Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/138

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log 47. tT1T1.J1 of-emlzllzws .11 ·`{,”11il1i·1l Stoleu,. \\‘ll*llG;;`l ,ro;;·;1z··<l to the muh ln oo11t%ov£~:~si5#, umlor l u; the Sfilllé ;3r11vi;<lo1ils··o11dgsregulxltioug as are provllled hy law p h for the revioiv of otléei· CTQIRSES lll} will court. (Alu}, 1, 1·S`i';’§,.c. 1 tx il~3,,§5,lSlSt1it.33?.)_a*§1  ;`» ,·__ ou

 47, {1) Conspiracies-; $l`§V{!I1ti!!g oélcer. ·fro1u pefforluiug tl

dutie&—~·—¢If two or 1uo1·~el [l€l‘S{3ll$,,lH z1ny’Sto,te ot T€l'l‘llZVUl‘§. ol eoxlsgslm, to '{,¥i*&*YQl—lt, by forge, Mi11tl1uid11tio11, or tlxfoaf, '3Kll}’_, Cl

1era¤1111 fI`Qi}l_A$lf(?*t‘{}l·};¥1§3 o1·§holdl11gY
my ofllgre, tr11st,·or· place of o

oo11,§lllgs11#e_uu1le1 the United Sta}te§,lor f1*om»discl1atgi11g only 9 tl11tlesvli;hereof; or to lIl{lll(‘G by like moons :111};: officer of the f Uzéiietl Stutesl to looxte i·.1:1y‘fS»`t11te, 1listriot, ·o·r ftl&C€,·\VllE¥l‘Q his 11

 llulles 33 sm ollloor are I‘Bq`£lll`{3d to be performed, ‘or‘·t0_injm·e pv

llllll in llalslpersou or fl_¥*G§€l;l§Y ou ooooliut of his lawful die- .:2 olhaorgg of the lalutlos of his ollioe, or. \l`}lil€`€,H‘,_.§’21g(3(l iu, the low-, ful .g{}scl1orge thereof, or to iujurelhis, property so jasuto `molest, h i11t=errupt,l l1l11llo1‘, or impede hip: 111 the lllstzhzxrge of hislotllcigtl 11 hotles; F e · 1. · _‘ ‘— .‘ ll » (2*) Same; to iutimidote party, witness Of-j`!_}l‘(}I‘, or olxstrlgct i: §1,zotioo.——¤·—·1f two or u1ore·pe1·$ups ,ikl,_,z11ly State of T1`errito1—y »r » ito tlhetaerl by for1r:‘·, llllllllldll.-llg_lll,‘ or thfeot, any party e or 1vitu1>·ss_l11 aug? court of the,United;1Statese.A,from, attend} c lug such xeouit, o1··fro1u, testifying to Buy.) `111&l‘t¢>¥‘ spvlidilige lj therein, freely, fully, and truthfully, or to injure such party or; li witmss lu hi$ peroo:ror property on ooclaunt ofxhis having so ,.€ l utteuded,or testlf$ed,,o,r to iuilueoce the Vvertllct, presorltxneut,-°orA '·€ ·xfl}{B~f.;f$§l1f.{)ffo8‘Il}` grand or petit jl,1l'()l' io any such eourt, or_ ` to l11j11re .·s11eh`·ju_ro1·"l11 his '}lf.;1‘SOIl or p1%operty·_oxl aocountof r _ msg vefoict, prege11tlu~eutQ os iudlctment lawfully asseiltéd toby. Qo -him,_o1: of hi.s_béi11`g o1·` having been such juror; .(l1‘t_lf1tW',0 op m ‘mo,ré' -peroo11s 'couspire fof the ypumose of impedlug, hiuderlrtg, l· obstructjug; or defeating, in guy msumexzz .t11e`_(ll1é,course of N 1 juolticelu §!l}"Slf1t€_01‘ Territor3j,` with intent to deny‘·to`a ny, gc j citizen theequol pmtectio;1 of the laws, or to injure hiin or his ,{ _?p—roperty for. lawfully ,e11forcing, or attempting to QI1fU1’C§i',‘tllB` ps , léglltlooi §J1}Z.ii€1TSi}H, or clo ssl of [§l€‘I‘St,lIlS, : to the equal proteotlou 1 lo _‘(}{'£h€'i§§$’8§ u V. · ; · 1 . t “ , »· ‘l (3) Same;. {0`·`d€}31'iV€ citizen `Vof rights p or yprivilegesr-e- lt If two or .more pel·l~;o11s, in any State o1·’.'lTerrltory 'C{•llS.}li“I'€€ ,11 "`or go in dlsgulge ou the highway or 01} the pro: isesl of auot_her', s 1 for the purpooepof dep1¤lvlug,.olther Lllrerxtly o§_i1_xdirectly, any -1 poxfoou or class of.pe1go_m1·_o§. the equal .prote<;etio¤ of the lm$.·s,` ‘_1¤ ~ or of eq1;1ol privileges ond. immuxlltlos muler the lows; or as ‘ foétheupurpose,ofp1je·veotlug` of hixiderixxg the constituted .1 1 authorities of·m1y· State`- or T1§erri1to`ry--from, giving or “`soourlng"_ i l to all pexoou1o_withlu 1=11ch_»`Sto.t§e‘or Térr~ito1*y{the'equz1l'§`»ro· I tosiztioujof `thegloxvsg or if `tvtjo or more persons ooussplre to pre- 5 veut by foroo,_i11timldatio1l, or threat, may oiptixen who is law- <

f11ll_3’_o11ti£led·to vote, frozixglvlug his support t)!°,8d\’()€$H(*_$' in I

alegal moxluor, to1%‘ard or in favor of the election of an; . folly qu11litl£:·d·{>e1·2-iota no an- elector` for.,P1vesitleht ox; Vloe c lirosidexlht, or as ll Member of Cong1·»oos of the United States; or l to injure any citizen lu person or propeértyon `&(*tjj0llllt of suoh I f§lEl]*l{}¥ll°{'GI' o1lroc+a¢·y;_i11,g:1§y mee of coxmpiracyi set forth ain ‘ 1 .th§,·;—s se1‘;·tior1, it one oz: more pogbsous €Ilg§{§,’Qi{·W[ll{3Yt!_lll do, or x como to be done, any acht ilunfhxthemnoe of the object of `sugrho-· > oouop lroc;1, lsvllereby mlotller is lzxjuredl in his pe1»so11’or· prop; f ,_ ei·ty,_or deprived of l1uvlu;.: and exercising any right or prllvl.- l lege offs citizen of tho lF11i'te¢l_”Stotes, the purtyt oo lnjux·ed’_or‘ Q1 ·tloprlved XI`l£l§ have an zlotion fm: the reoovefy of dH1Hl·£1§£914, ooy- co1¤;loueol‘l1y,,$u1vl1 iilj\l1‘§f_.(l,1’ depri‘vaZtiox1, ogoihsg any one or ft more of the oouopirato:·s. ‘(R, S. § 1956,) ‘ l _ _ 1 2 » 48. Some`; actioufor uegloct to provontgmllxlery person wlm, ‘i having knowledge that any of thewrougs oomaplreql to be done, 2 l, aud, §1i3BLiG¥lGd lu the precod_lu,.·; S§Y‘{3til}l};'l§I"€i‘ ollout to ho,loom— z mittoll; uml having powexj to flreuollt or hill in pi·ove11t_lng,·; the l ‘oo111111is·=slo11 of thooumo, xloglelzts or_i··ofuoéS so to do, if such c, wrougt’ul octhe oommitted. shall ho liable to the party lr1jur¢x<l,_ { · og his legal- x·l·pre2<ont11tl1u·s, for all dauiugeo caused by ésmeh c

vi: v(.Iil.J£t2tSHI1l · { E4 q·¤,;-tgglftll *:z,e»t," Fillllifh silo!} pcreéit by_¤r¤ser;ob1e~diligtt¤ee ;»e»,;;.—;; l‘ axe tlxzerveutétl; &1J»d· $i1§h· d8·&@ i mit? be 1‘e<2ov.cred l iz;. tm . e·..1o_ri· on the case; ood glziy number. ot pergeeg gym? of Smgh v §.2°“.i€‘§§..‘TiiZ§“’§‘ l?'..f§*§§2ih"§2£i *°’iiF" im·=* rr neil.;-wrongjxfol. aet and rfeglect the leg? ly < mild by mz? · _ _ , _ _ . _ 9{3¥€==‘£¤t&tires of tim, feeeasetl elmll have sucl§_‘§ct~ion» therefor, ml;}. mei; ;·{_.m,.é£. mt gcggmylg ·$5,Q00 damage gee therein, for the ¤e¤e§t of the .xv1tz;‘,e,· { the deceased, if °€B£I°€“_ljl€ ove, Stitlrli there be no wie.lee·, mm 0;- me hpenetit ot the next of kin oflthe dgeeasel}; Btzf HQ gtirm under tlie provisione of. tllls Seétion shall be eueteigtm vl1i<;·l1—`is not commenced. {thin one year efter the gem? vg`. étion has accrued. _(B_._S § 1%}..} X ‘Y. t ‘ » , . ,49; Pmseeuciies of. of eemfh t laws.-Jrltei l;.;... gm · tttorneys, marshals, ._an<l deputy; marshals, the cemmissi:>m·rs— l Qppointed by the dlétrictf territorial with _;:mvt·r to trrest,. imp_riso¤,·0r bail euclcrsyaml every other emeer *··e·l;e s especiallly empowered b the Pregideat, ore atzthorizeil tm;} equired, at the expen§e` Unit.e<l Ststeélte iestitrzte pres. cutimcrs ag:_ainsfall persons _ lating say of the provisions of zhapter 3_'of‘ Title _·18, or of tions 246, Q3 to,4·t5 of liitid * Title 18, or ofsectiou 51.of t title, uml t;o"e%&..¢e·s;:e}r#pe;-e.4.»l;;·; 0 be arrested, and imprlsoaey or hailed, for trial. before me court of the United States; orltthe · t,erritqrisl_com·t . lievirgg rognizlirice o£_ the o§enZse; `(R; S5 § 1932.)  » , 50. Commimioners; éppointmem of oxeezéte was-_ ·1mts.f—gThe dietri<:f ;€(}lll’E$` Unitetl $t¤tes_ak{?l thell·i:<trt<·g x»u_rt.s of; the trerrxrortes. from time to time, shall increase the —, uimlger of ·(t0I§lmlSSl0R€l‘8,v so `as to afford; mit! eorzreul BDE meauslfor the arrest. and éxséxilxatiou of mrsoné <:herged vith the crimes referred to it the preculing Seetioé; anti smh eommissioners me zmthoriied had required to exereix all the lt)\\'(lIlS..l&ill·tl duties .con&rret.l on ‘the.ir1*"lierefn with reggrtl to _

uk.·l1_ol'feuses in like marine; tas they are mltlgorlzecl by, lov
to “ .

e.xm1<; -;;<:g;l`r<l e... tome;l;er_o!i.£etos_ee»..ogt¤torlt.t.Liejoeistefltlie frlitletl -Stutes.` Snili e‘ouis;1issio¤ers are A1-‘. émgpowereci. vritlriet heir respective counties, t0· ayiyioint, -iri__writing, mialer their lands, one or urore étaitable irom'.t.ime_·to time. who mall executev.all.micl1_vvm·rzsi1ts`or.otlser process aevtlxe com-;. nlssicmers inayis:.-sue tt; the lavrf\1l‘{1é·rformnaco of their eturm, . md the persons so appointed élmll have- amthority to summon md lcalllto their aid the liystantlérs or powecoxeitgtus of the Q_ impor courlty, me Span. portion of the leudier travel forees of ]l1e—U uited States, or jot ·the$m`illt.i:1. as may ll€`ll(*€€‘$§E‘_Y to the verformzmee of tl;e`eluty `4with whléh they are chargecl;-etxtl. aucli warramths shell rmx and be executed 8.I1}l\\'h{!l'@ izi tile, State g»rjTerri—to1‘y witliin whiclrltliey gre issued; =(R. S._ §§ 1933,

$l2<l.)_~ l r . ~ _ Q . i 4

51. Marshal; to obey precepts; rgfusing to receive or exezutc tlrocoss.-——Every rrxsarwslttrl smeltléputy marshzxll shell ol>t·i·’. md .e:·tocute~,all Ewarrniltsx or other jwlxen directed to l lim, lrslxed .tmdt·r‘ the provisions ot the p`rc·eerl»lng s=<—·<{ti<»n. · livery mlwsllul ond deputy umrshznl who reftwes, to receive ami? l\'€1l’l'lllllr()l'»` ofluir pr¢.»<.·¢·»s w—llt·lt temlewtl tollim. `isrsuetl in wrauonce of the glrovisillnsx of this sectiorl or refusee or zleglec-te o use all proper !ll€il2lIl~$< clilitzeutly to exemxte theAson1e,$>4ll:llrl be iznllle to :1 {line in tlw. mul of $1’,0{l{), for thelierieiit of the Li€ifi.Y lgzgrieveel tliorolny. (lt. 1985, 5517.) _ V ° · 52. ‘Fees;»·certein.otl‘icers.·—-—'l‘he tlistriet atmrneys, nmrslmls, .1wir deputies, mine! tb.ecle_rks·=· at the courts of the United .St:1tl· e- mel t4·rrito.ri:xl courts slmll he tll1tll¢"ll‘l?l€dAt¢l olxorge ami colll·<.·t._ n cameo; under the foregoizlg geections the &é§1l°H&lff:.‘€S me 1lt_hey_m·e allowed to c·lmrge uml tgolleet for likewrvieess in t>tl1er.t·ltst·e; uid. where tlxe prtitwevlings are before greonxmissiorxer Ile shall ll? emitleel to tl fee of $10 for his Vservieses in earch €'tlF·€‘,·'ll1(3lllSl\’C $_ _ lf ··é1ll.$orvli:esincident. to the m·l·eet and ex;rmi;;;.lt.§¢;>r1.- (ll. S- i ‘ §—19ti6; Fell. 26, 1919, c. 43, § 1,—·lU Stat. 1182; FelQ».,11, 1921.. !,.m.-.; 2. 46, 41 Stat. ‘i_‘ 1 Lltltl.) ‘ ‘ l