Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1507

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\ \ < c o 1493 _ TIT15E'i§6.— 1'reiglit on the Mississippi ‘YRlver audits tributaries; the local inspectors shell substitute, for such boetsfono hundred ni1d_ fifty pounds oi stenm pressure in place. of one huudrerl and ten ‘ pounds for the standard pressure upon stsndard boilers of forty-tvvo inches diameter, snd·»of- plates of one-quarter ot on auch inthiclmcss. (R; S. §· 4420.; Feb. 27, 1877Q c. °69{__§ l,_ _19`Stst. 251.)"` _ .~ Q- _ `· ‘ 395.- Sengcing birges; f_ccrti6cates.—->Tl;e local inspectors *ot Steamboats Shall at least once in every your inspect the hull and equipment of every swgolng barge of one hundred jgross tons or over, and shallsstisfy themselves that- such barge is of a structure suitable for th_ci_service in which she is to be emplo$·ed, has suitable accommodations for the crew, and is in n condition to warrant the belief that she they be used in` navigation. with safety to. life. _, They shall then issue as certificate of inspection in the manner·n11d' forj tue., prescribed in sections % (Hay 28, 1908Q c. 212, 5 10Q 35 Stat. 396. Equipment _ of barges with use-sms; applianceseéi Every such barge shall be equipped with the following:. pliances of kinds approved by `the board ot supervising n- spectors': At least one lifeboat; at least gone anchor with shit- ·o.ble chain or cable, and ut least one lifes preserves fordench person on board. (May 28,1908, c. 212, { 11; 35 StatJ_42§.) ,— 397. Gertiécnte jof inspedion equipment of usgs recqnired.——A register, enrollment, or license shall notuygissued or. renewed by any[_ collectors or other omcor of c s ;ns·’t0 sn? Such" unl¢SS°· at the time of issue Sor` reuejvnl such barge has in force the `certlilcate of inspection. pregicrlbed by section 395 und on bosrd the equipment prescribed gby the preceding section. (Mny 28,1908, c. 312,} 12, 35—Stat.jA28; Mar. 4, 1915; c. 184, I 6,38 Stat. 1218.), i _ _` ' f _ ·` 398.. Navigating barge without certihcate or eduipment prescribed.—·—If_ any such barge shall be ndvigated `without such certldcste of inspection, or. without. any part of thecqulpment ‘ prescribed by section 396, the owner shall be liable to a pensltyof $500 for each s0Eense. (May 28, 1908, c. 212; 5 13, 399. Certiicate; temporary certitlcate; completion of voyage after expiration.-—\\’hen . the inspection of a steam vessel ls completed and the inspectorsnpprove the vessel and her equipment throughout, they shnll make and subscribe n__ certlilcnte, ‘ which certlhcnte shall be lrerihed by the oaths of thelnspectors signing lg beiorcthe chlefo¢cer of the customs ot the district or any other person · competent by low' to iidinlhister oaths. Such certlncnte shall be delivered to the master or owner ot the 'vessel to which lt relates, and one copy · thereof shall be kept on ville in the lnspectorsyomce fend one copy shall be dolivered to the collector or other chief omcer of the customs · ot the district in which such inspection has been made, who shell keep the some on ile in his omce. If_ the inspectors toluse to grant s certldcate ot ‘ approval they shall make In as statement in writing and slznthe some, giving the renwns for their disapproval. Upon such lnspeotion and. approval the inspectors shell also make and subscribe to s temporary certl.¤· lcute, which shell set `torth substantially the tact ot such inspection and npproval, and shall deliver the some to the msstcr or owner of the vessel and shall `keep e copy thereof on me in their omce. The said temporary certltlcste shall be carried. and exposed by vmels in the same manner as is provided in section 400 for the regular certlllcote, and the form thereof and the period during which it is to be ln force shall be as proscribed by the board of supervising lnwtors, or the executive l Qmrnlttee thereof, ns provided in section 375. And such temporary `certlucste, during such period and prior to the delivery to the ,mester_` or owner of the Qnlar certlncate, shell take the place of end be s substitute for the regulnr certiuéste or inspection; ss. required by this section and by section 404; And for the purposes ot said sections. Buch tem- ( .

~—SH1FPTNG` { § 403 . pprary certificate shall also Abesixbjeet- to revocation, in the H18¥ll}€1°__ and under »tl1e cmnditions pfavided in-tsectien 435. -No‘vessel_‘-req11ii·ed to be inspected imder the pfovisions of this chapter shall be navigated without; having on b0ard,an. s nnenpired regular certi§cate"'0£ inspectlqn '01·” such temporary g __ certiiieate; Provided, hQtl76t?67°,_T1lét any such vessel operated _ 1lD0lEl a regularly established line from a part of the United ' States to 8~D0l't 0-f a -foreign`co1mtry net contiguous to the _. United States whose certihcate of inspection expires at sea

 er while said. vessel [ ism =a foreign peit or apart act thé.

I Philippine Islands br Hawaii may lawfully complete her voyage without the regular certillcatel of inspection er. the temporary "centiticate required by this section, andjno liability for pen- , jélties imposed by this and the following chapter .te1·_ want of · isucln certificate shall be incurred until her voyage shall have;

 been cqmpleted: Provided, That said voyageshalls be so c0m·’

. .pIeted within thirty days after fthe expiration of said certi—t . ilcate '01‘ temporairy certificate: Provided further, That no sack , vessel whose certificate qt inspection shall expire within hfteen ,; days of the date' of her sailing shall proceed upon her voyage . ‘t0 ” such port of a Iereign country not contiguous to the United , States vvithout iirst having Drbcured a new `ceftiticatewf inspection pn the temporary certificate reqnifed by this section. v S. .§_442l; Feb. 27, 1877, c.·Q9,· $1,19 Stat. 251; Jane 11, , 1906, c. 3071, 34 Stat, 230; June 25, 1910, c. 402, 36 Stat. 831; » · Mar. 4, 1915, c.‘18q4, § 1, 38 Slut. 121,0.) · ° _” U ° ` -· 400, Placing of eemsuee for observation by passengers.- ~ The original certificate qt inspection delivexed to, the master or _ v qwner of a· steam-ivessel shall be placed by saeh master `or owner ln a', conspicuous place ih- the. vessel. where it will be mast likely to be observed by passengers and others, and there kept at all times, framed under glass, `-asa evidence of the authority thereby conferred: Pro·vided,_ however, That where it is not practicable to so expose said certidcate, lt shall be ucarried in the vessel in such manner as shall be prescribed by the jsegulatious established by the board of supervising in- '_ spectdrs with- the approval ot the Swretary of Commerce. (R. S. ‘§ 4423; Mar. 3, .1905, c."1457,,§ 8, 33 Stat. 1029; Mar, 4, L 1915, c. 184, 5 3,—38iStat; 1217,) J - ‘ ( ‘ _

 401{Certitlcate authorizing vessel to carry gnnpowdcr;

posting uf.--—Up0n the application er any master or ewnen et . any steam, vessel employed in the cartlage ot, passengers, `fo1·_ , a license td carry gunpewder, the local inspectors shall examine such veaex, and it they and that she is pravlded “vvlt.h—a chests

  • er safe maimed of metal, or entirely lined and. sheathed there-

, with, or 1:.u;e°yesse1 has one or more compaktmeets thoroughly » lined and sheathed with nietal, at a secure distance from any are, they may grant acertihcate to that eitect, authorizing sach n vessel to carry as height within such chats, safw, or compart--l ments, the article of gnnpewder, which certihcate shall be kept conspicuously posted en board such vesmL (R. S. 5 44%; Max-. · _4, 1915, c. 184, § 2, 38 Stat. 1217.)__ . · N ` » 462. Penalty for violating — pmvlsima as te ar ln certi6- a esta.--—Wheneyex· any pasmngerls received onboard any steam ` vessel _ not having an unexpired cextldmte of approval or an- »· nneiplred temporary ceitlncate of approval placed and kept aa requiged by this chapter, nr whenever any" passenger steam c vessel receives at carries any gunpongder onboard, not having n a certlhcat authorizing the same, placed, and kept as °required, or s?aIl— carry any gnnpowdex atafplaee or in ea manner not authorized by such certldcate, such steam vessel shall g __be liabletea penalt at ·$100’Ioi· each olfensey (R. S. 5 4424 ; Mar. 4, 1,915, c.—· 184,§\4,\38 Stat; 1217.) _ s _ — 403. Plluilhment for certifying falsely.———·Every inspector who willfully certidesb falsely touching any steam vessel, as tp hen hull,j accemmodatlens, boilers, engines, machinery, or their" appurtenances. or’-any *0t her equipments., or any matter or think contained in any ceztifieatesigned and swprn te by him, .