Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1627

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1613 v ·_ h I TITLE 48.e-·gTBRRITOR.IB8 AA the eoniunlssion, be postponed in whole or in part by the oommission for ench , reéeone as lt deems good and snmclent and _2 _until snob later date joe it deems advisable. Soph postponed A payments. shall continue to` bear interest at the rate or _5 per eenttnn tperalnnpm on the unpaid prlncipel and interest. ( * · v (8) In case the borrower‘s—_ ln ’his_tract or his enc- ; censors lnterw therein li tranelerred to or mortgaged, plmged, ° or otherwise held for benedt or any natlve Hawaiian, or l_¤g¤·eed"so` to be transferred, pledged, or otherwise _ held, as permitted by paragraph. (5) or section 702 ot_ this mb-. q;·hepter,-the ite owen declare allanmml · `lnstallmente - upon the loan immediately due and payable. or · pormlt the successor to the borrower': intaereat in the tract to oeeume the- contract of loan. In 'ot» the borrowers death, the commlesionshall permit the moewr to the borrowerlp ln-·` forest ln the tract to the `coutractofloan., · ¤ { _ A (4) No wrt of the moneys loaned ehall-be devoted te any purponp other than those. for which-the loan is made. »‘ ; _ · °(5)d The borrower or; the successor to bla inter¢t'l¤,the tract shall comply with other not. in connlct with any · provision of this' subchapter, as the comnilssion xnay stipulate in the_c0ntract?o£ loan. _ " v - V . · (6) The borrower or the successor to ble interest ln_ the tract shell; eomply with the conditions en®·rated ln section 702, and with the provisions of eection 'fw ot this subchapter ( in l`&S§t‘t0 lube or the um. any o,·1¤e1, e. 42, {*21:;, . I 42 Stat. 112; 1923, c. 56, { 8, 4z_Stat.»12@.) " ‘_ " 716.; Sane; insurance by. borrowers; violatims of terms of; loans; lien to secure loans; forfeiture by leqsee.-—-The commu- _; eiol1_maF.1’€Quire the borrower to lneurerln aanount as the. v oommlssion lea! by rmnlsmon prescribe, all livestock and dwellings and other permanent improvements upon his tract, ‘ purchased or constructed out of any moneyeloaned from the ‘

  • turd; or ln llewthereu tm eommluloe may dlrectly take out

such l@nee and add the cost thereotto the ;ot the annual l e¤ta payable mder the amortization plan; Whenever the has reason to believe that- the borrovger has violated any @@11.ud `£¤ P¤!‘8¢1‘¤Pho_· (2); (4), (5), or (6) od aecdon 7® ot thia `mbchapter, the mlssion shall give due nwce and afford opportunity for a hm:-_ lug to the borroww or the ruccemr to lIi§,iDIO!'$t·iD the trac-t, on the cane demands. If such baring oommimlon ¤¢o that the borrower hn violated the condition, the commlmlon may declare all lnstallxnentw . due and myable, any provision ln the. contract I _ or loan to the; contrary. The ¢@¤l@i0§ Ihall haven lim ` upozrthe borrowers or leeeoe’¤ interest ln hl; tract, and other permanent — improvements tbermn. end livestockto the amount ot all.-annual Installment; due •.¤d_`Y¤np•ld and ot all upon snob uactind innprov@¤¤` ptid by , o the Bach lime shall have prlorltytover tnyvother " obligation for which the tract, dwelllngs, other improvements, or livestock may bemcurity. _ Q ._ - ` The `eenunleelon. may, at inch `tlxne ap lt deems: #dvi¤ble, . enforce any pooh lien by declaring the borrower'! " interest in ble tract orghis ¤u rfs lntermtkreln, in the use may be, togetherwith the dwllnu and bthu permanent improvements thereon and the llvmk, to. be forfeited, and the lease "l¤_ _ respect. to ouch tract mnoeled, and shall thereupon order the treoq to be vacated nndithe a -rce.sonable time. The right to the nee and occopancr of the · Hewellan home ldlldi contalnm ln such tract shall thereupon? ( rcvmt ln me eommlssion, and me emnmlnlod may me- T tension ot the tnct and the improvements tll@n. The com-·. mtealon ;ehell` pay to the borrower any m his raver

 between (1) the fair value ot the llv`&tocl:.andV any improve-;

monte an respect- to the tract rhode by the borrower or any - fpredeceeeor to his interest (ln the tract. and (2) the thountof t-he lien. (July,9, 1921, c. 42. l 216, 42 Stat. 113.) `

TD INSULAR POBSESSIONS § 715 711. _ Ejectment against lessee or borrower;-·-In ease ,tl1e- lessee er borxzower or the successm“ to hia/ intefest in the tract, as the case mny’be,_ fails tq eompb with anylprdeis issued by the conxmisalon under .the·provisions et sectionai'04 or 710 ec g__ tlxis ~subch&l>te1·.‘tl1e eemmissien may (1) bring action of eject- ve h ment or othexj appropriate proceeding, or (2) invoke the aid of the gircuit court of the Territory fos the jndiciil éircuit in which the tract designated in the commissions order is situated, Such eenrt may thereupqn'order the lessee or his Successor to comply with theprgler ot. the commission. Any failure to obey [ the order of; the ·C0}1l‘t may be punishecl by it as ‘ centempt thereof; Anytract forfeited Lunder the provisions et the abovementionedn sections may be again leaéed » by the, commission as anthogined by the ·_pi·ov1sions et gction _701` `ot this subchapter, except that the `valne, in the ’ opinion dt the commimdon, at all"'. tmprovenaents made in xespegt to éueh tract by the ’orig*lnal lessee qi: any successor to bin interest therein shall `eonstitnte a loan by the commission to the new lwsee; Snch lean shall 1 ~ be subject t0· the provisions or this seétion and section 109 etcept paragrnpn (1), andaection ,710 to the same extent asloans made by the commission./{rem the . Hawaiian lean fund. (Jnly 9, 1921,1:. 42, {217, 42 Stat. 113.). . — 1 _ . ` f 712. Leeaees n•t1 to receive leans under; Tergitcrial ,Farm' Lain Act of 1919Q+—Nc lesseeof any tract or` any succemor tohis .111U8l‘é8$_ therein shall eligible to receive in to» such tract any man made nnder snepmvasxens ez the net ot the legislature of the Territory entitled “The Loan Act ot Hawai1," {Revised Laws at `IW5, Title X, chapter 4a,_‘se¢u¤¤s sleep am, mges asa to sw, nppmvea April 30; 1919.- (lnlxk.9, ·1921,_cQ 42, { 218, 42 Stat..l114.)' · [ _ 718. Agdcaltuial eiperta; e¤p1»y¤e¤;;e¢s¤pe¤¤•¢se¤; (dnties•——The commission is anthorined to emplqy. agricultural einem atfsueh compensation and imanch number as it deems necwxjy. The annual expenditures kter such compenmtien shall net exceed $6,000. It shall be the duty of auch agricultural erperts -·t¤ instrnct and /advim_ the lessee ot any `tract " on the énccessor to interest theéein na to the best methods et diversiied farming andjtock raising and e suen ‘ other niattera as will tend snceemtnlly to accomplish the pur-

ot this subchapter; (July 9,- 1921,1:. 42,   219, 42 Stat.

714. Developnient prejeeta; apppepriatiem by fferriterial legislature; bends; imc by ( ture.-Q-—Tne eommlmlen is - anthbrised direetly to undertake d carry general 'watep and other development projects in t tq Hawaiian hmsicxe law . The legislature. of the Territory la authorized to apprepriata out ci vthe of the Territory sneh sums as it 4% necessary to prqvide the commission with funds suineient to efecute ‘ 'men lpréejecta; Tl; legislature e is tngther authorlaed to. imno honda tq the extent rei;n1red_te~ yield the amount pt any' anna on ·apprepriated.( The commission shall pay from the Hnvéaiian heme l0&l1_#\1Dd 'inte the hjensury pt · the Territory:. , , _ _ (1) Upon the Qate when any interest payment neeeines due upon anyliond so tuned, the amount of the interest then due; · and ‘ { `· ‘ _ / t t ` (2) Ocmmencing with theetlrst such date mere than one year subsequent turthe amen ntf any lbond and_g1t·eacl1 interest 2 data thereafter, an amount amen that tne. aggregate et all sueh t amennta which payable during the 'term of the bond. cempennnod annually at the fate of interest specined therein; shall equal the pur value et. the bend an the enpiratiqn of its feng. (July 9, 19h, é. 42, Q @0, 42 Stat. 114.),_ 1 715. ‘f Water ” and "_•nrplna— water ” deiined; water licenses); free use of Government-ewned water.—--(-a) When used me_én1s_¤e¢u¤¤- -_ - . ( _» _ (1) _'1%e term "wate1~ license" means any license issued [by _ the commissioner of yzblic lands granting to any penson the right to thee use ct Gevernneentowned water; and