Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1434

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§ 77 TITLE 435.--PUBLIC PRI. shall direct. Of theécomprehensive index and of the consolidated: index two thousand copies each sh_a11‘ be printed and bonizd in addition to thebsual number, two hundred copies for the use of the Senate, eight hundred copies for the use of the House. and one thonsand copies for`? distribution, by the Sngserintendent of Documents. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, §_ 62, 28_ Slat. °(3l0.)` · _ `·b' ‘ l · ¢ · _ _ Zi?. Catalege of Government epubiications.·e—A catalogue of Governmeaat publications shall "b€‘·prepa1‘ed_ by lhe Superinienzlomi of Documents on the lst day of each month, Whichsisail show the documents`printed during the preceding m0nth,_ a·lm‘e obtainable, and `lheiprice thereof: Two thousand tuples ” of aussi: catalbgue shall be printed in pamphlet form for distribmion; (Jan.`12,_1895,_é.‘23, § 69, 2S State 612.) · . ' ' 78, Documents in. eharge of departments to be turned over to Superintendent of `D0cuments.—-—All public rdocuments ‘ac· <·unzulating‘f1; the several executive departments, bureaus, and offices not needed for ofliéial useshall be annually tu·rned_0ver i to the $uperintendent of Documents for distfibution_`0i· sale. l (Jan-12, 1895, c. 23,`§ 67, 28"Stat. 611.)- I ~ -_ Q _ 4 _ 79. Heprinting documents eequirea _ for sale.-'1TheISuperin— tendent of Documents is hereby authorized to order reprinted; from time to time, such public documentsas may be required for sale,-such order. for reprinting to be ·subject_t0~the approyal of the Secretary or head of the department in which such public doeainent shall have originated. The-appropriation‘ for p printing and binding shall be reimbursed for the `cost of suchj reprints from Jthe moneys., received ‘ by .the~ Superintendent"0f" D0f‘11Rl€R(S from. the sale of public documents. (Mar. 28, 1904, No. 11,‘33';Stat. 584;) ‘ '`‘. · ~ ` 89, Documents for President.—The Public ·* Prl`nter_,shallQ_cle> liver to the Executive Mansion twocopies each of .all‘documents, bills,-_an<.l resolutions as soon as printed and ready tort distribu- `tion. (Jan. 12;.1895, o. 23,} 88,28 Stat; 622.) D · _ " . e 8}. Documents pfor asc l sof_ Public Printer.-Tho Public` Printer may retain out of all documents,. bills, and resolutions printed the number ·of copios absolutely needful {or the official use og the Govermrient Printing Ofiice, not exceeding. live of each. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, §° 73,-28, Stat. 618.) . - ; ° — e82.—Distribution_9f copies of publications to designated dep@itories;——The copies of journajls, Qbooks, and public docu? meats which are or may be authorized. to be, distributed to incorgmmted bodies, institutions, and associations within the as States and Territories shall be distributedbto such bodies as shall be designated byeach of the Senators from the several . States, respectively, and by the Representatives in "Congress from each congressional district, and by the; Delegate from eaéli Territory. The distribution shall be made in°such·manner that the quantity distributed to each congressional district and Territory shall be equal. (R, {S. ·§ 501; Mar. 1,; 1907, c. 2284;. 5 4, 34 Stat. 1014.)°·‘ _· U O ; _ ° A- “ 83. Designation of d¢positories»—+The` selection of an institution to receive the documents ordered to be published or procured at the Brat session of any Congress shall control the d0(§'i"1·§l1€l1fS of the _ entire Congress, unless another designation be made · before any distrlbution‘= has taken '_ place under the ‘m1emm¤` Brat made. And the public documents to be distributed by the Superintendent of Doouments shall be sent to the institutions already designated, unless Q be shall be jsatistled that any such lnstit ion is nolongera suitable depository of the same. Congr ionalt journals and public documents, authorized to bed 5 rlbnted to institutions on. the designation ot Members of ‘ ngress;· sent to such libraries and in- · stimfions on a assball signify n willingness to' pay the cost of moir tm ~ rtation. (R. S. § 502; Jan. _12, 1395, c. 23, H;53. si,2s · 610.)` .b ‘ l ._ f . · _. d Q , Libraries as depositories continued; new designations.-

foraries designated by law prior to June 23, 1913, as depositories to receive books and other Goyernment publications shall,

NTING AND DOCUMENTS 1420 during their existence, continue such receipt: and new designa· · tions may be made when libraries chosen shall cease to existé or other designations, shall be `authorized by law. (June 23, 1913, c.—3,'§_ 5,38 Stat.'75.) · ·` Q _. _ — 85. Distribution of copies gof publications to designated de- ° p positories and libraries; land- grant colleges as depositorie s.—— Upon request of the Superintendent of Documents the Public S Printer is hereby authorized and directed to either increase or diminish the numberi of copiesjof publications furnished for. distribution, to designated deposltories and State and Territorial l libraries, so that the·num·ber of copies delivered shall be equal ‘ to the number of libraries on the list : ;Pro·u ided, That the number thus delivered shall at no time eicew the `number autbor·· izedjunder existing statute. The allotment ofcopies furnished tori distribution to libraries `shall be increased orlredueed, from `time, to time, as the redistricting of States or the rearrange-. 'ment of depository lists under provisions of law shall demand, to such numbers as may be necessary to comply with. the law. `All land-grant colleges shall beconstituted as depositories for public documents, subject to the provisions and limitations of the depository laws. ‘(Mar.._ 1, 1907, c. 2284, §.4, Zigi ·Stat..1014.). ` Investigation of libraries designated as depmiteries.—— The Superintendent of Documents shall thoroughly investigate the condition of all libraries that are designated depositories. and whenever he shall ascertain that the number .of· books in any such library, other .thal1_ college libraries, is below one thousand, other than Government publications, or it has ceased to’be maintained as a public library, he shall strike they same from the list, and the Senntor,_ Representative, or Delegate shall `designate · another depository-that shall meet the condittions here_in`required. · (Jan..12,_·1895, c. -23, {70, 28 Stat. 612.} `87.‘ Libraries of executive departments and Military and Naval Academies constituted dep•sitories.—-;—The libraries of the eirecutive departments, of fthe United States Military Academy, and United States Naval'Academy are hereby constituted designated. deposltories of; Government publications, and the Superintendent of _Documents shall supply one copy of said publications, in the same form as supplied to other deposltorles, to each of said libraries. '(Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, § 98, % Stat. 1 _624.)` ° _ ·f 88. American Antiquarian Society to be depositorye-One copy of the public journals of the Senateand of the House of Representatives,"and of the documents published under the orders of the Senate and House of Representatives, respec- `tively, shall be transmitted to the Executive of the Com1non· \6a1th. of Massachusetts for_.the use and benefit of the American Antiquarian Society of said Commonwealth. (Dec. 1, 18r1, No. 7, 3 Stat. 248.) _ _ ‘ ` ‘ 89. Distribution of public documents to library of Philip-. pine govermuent.—='1‘he Superintendent of Documents is hereby authorized and directed to supply one copy of each document delivered to him for dlstrlbution to State and Territorial libraries and designated depositories `to_ the library of the Philippine government,. in- the city of Mantle, Philippine Islands;. and the Public Printer is. hereby directed to print, bind, and deliver to_the Superintendent of Documentsthe extra number of documents required to comply with this section, (Jan. 18, 1907, c. 153, 34 Stat. 850.) ‘ i ‘ 90. Books and documents not to be removed from depositories.-—-All such and documents, when received at the proper omces, libraries, and other depositorlw, as provided by law, shall be kept there and not removed from such places. (R. s. 5 506.). i - " ~ 91. Documerfts and reports for foreign negation;.-nocu-. ments and reports muy be furnished to foreign legations to the United States upon request specifying those desired and reqnnsltion made upon the Printer by the Secretary of State: Prov£ded,"1‘hat such gratuitous distribution shall only be made ‘ to legations whose Governments furnish to legations from the