Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1534

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h § 666 TITLE 46.5 - But it lt is shown to the satisfaction of the ,c0.m·ttbefore which the base is tried that any provisions, the allbivanée ' of which hgs been reduced, could not be procured or supplléd in_suHicl@11t quantities, or were tinsivoidably injured or lost, or if by reason of its innate qualltiés any, article becomes untiffor~use and that proper and Bqgivalent substitutes were supvlicii in lieu thereof, -thE court shall take such circumstanceé into consideration and shall modify pr 'refuse c6m— pcnsation, as the, justice of the case- may réquiret ’(R. S. § 45684 Dec. 21, 1898, c. 28, § 14, 30-Stat. 758.) _ - _ 666. Medicines.-·——Every vessel, belonging to a citizen of the United States; bound from a port in the United States to any foreign p0i·tQ or` being of the burden of seventy-ilve tons or upward, and boimd from a ‘p0rt 0n_the 'Atluntic to a port qu the Paciilc; or vice versa, shall be provided with a chest 'of medicines; and every sailing vessel bound on a yoyage acrossthe Atlantic or Pacliic Ocean, of around Cape Horn} dr the, Cape of Good Hopé, or engaged ln. the ;whulé crt other lishgries, br in sealing, shall also be provided with, and cause to be kept, a, sumcient quantity ‘ ot `llme _0r lemon juice, and alsa sugar ami vinegar, of other antiscorbutics, tb bé served- `0ut' to every · seaman as follows: The master of every suéh vessel shall" scrvé the lime or lemon julbeil and sugar_ and vinegar, tb ’ the crew, within tcp days afte;· salt provisions mainly have beén served out to' the crew, and sd long afterward ué, such consumption of, salt provisions continues; the Ilia ‘01‘_1€1i10!1 juicéand sugar daily at the 1fa'tc of. half an ounce each per day.; and thé vinegar weekly,· at @,€··?ate of lzaltlg pint. per week for each membgr of the crew; (R. S. §4569.)~. __ 3 “ 667. fénalty fqr, failure to keep medicines.--If, on any such vessel, such `ipedicincs, médlcallstores, limq or lemon; juice, or other articles; sugar, and vinegar, as are required Mby the. preceding, section, are not provided and kept on board, as required, the. master or` owner shall be liable to -a penalty of not more thin $500; and if the master oi. uqynuch vessel neglects to servo out the limeyor lemon juice, and éughrjanfl ·vim=:gai· in the éase and manner directed, he‘shn1;l_to1.· each such offense be liable to Q penalty _0t not Jnbfe than $100; hud it any master is convicted in either of the offenses many iicuedjlu this séctiqny and lit appears that the offense js, owing to the act or default of the cnwnéxg, such master may recovci the amount ét guch penalty, and, the "cqstsv incurred by him, froui the 0w11ér.· (HKS. § 4570.) · _' · · 668. Weights and :nca.suresQ—-Ex*iery _ nzusten shall keep" on; board proper weights alnd"measu1*cs for the purpose of determining the guhntltiés ·0t°.tlic sewaéral_ provisions and iirticles served put, and shall allow the gamé tb be nsccfat the time bf serving out such provisions: and articles, in the Qpmsence of a witness, whenever Wany 'dispnte arises abontlsuch quail-. titles,. and ln default shall, for every odense, bc liable to a penalty ut not mote than $50. l (R. S. $,4571.) ·~ . _ 669. Clothing and henat.}-Evéry veml bound on any foreign ·' voyage exceeding ln length fourteen days: éhall also be pri:-` vided with at lensbone suitot véoblén clothing for each sea-_ mlm, and every vessel in the foreign gr domestic `tnjade shhll ’ provide a safe aud`wm·m roonrj for the use of seamen in cold weather. Failure `to make such provisions shall subject the irwner ormastegr tc; a penalty o£‘n0t° less than $100. (R. S. { 4572; Dec. 21, 1898, c. 28, 6 15, _30 Stat:. 759.) Q · n \’ ’ 670. Slap, chests;-—·—l·lvery vessel mentioned lh sectlém 666 shall disc he provided with a slop phehst, which shall contain a complement of clothing for the lutendad voyage {dr each Bea? man empltojcd, including boots or shoegy, hats or- cgps,_°nndex·— clothing and outer' clothing, oiled plothlng, and everything ‘nee·essary for the wear at alsehminn; also a full muiply qt l ·~ ·tul5:w¢·o.aml blankets. _ Any of the content! of the qlop Yihéét jjghull be sold, frmn bimge ty tiinceQ ta any c>r·cver.§ seaman appl}-

s1111*r12vG 1520 · \ ing therefor, for his own use, at a profit not exceedlng 10 per centum of the reasonable wholesale ralue of the same at the port at which the Voyage commenced. And it any such vessel is not provided, before sailing, as herein required; .the owner shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $500. The pro- · visions of this section shall not apply to vesselsplying between the United States and the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland; the `Berrnuda Islands, the Bahama Islands, the West Indies, Mexico and Qentral America. (June 26, 1884, c. 121, I 111, 23 stat. sc.) ‘· ~ V l » Q J . _ QH. Slop chests; -vessels engaged in whaling se Hshing busx°`i1ess.—-—The preceding section shall not be construed to apply to vessels engaged in the Whaling or nshlwsbusiness. . (June _”19, 1886, c. 421f S 13,24 Stat. 82.) Q 672. Requirements, qunlihcations, and regulations as to crews.4-No vessel fof one. hundred tons gross and u_pward,l

 except those navigating {rivers exclusively and the smaller in- M

l land lakes and except as provided ln section {Sw, shall be per-

 mitted te :1epsrt"from any port of the United States unless she

l has on Board ‘a crew_ not less than 75 per centum of which; ln.

 each department thereotQ are able to pnderstand any order
 given by theofficers of such vessel, nor nniess 65 per centum of

l her Aeck_ crew, exclusive of licensed, o&cers and apprentices, W l are of a rating not less than able seaman. Every person shall' be rated an- able seaman, and qnalined for service as- such on A , the seas, who is nineteen years ot age or upward, and has had at least three yearsl service on deck at sea or on the Great _ Lalces, on a vessel or- vessels to which this section applies, — including decked fishing vessels,;navalQ rmels or Coast Guard vessels; and every person shall, be rated in able seaman, and i qualified to serve as su`ch_ on the Great me and or} the {smaller lakes, bays or sounds, who is nineteen years of age or

 upward and hasihad at least eighteen months’ service on decky

N atsea cron the Great Lakes or on, lakes, bays, or E sounds, on a. vessel or vessels to which this section applies, l including decked tlshlng vessels, naval vessels, or Coast Guard I vessels; and graduates ot school ships approved by and conlducted under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce-

 maycbekrated able*seamen_ after twelve months’ eervleevat sea:
 Provided, That upon examination, nnder miles prescribed hy the

Department of Comxnerceas to eyesight,. hearing, and physical condition, such persons or graduates are found to be competent: Provided further, That upon examination, under rules prescribed} by the Department of Commerce as to eyesight, hearing, physical condition, and knowledge of the d-titles ofseay manship a person. found competent may becrated asable seaman

·af_ter having served on deck twelve months at sea, or on the

G'reat' Lakes; but seamen examined and rated . able seamen

 under this proviso shall not in any case compose more than one- _

p fourth ot the number of able seamen required by this section ·‘ to he shipped-or employed upon any vemel. ‘ my .· · · Any person may make application to any board of local inspectors for a certmcate ofcservice as able seaman, and upon c proof being made to said hoard by affidavit and examination; ‘· under rules approved hy the Secretary of Commerce; `showing the nationality and age? of the applicant and cthe vessel `or hvesselsn on which he has had service and that heis entltled.—to\ g such certificate under the provisions of this section, the board

 local inspectors shall lssne to said- applicant- a certificate of

Qservlce, which shall be retained by hun- and be 'accepted as prima facie evidence ot his rating as an ableseamani _ Each board of local inspectors shalln keep a complete record ‘ ot all certincates of serylce issues hy thern"nnd tokvhom issued __ ' and shag;. keep on me the atl'lda_vlts upon which said certlncates arewissued. 3* ’ , Q_ . _ _ JA "' The collector of 'custoxnsumay, upon hislown motion, and

shall, upon the sworn information of any reputrille-clthen

l ot the United States settingforth that this section is not being