Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1573

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1559 s Tuna 48.——TERRITORlES An 303. Town mes. .4 n . · J 304. Terminals, `stations, intl rights of way. » 305. 1‘atmts_to’i:onta.i¤ resotve for right of way. _· · ` 306. Disposition of proceeds of lease or sale oi public land . 307. Authority of Prmident. . ‘ _ ‘ , 308. Omcors, ngents, etc., to make annual report t0’Presidént_; trans- . ._missi0¤ to Congress. ' $09. Taxation of railroads. _ _ ’ _ ' ` . `- RQADS, TRAiLS, 'AND BRlDGES " ` V 321. Board of road commissioners; composition. 322. Same`; location and construction of roads and trails} · __ J 3:3. Same; maps, plans, nad specifications} contracts Io1·'_ permanent `_ ` . work. " _. . ·· _ , ‘ ‘ · . 324. Same; repair of roads and trails constructed. ’ Z . 325. Costs and expenses playable 0\lt{Al88k& fund: llmltntion of . liability; * _ · _ - 326. Roads, bridges, and trails; obligations in advance ol nppropriag tions. . · ` 327, Roads and trails; contribution; for construction, etc. 7 3;:8. Same; estimates fof worklon. . · · 329j Expenses ct board in‘ addition to salary. . 330. `Sarne; por diem commutation. . ‘ ‘ - ‘ ,_ 331. Bond ovnrsoers; road districts; ‘ _ * ·

32. Sumo; term ot omce; qualmcations; oath ofom_cc {bond. _

333. Sninc; Qntles.- · Y` —- · ‘ V

 334. Same-; duties; work on` roads;   -

335. Same; annual- report. . _ .‘ _ 3;:6. Same; dtitles; neglect or refusal. . 337. Same; compensation. -» · _ » _ · ' PUBLIC LANDS IN ALASKA . _. _ Gmiisukr. P¤ovxs10Ns` · ‘ 351. Suriréy system €xtenQed to_'Alnskn.· _ . 352. Surve-ya in Nome and Fairbanks clistricts.- _` . ·353. Reservation of lands {tor eglncational purposes. _ . - 35Q. Site for agricultural colleionnd school of mines. t 355. Townsitc entries. _ · j “ . _ · 356; Lnndfor schoolnor missions; general land laws. “ ‘ • . 3:37. ‘Homeatoad”nllctment¤ to native Indian? or_Esklmos. jo $58. Annette olilandi réservod for Metlaknlitla Indians. · 359. A&davit1.¤;'tiling, publishing, n‘nd_,_postln¢ broofs of claims, ‘ · Lum Dmxnicxs nan L4-nin Orincnn ` 365. Numberot land diqtrlcts and locntionot land omces. _ .. 366. Clerks of district "courts as cx olllclo registers.- " - l` · {:67; ’Conapen•ation ot -cle;·ka of district oourta as- ex ohloio registers. l 368. Compensation ot clerks ln district lang!. omcea. _ .— , j . Hoxnslrnlxns. 371. Homestead laws extended to Alaska; locations on 'nnvigable wqton'; entries onnnsurveycd lands. _ ’ h * ‘ . 37:2;. Modmention of restrictions on location of-'lgomestcad entries. · · `373. Amount nt homestead entries.; · _ _ ' 374. E¤ect otentry in another State or Territory, . . 37 5- Entry on uns»m•vey¢d‘lahds; Ennl proofs. · 376. Entry on land containing coal, oll, or gui " _ 377. Patent {pv lang] entered under section 376; Krosarvations. 378. Lnnds.e}cepted fronrentry. _ · - ‘ Q ` ` · .- ‘ Mxsxxo Cx.A.u¢¤- ; ` $$1. Mining lnws of United States extended to Alnnkng regulation. ` 3%;. Renaming notices of Incntlnn of mining claims. l - ’ .383. Minoa—s"rngulation¤ for recording notices; certain records lékqllsod. 384. Aununrlnno: or lmprovenneuts on mining clams. 3 . _ y 385. Fenr toxgnling pmol: of work and improvpménts. , ’ _ 386.. Time for ming ndmrsn claims gnd for adverse `nultu. _ 387. Agaocintion plncegnxinlng claims limltw; annualnsseésment work.` 388. Power otnnttorney to locate Dl§.00f·lIll¤l.l\['Cll.ll31U; restrictions; ‘ 359. Restriction; on p1ncnr.lo¢mtlnn•.’_ ·· ’ ‘ ·‘ · 390..41*en ond snap; of place: claims. _ _391. Place: lneationa in violation of law. · _`392. Reclprodty with Canada as to knlnlng rights. " * . Mxnmr nm L.4nonnu’__Inm·:s iron W”ou:ZDO.·s• 395. Mlnexn=·lnb6r`llen ouputppe.; priority. ~· ’ 396; Filing qxnun ot lien: tortn oi claim. 397*. Recording claim of lien. , _ _ 398; Duration of lle¤.· · A 399. Foroglonuzie of liens; jurlsdlétion. i _ . D . . 400. Detects in lien notion or In proceedings to toroclos¤.cur¢ ` amendment. » ·‘ _ _ . '· . . _ . 401. Proceedings tojoreoloso lien; intervention 'by' ndvcmn emmnua a

rv zzvsvnnn `poossnssiows A § 23 Sec. { , -» Z / { - 402. Joinder of plaintiffs; consolidation of actions; wnlver of lien. 403. Judgment for cluimnnts; enforcement. I- _` _ . · 404.-Appeal from justice, - I ·— ’ - 4Q5. Buying, removing, etc., minerals with notice of lien; criminal Fllabilltyv `, · . _ J ,_ _ · - Rxcnrs or- we Dyna Puente, pxmvs ill`, Railroad rights of wny; reservations} posting pchedulcs of ratest 412. Blgh[8_0f.SBVél'i1l roads through canyons. · · ' 413. Condemnation of land.-_ l . ._ 41,4.__Effcct ot tiling preliminary survey. l _ 415. Map‘ot location; forfeiture ot; rights; 416, Bight of waytfor wagon. roads, `wlre rope; aerial or other trem- ‘· =· yways; reservations; tolls; liens. , _. · " . 417. Reservations and mllitdry parker . ; _ 418, Reservation, otright of repeal or emendment; assignment of _ right- of xvziy. · ‘ · _ . ‘ ` 419.° Map of location. _ _ _ _ - Turenn oy ’P_U_BLIC‘LANDS' 421, Szile of timber. . __,,;,»·~~ 422.· Export of timber pulpwood and wood pulp. · ·- » _ 423. .Cutti¤g and 'USQ of timber by settlers,. residents, miners, etc. ' ‘ " , ., coin LANDS_‘ . 1 -’ · ji31—,_'Coal land laws ‘of United §tntes_exteuded to Alaska}//’§Q 432. Survey of coal lands .·A_ `_ _ `Zo . 433. Reservation ot coal laude; mining under direction ot President. 434. Dievlsion of unreserved lands into leasing blocks or tracts; leases. 435. Lease of addltionnl land;. . - I 436, Consolidation ot leases. ‘ 437. Term of lease. ·` . ‘ L ._ 438. Royalties and rentals 'payahlc to United States by lessees. ` 439. Disposal of royalties and rentals received. ` ‘ 440, Property leasedylimltation of amount; forfeiture of excess. ‘ 441. Exceeding authorized in·t‘ere;t_ generally; punishment. · g442..»Crlmihal liability `ot o&ccr or agent; of corporation 'violating lay. 443, Fortelturc of lease forvlolntion of law. _ · 44-;. Prospecting permits; lenses to prospcctors. 445. Coal for lochland domestic needs. ’ _ 446. `Rcservationeby United States in leases. entri., etc. _ 447. Assignment or eublettlng by lessees; F 448. Poséesslou of leéseeas possession ot United States. 449. Forniiture and cuncellationot leases. » · 450.o Statements, representations, and reports; 45l._Rules and regulations. _ _ _ 452. Limitation on disposal of coal lands. I d ‘ Puecxusn 1¤7on,'1`nA¤¤ on ··r¤n¤ · 461. Right to purchase; price gud limit. ot ncrengc; nccesséto water: _ _ trontr · '_ ‘ _ . . · ‘ 462.* Land; on navigable waters. _ , ( 463. Several claimants of same tract. _ ·l _ . 404;. Reservation of landing places along water front for natives. 46§i._ Certain islands excepted. " ‘ `_ 466. Surveys; deposits. ‘ . _ _ O § . » ) , h . /8’€<hon 21. Territory of Alaska orgamzed.-—-The territory ceded to the United States by Russia by the treaty of March 30, 1867,'and k{1Qw¤ as Alask¤._.shelI» be and constitute the * ‘ Territory of Alaska under the lewsoif the United States, the government ot which shall be organized and administered es provided by said lawsn (At1g._24, 1912, =c._·387, §-1,37 Stat. 5l2.)" _ · · . _ 22. Capitnl at June•u.¥··-The capital of the Territory ot‘ Alaska elmll be at the city ot_ Juneau, Alaska, and the sent of governmentshall be melntnlncd there. (Aug. 24, _1912,. c. 387, § 2, 37 Stat. 512.) `· ‘ ‘ - _ _ 23, Constitution and liwn of the United Staten extemled.·—· ` The Constitution ot the {Jnlted Stetee, and all the laws thereot which a-re not locally inapplicable, shall have the same force ond edect within the sold Terrltory es eldewhere in the United States. All the lows ot. the United States passed prior to August ,24, 1912, establishing the executive and judicial depcrtmeuts . in ·`Alaeka_ shell. continue in ~full force onhd _ effect until amended or repealed by Act ot Qongreee; except ashereln -, provided - ell laws in-force`. in Alaska ·‘prlor tp — that date shell continue in tull force and émect until altered. amended, or