Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1640

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§ 1001 · TITLE 48.-··T¥RRITORIES A ·` E? ‘ THE EXECUTIVE AND OFFICIALS Sec. · . ~ 1111. Governor General; appointment; powere and duties; annual reports. W _ - _ _ 1112. Designation of Acting Gmzernor General: 1113. Vice governor; department of public jnstructiou. 1114. Executive departments; increase or abolition of departments. _ · 1115. Bureau of neu-Chrisqau tribes; function. _ . ‘. 1116. Auditor_:_appoi¤tmeut; report on unnecessary expenditure. 1117. Deputy and assistgnt auditor. . — _ 1118. Administrative Jurisdictionpf accounts. 1119.— Authority ·t0 summon witnesses, etc. · 1120. Decieioxis final; exceptions. _ . ` 1121. Reports to Governor General and Secretary of War. _ ‘— _11_22. Supervision by Governor General. - _ , _ 1123. Same; appeals from decision; qf; decision of Governor General; , decision of Secretary `_0f War, ' 1124. Salaries of omcers. _ _ _ . _ 1125. Municipal o!1‘1cers_ `to be compensated out of provincial and {municipal revenues. ‘ - ‘ ‘ ~ COINAGEIAND CURRENCY _ . 1141. Mint at MauiIa. _ l ` 1142. _Gold peso; unit of value; legal tender. 1143. Silver peso; legal tender; ` 1144. Subsidiary silver cpins. ‘ ' 1145. Same; limitation as legal t€Dd€1f._ g · 1146. Minor ceinsrlimitation as legal tcpder.` 1147. Devices audluscriptions on coinage. 1148. Place pt coinage. . " 1149. Purchase of silver bullion; recoinage; 1150. Sameuiurehase of metal. 1151,. Geld and silver peso parity. 1152._(`ha¤ge in jweight and flheness of silver coins. 1153. Silver certificates; redcmmion. _ 1154. Drawings, designs, and plates. _ V 1155. Silver coins previously in use receivable for public dues. _ 1156. Redemption and reissue of worn or defective cdtner , ie, a —FBANCHISES U T 1171. Franchises; compensation for property taken or dairnnged. 1172. Employment ot persons in involuntary servitude; penalty. 1173. C_orpoEptiog.s not. to engage in rexi.1 estate business; cwnershjp of real estéte restricted- , » - ‘ · GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND RAILWAY BONDS 1191. Bond issues to anticipate. tqxes and revenue; limitations; gov- _ ernment indebtedness. I _ " ’ _ 1192. Same; issue for public imprqyements. , ·- 1193. Government bonds to be exempt from taxation; t 11:>4.'»Muni,cipa1 indebtedness for improvements; bends. 1195. Same; denemiuatiqns ot bonds; exemptions., 1196. Same; uée of funds from_ sale of bonds. 1197..Seme;_ taxes to ‘pay bonds; sinking tum!. . 1198. Bonds for sevqers and wntersupply in Manila. _ 51199. Same; use ot funds from sale. ‘ 1200. Same; taxes nnd rinking fund fdr payment. . 1201. Guarantee ot railroad bends; contract ot guaranty. —' 1;:02. Smqe; exclusive juriédictiou of ncttena. by Supreme Court ot Philippine Islands. - _ _‘ ` PUBLIG PBQPERTY AND LANDB 1221. Publié property nnd_1a¤ds`restpred to control et Philippine Iregw . _ Jslature; Immun; therefor. ’ _ _ 1222._Acts regulating pubue domain, mining md timber te be npprcvedqby the Prmident ._»· · _ _ 1223. Perfecting titles at ciaimhjznts from Spun; patenta to native Azscciamnti. — ‘ _ T , - ‘ . 1224. Auihoritywto acquire real and perqcnl property; eimdemnaticn. 1235. Acquisition ‘ ot 'property of reliiious erderq. ` 1 1226. Same; lend ¤cqu1red_tn-become public property. ~ Section — 1001. The Philijvpiéesf meining ot .term.·——-—·The pm visions at this chapter and the heme ‘* the Philippines " as used herein qhalr apply te and include the. Philippine Islands I ceded to the United States Gevernmentby the wenty of peace concluded between the United Stateé and Spain on the 11th day_ of April, 1@9, the boundaries b£"ivl1ich are set forth in Article III of Said jrenty, t0£cthe!· with- them illhtlds m- braeed in ‘tlfe treaty bctweex1‘ Spqin md the United States concluded at Washington cm the 7th day of November, 1960; (Aqg. 29, 1916, c. 416, | 1, 39 Stat. 545.) ~

LND INBULAR POSSESSIONS 1626 ,1002. Philippine citizenship.--All inhabitants of the Philip`- ·' pine Islands who wete Spanish subjects on the 11th day of ' "Aprll, 1899, and resided in said islands on that date, and their children born subsequent thereto, shall be deemed and held to be citizens ot, the Philippine ‘Iolands, except such as shall have electedito preserve their allegiance to the Crown of Spain in accordance with the provisions of the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain, eigued at Paris December 10.; 1898, and except such others as hatje since become citizens of some other country :‘ Provided, That the Philippine Legislature P is authorized to provide by law for the acquisition of Philipo pine citizenship by those natiyes of the Philippine Islands who do not come within the foregoing provisions, the natives ot y the insular possessiona of the United States, and `snch other persons residing in the Philippine Islanda who are citizens of the United States, of `who could become citizens ot the United `States_ under the laws of the United Staten if residing therein. (Am. 29, 1916, c.·4,l6,-§ 2, 39 Stat. 546.) ” J · 1003. Application of statutory law of United States.--The statutory laws _ of the United States enacted subsequent to August 29, 1916, shall not apply to the Philippine Islands,

 except when they speclncally so provide, o1·¥it is so provided in
 this chapter. (Aug. 29, 1916, c.`·416, Q 5, 39 Stat. 547.)

§ l1004,»€Ymtinuing force of Philippine laws; ammdgenta.-— i The laws in force inéthe Philippines on August $9, .1916, shall l continue in__force_ and etlect, except as altered, amended, or E modfiled by this chapter, until altered, amended, or xjepealed.

 by the legislative authority provided by this chapter or by Act

, of Congress of, the United States. (Auf 29, 1916, c. 416, § 6, l39Stat.547.) · _ A` _ ‘ _

 - 1005; Legislative powc; to repeal, modify, etc., laws congj tinued in force.-e-‘1`he_ legislative authority _ provided in this

l chapter shall have power, véhen not inconsistent with its pro-

  • visions, by due ·enact.naent to amend, alter, modify, on repeal

any law, civil or criminal, continued in forceby this chapter as it mayfrom timetotimeseent] e_ _ Q . This power shall specihcally extend with tmc limitation herein ptovlded as to the tarllt to all laws relating to revenue l and taxation in effect in the Phllipplnes., (Ang. &, 1916,1:. 416, §§ 6; 7, 39 Stat. 541.)* ‘ c _ · -

 1006.‘ Other laws continued in foree.-—»All lawn ot·. paits of
 lawe applicable to the Philippines not in conflict with any ot
 the provisions of this chapter are continued in tome and enoct.

j (aug. 2e. une, c. 416. t 31; w Stat. 566;} l `. . 1007. Expenses `pnid bye Philippine government.——·—All exlpenaes that may be incurred on account ot. the government ot A f the Philippines to: salaries of owcials and the conduct ot their omces and- departments, and all expenses and obligations con? tracted for the internal ·improvemnt.` or development of the islands, not, however, including detenaw, . barracha, and other works undertaken by the United States, shall; except as otherwise epeclnmlly provided by the Congrew, be paldt by the government ot the Phlllpplnea. (Aug. 1916, c. 416, {4, 39 Stat, 647.) · · _ — Q ~ `. 1008. Bill of rights and restrictions fonislanda.#—Noinxv. ; · ahall he enacted in the Philippine Islands which shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due prooosa of law, or deny .to‘ any person therein the equal protection or the lawn. Private property shall not be taken {or fpublie hee withontjuet. compensation. ~ _ . ” · , ‘ _ °‘ · _ In all c1€lmlnal\p1toaecntions K the accnaed ‘ shall enjoy the `rlxht to be hard by himself and counsel, to·”demand»' the nature and cause. ot the accusation against him, to have ae speedy and pnblic trial, to meet the, witnesses face 'to taco. and to have compulsory `procoseto compel the attendance of "witnemea in his behalf; e P » ” ·< No peréon shall be held to anawontor a criminal otlcnsowithout doe procoas ot law; and no petaon tony the same l PHERHQ shall be tyvlce jput: ln jeopardy ot · punishment, B0?