Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1454

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,§l 27 Tzcmu is.-ls of each Inspector shall be substantially the seiué. VThereup0n ` there shall appointed by the Interstate Commerce COX§H1iS;··· ‘ sian fifty inspectors not lceemetive boilefs; Said "” inspectors shall be in · the c1assl§ed- service shall be appqi1ffed· after competitive examinatleu acecryding to the law and the rules of the Civil Service `Cowmissieu governing the clasgilied servlee. The chief inspector shall assign. exe inspector $0 gp-. - minted te each of the districts hpreiixbeicre named.` Each in- I specter shell receive a salary er $3,600 per year and his travelixag expenses while eugéged in the pe1·£0rmm1ce_0f his duty. He shell ieceive in zadditicm thereto 'ani annual allowance for _ e§ee A :~em:,` stationery, aud. clerical assistahce, to ~be‘ Hxed by` ihe Interstate Commerce Gcmmissicp, but not to exceed in the ease of any distriet·iuspect0r“ $1,000; In order to_0btain the mast €G1}1{l€t€I1t mspectors possible, 'it shall be the dtitylef the chief inspector to prepare of list of questions to be propoumled te applicants with respect- to: ccmstmction, repair,—· opéfhtion, testing, and ixxspection of locomotive beilers, and their practi-. cal experiemge in s¤ch_w0rk, whféh. list; being approéedl by the Interstate Commerce Cemmissiim, shell be used ·by` the Civil Serviee Commission as ,a part of its examination. `N0_ person interested, éitherf directly or indirectlyfin any patented article required tb be used on any locomotive unde1·‘_ __supervl-» sian or who is iutemperate in his habits shall be eligible to hold the eiiiee of either chief inspector or aséistant of dis-, trict inspector. (Feb. 17,, 1911, c. 103, § 4; 36_ Stat. 914i June- 7, 1924, e_. 355, ‘§ 4, 43‘Stat. 659] j ° ‘ Z · ‘ . 27. Appointment sad- assignment of additional ingpecters.-q` Within the appropriations therefor and subject to me p1·0vi» sions of the preceding section, the Interstate Qommerce Com- A missiezi may appoint, from time t0_ti1g1e; not more than ilfteen U inspectors in addition sto the dumber authorized in such jsec-_ tim}, as the.11eeds`bf the service may reimire. Any inspector eppeimed _1mder this provision ·Sh1'l_u' be so assigned? by the chief inspector that his se17viee°wil1_ be m0st_飣eet1ve.» . (June 7, 1924, c. 355, 254, 43 Stat. 659.)· · _ — . . 28. Rules and instructions as to {!\S}}€¢ti0I\.——R]1]€8 and i11= structieusl for the lnspectiozx of locomotiwje boilers which have been made by a carrier subject to this chapter and `approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission are -0lSlfgatqrj on suehy carrier imtil changed in the manner hereafter provided, msicl af viela1:i0n.therecf shall be punished as provided `i1l S€(}Ii0D' 34.- A carrier mai from time to time change such _ rules and instructions, but such {change shall not take EE¢Cf&I1d the newa mles— and ixastmctions be in force uiztil the same shall have eeexmlled with and approved by the interstate `Commefce Cem; A mission. The chief inspector shall also make all needful rules, regulations, and instructions not mcefwistent hegeyvitlx for the = Q§}Hd11{3£;Gfq11i$ emee_and_ for the Vgovernment _0£ the; district inspectors: Progzidcdg however, 'That all ° such rules and instructicms shall be appfoved By the Iuterétate Cemmerce—*C0m· mission before they take effect. (Feb. 17, 1911, c; 103, Q 5; 86 Stat. 914.}. . { ’ 1 · ‘ ” · _ ` 29.; Duties of district inspectors; impectlcm and repairs by cgrriers; notice to barrier of condition of boiler; appeal to. , chief inspects; and reexaminatengh fagrtlier appeal to ccmmié- l sian.-¤—It shall bethe duty at each inspector to become familiar, se far ae practicable; with the condition .0f eéclr jlqcomotive miler 0z·dirm;·ily lmueed ei·_;·epa.ire<l in his distriet, and if any lecmnmtive is ~ e4·dim,ri'ly housed or rephixjed ip two or more districts, then the ehief inspector or en assistant shall make esueli divisim; mtweeu inspectors as will avclil the necessity fer duplication et. work. Each inspector shall mal§e such personal inspection of the locomotive boilers under his cere-from time to ti11f1e·- as may be necessary to telly carry out the pmvlsieus of this chaptenj, and ‘21StIll23Y.§b€ consistent with his ' other duties, but ue small amt be required to make such nin- ` speetiems et$st:1ted»Wti1;1es"0r at regular iutervals. His fxrst gluty shall be to see that the carriers make inspections in

zazbzzoalfs [ , 1440 accordance with the rules and regxilations established or - a·pprov ed· by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and that e carriers repair the defects which such inspections disclose before the boiler or boilers or appurtenances pertaining thereto . are again put in service. To this end each carrier subject to this chapter shall file with the inspector jln charge, Innder the oath of the proper. omcer or employee, a dnplicate of the report ot. each inspection required by such rules and regulations, and shall also tile with such inspector, under the oath of the proper gomcer or employee; a` report showing the remlr of the defects disclosed by the inspection. The mlm and regulations hereinbefore provided for shall prescribe the dmc _ at which “ such reports shall be made. Whenever any district l&pecter shall, in ‘| the performance Tot his duty, pilnd any; locomotive. boiler or apparatus pertaining thereto not conforming to the requirementslpf the law or the rules and regulations established · and approved. as hereinbetore stated, he shall mtlfy the carrier in writing that the locomotive is not imservicechle condition, and thereafter such boiler shall not be used until in serviceable condition: Prooidcd, That a· carrier, {when by an »iaspector in wdting that a locomotive boiler is not in serviceable condition, because, of defects set out and, described; in said , p notice, may within dve days after receiving said notice, 'appealr to the chief I inspector by telegraph for bycletter to have said boiler`.reexamlned;~and' 'upon, receipt of appeal from they ii1specto1·’s decision, the chief inspector shall amiga one of the assistant chief inspectors or any district inspector other than the one __from1_ whose decision the appeal is taken to ·reexarnlne, and inspect said. boiler witlrln Bfteen days from data oi notice. It npon such reexamlnation the boiler is found ln serviceable condition, the chic! inspector ‘shall notify the carrier ln writing, iwhereupon such boiler ana; be pot into service F without further delay; but lf, the reexamlnation ot said boiler; sustains the decision of the `sdlstrict inspector, the Chief inspector shall- at once notify the carrier ownim or operating such locomotive that the appeal from the decision or the inspector is dismissal, and upon the receipt of each notice the °carrier" may, withln thirty days, appeal to the Interstate Commerce Commission, and upon such appeal, and after hearing, said commission shall have power to revise, , raodliy, or set- aside such action of the chief inspector and declare that said locomotive is ln serviceable condition and anthorlae the same "tor be operated; Prootded farther, 'lhat pending, either appeal the requlrements‘ of the inspector be ‘e¤ectlve. (Feb; 17, 1911; c. 103, Q 8, 36 Stat, .915.) _— · 30. Powers and dnties of inspectors, and provisions of chapter applicable to all parts of locomotive and tender; exsmina-» p tions of inspectors.i—-—The chief inspector and the two assistant ` chief inspectors, `Ztogether with all the district l tors, appointed as herelnbefore provided, shall inspect and shall have the same powers and duties with respect to all the parts and appurtenances of the locomotive and tender that they have with respect to the boiler ot a locomotive and the appurtenances thereofpand the provision as to the equipment ·o£ `locomotlves shalluapply to and includefthe entire locomotive and tender and all their parts with the same force and·eHect as it applies, to . locomotive boilers and their appurtenances; All inspectors and " ` applicantsfor the position of inspector shall be examined tonclr lngtheir qualifications anclfltness with respect, to the additional duties hereby; imposed. (Mar. 51, 1915; c. 169, Q 2, 38 Stat:1192.) V` 31. Annual report of fchiefz inspector.--The chief inspector shall make an annual report to the Interstate.Comnxerce Commission of the work done during then year, and shall (make such recommendations for the betterment of the service as he may desire. (Feb. 17. 1911, c. 103, § 7}. 36 Stat. 916.) . _32. Report by carrier to chief inspector as to accident; preservation of disabled parts; investigation and report thereupon.-·+——In the case of accident resulting from failure from any cause of a locomotive holler or its appurtenances, resulting in