Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1469

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` 1455 .r11*LE ,46.- TITLE 46.- caapter . l , , S¢¢= ]_ }`§{f§£5E 3 NAVIGATIOI-.-- ---· ---·-- ---- ---------- -------- I g_ m;.~,;a·pa—y len neceanmo.; . .L .* L -.. ---- 11 3. 1‘¤ are mrmr ...- - -.- .----‘- ------ - -.---- 91 l, Tesx.».n;` nurses  :-------4 ---.. - -.--.-. ------- 1‘21 5, ms-emnxxar1xe·nei*¤:s·A;e xxmeaocan- rmwnmas . 141 4:_ Rge:·:..u·:ea as ro nexus cnzarmo summa '1>.sssen¤ms-.. .151 7, Tu.lssr¤¤nl·nea ee ,,nxrmarvea.· ea -e.mee¤e1:s sves·#1•mcnsex rasenxesn .v¤88£i.8..L. - --...---- L -..------- - -.-- -, 1]}; ,;_ ;,;m·¤~,t·mux ov vases:. owanwe nxammrr-; ---.--..--- - 181

1. "l.¤<s‘ were ---------------------.-- "---- -------..-. - .--- -.-.201

ga `m;l:»:—x,.rr1es or rmeri lxo rxnermz .. ‘ -...-...------ ..-- 2l°1

_ neaxceea aan cmzwe mg-. vesse
.s--, _... L. ...-- ----4..-- . 221
g_ ;m;;ex·ee VESSEL-S xx noxnar1e_e0u¤r;nca ... ..-.--.. 251

1;;_ r1aaeears axe means or vnzsams ENGAGEDIN mamma cou-. _ ascites ..1.- Q- -.-.. ‘..--_ ..--... --- ...-- - .-.---------- 351

4_ Ixsrscrlox OF Srtuaat Yzssm-S-., . - -..--..-.. ---- . --- 361

_ , . _ SHIPPING. 1 _‘ Ar1»lti·.lllen of contreversles nrlaing ont. of maritime transactions, dec zrme e,._.ar1•itntleu. _ _ _ · - · _ _` . - _ Seq- also·Title 33, Navigation and Nnvigable waters. S Chapter 1.--BUREAU OF. NAVIGATION. _ Sec. Q _ _ .' · 1. l·2slabllshmeatind cllarge of Eureau, l ° 2. lleueral duties of cenlmissioner. ‘ `.. 3. Allditienal duties of c0mm&loner. , 4. Annaal list at vemela and report-or increase. 5. Appelntamieat; delluty 3 tddltienal clerks. _ · ~ Scctien I. Est:bl@¤ent and charge of bure•¤.—4There_ Shall , he in the Department of Commerce of the _['nited States a Barmalof Navigatleu, under the immediate- charge of a Com-_ mlssieuer of Navigation, (Jizly 5, 1884, c. 221,. { 1, 23 Stat. 118; I·`el>. I4. 1903, c. 552, 32 Stat. 829; Mar. 4, 1913, c. .141, 37 Stat. 736.) 2. General datiw of ee¤—eThe Commissioner ot Navigtien, under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce, allall have general saeeriatendeace of the commercial marine and merchant seamen at the Unitecl States, ae. far as vessels and seamen are net. under exiatlg laws, subject ,te the anaerrlsilm of any other eEcer' of the _Goverament._ He shall be specially charaal with the decléen of all qaestlomrelating to the iaene of registers, enrollments, of veaaela, and te the allng and preservlag ot these decumeats; and wherever in vkazaers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 7. S, 9, 18 myet the above-named d<>cnnx$nts's1*e_reqnl¤·d te be snrre ed er returned to the llegieter of the Treaanr5·,‘ aaeh is nad- ~sa<·h documents shall he e¤rreud% sad remraed to the Commiaeiener of Navlg~atil¤n.' Said eammlssleaer snail have charge ef all.-similar <lec1mne11ta`ln.the*keeelng of the Beglster let the- Treaanry, en July 5, 1884, and- shall perferm all the duties devolved npoq_ said register, prior to wld date, relating to navigatlen. .(July 5, 1884, e.j&1,' l` 2,`23 Stat. 118; Feb. 14. 1003, c. 52, 32 Stat. 8%; Mar, 4, 1913, e. 141, 37.Stat. 736.) ' 3. datiu of Gommlaslener of Navigation shall be charged with the anpavléea or the laws` relating to the admeaauremeet et veasela, and the aseignl-ng. of aigaal letters thereto, and of dealgnatlna their e%l number; and on all queetleneoi intermemtion grqwlngiout of the execution of the laws relating to these subléctl. relating to the eollectlmn et teenage tax, and to the refund of meh tu- when collected erroneously er lllgalii, d@l0a élull be inal. (July 5, 1884, e. 221, I 3, 3 Stat. 119.). _ . E. - 1 4. Axim! list of vemels HM} Nvart of increase.-—·‘1`l$e Gemmiwioner of N¢vl@6e¤ Shall annually ded publish a ua ar vmds ar tk umm amen ea me mgm: marine, the ~e§dal anmber, lettxs, names, fig, tonnage, heme port. and plaee nad date ot of every vewel, distlngalshlng in auch list sailing v&wls from such as

——6H1P1’1XGj '» 1;..5 -s1—111>1211~z<; Chppter · _ . 7 - ·Sec. 15. Tm1vs1>omwrrmw as- msészzmrzm no ssuscrxmvxsm mr s·:·E.m vnssmns .,. Q ..._,.____ ;_Q __;_______ __;;___ 45} ,_ ‘ 13. BEGULATIUN OF Lkisyrog B0A.·;3__ ____ ___ ____ ______; _____ __ _________ *51} 17. Rmumwxox or msnzgms ,______m_ g, ___________ __ __________ ,3,3; ,18, )j[;;;g(_·}{Ax*r s;:;_A3u;5=· _____________ _____; __________ 1_;___; ____ ,, 541 19. Wmcvxs AND sAr,v;m»; _.__.______,_ · _____________ __ ____ _ ______ 721 20. Srrrrs rx AnssrnxgvxjaY_on_yAcA1:~zs*r vxzssszns on cn<;o¤2 01-· . '____,-, ~ fixyfgbav S·pA·p;»;,,·5 ____ __`_`_,___, ____,___ 1, _,,__ __, _____ _____ ______ T4} 21._·D»:.u~u US>Tl1B_11IGII sms. BX ¤·w;.;Gpu, Am·__;_; ___________ qq;} 22; Scrrs 1z·:“ .w_mu.smy .4•mxs·r I":em=:¤ $·::#·1·E;; Fm mmians ' ‘ mvgnn BY on mu ·r0w.4ss: ba snug}: sssvxcra;- ... "..·..- 781 23_ Sgyppgxq Agp; _______ ,___,,_,;_,,,,_;_. ____ -.._____;_, ___,,______ ,_,_r_, 803 . 29;. MERCHANT M.uims» Acw __,,,.___ _L _______ J; ___________ ______·gg;; 25, Sggp M0g·;•¢;Au5 ACT ________ ______; ______ -__?_-_; ______ Q, ____ 911 26,- Pngvrsxoxs sr1=·rm·:¤x»im·m1 T0 HAVIGAHOX mwsa gms wuz ` Sgup )iqgmAGg Aer; ____._ -, ____________,_ · ,__,__;__Q _____ 101} may be propelled- by stéa m' br nther mstlve pmécr, He sha}! also gicport annually to the Secretary ot Qommerée the increase of Yeséels pl the U¤1tcd=Stz1tes, by building or atheéwise, fying their number, rig, and motive; power.- He shall also invcstigate `the operations of the laws relative to miigation, and annually report toythe `Secretary of Commexjee suchtparticalan as may, in his judgment, admit pt impmvemeni or may re- ’ quirc amendment. (July 5, 1884, c. 221, 5- 4, % Stzxti 119; Feb. 14,_ _19%,_c. 552, -32_·Stst. @9;. Mar. 4,* 1913, 6. 141, 37 Stat.‘736.)_ “J “ _ ‘ ·_ - V A 5. Appointment; deputy; adéitiéngnl clerks;-The Commissioner of Navigation sm!} be appointed by the of the " United States. byé and Qith the advice and consent of me Sonata. A11d` the Secrctzvry of Commerce shall haw pgwér to transfer from existing bmiem1s·01·· divisions of I}ep¤irt— ment of; `Commercé one clggkg to he designated as Deputy Commissioner ot Natigation, tb act with thé i'u11`p0ircrs, at said commissioner during his tcmpsmry sxbseizgte from his cmcial duty for. any cause, and such additional cierks gs he may my ‘ side; necessary to- the successful operation ci me Bureau at Navigation; withm1t impairiqg the emiency of the bmeam 0{" - divisions whence sm2h clerks`- may be transferred. `( July 5, 1884, it. 221, 5 6, 23 Stat. 119; Febl 14, 1903, c.‘552, 32_Stat. %; Mar. 4, -1913, c. .1.41,*.37 Stat. )` " Gh§P$£lf 2.-QREGISTRY AND REGORDING. GENERAL PROVISIONS AS T0 BEGISTBEZ AND EGCHHQNQIS Sec. l *? " — ‘ ` 1}. Veswli éntitled to registry; ccaistwisq tmée; ¤c¤·am_m:si1 écrvice ` cmitmcts. _- _. 1 _ . 12; ,Pr0visi<>na1 certificates of registry to vessels-surnam - . 13. Foreign-bum vessels admittcedto America; regtst;·y_; gcmstwtsa tram. ‘ 14. Wrccked vessclg, · ‘ . · 15. Vesselgowned by corporations. — ‘- ` 16. New rcgistry..¢m death of ¤¤cer of ¢¤¤’§¤mtion. 17. Place gt rggstraticn. - ‘ . . 18. Home ports of vessels at United States. .19. Oaih for * registry by- owner. _· _ 20. ®tL£1 by "ccépcmta owccr ur; meat of owner. _ 21. Forieiture tm- fn1¤e`sweari¤g. — > · 22. Oath by mgster. . » · · _ _ 23. Surrender at certinute of `rezlstry qu loss of tame}, gx: purcbasa _by fcreigperf ’ ` 24. Carpenter'; kzcrtinéato necmxaty. 25. . Farm of rqister. _ ‘ 26. Variation from form. - ‘ ~ 27. Blank mrtihcatea of wgistry to be furriishhd. . 28. Imuing of "fmrvm; · F 29. Registry pn purchase of vessel. , 30._3urmu&; qi cértificdte granted to gqrcbaser. 31. Registry by sgeht. . 82_..Bur~¤e¤der at certmcate gtagtqgi. To agent. 33.»F¤rf¤iture for falge sweating by agent. 34. Registry on talc under legal procesll. 35; Registry qgnsle 4bx·0¤$1.._