Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/163

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1 it? :1*1 my Q4 Ll ,¤:2~:.s 9:2;*3* and!us;»ce;~tinn of aliens nppkvinsx fee admissiose from or

g,q,»u;;ln forei;
¤¤.<*<>¤¤ti¥,’u¤>¤s towitcrry due euro shall be exercised

z~ ympid may dieerimimxmry action in, favor of transportation t>a;ge:`axzi¢·s transporting to suvh territory aliens destined to we tf}1it(?(1¥StHtOS, und all such tr:1nsportatio;; companies shall tw;e~¤;1x§z·e<!, ps $1 conditioxz prec·edo11t to the, i11spe<;ti0u or \ e·~,:m¤i1mr»·im: umlor ¤u<·h"riz1es and <:ontm<·ts· pat the ports of >.u:·é; 4·e»ntiguous territory of aliens brought thereto bylthem,

.. eeehunii 000W'$ teruixd comply with all? the requirementes of this

,,_%.,·§{;»n;»tere ·wlxic·11~— would apply were they bringing such mime; diretitly E0 ports of the U11”ité<1·~States. No alien sfpply- ie: for mimissicm from or through .fQI'€fi&’lI contiguous terri· M-y»’(t·x§,eept·an alien previously elzmfuliy ·admitted· to the mgiexl States who is l't3t\li'Ilillg from 21 temp0mry iqieit to own wrritory) Shall be permittedfto enter, the United States qgzgwss upon provim: that he was brought to such 'ter1ritory by 3 mme;>orta`tio11 (‘0~l]1})4JltljV·.\\i1liC11" had submitted to and corixplied wish ali. the roquirerxxents of this siibchaptor, or that he eu- .;.·mi. oxegaes resided in, suohterritory m0re~t,h£1n twoeyeixrs }eei~:‘ m tE€e· time of his application for- admission to the»United Q smes. _ (May 20, 1924, c. 190, 7§ 17, Q Stat. 163;) ·· V  » 0 :218. United immigration visag; Additional not to issue in lieu of.}-If u quota immigrant any ·X1&H(ll12LHtj'_']HiVi11g_ am i‘mmi;.;rat§m visa JS, excluded from ad11tz_{Qsio11 tb {hc. United sums uiigler thev,1mmig'rat'i_0n laws and deported, or does » 1¤•a_»:;;»ply for admission to the United States before the expirab ’ mf; <»f_W,the validity of the iuimigrzxtiou visa, orrif ai; alien _ of any nu_tfonality_‘11z1ving`_au‘ immigration visdissued to-him ` us}: quom iguuizmut isofouud I10f»U}·‘)t!8¤'(]lI0f8. immigrant, no

ul·ditional» iiramigmtiou visa slmll be issued inlieu thereof to

· anymhei;,5 im_migre¤t.· (May 26, “192·1,"c. 190, 5 18, 43 Stat. 16;) ` 219. Rhtry permits; preparatiorn,. printing uid distribuitiim.··—-Permits issued under; scotion 210, of this title shall be

'»a·imed‘oi1 distimetiveeatety paper midehall be prepared and

ieeuml .uuder" regulatiopsi prescribed; euuder; this subchapter. {May 26,0,192-1,‘c. 190,} 21 (a),,43 St¤t._i65.) ~ - r ._ __, · 220. ,_(§)___Qg{§1!Q_§“;i§\ with doqhmeats; forging, 0 F éesmterfeiting, ctc., o iniiiikritioxi or permits; penalty,-— _ may person who knowingly (1),. torges, co11riterfelts, ,alters, __ or f11L•;ely· m1y_-immigrdtiom viea or permit, or (2) L um·r¤—;, uses, attempts to use, possesses, obtains, accepts, or ’ w&v4·ii·es may immigmtiou visa or permit, kxnowirig tt to be forged, dcouuterfeited, alterrd,"0r_falseiy made, or to have . -i»·,·t·;n procured by means or any" false ‘c1aimA·ox·. statement. _ or-to have been otherwiseyprocured byfraud or? `unlawfully <»&·1:¤ig:ed; or who, exeepc under direction. of the Secretary of I.:¤h·»r or other proper omcer, ”ku0w{_ngly (3)‘ possesses any [¥·¥:¤·1•kPpermit,, (4) ehgmves, sells. brings into the United States, oziluxsvin his control or poqsessgon any plate in the likeness of ’:1 platedesigned for tm printing of permits, _ (5) makoét any

;ph, or. impression in theolikeness ofeuy immi-
1tio;z visa or permit, or -(6)_ has .111 hip possession allisgimaive paper whic}1 hasbogu adopted 'By; the Seeretary of

1.;:lmr for the printing of immigration visasor permits, shall, upon conviction thereof, be Bueq not more than $10,000 or imprieoxteq for not more t11a¤»,Br¤e ye11rs,··(:•r Both. · ‘ ._ (b) Fnhé perbesatich of another; Awning, assumed or Ectié Ztious name; unlaowfzil sa§e, etc., at visa or permit; opupglty.->-— _ ·’¤¤y individual yrhc (1) ,wheuAapply1ug for an immigratiozxvisa r or permit, or for admission to t the United States, persohatea _,;mot,her, or~falaely appears in the name of ta Ae<:eesed_ iudi· 0 v'idua1,_ `or evades or qttexmits to evade the immigration laws by appearing uuderau eseumed or fictitious game, or `(2) sem; nr ot·herwia»e‘ dispoges. of, or 05era to eel! or otherwxsel dispose 4..:, or 1;tters,`an imiufgration visa or permit, to ani perécrirnot · uutlotorized Thy laesito receive suehilocument, sbz11l,_up»ou com ,.victio1fthereo£,\be mied not more than $10,000,`o1·‘imprfs0ned for not more than we years, or both. ‘

42m c·12"1zm*s1111> § 224
  • (c) False statements; penalty.--Wimevcr knowingly nmkcs

h under nnth any false stntm11e>nt» in amy upplicnfimit nfiitinvit, . nr other ewqcixmczit mquimd by tim ixmnigrntinn lziws ur;·i~¤11· » g lations pre crihetlhtincreinzizier, shénil, upon conviction;tixera»uf, . by lined not nmre than $10,{H)(), or i1np1*i$i·:,1ne“ : d h

222. -.Rulcs_ and i·egulations.+i¥l1e tCoxn1nissi<m;~r General;

[ withethe approval of the Sewréptnry of Lnbor, shall presmrilie rules and regulations for the enforcement ot the'proviisi:»ns’0t _ ‘ this subchapter; but all such ruigsjgm regulations, in so far as A _ ·theyV`1feh1te to the adininistrntion by consular ofiizzvzga, shall be _ pre3crib0d__by, fhe.Se(·reta1jy of State `on they xfccrmiincndatiunt

ofthé Secretary of Ln·b01r.” (May 26,. 19-24; c. 190, § 24, 43 Stat.

‘ · -223. Quota law additional t0_—¢>thet°immigrgtic¤ laws;-—~The _ pmvisiéms dt this subchapter nre in addition to andnotin sub; w .-stitution Efor the provisions of the immigmtion laws, and shall . he enfotcetkas n· part of such in_ws,` and all the penal or¢0thez·V pmvis1ous` of- suqzh 1aws,‘.n0t inapplicable, shall ap@y` to and be 1 t nnforécd {connection, with the provision; V of thisisnbchnptcr. » An nlign; ulth0ugh’ admissible under theipmvisinns of tbisisub- _ chapter; shall not be admitted to the .Unitedi*Ststé5s it he is t exciudcd by any provision` of thé iymmigmtion laws, otherthnn ` this subchapter, and an aiien, although admisible- nnkr the , provisions ot, the ixnmigritibn laws ‘0th€1"Yth8D this subchapter, — . shg1l.·n0f.bé `admitted to the United Stntqs it he is éxcludéd _ by any pg*0vision· 0t_this»·subchapter. (May %, 1924, c; 190, ~$25,Q43Stat.16¤6.) ” ’ J t ‘ - ·__224. Dehitiuns.-e-Ais used in this subchapter-i‘ W . » (21)* The tei·1n*?‘ United StateS," when nsed in a gemsphicnl _ <‘°” , sense, means the Stgteh; the Territories 0{Alaska-and Hawaii, _ _ the District of Columbia; P0rt0` Rica, and- the Virgin Islands; - "andi thd te¤nM*‘cnntinenta1 United States"` ineans_`thn’Stntes ? and the..District"0t Columbia; ·_ · _ . " - · _ (b) "1‘he_t¢rm "niien ’t" includes any indiifdual not n native- ,· born crnaturulized citizen 0·£`the _Unitu1»States,bnt·this deiini-

tion-tshnli nqtqbe hcldita includéfcitizens of the islamls under,

·` théijuiisdicrtion of the UnitedStates; t . n F 9 . . `(c)·.1‘he term ""ineiigible_ in ’citiscnship,”_‘ when psed in ref- . · grencc to any individual, incinden an indiv·idugl_ whd is dcbarrcd F from- becoming :1 citizen dt the United States under nny uf , sections 11, 12; 359,* 3G, and 366 nf. this titlé,‘0t.nnde1?jlnw’ · ainéndatory o1‘,;stnppl ementn;·y t0,‘0: in substitution for, any; hofsinch sections; t " n *· Q V i . » (cl) The term "‘i1nmlgration_ visa" Jnezms an `inunigratinn wvisa iésued- by n édnsnlar cmcer under *·the Iptovisions of this °°’ , subchnpteri . ‘ ~ n _ " . ° ,

· t (c) The térm “‘ m¤mi1¤;n¤m¤n· "_ means` any cznnsular or dip—

· lomntic omcer df the United Statés designntédmnder i·egnla_tions E prescribed undef this subchapte1·,·f<>r‘ the pux*pc>»se._n€ issuing si il11!§1i€fétiOl'1 visas undetf this snbchaptem. In case; of the Cnnni z` Zqnet and the insular possessions of the United Stntcsthe teirm »

° “t
0nsnlar 0mcéx·" (excéptns in secti€»n 222 qt this title)

· ans ,an·0¤éér designated by-`thé PreSidgsnt, or-by his author- f I ix, for the giurpcsénf issuing, imniigrntinn visas under this

 •¤b¢1mp¢e; 5 ‘ ._