Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1621

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1607 TITLE $8.#·—TERI§ITORIEB' ANL 536. Judgeor idr6¥.—-—N0 person shall sit as sz judge mj jump 5 in émy case ih which his relative by amnity 91: by cdnsauguinity 61 within the third degree is interested, either as a plginfift br (16-sendant, or in the issue of which the said'judge_m· jurdp hggj p4 either directly or tlgough such relative, any pecuniary interest; tc mr shall any person sit as 3 judy in "any cape in which he 4; has- been of counsel or on an appeal from any decision m- judg; f; ment rendered by him, and the legislature of the Tcx·ri};ory_·may bg add other causcé of disqualihcation to th0se hereiu enumer-· az med. (Apr. ”30, 1900, c. 339, § _84, 31 Stat. 157; Mdy 27, 1910, T e, 258, § 6, 36 Stat: 447..) f " e1 DISTRICT COURT N _ ‘ 641. District sessions; hovers; ¢erms.--1‘here‘_ shall be. ix established in the Territcrj ct Hawaii a districg court, to cou- 01 sist at twé judges, whb shall teside therein and be called dis·_ 82 trieti j§dgé8,· ind- vibe shall each receive an annual ·shlgry` og 11 $7,500. The two_ju¢kes shall from time ¢to.time, either by order 81 or mlesv ao! the_~éo¤r1;, prescribe af what;fima%`aud‘1n`wbat classés of cages cad: df `them shall pieside, V ‘ » _ The two judgeé may éach hold' separately and gt the same time A of imxznurt {whether at the same cr different U farms ot court, regular or special') and mqy prgeside alone over U such mica. '1‘he_mid wo ]!1d§B8`lh&u`h&Yé the game powers V* in niimattgra comix béfnre the court: and in twé hes- U sinus at the ‘ccurf ste held at the pkné time, the judgments, f< orders, verdicts, and all Qpmccediugs of n swsicé bt the°‘c0u11t, new by either. ot the judges, shall be as etective as it one 9* sesskiu ably were mid it 4 time. _ " i QP] ` Regular terms at mid cmxrt `ahill be hqd at _H¤,mlu1u‘ qu V they Manda! in —Api·il and October, and special terms ~°* may be helqnt smh time-s and places 1¤.•aid as tim `T mid my deem expedient. (Apr.50, 1900, é. 839, { 86, d 31 Stat. 1$;·l;gx·.. 8, 19®, ¤. 269,1 1, 85 Ent. 838; July 9, 1921, U c.42,1313, Q Sui:. 119: Rb. 12, 19%»¢·%0.48 Stat. $0.) `

   of i¤       af ¤B¤e¤·-···- °’

The and wut @11,han the.3¤r1•®ctic§·¤t district murts Q on me U&m Quan, and mu therein in the mm T manner ns.; mm·t:° had mid judges, v atmrmy, and émanhnl have ,m1igx¤m»[ in d‘ tory as Hhwati 411 conferred by the lain at the Q United Qtzatm we iuqmp. ,di¤triqt_¢1ttor¤c&s;*1¤d`°m$.r—»*` gm; at main d use United smug; (Am. w, mm "

 asa, { sa, 31* sm:. 1¤s;u¤.8, ;m0, c.   1 LM sm,   `°‘

-Ju1y 9, 1m, ¤.° 42} il 818, Z2 B¤t._119: Feb. 12*19%,9. %9.· °{ `43 Sut... .)·` _ · . L · . . · n _&“ V 643. A ¤¤t uid dvice-ci iudtcs. di•trld.•t·. `* tormy, nid · Presidmt pt United Sum, by and iith tb; and cement M we Senate ot United H Sum, shali `tw jadgém n diauict `nttcrmy,. T ang! A mmtuhal at the Uuimd mums tm &M·ict, ¤1l=§' of whmé aha}! glt1mm.d—the Tertitéry at Hnwdii ind mill bi havewewdm far $.1: mm yum part ·(‘ `theif %P§¤i¤tm§¤¥Z· ‘8std ¤¢i~¤m¢¥» ¤l!¢A1 slim! 3* hold Qace fw dx years anla: zmovodiiy th Erm- — dent. _ ·(Am•. 1900; I $1 81 But. 158;_M•r. 3. 19%, ` c. 2@, {- 1,`§ Stat. W; July EIEI, c. Q l 818; 42 SEEK : Feb. 12,1%, c.`£0,48Stqt~ 8%.), °“ · A rd · .644. dklcfk éep¤fy—¢`l¤rk.——A·_dM'k ti or the d1sti—1 ct " mart shall `bp appoipted as in sectiad tl _ _6 ot Title m, Jcugcpr. Gmm_A_zm Jim<¤.As·r,·a t n aalgrytq be ‘¢é ‘ named in micardamzn with noctlnh at Title -%, ifvmdu. Cpu be nm Jtrmcugat — The nmhbexf and c0kmen¤ati9ii ¤f·4¢W¢! clérh 01

 Shall be nge:} bpthewnttorncy general pas" in ¤t1m·.1¤`§icia1 lc

distrinm, The qjd district' jadged nppbint • reporter E ot said mart-at q·sgls3ry_of€$1, Dei" (A9?. 80. 19¤0. ‘P* · q, ass, §'86,‘31°Sta§:. 158; ‘ . , 1m9.·¢. M9. §`1..n5 Stat. M: Mar. 4,‘1921, c.. 161, 1412; {ui: Sy-lm. c. ¢2.` _¢¥

» INSULAR POSSESSIONS § 662 313, 42 Stat. 119; June 1, 1922, c. 204, Title II, 42 Stat. 614, L6; Feb. 12, 1925, c.' 229, 43 Stat.`890.) ~ , ‘ 645. Writs of error and appeal.-ewrits of error and apaals from the »said, district court shall be had and allowed y the circuit court of appeals, for the {ninth judiéial circuit n (he; same mapnexj aé writs of error `and appeals are allowedrqm district couits t0_¢i1;cuit courts of appgaf as provided y law, and the laws 'ot the, United States relziting. to` juries nd; jury trials shall be applicable to said district; ccfurt. 'he» laws of the United States reIating_tb appeals, writs of rr0i·, removal °0£ causes, {md other matters and proceedings s betweemthe cquris of the United States and the courts of ae several States shall govern in such: matters and proceednga as betwgeu the courts of the United States and the courts fthe Territory of Hawaii. .(Apr. 30, 1900,.A K:. 339, § 86, 1 §tat._ 158; Mar, 3, 1909,_c. 269, § I1, 35·Stat. 838; July 9, 921, c..42 $313, `42 Stat. 119; Feb. 12, 1925, c. 220, .43 Stat. B0; Feb. 13, 1925; 1*:.*229, § lf, 43 Stat. 936.) A » ADELEGATE T0 CONGRESS A x _ · ”65l.' Delegtté tg = ss; eléction; pqy¢rs.—e,{ {)é\fega_te to me Hgiuse ot Rept ¢ ntati cs at the United Smtes, ta S€l‘V€’d\ll’· gg each Congress, · shall • - elected by _ the voters qualmed 'to utc for mmbgrs ot ·¤· e house ot l‘6Ul; t§tiV€S,9f the legislal 1re. __ Such Delegate shall poméss the qualmpaiatodsfxecézsgary rr membership. of the senate 01* the iggislature of Hawaii. Such eleiizticn shall be held on the Emi: -’I‘¤esdny‘ after tha rst Moxiday in ‘N0vemperQ git every even year 'md at · such laces as shall be designated by the secretary ot[ the ‘1‘erriary. The ballot for Delegnté shall be such as the Leglsléeture I Hawaii mgy dwignatg; and until provision is made by the brritqrial legslat-uxé the ballot shall . be Act pink paper and halt be of the same xenérai form at those used for the elec- 0:; Bt represéntativm to the kezlélature, { Thc_‘mc¢h0d at certifying thé p.¤.@·cf candidatm for place m this ballot di} :li_the;c<mduct of the election ot a Delegate

 be" in c¤ntdrmity· to the geueraf election lawn or the

erritory ¤f'K•,waii.‘ ·· ‘ `._~_ _ ‘ Thy person having the mwntest ;1¤.mper··’<>t? votes shall be eclarod · bi the governor duly elected, and a certihcate sham anvw acco¤d1@. { V V j` ·_ ._ _ _ »Evcry·s¤ch‘ shall have n cent m the House ot Repzsentatives, with the right at - debate, bm not qt voting, In me bf A ricnncy in the omits at D8!@&t§"ChB gov; mw of the Turitcry ·i¤ dlpehtad to ¤•11.•.__ medh1_election to I1 n& No vacancy énll bé Sued which occprs main wm months ci exmratim of q. écngrgmional term. Thi of Tarritéfy 6f'Hnwa1i sha.}! have the L@t to dw? mt umm;} put of the electimx Kaw; at said erriwryyinslhdihg mm pmvidigk mr an election of Delcatqto Coax and-its action `ha the wr. with {uu, India; tome. `tmtii amended. or rewied ,by_,\Cougress. Apr. 80, 1900,* cs 8&, { 85,`81°8tst. 158: Jane E, 1906,4:, 3582, {Stat. 650.) ·' j ', _ V ` ‘ , Q PUBLIC LAND8 661. Public lash: _ management and ¢Iisp~osition.·-The

 laws of Ktba Unimgi 8tatw·1-elmve lto public I&nds·
    da in the Hawaiian Islazidg; but

m 0oh& ·b! the `Uttitéd teal shan enact: special laws for mir- mumgeméut and diwositioxi All revenue fmm or proew: of the mms, except ni twnlfds mich phi'! thémof 88 mil! B u¤od or pccupieé fox: thé éivil, inilltnry, or naval purposes { the Unked. Statg, or may be assigned for the use of the _ ml government, shall , be used solély tpr the beuemt ot the nhnbitnnta of the Hxsmiiun Islands for ed1i<>`§'%iqnal am; *othe1• mblic purposes. (July 1, No. 55, 30 Stat, 750.) _ $61* CmW¤°lntd" pmpgrty af G¤vemment,mThé pnrtipn Qt sq epubltc dqmain hmwix prim to April 30, 1906, qs grown