ·$1,w0,000 from the reclamation {uml to the general mods in; the 'lfreaemly, beginning uly 1, 1920, £Ifd`COBIi§l1liIl8` uutlyezh" relmhursemeoo hoo beeé made. (June 25, 5 8, 36 Stat. 838; June 12, @17, c. 27, { 1, 40 Stat. 149..) ‘ · , i. 4%.4 Adveooes as item or · cost of oohstmotion and mein-

M `proiect.-·——All. money placed to the `creclit of the

reclamation mod in purexmoee ot the‘three_ preceding ‘ sectiohe shall be devoted‘exe1ue1vel$* to the eompletlou ot .work_ on reclamation pgojocts heguo prlor to June 25, 1910, as hereinheforo provided, and the mule be included with ell other

 future ewmetes of oonstfuction, operation, or meltiteuome. (Jam 25, 1910,1:. 407, Q 4, 86 Stal;. 836Q)_ '

4 _ INSTITUTION AND CGNSTQZUCTION OF PEOJECTS 411, Surveys for, location, aud oomtrmtioh of irrigation h work! smmlly; reports c9l1$l‘¤;|.········Th8 Smlery of the Interior is a¤lhori@ and odimcoed to make examinations and surveys tor, and to gud ooustmct, on provided ih · this chapter, irrlghtioh works for the ¤to1‘¤$€s _*@ivemoh, 1hd de-` veiomnt oi watgers,. imludiug wells, md to feport to

 at ‘ the mghmiog oi oooh regular @10:; es to the

rwults , oi oooh examinations and smweys, glvihz of cost oi &H‘¢911££m§[&{§d works, the quantity and location _ ot the laude which me he¢x·om,. hud all rect! l xeldotlrvedto the pwactimbillty of oooh Irrigation project ;, also ohe éoet of works·i¤·proeem of oohotrucgtiou as well as of those

VBLIO LANDS § 417 which have been completed. (June 17, 1902, c. 1093, § 2, 32 Stat. 388.) . ~ , 1.12. Prerequisites to initiation of project or division of pr0ject.———After December 5, 1924, _Il0 new project or new division of a.proje<:t shall be approved for construction or estimates submitted therefor by the Secretary until information in detail shell be eecuredby him concerning the water supply, the engineering. features, thecost of construction, 1aml`prices, and the probable cost of development, ood he shall have made a finding in writing that it is feasible, tl1&t‘it is adaptable for octuol settlement and farm homes, end that it will probably _1‘€CU1‘Il-thB_COSt,th€I‘G0ft0 the United States. (Dec. 5, 1924, c. 4, § 4, subsec. B; 43 Stat;`702.) , , . _413. Approval of project by President.-—-No irrigation projecfeha1l‘ be begun unless ood u-util the some shall have been ' recommended by the Secretary of the `Ioterior and approved by the direct order of the President of the United States. (June 25, 1910, c. 40.7, ‘§ 4,36 Stat. 836.) r ‘ -414L Appropriation for projects ‘ eeaeruiahq-——Expenoitureo shall not be made-for carrying. out the purposes oi the reclauiation law except out otjappropriatious made annually by Congress therefor, and the Secretary of the Interior shell e¤·· nually, in the regular Book of Estimates, submit to Congress `estimates of the amount of money necessary to be expended tor carrying-_out·auj or all of the purposes authorized by the reclamation law, . including the `extension md completion of existing projects ,eud'units thereof and the construction or new _ projects. The annual appropriations mode hereunder by Gone greee for such purposes shall be paid out of the, reclamation fund provided (or _ by the reclamgtiorr law. {Aug. 13, 1914, c. 247,516, 38 Stat,690.) · _ s .- ` 415. Reeeipts ipplicablo to, project ge¤erally.·-·-·Al1 moneys heretofore or hereafter refunded or received in connection with operations under the reclamation law, except repayments ot construction ond- operation and maintenance _ cherg&, ehnll be e credit to the appropriation for the project or opwadoe from or oh account ot which the collection to mode ood shell be eveilable iorj_expe¤dlture,.ih like manner rr if mid wm had been speelhcally appropriated for sold project or operation. (Juhe,12, 1917, c.- 27, {,1,40 Stat. 149,) · .. 416. Withdrawal of lends to be irrigated from had reetoro—· tion` to entry.p··—·Tbe ¥Secretory of the Interior shell, before giving » the public notice provided _ for to section 419 of this chapter, withdrew from- public' entry the lands for any irrigation works contemplated tmder. the provisions of this chapter, -e1ad‘.eholl l restore to public eetry any ot the lends eo withdrowp when; in his judgment, such lends are not required for ‘ the purpos@jot this chapter; and the Secretary ot the Interior is hereby authorized, et or immediately prior to the time ot beginning the surveys for ony - contemplated irrigation works, itowithdrow from entry, except under the homestead lows, mir public lands believed to be susceptible or irrigation from said

 works `: Pro-vided, That all laude entered and entries mode under
 the homestmd lows wfitbio, areas so withdrawn during ouch
 withdrewo1‘ehelI,be subject to all the provisions, limitetiono,

> charges, terms, and conditions ot this chagter; that sold sur- ‘ veys shall be proeeeuted diligently to completion, md upon the f completion thereof, and ot the xieceseory maps, plans, ood , eotimetes ot cost, the Beeretéry of the Interior determine

whether or not sold project is practicable and advisable, and

§ it determined to be lmpraetienble or uoodvlsoble he shell lthereown restore arid lends toehtry. (June 1?,—1902,_ c. 1093, +18,828mt. 888.), · - ._ ·s

 417; Reservation of moeroents io public lands for reclemo- `

tion ,proieet¤.—-emere, in the 0{)l{li0Il§`Qf the Secretary, o right of wey or easement of any kind over imblic lend is requiml in connection with 1 project the Secretary may. reserve the eamo to the United States in the GeuerarlLan¢I Office and in