Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1483

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1469 t r1r1,z· 46.- Epply, em. shalt indicate the time when the exemptieus providcdter shalt begin and end. (Mer. 2-1, 1908, c. 96, § 2,- 35 Stat.4—6.)— .__ .',_: , g 135. Rights mder treaties pr®erved.——~NothI¤g centeiued in - this ehepter shail be deemed in anywise to impair any rights Q uml pfiseiieges which have been or `mey be acquired; by · any fercégm mntion under the lewe and treatiee of the United States reietiiie to the duty on teenage et vessels, or _&DY;0t.h£1‘ duty oe‘v@ls. (R. S. S 4@7.)_ · L _ · e Chapter 5.Q-DISCBIBHNATINGQ DUTIES AND RECIPBO- qu. enwmmm ~ · t ‘ See. · · V ` _ _ 141. Suspension by President. _ g 14:2. iieteliatery. suepenstee of commercialjrivilexes to foreign vessels. 14::. Retaliation on denial of rights 'to United_States vessels in Brttish North America. · ‘ · _ · _ _ · · , 144; Suspension et passage through Saint Marys Falls Canal; tolls He. Celiectim-ef tells. — ‘ . ‘ - _ “ ` 148. I;iac:·1mina§¤g duty for metehexidgsq imp&ted in toreign vessels.

141. Summa by ·    satisfactory

pmof being given to` the President; by the government ot any foreign mation, thetleo dtecrimixmtihg dutiq 'ei tonnage or imposes are im@d or levied in the perte of such nation upon veesds wholly belonging be citizens of the United States, or upon the produce, manufactures, or merweudjse in the same fmm tm United States or fiom any foreign countfy, the Pre·eident may Viwxe his proclamation, declaring that-z the foreign discrimieatiug duties of tmmbge and `tmpcst withih the United Stata are suspewedimd dgsconttnued, se tar as `-respects the vessels of fereign nation, end the produce, mezmfectures, or merchnudix imported into the United States froth such foreign nation, or {rem any other Iereign _ country; thefsuspeueien ` te take e£ect from the time of such ubtidcetieu wbeiixg given te the Preédeut, ned- to continue so long as the reciprocal exemption ot vm:-els, belonging te citizensot the United States, end their cax·goes,_el;e11 be coutilrdued, and ue longer: Provided, That the Pres_jdent_ is authorized te suspend in part the operatie;} of sections 121 and 146 so that tereigx; vessels from a coun- W try impqsiug partie} discriminating tounaged duties upon Americah tmesels, ex- ggrtial disc tiug import duties 'upoin American merchandise, my enjey in 0-ur ports the identical privileges I wl1i<·h‘ the- same cleiw ei American` vessels 'auq merchandise mes cnjey in eeid‘ foreign eeuntry. (R. S._ 6 4228;__July 24, 1€·‘97,_e. 13;‘30 Stat. 214.) _ ~ e ‘ r . 142. of ceimercipl privileges to-jen eig¤_ vwaels.-—·\§theueve1j any ioeeigm country whose vmels have men placed on the same footing in the ports ot the United State; ne Agncrieen vessels (the trgde excepted) sheil deny to my vewels et the,U¤1ted States enygcf the , mcx·cia1·DfiYilegm accorded to national vmeis in the herbers, , pqtts, 0; waters of seek terén cetmtri, the Prmidezdt; on receiving eatiefectery iufermtiexi of the eentkmance of such diecximinetiem any vemisjéhe United States, is _°eu thm·ized to hip pr0cl@ti0u {excluding, on and aftex such time as be may indicate, {mm the exercise et m1ch.e0m- mercial "priviieges in the ports of tee United Stetw ee are denied to Amriein vwels in the mit: of smh Ioreid country ' ell vmele of such cehetry at e dmilar cbemctexj tg the vessels et the United States` time disminated egniuet, and suspending meh cememiem previously granted to, '-the vmsels of meh ecmztryg and ea 'md after date named in {such prcelamatieu for it tq take it the master, emcer, oregeat ei my sm! of mh tcrejp country excluded by said pmclamatiou tzem the ei my eommefctel prlvuegm mn; many net wmmm-by .pmeh$atie¤"$¤ me berm ‘ Harbors, ee winters got the United States ter oe on account oi '_S\1€h v&1, im vesad, mid its dig, tt¢k1é,`—$B1’¤1t\1l'é. and bmtq,_neda11tee-meds to mw

—~SHIPPING § 143 nnd to forfeiture to the United States; and any person oppos-. 1 ing any`otilcc1·` of the Pnited States in the enforcement of this section, or siding endl abetting nny other person in such opposition, shall forfeit $800, ond shall be gnilty of a n1lsden1eenor,, J ond, conviction, shall be liable to imprisomneut for n term not exceeding two years. (June 19, 1886, c. 421,.§ 17, 24 Stnt.B2.). · ’· [ ¥ fh 143. Retaliation on denial of riéhts to United States vcsk sels in {British North An1ei·ic•.——\\’henever the President of ~ the United States shell be sntlslled thet Aniericnn ,E§§lQliBg ' xjessels or American fishermen; visiting or being in the wnters or at any ports or places of the British domlnions of North America, are or then lately have been denied or ·` abridged in the enjoymentof any rights secured to them by treaty or law,

 or are or then lately have been nninstly vexed or harassed in

the enjoyment of such rights, or snhjected to nnrwsonnble re· ~ strlctions, regulations; . or l requirements in 'rmect of such rightsk or otherwise nnjnuy. vexed or harassed in said waters, ' ports or places; or whenever the President of the United Strata ' shall be satishcd that any such dshlng vessels or hshermen, ' having g permit under the laws of the United States to touch ‘ and trade at any port or ports, place or plncm, in the British ‘ domluions of North America, are or then lamly have been I denied the privilege of entering such port or place or " places in the same mannexfand under some as ‘ may eiist therein nppljcnhle to trading of the m

  • Jfavored nation, or shall be Vnnjnstly vexed or hnresw,. in

l respect thereof, or otherwise be nnjwly vexed or ’ therein, or shall preventm from mrchnslng mh snppllw ta » esl may there be lawfully sold to trndlngflvmés of met · rfavored nation; or. whenever the Prmdent of the United Statw ~ shall be satisded that any other vemls of the United States, V their masters or crews, so arriving? nt or being in meh British » waters or ports ·or places of the British doxninlons of North F ~_ America, nre or then lately have denied any of the I privileges therein accorded to the vessels, their monsters or · crews, of the Finest. favored notion, or unjustly vexed or · lu respect- of the some, or nnjnmly yexged or harnmed therein · by the Authorities, thereof, then,. ond in either or all of such · cases, if shall- be lawful, and it shall be the dnt; of fhe Presil- one of the United Stnt@, in his discretion, by. procl la tion to. e ¢ that to deny vessels, their xnnaters and crews, of the .‘ British dominions of North America, any entrance into the waters, ports, or of or t within the United Statm (with ·· such exceptions in. regnrdto vmels in stress of l weather,. or needing supplies as. to the shall · mm i {proper) ,‘ whether such vessels ‘ shall have come gdirmtly fromé said- domlnions on such dwtlned voyage or. by way of some - =port' or place ln. snch- destined voyage elsewhere _; and else . to·_deny entry into dll! port or place ot tm UnitedStates. of ¤·· fresh dsl; or salt nah or any other pcodnet of mid doxnlnlons, r or other goods coming front said dominlons to the United A • States; The President may, in his tion, apply encht r- proclamation to_ any part or to éll of the foregoing named sub- - jects, and may revoke, qualify, limit, and} renew such procla- Q mation from time to time as he may deem newary to the full . and jnst execution `of the pnrposes of this section: Every vic-.

lation of nny snch- proclnmntion, or nny port thereof, `is de-~

, elated illegal, and all vmsels and goods so coming or being l within the waters; ports, or placw of the United States cionne tralfy to such proclamation shell he forfeited to _ the United , Stntw; ond meh forfeltnre shell be enforced ond proceeded ° l upon in the wme nnnner and with the same effect] ns in the z eax of vwsels or goods whose importation or coming to or . being in the waters or ports of the United States contrary to Y low may he enforced and proceeded upon. Every person who »· l‘ shall. violate any of the proylsions of this seotion, or such ' n proclamation `of the Prwldent inode in pursuance hereof, shell