Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1400

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§ 833 “Tuna 4:.-1=·Ua nneh warrant is not leaned nntil after the death of the claimant; c the title to meh warrants and all such warrants as have been i iwned subsequent he f the death ,of the clalnzant, elxall vest in t an widow, it `there be one, and it there be ne widow, then in c the heirseor legatea of the claimant; and allmilitary bounty s land warrants leaned pursuant to law shall be as per- z nom] chattels, and ·may · he conveyed by assiment of such- c wldew, heirs, or- legatees, or by the legalQrepreeentatis·es of the e

sed claiuiant, fer the we of such heirs or legatees only. 1

(K S- $,24*14-) `_ i f ‘ · ‘ ‘ l,

 Proofs Bled by legal repreeei1tatives.—='l`he legal repre--

ewta§vm of a deceased claimant for a— bounty land warrant, , wlxesei Bled prim- to his deatl1,.may'Hle` the proofs- (

 7 toperfect each claim. _(R, S. 532445.) "° ‘ '· 4

L 834: Reloeationof military bountyland warrants in cases of "S errer.——Where an actual eettler on the public lands has Qsoughty I er nmempts, to. locate theland settled on and improved by him, ( with a— military bounty land warrant, and where, from any { cneeeyzan error has occurred in making Such lmration; ghe; is· 1 antherlned to relinquish lthéj land so erroneously locatedj V and ; te locate such warrant upon the land eo settled ‘npon and lin- "; prayed by him, if ine same then be vacant, and if not, upon. g any ether yacant land, on making proof of those facts ‘to the .5 sadsxction . of the land o$ce.ra, according to such rules and q ngulntions as may he_presc1‘lbed by the Commissioner of the { General Land 0@ce, and subject to his final adjudication. Wi (B.S.$·2446.-) _ _ i. j _. ;_ j _ 83S.'Ies and of wai:rants.4—In all cases in 4 which land has been given -oi··`el1all be given by the United .s States for military services, fwarrants. shall be granted —to the li parties entitled .to each land by the Secretary, of the Interior ;‘ C and nach warrants shall be recorded in the General Land OiIice,_ c ln hooks to he kept for the purpose, and slnall be located ae la: 1 Br may be provided by law; and patents shall afterwards be `< issued aecordingly. _(K S. { 457.)` o _ i ( CLAIM AGEIXTS OR ATTORNEYS _ ‘ 841. Gain amt withholding dismrge =papers.¥¢Any claiin ·s agent, attorney, or other person engaged in the collekztion ofi E claims for pay, bounty, or- other allowances for any soldier, E sailor, er marine, or for any commissioned omcer of the mill- E tary or fercw, or who may; have been a. soldier, sailor, 5 marine, or omeer ot the Regular or Volunteer forces of the f United Statw, and honorably discharged, who shall retain, withont the eonsent of the owner; or owners thereof,. or shall E refuse to deliver or account for the same upon demand duly Qi made by the owner. or owners thereof, `or by their agent _ or i attorney, the land warrant of any- snob soldier, sailor,. or E anarine, or commissioned omeer, which may have been placed E in his hands fer the purpose of ·colleeting‘ said claims, ll s he deemed guilty of a nxiademeanor, and shall, upon co vic- S tion, he panielied by Hue not exceeding $500, or by li11[)1°lSOD¥ ment not exceeding aix montha,_or both, at_the discretion ot. the court, and shall thereafter be debarred from prosecuting S any auch lclalm in any executive department of the Govern- i xnent, `.(Hay 21, 1872,_cl 178, 17 Stat. 137;) _· ° `· , ` 842. Qompensation of agent or attomeyw-No agent or attor· _; ney or other pereon shall demand or receive any other com-' E pensation for hisceervices in prosecuting: a claim for bounty I land than annie: as the Commissioner ot Pensions shall direct. { to be paid te·hi1n,‘not” exceeding $25; ner shall ~s·uc11 agent., { attorney or other person demand or receive such- commune- t tion, in whole or in part, until such bounty land claim shall be at allowed. _.(R. S. 5 4785: Jnly 4. 1854. ’c. 181, { 3, 23 `Stat. 99.) g 843. Agent or attorney demanding more than legal '-fu.-——e. { Any agent or attorney, or any alike? D€1‘S0¤ iustfilméuf-SI ill E prosecuting any claim for bounty land, who shall directly or l indirectly contract for, demand, or receive or retain any greater s

. I ¤ _ J • FLICJLANDS o 1386. rornpensation for his xrvlcu, or jlnstrumentallty in proseeut. nga claim for bounty land than is provided in Title 38 pg;.

ainlng to pensions, or who shall 'wrengfully withheld from a
laimant the rrhole,` or any part of the claim allowed and due

such claimant,. or the land warrant;. issued to- any sneh elainemt, shall be deemedguilty of a high misdemeanor, and, again zonviction thereof, shall for every snch odense be fined at exceeding. $500, or imprisonment at hard labor not e:<;e®dina

wo years, or,-both, at the discretion of the court. (R. 5.

3543;.)-* ., j= ». . 844. Agreement, for fee;-·§liag; limitation of sneant.-Jtjhe agent orattorney ot recora, ln the prasecution- of the ease cause to be tiled with the Commlmloner of · Pensions, duplicate articles ofagreement, without additional goat to the claimant; setting forth the. tee agreed upon by the parties, which sareenent shall nbe-executedln the pr%ence of and certlned by sexes >mcer competent to administer · oaths. In all eases where lpplication is made for bounty land, and no agreement is sled with the commissioner as herein provided, the feclshall be $16 ` ind` no more.` No greater- than $10*-shall. be demamed, received, or allowed in any] claim for bounty land granted by speeial acti df Congress. _ Any agen: or attorney or other per- i son inst-rumental in prosecuting any claim for bomty; land, whe shall directly or. indirectly contract Tor, demand or rerelve or retain any greater compensation for bla serviem er » austrumentalit in prosecuting ·a claim for bounty land than s provided jnéhis section, or for paynrentfthreof at anylother

ime orlin any other manner. than Lis herein m0vlded,_er~ whe
ha1l wrongfully withhold fromq a claimant the land warrant

ssued to any such claimant, shall be deemed guilty-of a mislemeanor, and upon conviction thereof. shall for every sneh nifense be fined notexceeding~_$500, or imprisoned at hard Labor ‘ notfexceeding two years, orboth, in the discretion of court. (R._`S. 5 4_786l; July}, 1884, c.'181, 4, 23 Stat. 99.) 3h‘_apter`_ 20.+-RESERVATIONS AND GRANTS TQ STATES. FOR RUBLIQ YURPOSES. ` $51. Detlclencles in grants to State by reason of settlements, etc., on . designated sections generally. _ · l B52. Selections to supply denclencles ot school lands · — l53.' Selectlxs ln- Utah to supply deficiencies otsehoel glands. . l5.4. Selectl ,8 {n_·New . Mexico to supply datlcleneles at schools lands. l55. Indemnity selections by,State of Wyomlngl _ ‘ ‘ ldd. Selection of school lands on ceded 'lndtan reservatlens. E5?. Grant to__new States. - _‘ B58. Grants to counties for seats of justice. l l59.· Fee simple to pass in all grants. -_ _ { _ leo. Selection ot-pheephate or ou lands by — Idaho under lndemhxty

 and other¤ land grants. _ ,· -- ~ .` ·

SG1. Preference right of selection granted certain Western States. HB2. Patents for W8gl0B·fo8d_!gl‘8¤t8 to Oregon. · ` RG3. Survey of lands granted to certain -Western States. , . M4. Survey of land grants to Florlda. ‘ R15; Certain lands selected by California condrrned. · ¢66. Exchange ofcut·over land ln Montana. .. 3G7._Agricultura1 college serie,. . · " l68. ;Representation of Indian` claimants in suits to determine right to school lands, `, _ · g , . . Section 851; Debciencles in grants ta State by reason of settlements, etc., on designated sections generally.--=—-Where settlements with ·a view to preemption orhomestead have been, grior to `February 26, 1859, at shallthereafter be mace, before 1he survey of the lands ln` the Held, which arelteund to have men made on motions 16for 36, t·hose‘.sections shall be subject

0 the claims of such settlers; and if such seetions,_or either ufl
hem, have been er shall be granted, reserved, dr pledgedfor.

he use of schools or colleges in the State or Territory in \vl1l€h_ _ ~

hey_ lie, other lands of muul acreage are hereby (appropriated

and granted, and may be selected by said State or Territory, inf. leu of such as maybe thus taken by preemption or hqllnestead settlers. And other lands of equal acreage are also hereby all-. · _