Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1385

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1371 . rl TITLE 4.2.-1 any part thereof fer the pnrpoma of irrigation by eneh ayetems ef reeeiwnlrs and drainage and diklng aa actually exist May 27 1920, or may be thereafter eonatrnntecl in Siskiyou Gounty, Gall f{)1'§i3,.A 8Bd Klamath GOHBty, O H, tf} ·dI'H.iI1 saga; tnétefmm. All intenta Zfnr the aald lands aha! enprewly neaerve to, the United Statw auch right of oierdov and drainage, and the title~and ownership of all minerals ana mineral lnlsémta in l anna lands, including oil, are "expreaala awe:-ved to the United States. (May 27; 1920. C3 M9,} 1, 4; .Stnt.&7'.}_t_ ‘, r _· ¤ o Sed. Al¤@¤e¤t of ·expe¤dit¤re_for· medt reel; ‘matim fund.-The qsecreury er- the Imener ¤ne11”a1ao oem: mine and make pnblic announcement of the propoxjtionate pa: nf me of @3,%, expended prloxf. to June 27, 1920, from tn $____, ieclasnation fund in eonneclzion with Klamath projeci Gregen-California, that in _ theoplulon of the Seeretarjf of th \ integ·io1—°each acre of the said land ahould be asaeaeed. and th pz-eportlenate `paft that each aere of privately owmd land, Belmi larlg smated to the said lands lzeneby affected, alzould be as neseed, to return to reclamation fnml all the said sum o

 (May 27, 1926, c. 209, { 2, 41°Stat.-6%.)

664. Survey and opening of lands to entry.-The_Sec1*etar ot the Interior la authoiieed and directed to cause said land in be earveyed and opened to entry ·.unde1·—· the * general home stead laws and the pfovialons of this division of this chapter Prepidad, That none ofaald lands shall be opened to entry unti the- Secretary n of the Interior shall have Brat made aijrange ment width the ownersh of lands. in private ownership, éimilarl situated to `e lands herebi aqected, for the payment into th xjeelamntion fund of the .proportionate part . of the sum o $83,225, determined and apportioned by the, Secretary of th Interior against said privately owned lands as provided in th » Apneeedlng section. (May 27, 1920, -c. 209, `§ 3, 41‘Stat.· 628.)£ _ 6*85.*Additio»nal, payments; inatallraenta; forfeiture for nom paynent; interm; entering proceeds into reclamation fund.4 In addition` to all payments xeqxilred by the general lwmeatea i laawa lZl1€l.'§ shall paid by homestead ent1*ymen·the·am0u¤ per acre as provided ina the second preceding eectloa Said payment slgall be made 1¤’¤a¤¤d1 installments · of $1. pe acre, except the last installment, pwlilch may be a frectl0 a of a dollart Provided, ·'1‘h¤t_the wllole or any part of th

 amount ao a ed may be paid by the entfyman i¤·

alxorter period if ee ao elmta, The drst installment shall I: _ wid at the timelhoxnmtead application la Bled and subaeqnex Jnstallwta shall ‘ be due and payable on Deeemmr 1 of eac calmdar year until the entire mm ao an aworéoned against the lands le paid, and patent shall n< issue for of aald lands until the sum so apportioned agaim said linda shall have aaa fully paid,. Failure to pay an installment when · due shall render the entry mbjmt to ea: eellatlen, a forfeiture of all moneys paid. All asm ments allall draw at the rate of 8 centdm ps annum from fhelr due date until paid. All moneys paid c ~ aeeonat of each ta al1all,;wit.hont diminution of an kind whatsoever, be eovered into the reclamation fund. (Ma 27, 19%, c. MBQ 5 4, 4} Stat, @.8.) " ’ . a Preferenee rights 9fiW6!1d War veterana.——Those wl aerved in the military or navu forces of the United Stain daring the war the United States and Germany ax have been honorably aeparatd or discharged therefrom • placed in the Regular Army or Naval Bmrve shall hm preference and prior right to Slo upon and eaten aald lane under me no&eataad Iowa and the provisions of . this dlvlalc of this chapter for a period of aix month; following the tin said lands are openw to entry. In s= · l said- laude f4 hoéetead entry the Eecretary of the Interior shall provi: for the dlapoaltion thereof to the aald soldiers, sailors; ax n rnarinea. by drawing,. under general rulw and regulations =

?UBLIO‘ LANDQ $621 s y be pmmitlgetcd by him: Provided, That the rights edd bene- ’, Hts cc¤ier.·rm·by this division of this chapter shell act extend .- to ahy person whe, heving been drettedy for eewice under the e prcvihtom ct the Selective dervtcc Actt shall have refused tec .1 pence: such service or to wear the uhiterm ci such service et v the United Stetcs. · (May 27, 19%; c, 239, Q 5, 41 Stat. 6%*) d 667. Squsttcfs rights not nrcccghizw; time of entry ee hm; y · penalty fer yrcmsture —cntry.——-y-N5 rights tc matte entry shell 1 gttach by teased of settlement cr eqdetting d ~ eeee h dey et the _ lands, hereby restored hcfctc the hed: cn which such laude F shall be subject tc; homestead entry at the; land edicc, md r- uhtil scid lends are cpencd ter settlemmt hed entry as herein t provided BQ shall cute: umn and occupy the came, edd e any person violating this $!GYiSi0B ehati never ‘ bc. L, tcjcnter my of said lends. (Hay 27, 19%, c. A , { 6, 41 Stat. B . ‘ , . . _ , E. — w8. in Klamath Lakc~Bird Rmrvfstkmi imétvstich L, of lake shc~1.·c;Ac•se1hc¤t·fer canal Secretary et

-` the Idtcrior shall ~detcrmthe’ which of the within the

»t boundaries of the- Hameth Lake Bird Redcrvc- are ehicdy valuable for agricultural purposes and which" for the {mmm y ot · said reservation, had shall open to hcmcstad eetry these ié lands which ate chicdyq valdgbley te: agricultural purws:

. `Prjovidcd, That the shore line of the lake, including the smelt-

·; est legal. sixbdivisidh of lend hdjcihihg the dew line, chat! n remain in" the · possession >°0£ . the United States, hut access

. may he- ;providcd` t0_ the lake for sew candle dé may behec

y_ cssary for irrigation; drainage; and domestic water dsdppiy Lg _ (May 27, 1920,0. 209, S ff, $1 Stat. 629;) , ’ »f ‘ 609. Powers `of Secretary in" rektich te pmicctf-The Secre .e_ tary, bt the Interior is duthorized tc perform cny and 1 all ect: Q and to make such rules and regulations as may he necessary and proper for the purw of ycerrying the prdvisichs of

- tions 608, inclusive, of this divisive of this chegztexjiette

T `fdll force and cKect. ._(May 27,` 1920, c. 209, 15 8,* 41 Stetx @4 2 Chapter 18.—-FEDERAL LANDS INCLUDED `STATE H IRRIGATION DISTBIGTS. · ·

 Sec. ·   "   _ _· _ U _

‘ 621. Subjecfieh ct lands in State irrigation district tc State laws gen

  • ¤_ ‘ ‘ érally. _ , .· ~ » tx

I6 `622.` Cent et tenstmctiqn and maintenance et irrigation project ez 5,- ·» ‘ chargaohland. ;· _· ‘~ ` ,8 623; Hep of district edd pled of iufigatien project; eppreval hy Sec It 624. Entggrgt appreirnl on lend zecerdfc. ` , Eh 825. Raine of itmehtered Iced from itch ce `nencemplctieh ee itrige ad _» tion ‘pmj_ect. . _— ·..I at 626. En1crcement_c£`ltep sgniest entcrw but dnpetentcd iced. H 827. Sale of HDPQCGRCQG and xmcptercd land. prehihitw; scepedeica Bt - ’ et entry. ·` _ · K7 628. Patent; to entered but HRKEYQBYEG ‘·!a¤d. ‘ ” E1- 829. Delivery to register and tc eutrymqn of neticcc required hy Stat B, law; night te hcariég, appeal, etc. · _. at 630, Dtqpcsidcu by Gcvemmcat et proceeds et; seidj B1 Secticm 631,;_Si1bicctfeh` of lmds i1§_St&€¢·i1'¥i§&¢i&§ W to State laws ”geeex·alIy.——·Whe¤ ih any State of » the Unite; W Stat& under`- the irrigation district ct eaid State there hes prior te August 11, 1916, Mw oégenized and erected er she} xc thereatteé be·;crgahized and created dey ·i;·rigeticu` district fe: ec the purpose- ct irrigetiug the lends situated within scid irrigd nd tion district, dud ip which irrigation district se created cr` tc ht at created there shalt me included any et the public tends of the vc United Stgtes, euchhuhlic lands edsituated izrseid krigatie;1 ie district, when subject te entry, and entered §&HdS_ within scid m irrigetihh district; for which 210 duet certihcetes have been ac iA8¤&d» which may be designated by the Secx·etar·y`ci' the in 015 tcri01‘· in the appxevel by him- of the map and pldt ct an irrigaie tion district as provided in section 623 ct this chapter, are td hereby made and declared to he subject to all the preyigicns to of the taws of the State .1:1 which such laude shell he situated