Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1514

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-.§» 472 exams 46.-·s. 472. Fire extinguishers.-—The Board of Supervising Inspec; tl ters may require steemers carrying either passengers or freight p to be provided with such nnmber and kind of. goodeud eliicient :1 portable me extiughishers es, in the judgment of the boargl,. n may be necessary to protect them from tire when such steam-- °a ers are moored or lying at H wart without steam t_0· work the 0 pumps. (R, S. § 4473.) _ V . ‘— ( 473. Steering, navigating, and signaling apparatus..——Every_ . steemencarrying passengers shall be- provided with such tiller I ropes,. iiller reds, or chains for the purpose · of steering and I navigating the vessel, and- such bell `pulls for signaling the I engineer fyem the pilot h0use,_a11d—such tubes or other arrange- _ ment to repeat back the signal Ito the pilot house, as may be ‘·s prescribed by theJB0ai·d of · Supervising Inspectors, with the ( approval of the Secretary of Commerce. (R. S. 5 4480; Mar. 3, c 1905, e. {1456, § 2, 33 Stat. 1028; Mar. 4; 1913, c. 141, 37 Stat. _é 736.) l ‘ l _- l , s 474. Beats for river steame:s.—·Every "steam vessel uavigab w iing rivers only, except ferry boats, freight boats, canal boats, ,1 and towingheats, of Jessithan fifty tons, shall have et leest. .i one geod substantial boat_witl1 lines attaéhed, and properly ll supplied wi;h oars, and kep; in good condition at, all times, and < ·reedy for immediate use; and in addition thereto, every such 2 vessel carrying passengers shell have one or mere metallic life-’ z beats, Hreprccf, end in all respects good and substantial boats, ·s ef such dimensions 'and arrangements as the Board ot Super-` ¢ vieing Inspectors by their regulations shall prescribe, which ‘1 beets shall be car1iiei'i· in the meet convenient manner to be brought inte immediate Kxse liu case of accident. But whepe -1 the ‘ character of the navigation his such that, in the opinion 1 et the supervising inspector, the metallic- `lifebeats can bé ·§ dispensed with, he may exempt any such vessel from carrying 1 the same; or may require 0, substitute therefor, e.t_ his dis- 1 cretien. (R. S. §K 44,81.) I 47*5; Life preservers for riveng steamers.——-Every such steam 1 vessel carrying passengers shall also be provided with &_;g00d ‘* life preeerver, made of suitable materiel, for every cabin pas- z eenger fer which ehe will have acc0mm0dation,_and jalso a I good life presexver OIT Beet, for each de};·ki01•.dthe;• glass pas? .1 eenger which the inspect;01·’s cexstihcaté shall nllow her to a cerry, including the · owcers and crew; which life preservere 3 ker Boats shell be kept in convenient and accessible places on s

 sizch vweel in readiness for immediate use lu ease .0f accident. 1

(R. Sl., § 4482,) , ( ._ .v -_ , 1 » 476.. Fire buckets gud exes fer river stesn1ers.—-Everya such l steam vessel carrying passengers shall keep such hre buckets, 1 axes, and {water barrels as shall be prescribed by the régule- 1 time established by the Board~ of Superéislng Inspectors, with . the approval of the Secretary ,01, Commerce. The buckets and ‘ barrels shelbbe kept ln convenient plaees and mledl wgth water, . te be fin: reedlnees in ease of nre, and the axes shall be kept in l goed order fend '1'E8,d}’*_fQ1’ immediate use. Tanks et suitable _· dimenelens end arrangement, my buckets in sumeiehf ndmber, l ` may be subetituted ter barrels. ·( R. S. § 44-83,; Mal:. 3, 1905, c. 1456, § 3, 33 S$;at.·102B; Me1·.·,4, 1913, c. 141, 31 Stat. 736.) 477-. Ste,ix·w`eys md gengways cm tive? steemerée-·Every ., such stmm vessel _ carrying passengers ml the deck shell he- provided with permanent. stslrways and other sumcient • means, convenient to the .peseengex·~s, £¤1·~·thelr, escape to theupper deck, in ceee or the Yeeeel sinking er oi other eecident endangering lite; and in the stewege ot freight upon such deck, where Mpnesengere are eerried, gnngweys er b sumegeeuy legrge to ellew persons to pees freely through them, shell he 1eft*ow¤·1>cth xtere end nit etthe vessel, and also to and eleng the iguerds on each side. (R. S. { ` ” 478. Aecemsnedntien of deek passengers.-—~—The captain or mate of every such steam. vessel., peswuzers upon

uzprlso v 1500 he main deck shall assign to all deck passengers, when taking ossage, the space on deck they may occupy during the voyage, - and such space shall not thereafter be occupied by freight, lor overcrowded by other persons, nor shall freight be stowed bout the boilers or machinery, in such a manner as to obstruct »1·» prevent the engineer from readily attending to his duties,

R. s. t,44ss.). , _ · · _ — `

479. Penalty for not providing proper accommodations for passengers.-—For every violation of &c provisions of the two meceding sections the owners of the vessel shall be punished »y a line of $300, (R,~S. Q 4486t) , - 480. River, steamenzs to be anchored when navigation is un- A safe,—On~‘ any stemners navigating rivers only, when, from larkness, fog, or other cause, the pilot or watch shall be- of »pinion that the navigati•n is unsafe, or, from accident to or lerzmgement 'of the machinery of the. boat, the chief engineer lhall be of the opinion that "the further navigation of the ressel is unsafe, the vessel shall bee brought to anchor, or noored as soon aslt can prudently be done: Provided, That . .f the, person in command shall; after being so ·Bd§OI1iSh(!d xy either M such onicers, elect to pursue such voyage, he may lo the same; but in sucnc case both he and the ovvners of auch steamer shall be answerable {or all damages which shall arise to the person tex', any passenger, °’o1·] his baggage, from such causes in so pursuing the voyage, and no degree of care ar diligence shall in such case be held to justifyor excuse the I person in command, or the ovvncrsl (R. S. 5 4487.) .481.; Regulations » as to .1ife-·saving_ appliances on ocean, · l lake, and sound steamers and foreign. yesscls.-——Every steamer navigating (M ocean, or any lake, bay, or sound of, the United States, shall be provided with-" such numbers of lifeboats, Boats, rafts, life preservers, line-carrying projectiles, and the means of propelling them, and drags, _ as will best secure the safety of allpersons onboard such vessel in case ot cllsaster; and every seagoingyessel carrying passengers, and every such vessel navigating any of the northern or northwestern lakes, shml have the lifeboats reguiredl by law,’proviqed with suitable boatalisengaging apparatus, so arranged asto allowsuch boats to be safely Iaunchekl while such vessels are under. speed or otherwise; and so as to allow such dlsengaglng apparatus to he operated by one person, `disengsglng both ends ot the boat simultaneously from the tackla by which it may be loxverctl C0"u18.$*8tB1’. And. the Boards of Supervising inspectors shall &x` and determine, by their rules and gregnlations, the character of lifeboats, Heats, rafts, life `preeervers, linecarryiang projectiles, and. thermeans of propelling themrancl drags- that shall be used on such vessels, and also the character and capacity of pumps or other apmiances for freeing the steamer from water ln . case of- heavy leakage, the capacity of such pumps or appliances being suited to _ the navigation in which the steamer isj employed. Every vessel suhject to the provisions of this and the preceding chapter sh'all,,‘ while in operation, carry one llfe preserve! for each and every person allowed to be carried on said vessel by the certlhcate ot inspection, including each member ot the crew: Provided, however, That upon snchb vessels and under such conditions as are speclned ln section 415 nests may be‘snbsn1:nte<l tor, lite preservers; · Any person who willfully and knowingly manufactures or sells, or oHers for sale, on has in his possession with intent to sell, life preservers containing metal or other nonbnoyant . material, for the purpose of increasing the weight thereof, or more metal or other such material than is reasonably 1 necessary for the construction thereof, or who shall so mann-_ ·_ Iacture, sell, ofer for sale, or possess` with intent to sell any other articles commonly for preservation of lite or the prevention oi hre on board v%ls subject to the provisions of thla,and the preceding chapter, which articles shall son