Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1494

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§ TITIJE ,46.- Sec. , Bill. Trezlsslaiglnaeut of lmpwted merchandise intended for immediate — gxpcrtetioia, _ 2*5%*.3, Brvtlglng by foreign-built drcclges.

393. Estzlblislluwnt ef·~gre::t districts. .

Bell. Alaellests and permits before departure for vessels trading be ‘€xs‘ci‘il nelghb<>rlng_ districts. _ · 2%. llemalty fer proceeding te nelghbcring district withotlt manifests and permits. _ ‘ — 2%,. llellvery of manifests before unladingbf vessels trading between xleighllering districts, , ‘ , ` _§$l’?. 1’e1zalty`l’0l‘ not delivering manifests of vessels trading between 2 :lelghb~0rlng` districts. . _‘ $398. llmglfests and permits before d0{}8I°tll1‘€*fol' vessels trading between remote districts. W , - ` 2*353. Pexmlty for preceeding to remote district without; manifests . mul permits. . A _ _ - §GG._Dcllvery of manifests before unladlug of vessels trading bctweezl remote clelstticts. Sill. Penalty ter not delivering; manifests of vessels trading between ` remote districts, _ . · · _ - ' 3*32. Exemption of vessels fmlvigating. Mississippi River fr0m_ requirements as te permits. · I. ~ ` 3fl3,·Exem9tl011 of vessels in coasting trade from requirements as to menlfeéts agxcl germlts. · ,1 ’ ‘ · ~ »_ $@4. Penalties for `notcexlllbltiug- manifcét. 395. Trade between Leng Island and Rhode Island. 3*%. Trade betweeh Alaska and- other districts, v_ _ ‘ 397, Regulations as to registered vessels lu interdistrlct trade. 368° Permit fer inland transportation. , _ _ .` “ BQQ. Penalty for!e.llm·e.·.,t0 repcft arrival bt merchandise transported · ’ lnlaed, . · . Sl?. Permit tc teticb atlfereléu 'pcrt. . _ Y 311. Penalty ter touching at foreign pqrt without penjmisslou. . " 312. Report S! arrival at port other than that otdesflllation. ’ S13. Foremn vessels bound. coastwlse. ' ' 814; Bellveryct manifest of foreign. vessel. , 815. Penalty agalmt foreign vessels trailing coajstwl e. 3l6."l’em.lty on!erelgn__ tugboats towing vessels between United States ports. _ · .· I i 317. T1'§.d§Bg¤ wltlmut license; {ces; forfeiture. _ 318. Exemptlmm where llceqse expires at sea. 319; Fine far trading without license; ‘· · 329.,llemlsale¤ ormltlgatlmx of Hires, . . _ 321._?em1l’l:y for illegal ’em·0llmeut or license. `_ 322. Penalty {er malfeasnnice. 323. Penalty fer forgery aml alteratien. 324, Feualty fer elsstmetlng emcers. 325. Penelty ter vielatlen ox license. , 323; , Exemption from terieiture. · 3E?. Neetlce of seizure: . 3%. 3£(S$Y€1‘Y et fezfeitures and penalties. A3?9. F6t$. N • 33*9. Fees on frontiers. · , ,331. léesytale lseed. c V *c‘c lt cccc c ‘`‘ccc» cclc 332, Exemptions et vessels not propelled by sail or internal inotlvé 333. llesllng table of tees. ‘ .334. ¥’cssg*la liable for fees for enrollment. 33%. Llglaters and beater .. _ ‘ - Sill;. Caml! heats exempt from enrollment, license, and \E'¤.pt0ms fees, ,,> Scctiea 251. Vessels bf limited States;-·-——-Vessels of twenty tem; and azpward, emelled lx: puxsuauce ci this chapter, and hR¥’l1“lg,§, license in tome, Gi'} vessels ct lwsytlmn twenty tons, which, slteeuglx lest emailed, have n license in terce, as re— quired by this chapter, emit no ethera, shell »be,cleemed_Qvesge1s el the United States eetltlecl to the privileges of veéeels emmeyed in the coasting trade et Mherlw, (B., S. 5 4311.) ‘ , 252. Vessels be emder 'ter the enrollmem et gay iweel, she shall M e: the same quellacntlcus, and the same requirements in all phall be lcemplled with, ee are irequlretl beterg rqlaterleg a vmsel; , and the same peeers and duties.-are lceuierregl and ¤;m1jall_c&cer¤,_ respectively, and the same preceeding; shall be lmd, in em·¢>ll—· ment et vesgels, as are prmrlmd ter slmllar in rmlstel·—· ing'; sgml vwsela emailed, ywitli the cr cgmem thereet, shell. be Sllbjeét to the, eame.requlreme¤ts as am .p1·@c1jlbed ter r@lstered veeaels. {ILS. 5 ~ · 1 253. _&m4lme¤t nf XQSQBISAQWHQG by cex·pe¤tl¤e.s.—Enm11- _§ e meme me ter vusels owned by any incorporated

~¥—SHI1’PING 145G pany may be issued in the name at the president or secretary ’ of such company; end such enrollments er lieexxses shall ne: bg vacated er effected by any sale of eheree of eteek in such cem- V pany. '(R. S.’§ 431.3.) ‘ » , · ,254. Oeth he to corporate or `individunl ewnerehip.»~l’_;·e>- l Ivieus ‘t0.granting enrollment end lieeiiee for any veeeel 0x§e—s;¢l by any incorporated company, or by an individual er imlividl uals, the president or secretary of asueh eempeny; or any etlxea officer pe agent thereof. duly autbexized ey said company ie, ` writing, attested by thereerpornte seal tleeeeei, to act in its , behalf, or th€_IIl8l'l&glDg owner, or his egeei; almy eetlxezized by power of attorney, when such neeiselis mveed By en iedivielunl

  • or individuals, shall swezufte the eemerehip_ of sue}; x*eesei

_ wifh0ut designating the names of the persons composing seen company, when such vessel is ewne;1 by e ‘eerperetien. which L oath shall be deemed sufficient withm§€e%i*equiring_·the eeth ef any other person interested Her concerned in such vessel. (R. ' ·*§ 4314; June 24; 1902, e. 1155, § 2, 32 Stat. 399.) `

 - 255. New enrollment on death. renieval, er reeignatien ef

corporate officers.e——¤Up<m the gieeth, remevel, er imignntien ef _ tile president or secreeney of any ineorpernted emnpeny evening nnysteambeet or vessel, a new·en1·0llment"ar1d license shell be ‘ take1lY0ut'f<>r__sueh steamboat or vessel. (R. S. 5 4315; Feb. 27, 1877, ec. ®, § 1, 19‘·Btat. 251.) — l 256. Enrollment of eteamboets —ewned’ by aliens:-—Any steambeatTemployed' er intended te be employed enly in n river or- bay of the United States, owned wholly or in peri: by jen nlien resident within the United Statm, may be emjelled end. l licensed, es' if the same belonged te ecitizen Ae! the United States, subject te all the pi·0visiens`ef this ehepter, except the:. in such case, no oath shall be required that the beet belongs te · 21 citizen of the United Statm. (R; _S.`§ 4316e) _ ` . 257. `B0lld by allen evmet.-·Suei1 resident elien, owner ef i anysteamboat, upon allpllcetien for enrollment er lieenee, shall ‘give bond to the collector of the district, for the use of the . United States, `in the penalty ei $1,000; with eu§eient enrety, l conditioned that the tieet: shall not be employed in etherwetere than the rivers and bayect the United Stet&.. (Be S. { $$17.) e 258. Enrollment of eéeele en H fxmltie:s;———Any vessel et the UIlZilZ€d` States, nevlgeting the waters en the northern, nertle eastern, and northwestern frontiers, otherwise then by eee, sha}; be enrolled and licensed in such-fem es`- ether vemels; such enrollment end lieense____§`§§ilmwe._l;;tml;eg$l§__e gg; engl; reeeel l to be exnpleyed elthexi in the eeeeting on teneign trade en eueh trontiere, and .110 eertineete of registry ehell be reqnired for vessels eo employed. Such vee&l shell be; in every ether respect; liable to the regelstlene and penalueee releting te registered and licensed remix. · {B. 8.. } 4318.; Feb. 27, 1.877, c. 69, S 1, 19 Stat. 251.) · ·- . 259. Fam of .6$1l;8li*H6R€.—~ThB record et the mmllmmt et e vessel elyell he made, and- an abstract er cepyj theme! ginnted, as nearly ne may be in the relieving tem: Ewell- ' ment. In eentermlty te Title 46, “Skm:¤e,’*· et the Oeee ef the Laws et the Uuikteq Statm, here the name ef. the . ` person, with his eeenplitien end pleee et ebede, by este er emxznntiee in te be made}; having taken enbmrtbed the heath (er emrmtlen) required by law; me hula; even (er n&rmed) that he (er she, and it mex·e»the.n eee ewes

 sddlng A the nrerde‘ “ tegether with," end_  the nnme er  

eceupntlen er. ex et abode et the . owner esi ‘ewnee¥s,_ and the part er mepertien et seek. vw;-el ` belonging te eecht evmer) is (ee s eitisenl (er eitinene )· ef the United States, and eele ewner (er ewnere) et the ehlpe er yml.eil1ed_t11e llnmrtlng here her name} Q et (iBS€l‘tiB§; Bere the of the . te whien she may; beleng), wlxereef (inmrting here the nexnelet the mister) is nt master,

  the United‘Ststm, endl tlxit _®e said ship

Aviiv l was (imma; hem when and where b¤ilt),·1md