Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1536

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5. 678 ‘ _` \ rrirm jc}- — men mee orlginnlly smeo. rm- men tenure to produce gn; person on the certidedxopy of th9:IiSLi>f_ master and owner shall be severally liable to ‘a penalty of $400, to be 1 sued fo°l’,_].S1’0Si{CHtBd, and disposed of ln marine: as penal? ties and forfelturw which may be incurred for ofenses against me laws relating to the collection of duties; but such ipenal—· ties shall not be incurred on account oi, the! master not pip; ducing to the §rst,boardlng`o¤ceriany_of the persons con in the list who may have » bééu, discharged in a foreign country vvithfthe consent of the consul or vlceieonsul there residing, certided or writing, under. his hand and omcinl seal, to bepro- ·duced to {the collector with the other persons composing thel crew, nor on account ot env such person dying or abscondlng’» ior being forcibly impressed into other service of which satis- iactoizy proof shall else be exhibited to the collectori 1 (R. S. 1 §v457'6;_Ma1j..3, 189*9 c. 389, § 3, 29 Stat. 688.) _ ` 678. Subsistence to destitute seamen; return to United Statm.——It ishnll be the duty ot the consul; and ‘vice“· consuls, from time to time, to provide for the seamen of the United States, who may be' found destitute `withln their districts, respectively, S sufhcient subsistence and passages to soxne port in ‘ the United States; in the most reasonable manner, at the ex-_ pense ot the United States, subject to _ such i!1Bt1'D<!¤0IlS· as the Secretary of State shall give. ·The sehmen lshall, if Sable, Zbe bound to do duty on board the vessels in which they may, he transported, accordingn to their several abilities. _(B._ SL { $4577.) _ _- _ ¤ .6791 Transportation of destitute seamen to United States,-# All masters of veoeels ot the United States, and hound to some iaort of the aame, are required to take such Ldestitute seamen . on board their vessels, at the reliuest of consular omcers, and to transport them to the port in the United States to which ench vwsel may be ·bounZl, on such terms,. not exceeding $10 for eecli person for voyages ot not more than `thirty_ days, and not exceeding for each person for longer voyages, as may . be agreed the master and the Sconsuler omcer, when the. transpo tion is by n sailing vessel; end said consular 0mC€1'__ shall Inoue eertiiloates for such transportation, which certlddmtee shell be `assignable for collection. If any such destitute seaman ts so disabled or lll an to be unable to perform duty, the eonsuloromcer shall so certify lu the certmoato of transportation, and such nddltiouul “` compensation shall he paid as the Comptroller General of the United States shall deem prope . n Ever? master who retms to receive and transport such, seamen on the request or order ~ of such ¤¤¤¤¤1m·, omeer shall be linble to the United Ststm in a- pen.alty_ of- $100 foreach

 so refused. ‘·The eertiilcate ot any such oonsuler omcer,

given. made: his hand nnd omcinl seal, shall he presumptive evidence of such retudel in any court of law having jurisdiction · for the recover? ot the penalty; No master of any veusel shall, however, be obllged to take a greater number than one men to every` one. hundred tons burden of the vessel on any one· —veY&S‘6 or to take any seaman havin: a contagious B, B. S $57S;`.Iuue 28, 1884, c. 121, S 9; % Stat. 55; June 19, 1% c. 421, S 18,24 Stat. &;. July 31, 1894, c. 174, E Stat.`205; J ' 10, 1921, S 812, 42`Btnt. §.) ‘ _ ; ‘ · . d SM. Rate for transportation of destitute seemm to United State; on neqm vasels.-who emount agreed upon; between. the eomler _' and the master of, fthe wml in meh . individugl ease not ln of thenlowest pamnzer rate not such vm; and not ln exomot 2 cents wggmee with such addmonal compensation for ortlng or. disabled · senmenlu is provided by the preceding section, shell in each` - case constitute the lawful rate for on steam ven-

  • selsg, (lanxd, 19E. e. ¤,‘Tlt1e I, 42 Qtst. 1072.) ‘ _ t

I 081. Additional •llew‘•ne•· for étranmtaden of dmtltute seimen.-—·—-;_Whenever dutre=gsed  » ~ ·· en of the Unlm `Stntes ,-are transported from torelgn ports where there els no . eonsulnr I

-sB11>P1Fd M * “””“”“ "`"T1522 omqér of tho United Safes, to port! of the Uhibéé.-- States, more shall be allowed to tho master dor owner of each vessel, ‘ in which they are transported; meh. reasqaablo compensation, _ in addition `to tho allowaucéo. how uxcgl- by law, as`_·sha11 be - deemed eqpitiable by the ‘Co;npt1foI1ér· General of the United States; (R. S,] 4579; July 31, 1894, c. 174, 28 Stat. Jun; =#10;—1921; 5 312, 42 StatL_25;) ‘ “U I ‘ 1 l _ p `82[ Wages on diséhargé.-—Upou.‘_tho application of the mas, ter of any yessol to a c0nsulzu~oEcer to. discharge a seaman, or upon the 'application ofydny seaman for his own discharge; if it apponra tch such /0m0é1°'~ that said [seaman has éomplotod his shipping agreement, or is entitled to his discharge undo! `any Act of Congrws ofaccording to {tho general principles or usages of maritime law as_ in · the United Statoskh such omcor shall diéchargo said scam_an," ami require from tho muster of said vossgel, before such discharge shall be made, payment of the wagw which may then m' due aaidisoamaxi; but _ no payment of oktrn waées shall bel required by shy cohsular omcer upon such discharge of any seaman ercepx as provided `iu sections 658, 683, 684, and 703; _(B. S. { {1580; Juno 26, 1884, c. 121, $`2Q 23 Stati 54.) · l T ‘ r 683. Penalty for neglect of oQccr go collect wages; ‘ incapacitated seaman;-It any consular omoer, ivhen di¤char‘g· ing any seaman shall nogfoct to roqulro tho payment yot and collect th&*"§1`1'B81;8 ’ot wages and extra p wages required to be paid in the case ot tho discharge ot any mmm, hoahall be accountable to the United Statéa for the- tult amount thereof; Tho master shall provide any s so discharged with .em— lploymont on a vessel lzreedto by 'tho naman, or shall provide him with che month': éitrn `wagu, it it. shall bc shown to the satisfactioin ot tho tha; such was not dischnrgeo for neglect ot duty, ihcompetency, or. injury incurred on the vessel. It tho seaman isdiachargeq by voluntary t {oro the consul, ho ahai1.bo_¤¤tit1ed, to his rages up tj me time l ot his but not tommy further period. If the aaaman is dlschargod oa account oi injury or illnod, inmpadmb ing himtor service, the oxpa&`o1' hia maintorianpepmd rotum to the Unite;} States shall bomid from fwd for the maintenance and transportation o1'.doqtitut¤° seamen, Prmzidéd, That at the discretion of tho" Secretary of Com·» uiorco, and under such régulatiom as he may prmibo, it any seaman incapacitated from hervioo hy injury ;or illhosa. ls; oa ··bcard‘a vyessel ao ‘ait¤:ltod‘ that a prompt ‘disc requiring tho personal of the master of, the vossolibetoro an Américan consul _01'_¢0BSDI~QI agent is '_$mIiri.ctiuh1c, such soaman maybe se¤t_to a consol or conmlar azoint, who shall care , for him and dotray the cost of his maintenance axgd ¢x·a¤sp0rtation, as provided in this jparagraph. (B. S. Q 4581; June 26, 188-4Q c. 121, 7, 23 Stat. 55; Ap:. 4, 1888. 9- 61. { 3.: % Statg 80; Dgq. 21,. 1wS, c,f%, l 16; 80 Stat. $159 ; Mar.-4, 1915, c.`153, { 19, 38 Stat. 1185.) ·· if `· · `_ ~ 684. Wages on discharge in . casa of salc.·»-—Whonover a yespol ot tho United States is sold in a torélgn country and hor company dlscharged,_it shall be the duty ot the master to··p1:o· _ duco to the conmlar cmccr a; oortihad list of the sh.ip’s company, and also the shipping articlw, aa;} hesiqea paying to meh seaman or apprentice the wagm duo him, ho oilhor provide him ° with adequate employmoni; on ’ board soma other ‘ vbaaol hound to tho port at which he was originally shipped, ` on- to men hum port an my no upon any ma, or rm-- hlah tho moan otundlrz him to such po:·tQ nor provide him with a - passage hom, or with the consular owcexj such a sdm of money as 12 by the 0mG8! doomed sumciont to defray . the eipeusoé of his maintenance md passage homo; and the consular o¤.jor· shall - ihdorao upon tho agroewt fwith tho Q crow of the ship which the mmm or apprentico is leaving the partiéulars of any paymbnt, pmviaioa, or deposit made under

this scctiona ·A failure to comply with the provisions of thia‘