Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1472

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. x § 26_ TITLE 46.-— . been complied with, the collector ot the district comprehending_ the port to .v5:hicl1 she belongs shall make and keep in ` sonic proper hook a registry thereof, and Shall grant `a certidcate of such registry, as nearly as may be, in thegform .`f(illi)\\’lXl§Z _ _. · · ‘ In pursuance ofchapter 2, Title 48, of the Qode of the Laws ef the United States (inserting here the name, occupation, and Mace of abode of the persoxrby whom the oath was made), having taken and suhscribed._the`—oath required by law, and having sworn that he (er she, and if more than one owner, adding the words, " together with," and the name for names, occupation _or occupations, place or places otabode, of the owner or owners, and the part or proportion of such ivessel belonging to eaeh`_ ewner) is~ (or are) the only owner. (or owners) -0i the _ vessel called the (inserting here her name), of (inserting here the` port to which she maj belong), xyhereot (inserting here the name _.of the master) is at present master, and is. a citizen of the United States, and that the said. yessel was (inserting here when and Where built), and (inserting here the name and ollice, if any, _.of . the_ person by whom she (shall have been surveyed or ’ measured) having ~` certitied` that theeaid vessel has (inserting here the number of decks) and (inserting here the number of masts), and that her length is (inserting here the- nuinber of~ feet), her breadth (inserting here the number of feet), herdepth _~’(in- Sorting here the number of feet), and. that she measures (in-_ _» serting here her number of .. tons); that she is (describinghere the particular kind ot vessel, whether ship,‘ brigantinej snow, schooner, sloop, or whatever else, together with her build, and specifying whether she has any or no gallery or head); and the said '(naming the owner, or the master, er other person acting or behalf of the owner or owners, by » whom ¢11t».·;·t·1=¢_1oeate of measurement has been qountersigned, ~ as aforesaid). having agreed to the description and measure-_ _ ment above specified, and su@ci.ent» security having, been given, according to law,‘_the said `vessel has, been duly registered, at the port of (naming the port where registered). Given under my hand and ·seal, at (naming the said port), this `(inserting the pm·ti<•ula_r day) day of (naming the month)', :i.n the year _(specifying_ the number of the year, in words, at élength). (RUS. § 4155.) _` , · . _ ‘ ~ 26. Variation from form.--When the master of such vessel himself makes oath touching his being a_ citizen, the wording . of the certificate shall bevaried So as to be conformable to the truth of thecase. Where a new. certificate oi `regltry is grahted ln consequence of any transfer ot .a vessel, the words shall be so varied as to refer to the former certiilcate , of registry for her measuremenh _(R." S 4156.) "` 27. Blank certihcates of registry to be furnished.-—¤——It_° shall be the duty or the Secretary ot (‘oxnmerce'to cause ·to·~be provided blank certidcates of registry, and such other papersas may be necessary, executed in such manner and with such marks as he may direct. No certiiicate- of registry shall. be issued, except such as shall have been so provided and marked. 4R. S. § 4157; Feb. 14, 1Q03, c. 552, 32 Stat.829; Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, 87 Stat. 736.) `° _ ’ ‘ . ' I 28; Issuing of - forms.--The Secretary ot Commerce Eshall cause `to be transmitted,. from time to time, to the collectors ot the several districts, a sudlcient number of forms of the certihcatee ot registry, attested under the decal of the Depart-. ment of Commerce and the hand of the Cemmlealoner of Navigation thereof, e Sylth proper. _ blanks, to be hlled by the collectors; respectively, by whom also the certlhcate shall be signed and scaled, betere they are lsexied; and where there is a comptroller ot customs at any port, they shall, be countersigned by him; and where there is a surveyor, but no comptroller ot customs,. they shall be eounterslgned by him: A copy .

SHIPPING 1458 of each certidcate lssaed shall he transmitted to the Commls— stoner ot Navigation, who shall cause a - record to be kept ot the samej (R. S. *5 4158;·JuIy—5, 1884, c. 221, 23 Stat. 118; Feb. 14, 1903, c. 552, 32 Stat. 829; Mar. 4, 1913,‘c.‘141,*37 Stat. 736; Sept. 21,'1922, c. 356, 6 523; 42 Stat. 914.) 29. Registry on purchase of vmsel.»—~Whenever any citizen ef the United States purchases or becoma owner of any vessel entitled to be registered, such vessel being within any district other than the one in which he usually resides, such 7 vessel shall be entitled to be Qrcgistered by » the collector of the ' district Where she 'may be, at, the time of his becoming owner' thereof, upon his`, complying with the provisional hereinbetore prescribed, in order to the registry of vessels. · And the oath which fis · required tc be. taken may,. st the option of such owner, be- taken either before the collector of the district comprehendlng the port to which such 'vessel may belong, erbefore the collector of the district. within which such yessel may be,- either of whom .is- empowered to administer such oath. (R.S.§4159.)" . r y` , ·30. Surrender of certificate granted to` pgu·ch;scr.5-When- `. ever ahy vessel, _ regiétered In pursuance of the provisions of the preceding section, shall arrive within the district comprehending -the port to which she belongs, certihcsteot rgistry, so obtained, shall be delirered up to the collector or such ‘ district, who, upon. the requisites of this chapter in order ‘to the registry ot vessels, being ¢0mplied with, shall grant a new ouein lieu of the first. The certificate so dellrered up”shall forthwith be returned by the collector who receives the same, to_ the` collector who granted it. · If the Brsbmentioued., certificate `of registry is not deliyjered ·i1p, as above directed, the owner ahd the master of such vessel, at the time of her arrival within the: district coxhprehexjding the port to vshich she `may belong, shall severally be liable to a penalty of $100,_aud the certitlcate of registry shall be thenceforth void; (R. S. { ·31.· Registry by agents-Wlzchever any vessel entitled to be registered is purchased by·an agent or attorney for or on account of a citizen of the United States; such vessel being ina district of the_ United States `more than fifty miles distant, taking the nearest usual route by land, from the one compreheudiug the port to"—which, byyyirtue otsuclr purchsseland by force of this chapter, such vessel} ought to be deemed tof .belong,§_ it shall be lawful for the collector of the district where such vessel may ,bc, and he is required, upon the application of such agent 0l'.&tt01‘l}€y, t0·proceed· to the registering of the vessel,·—the agent or attorney hrst complylng, on behalf andyiu the stead oi the ownerthereof, with the requisites prescribed by this chapter ln order to the registry of `vessels, except that, in the oath taken by the agent or attorney, instead of rswesring that he is owner or an owner of such vessel, he shell swear that he issgeut orattomey for the ownerthereof, and that he` has, in goodvfuith, purchased the vessel for the person, whom hc names uuddescribes as theiowuer thereof. (R;_ §~ 4161.) · ; ` " ‘ 32.- Surrender of certihcate granted to aéént.—————Whencver any vessel registered in pursuance of the provisions ot the . preceding section, shall arrive within thedlstrlct coiapreheudleg the port to which she belongs, the_·cert!ilcste° of registry so obtained shall be delircred up to the collector of such district, who, upon the reqaircments ot this chapter lu order, to the registry of vessels being complied with, shall grant a flew one in lieu of the Rrst. '1`he'ce»rti§cate,.so delivered up, shall forthwith be returhed to the collector, who shall transmit the _ same to the collector who greeted it. It the hrstmeationed ` certificate ot registry is not delivered ap, es above directed, the orvner and the `masterof such vessel, at the time of her arrival within the district corhprehending the ‘ port to which she may